Anyone over 45 TTc ?buddies needed <3

Hi Lovely Ladies :flower:

Thank you all so much for your welcome a few pages back - have been reading and catching up with your news :winkwink:

As for me, DH and I have our 'results appointment' booked for 12th Dec, where we find out what we've got to work with naturally and hatch a plan. I had my aqua scan and hycsy (sp?!) last week and to my relief, at my venerable age, all was good - no nasties in my womb and both tubes clear :thumbup: I've had my AMH blood test and scan and DH has done another SA so we wait and see :coffee:

BabyG - so hope that things work out for you and DH, I used to worry about the £s/$s too but know what I'm a bit past caring now! :haha: I'm would love (and still hope) to use my eggs, but I will only get one chance at this (age wise and financially) so like you want to make it the best possible chance going and that incluse more £s/$s - we'll see...

BBbliss :hugs::hugs: big hugs to you, hope you get to do another cycle soon.

Dmama - wowee, it's all systems go for you, :dust:

Delphine and Maxxi :hugs:

Thank you all so much for your advice and words of encouragement :hugs:
BabyBliss, I am so sorry. I hate that you are going through this.

I have not been posting, trying to decide on our next move. Good Luck to you all Ladies.
Hi Saintly Sue and Jax

BBliss - so sorry this did not work out. so little can make you feel better at this time. you may not be ready for this, but as you have bio children already, are you and DF willing to try DE? It is just an option to explore as especially frozen DE are about the same you would pay for a regular cycle with the meds, except you really don't take as many meds as with a regular cycle. It is so tough to give up on OE, especially because I know that even though they tell us we are done for, there are a few good eggs in there. The issue is how much time and money can we afford in trying to find it? That answer is different for lots of people, but once you come to terms with the answer, it makes it easier to know what to do. Take care sweetie!
Hi Saintly Sue and Jax

BBliss - so sorry this did not work out. so little can make you feel better at this time. you may not be ready for this, but as you have bio children already, are you and DF willing to try DE? It is just an option to explore as especially frozen DE are about the same you would pay for a regular cycle with the meds, except you really don't take as many meds as with a regular cycle. It is so tough to give up on OE, especially because I know that even though they tell us we are done for, there are a few good eggs in there. The issue is how much time and money can we afford in trying to find it? That answer is different for lots of people, but once you come to terms with the answer, it makes it easier to know what to do. Take care sweetie!

Dmama, I know you're words aren't meant for me but they make such a lot of sense for me and where I'm at that I just wanted to say thank you :flower::hugs:
I agree. If finances are unlimited that's great but it's hell going through these cycles. My first ivf was nothing and worked and I never understood how lucky I was. This cycle has been never ending and I get anxious thinking about it. None of us are menopausal and so the eggs including the golden ones are there. But even with the ability to do it over and over again doing an ivf cycle takes a lot out of you. For me I'm done after this cycle. Well that's what I say now. But then again I'd have to get the sperm and unless I steal it from my husband I guess i really am at the end. But I'm sure that even when I'm in menopause I'll still think a miracle will happen.
Hello girls, and thank you for for much support. We really are all in this together. I have so much going on, it is sad this last IVF didn't work, but again, talking to my nurse she said it usually can take an average of three ivfs to work, and like you said Maxx, even with unlimited funds its still so hard... Even being absolutely confident I still have some good eggs in there.

Dmama, you are so wise, thank you, I do have my two biological children and that makes me not want to do DE unless its my sister's so you'll never know. I honestly have been going through so much with my rebellious 17yo DD, life has not been easy with her and its up and down all the time and it has gotten worse this past year with a boyfriend she has, I can't even go into details or you all would be in chock, so ad TTC in the mix and I'm just exhausted... Some days it makes me question my TTC...
Hello girls, and thank you for for much support. We really are all in this together. I have so much going on, it is sad this last IVF didn't work, but again, talking to my nurse she said it usually can take an average of three ivfs to work, and like you said Maxx, even with unlimited funds its still so hard... Even being absolutely confident I still have some good eggs in there.

Dmama, you are so wise, thank you, I do have my two biological children and that makes me not want to do DE unless its my sister's so you'll never know. I honestly have been going through so much with my rebellious 17yo DD, life has not been easy with her and its up and down all the time and it has gotten worse this past year with a boyfriend she has, I can't even go into details or you all would be in chock, so ad TTC in the mix and I'm just exhausted... Some days it makes me question my TTC...

BabyBliss -sorry your DD is giving you a hard time. I also know what you mean because I have one OE success and had to come to terms with what the main thing was which was to have a sibling.:hugs:
Babybliss, I am so sorry. You are really being pulled all around. That is terrible. Would your daughter do group counseling or something where she will talk about what is going on with her maybe that would help. Also sometimes young girls are very sensitive to the hormone changes their bodies are going through and makes them aggressive and argumentative. It is easy to see how much you care about her I am sure you will help her get on the right path. As far as ttc I think you will find the answer inside yourself. DH and I do not have that issue but his Dad has alzhiemer's and we have been doing so much to try and keep him at home. My Dad has 4 tumors on his spine and has stage 4 emphysema so no surgery. They are not cancerous. He needs help and can only get around with a scooter. And I do have my 3 1/2 year old. Some days I feel so overwhelmed. The mc was just so horrible, I felt destroyed. But recently I produced so much egg white cm I thought something was wrong with me, I checked the days and saw it was ovulation time but DH was out of town. But that one tiny thing of heavy cm gave me that glimmer of hope. Okay my body does still work, it is saying you can have another baby. I can understand wanting to have a child with the special things traited from you and your family. Has your DH had the SCSA for sperm DNA? I will tell you I had a friend who her husband basically had borderline normal sperm analysis, they told her he did not need the DNA fragmentation but she pushed them anyway. He was higher than DH. They ended up doing PICSI which is some kind of thing where they attract the healthiest sperm out of the sample for IVF. I think I am explaining that right. They finally conceived twins. I hope I am not saying anything to make you feel worse.
Sue, thank you for your words, no you didn't say anything to make me feel worse :) DD is doing and acting much better, we had a great week, I just want her to be happy (but away from th BF) she's finding her way, I have faith... I'm so sorry about your dad and your DH's dad, it's so hard to see our parents suffer, I lost my grandma in April and as much as I'll always miss her with all my heart, It hurt me more to see her losing her quality of life from Alzheimer's. you have so much on your plate and with a toddler you must be exhausted :hugs: I really tried to push for the DNA test but the embryologist kept saying he didn't need it because our first eight eggs all fertilized so it wasn't the problem, so on our second only two fertilized so what now? If I ask I'm sure they will once again say its an egg problem, it seems to be the easy answer to every question at my age. DF still hasn't talked about TTC again with medical help. We did BDed on time this month as we do every month, we can't "not" try :) I am going to say, contrary to you, I had no ewcm :( I do ovulate every month but I hardly ever have ewcm. You are so lucky and YES!!! Your body IS still working, that's a great sign :) maybe I just don't drink enough water :)
BBliss - your photo is just lovely. You are gorgeous!!!
Have you tried working with an acupuncturist? I think they can help balance hormones and maybe that will help your ewcm. Also they have that gel called Proseed that you can use when you BD. It is supposed to help the sperm get where it is going as other types of lubes just slow down the sperm. Yeah, the RE will always blame the old eggs and they could be right, but they never know if they don't check. In any case, I think trying the old fashioned way can work too. Do you know what your postovulatory progesterone is? Because even if you catch an egg, your progesterone level needs to be at a certain level to sustain the embryo through implantation. If you level is too low you will need supplementation. Some REs give their patients trying naturally a script for progesterone to use once you confirm ovulation. Ask about that. If you temp or use OPK and you can confirm ovulation, you should have a good chance of catching the egg, but some people need to supplement with progesterone right away. Hugs!
Dmama, how are you? How's everything? How do you feel?

Thank you, I did do acu for a while and maybe it helped a little, I've also used preeseed, but I can forget we still have a sperm issue so we still need a miracle :)
You are the second person to say something about progesterone today, I've never had my tested but I temp and my temp goes up and stays up, they say its a sign your prog is working and keeping that temp up there. But I'm going to look into it.
Dmama, how are you? How's everything? How do you feel?

Thank you, I did do acu for a while and maybe it helped a little, I've also used preeseed, but I can forget we still have a sperm issue so we still need a miracle :)
You are the second person to say something about progesterone today, I've never had my tested but I temp and my temp goes up and stays up, they say its a sign your prog is working and keeping that temp up there. But I'm going to look into it.

Thanks BBliss
All is well...about 8 weeks now. Will have a scan next week, so will know how things are going soon. Feeling okay. A few symptoms but nothing really strong or severe.

Definitely check about the progesterone. My bbt charts looked great too. Always had the nice shift and always could tell when AF was coming exactly. Always found my positive OPK and always knew when I was ovulating. Always had a 28 day cycle. Seemed to me text book. But despite that, my postovulatory progesterone was lower than it should be and that can definitely interfere with implantation and formation of the placenta. So....a blood check after you've confirmed ovulation - I think cycle day 21, is the way to make sure what your level is. If low, the RE can give you progesterone with instructions to take after ovulation.

Stay well my friend...

To everyone - Enjoy the Holidays, whichever you celebrate and may 2015 be a special year for each of us!
Wishing all the ladies on this thread a lovely holiday season. I hope you can all relax and enjoy yourselves with those you love.:xmas16:

And may the New Year bring everything you wish for :flower:

Hugs for you all :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hi Ladies! I haven't been on in a while but wanted to say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to you all!
I did get a BFP on Dec-14. My third this year. Hopefully third time lucky. Please keep the faith Ladies. I also turned 45 in September.
Dmama, so happy all is well :) thank you again for your input on prog, I'll def look into it.

Marathon, keeping my fingers crossed for you ;) hope this is it!!!

Delphi merry Christmas to you too, and to all you girls I hope you all have a beautiful day with your families.

Is everyone still doing okay? Just checking in....
Hi Ladies sadly I mc'ed again. I started bleeding right at 7 weeks and went for an us 4 days later. My body did pass all the tissue naturally. I was very sad but have recovered and am going to try again. The doctor that did my us was very nice and looked at my ovaries and told me I have lots of eggs left. That's why I keep getting pregnant. In his opinion the mc's are a result of chromosomal problems due to older eggs :( He seemed to be positive that I do have some good eggs left so I feel encouraged.
Hope everyone else is doing well.
Hi Ladies sadly I mc'ed again. I started bleeding right at 7 weeks and went for an us 4 days later. My body did pass all the tissue naturally. I was very sad but have recovered and am going to try again. The doctor that did my us was very nice and looked at my ovaries and told me I have lots of eggs left. That's why I keep getting pregnant. In his opinion the mc's are a result of chromosomal problems due to older eggs :( He seemed to be positive that I do have some good eggs left so I feel encouraged.
Hope everyone else is doing well.

So sorry marathongirl...but how encouraging of your doctor! It is true! It is like a slot have to go through so many bad eggs to find the good one. It is really just a matter of time before you get that good egg. That really is all it is...when we use ART we are just trying to beat time. Unless of course there are other issues that need overcoming like blocked tubes or sperm issues or other types of problems. But for those of us with 'just' age as a long as we are not in menopause, there is at least one good egg in there and we hope to find it....Hugs to you and good luck going forward.
So sorry to read that, marathongirl. I was thinking about you and wondering how you were getting on.

But it is good news you've managed to get pregnant, and the fact you have plenty of eggs left is fantastic. :hugs: It's just luck surely? One of those eggs will be the golden one :hugs:

How are you, dmama? Is all going well?

As for me, I do have some news :flower: I'm currently pregnant. It's totally, totally nerve-wracking. I worry most days. Everything's been good so far, which is very reassuring, but my worry never goes away really.

We used donor eggs. Not because I thought mine were all past it, but simply because we didn't have the money for lots of tries and treatments. I don't regret using donor eggs for a moment. It was the most logical choice, I think, and I'm very happy : )

Best wishes to you all xxx
Marathon I'm so sorry, but keep trying, I'm confident you'll succeed soon, it's just a matter of time:hugs:

Delphine, I'm so happy for you, you did make the right choice and finally you can dream a little :) you deserve it! Try to enjoy the moment and think less :)

Dmama, I hope you are doing well, 12wks? How do you feel?

Afm, just had AF and I find myself trying less and less every month... I stop ALL vitamins and supplements , it's all part of my giving up plan, LOL this year will be "me time" and I need it :)

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