Anyone over 45 TTc ?buddies needed <3

BBbliss- how are your iron levels? If they are low that could affect flow I think? Are you still doing acupuncture? I think this really helps but you have to be consistent with it for sure.
I hope you are doing well Marathongirl.

Girls, I know my hormones levels are great, I ovulate every month with O pains, my LP is 13 days... So all good there, only problem is a very thin lining and AF is not even two full days, it starts very light first day, medium light second day and spot third day. I don't know what else to do. Even on estrogen patches lining was only barely 8mm and. I'm on wheat germ oil this month on top of vit D, omega3 fish oil, baby aspirin, vit E and RRTL I'm starting today cd4 ... Anything else? Even when I was doing my Acupunture I still had light bleed.

Is this a recent problem, BBbliss? I was wondering if it could just be a response to the meds you've been on over the past months? Or has your lining always been on the thin side?

I know I often mention it, but I like homeopathy. I've been seeing a homeopath who specialises in fertility and cycle problems, and I'm impressed by the gradual changes in my cycle. It seems less unstable, more normal, and my hormones seem less unbalanced.

Other things to try are Royal jelly (I take 500 to 1000mg of that every day), flax seeds, and/or Maca. I've also read that both Raspberry Leaf tea and Red Clover tea can help build the lining.

Marathongirl's right about the iron too. Eating really well and including extra iron and enough vitamin C to absorb it can help. When I started TTC, I began to eat more meat and I feel that has helped me overall. My iron levels have always been on the low side of the normal range. When I feel really tired, I take an iron supplement called Ferroglobin (or something like that anyway! I don't have the bottle with me). I also try to fit in as many nutritious foods as i can every day. I may not have conceived yet but i do feel pretty healthy! :D I drink full fat milk, eat plenty of fruit and veg like broccoli, fish, seeds, etc etc - all to pack in as many goodies as possible. I've also put on 6 or 7 lbs - again, because I think it helps my hormones and overall health.

Exercise can help because it improves blood flow to the uterus.

I've also read that a fertility massage can be benficial (although not after ovulation, just to be safe). And castor oil packs or even a warm hot water bottle - again, to increase blood flow.

Just a few ideas :) I think we all have to find what suits us personally, but it's good to have some things to choose from and try.

I might be mis-remembering this - please someone tell me if I am - but can progesterone help the womb lining too? I use progesterone cream most months after ovulation as just a small boost.

My AF lasts 5 or 6 days, first day very light, 2nd and 3rd heavy/average, 4th moderate, 5th or 6th very light as I lose the last little bits of the lining (I often just use a Pantypad those days). So I would say I have 3 proper full days of flow and two of those are heavy enough that I need to use Super or Super Plus protection.

Sorry if that's TMI!
Marathon and Delphine, thank you!

I switched my multi for one with iron, I had run out of my prenatal. This is sort of not a recent issue, I checked my old charts and I usually have a three day AF but with at least a two day flow, I think this past one was just the shortest ever. I spoke to my mom and sister and they both have, or had (mom) a three day flow. I was hard for me to remember because I pretty much had mirena IUDs for a decade with no af. Well I hope you are right Delphine and this is just some of the effects of months of treatment. I just need to stretch it to another day if I can. I'm going to do the castor oil with massage and raspberry leaf tea also, I did start with the royal jelly the other day since I had it here. I eat well, nuts, full milk, green juice every day but one thing I confess to be guilty of is not drinking enough water, but I still have time, I'm on cd6 and the lining forms before you ovulate on your estrogen part of your cycle and just sits there after O waiting for the fertilized egg.

Delphine, thank you for putting in the time to post this for me :) you have a great full flow! I'm jealous LOL, that's a great sign everything is still working in order and just waiting for that golden egg ;) and thank you for sharing, not TMI at all, it's good to know what's normal for other people, I hope I can get my three days back... I'm doing all I can. Aren't we all :)
I'm 45 and married a younger man this past February. I have children from my previous marriage, but he doesn't have any. He wants a child more than anything. I went for an infertility consult last week. They did blood work, but I haven't received the results yet. They also did an ultrasound and everything looked fine. They gave me a referral for my husband to have a semen analysis.

I'm happy to see I'm not the only person at my age trying. I could use all the support I can get.
Welcome CSomolinos!!! Yes it is comforting knowing that there are other people going through the same things. Fx'd for you!! If you don't mind me asking? How old is your partner? Just wondering because the research is showing that older sperm are also responsible for mc's. With a younger man you have it covered!!!
CSomolinos, you are not alone :) same here, I have teenagers and my DF never had kids. The things we do for the ones we love ;)

I hope you get great results from your blood work and everything looks great, we are all here keeping each other's spirits up through our cycles and ups and downs of this journey, I may not come out of this with a baby in my arms but I will come out having met(virtually) some brave, strong, caring and loving woman here from these pages... You are in good company :)
Marathon and Delphine, thank you!

I switched my multi for one with iron, I had run out of my prenatal. This is sort of not a recent issue, I checked my old charts and I usually have a three day AF but with at least a two day flow, I think this past one was just the shortest ever. I spoke to my mom and sister and they both have, or had (mom) a three day flow. I was hard for me to remember because I pretty much had mirena IUDs for a decade with no af. Well I hope you are right Delphine and this is just some of the effects of months of treatment. I just need to stretch it to another day if I can. I'm going to do the castor oil with massage and raspberry leaf tea also, I did start with the royal jelly the other day since I had it here. I eat well, nuts, full milk, green juice every day but one thing I confess to be guilty of is not drinking enough water, but I still have time, I'm on cd6 and the lining forms before you ovulate on your estrogen part of your cycle and just sits there after O waiting for the fertilized egg.

Delphine, thank you for putting in the time to post this for me :) you have a great full flow! I'm jealous LOL, that's a great sign everything is still working in order and just waiting for that golden egg ;) and thank you for sharing, not TMI at all, it's good to know what's normal for other people, I hope I can get my three days back... I'm doing all I can. Aren't we all :)

You're very welcome, BBbliss :) You're right. It really is so interesting and so very helpful to hear what other ladies' cycles are like. It helps you get it clear in your own head, what's normal. It doesn't matter how many doctors you speak to, you can't beat other women. I've learnt so much on this site.

And if your normal cycle length is around the 3 day mark, then it sounds like you just have to tweak a little :) When I was speaking to the homeopath I see, she said it's all about re-balancing and getting back to what's normal for you. She spent ages talking to me about when my AF fisrt began and what it was like in my 20s, etc. She also said the colour of your flow is important - red being better than brown.

Welcome to you, CSomolinos :) There are so many of us with younger partners who don't have any children whereas we do. I think that's what motivates us.

Am I the only lady here worrying a little about what it will be like - fingers crossed - having a baby in my 40s? Oh, how I long for my late 20s and early 30s some days! :D
Marathongirl - hugs to you and so glad this has now resolved and you can move forward

BBliss - hey girl...what did the RE suggest about the thin lining? I have herd about the use of Viagra for lining...I am not really sure what else beside the things that Delphine and others have suggested...I know some people take Vitex to help regulate cycles, but not sure how that relates to lining thickness....

Soanxious - wow...that ex of yours sounds scary...please make sure you take care of seems like you have implemented a lot of safety things, but some people are just psycho...hope you are okay and he is getting ready to just move on

Welcome CSomolinos - very good to hear you are getting everything checked out...I think the sperm analysis is a good idea. all too often I have seen women going through IVF and other procedures, just to finally find out the male partner has no sperm, or bad quality sperm. I have also seen men in their 20s and 30s without sperm, so you can never be sure, even if they have had kids in the past...Keep us posted on what your plan is....all info may be of use to the rest of us! hee hee

Hi ladies! I am hangin in there...Really busy at work right now actually and so I have been pooped and not on line so much. Also, I did decide that I was going to do one final cycle that actually was a combined OE/DE cycle where we fertilize my and the donor's egg at the same time. However, things are taking a bit longer than expected for all kinds of red tape reasons and in that time, I am more and more comfortable with the idea of DE and am debating to just do that since I really don't have all of that money anyway....well, since it seems there is a bit more time, I will be thinking about this....most likely, even IF I got pregnant with my 47year old eggs, I am thinking m/c might be really a high I'd like to just get on with it, but waiting on the clinic to get it all together....

Cheers and baby dust girls!!!!
Thanks dmama. Yes I am healing both physically and emotionally.
Also wanted to mention to everyone what my acupuncturist tells me always just in case it helps.....
She said that egg quality is very much linked to your kidney meridian. As we age your kidney "chi" or energy naturally goes down. It is very linked to lifestyle so good eating and lots of rest which we all pretty much know. The thing that is hard for me is the exercise thing. Not sure if anyone here is big into exercise or training but I have been a competitive runner since 14. I find it very hard to reduce my running and exercise but this takes away from your kidney energy and therefore egg quality. Just wanted to share :). When I conceived my rainbow at 42 almost 43 I had literally cut my running in half. Looks like I will have to do that again.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Hey girls! :)

Dmama, I'm waiting to see what my next af is like but I may look into the Viagra thing. I'm glad you have a plan, sometimes the hardest part it coming up with one but after we decide its easier to move forward. I hope it all works out with this new process.

Marathon, I also reduced my training so much after ttc and I feel so out of shape and still nothing. I'm trying to pick up the pace and get back into a better shape just for myself. I'm not an avid runner so I think I'll be ok. I just don't like how I look right now :(

I have another story, I met this lady who is 60 with a 11yold boy that she had via IVF with her own eggs. She said it was the best thing that ever happened to her. She's from Brazil and there they don't make you get DE if you have them. Nobody is keeping success rates so the drs don't care. She got pregnant at 49! And said it took a couple of tries. Goes to show, just another example.
That is amazing...wondering why there is no write up in a journal about there was a woman who gave birth at 48 with her own eggs that were frozen the year before via embryo banking...that was published in a paper and presented all over the place....
Hi Ladies, Looks like everyone is moving right along. I am at that place trying to decide when we will return for further fertility treatments. I ovulate but due to my PCOS I do ovulate pretty late in my cycle, but I do have a good 14 days before AF arrives after I O. I have tried so many things to help out my cycle nothing really seems to work. When I last saw the RE she wanted me to O around cd14. My OB/GYN did a lot of bloodwork and it all looked good, except my insulin was a little high, which is typical of PCOS. My glucose is always good but that is because my body works hard, they have to dig deeper with me and check my insulin level.

I do not think you will ever see encouraging stats on women over 45 conceiving even though it may happen more than they want to admit.
That is amazing...wondering why there is no write up in a journal about there was a woman who gave birth at 48 with her own eggs that were frozen the year before via embryo banking...that was published in a paper and presented all over the place....

I think there's so much that goes on on other countries that we never hear about. This lady I met had already been with the man some 20 years when she got pregnant with the ivf. I think he had sperm issues, I didn't want to ask in front of him. They are also wealthy and I'm sure their Dr. Just kept doing what they wanted until it worked, just like some women conceive natural at that age, she would probably had been one of them anyway.

A couple of days ago I went to visit a cousin who just had a baby and I volunteered to change him, he was only 12 days old, it felt so so good, It was a mess, LOL I never had boys and he peed just as I was changing him, it went everywhere it was so funny. It feels so natural, it made me want it even more now :wacko:
Awwww BBbliss that's awesome you got to change a baby :) I think the more you are around them the better. There is such good energy with babies it certainly can't hurt! Hope everyone is doing well! Looks like I've had my first af post mc. It has been very scanty and light. I'm thinking because I bled so much and so long after mc this must be normal? Still going for acupuncture every 2 weeks so fx'd we get preggo again!
Marathon I agree, the more you are around their energy the better :)

Don't worry about this AF, your body is still readjusting after everything, next cycle you'll be ready to go again. Look at my chart! This looks so good! Second cycle after CP, last month I o really late after cd20 and also has super light AF.

If I have another rise tomorrow maybe this will be a tri chart? I can't stop staring at it, lol well I hope I get no AF next week but if I do I'm hoping for a more normal flow.
Hi ladies, hope you don't mind if i join in. Hi Marathon! I will be 45 in December and TTC #1 since last summer. No other kids, unfortunately for me I did not find the man i wanted to have kids with until now!! I am trying to keep the faith and love to see success stories involving us young at heart over 40 ladies! I have two failed IUI's this year and now awaiting a laparoscopy that will be in 3 weeks. All our numbers are really good, the dreaded unexplained category...I feel it is most likely egg or lining quality at this point. Anyway hope you don't mind if I chime in here and there. Thanks ladies. :)
Hi ClaireCath :)

Nice to have you here. It's great to have the company of women of a similar age. It makes everything so much easier to deal with. I know I'd be lost without the support I've got from this thread and the others I've read too. Just knowing other women are going through the same thing is such a boost.

I sympathise with the 'unexplained' diagnosis. Try to look on it as a positive in that they haven't found anything wrong. Sometimes we just need a little luck :)
Yep, that is a good way to look at it. Just need that one good eggie to come down the tube!
Marathon I agree, the more you are around their energy the better :)

Don't worry about this AF, your body is still readjusting after everything, next cycle you'll be ready to go again. Look at my chart! This looks so good! Second cycle after CP, last month I o really late after cd20 and also has super light AF.

If I have another rise tomorrow maybe this will be a tri chart? I can't stop staring at it, lol well I hope I get no AF next week but if I do I'm hoping for a more normal flow.

Your chart looks smokin' hot!!!
Hi Claire! We are the same age my bday is in November. The success stories are out there! There's hope :) welcome to the board :)

Dmama. Smoking hot is right! Lol it turned out I had a fever later that day :( spent almost 24 in bed. Today I couldn't take my temp I had to get up at 4am for a job, lets see what happens tomorrow. But I'm having so much creamy CM it's frustrating, I wish I had this much before O
To be honest even if I had another CP I'd be happy just to know we can conceive without ivf. I just want to know I still have one unblocked tube and our sperm issues are behind us for good.

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