Good afternoon, ladies!
And congratulations dmama! I am really happy for you!
I am back again. I'm not sure for how long because things are still not settled with us. As of my last post, I had completed everything I was to do and I am set, ready to go. DH was having the issues and has been uncertain about proceeding.
I won't lie. It's been rough and pretty tense.
We went to RBA last Wednesday(11/26) and he did his semen analysis. I can't tell you how much different it was for him to do it at RBA as opposed to the tiny bathroom at Labcore. The first time it took him forever, this time, he popped one out in less than 15 minutes. He said he almost felt seduced!
So now we are awaiting those results. I'm not worried. He's only 32 and his last semen analysis was awesome.
My worry is if he will follow through and let us go for it. I believe I had him convinced to do the $18,000 package and I was good with that. Then I started overthinking things and really felt like I needed to do the $28,000 guaranteed to take a baby home or most of your money back package in case it didn't work out the first time. Pardon my language, but that is when shit hit the fan. In order to do that one, we'd have to ask his mother to loan us the additional $10,000 on top of the $2000 she is giving us as a gift. He didn't even want to entertain the thought of that and everything went downhill from there.
I'm not even going to mention it all for a while, at least until we get the SA results. Hopefully by then, we'll come to some kind of agreement.
Am I wrong for wanting to go for the more expensive package even though it's not really in our budget? Because the way I see it, trying a second time at full cost is not in the budget either.