Anyone over 45 TTc ?buddies needed <3

Suzie, you are very welcome here, this really is a special thread, all the girls are mature and genuine here... I don't think there's a secret to conceiving but I do think you try to learn as much as you can, be kind to yourself daring the progress and do all you can, that way you'll have no regrets and never feel you lost time... No ttc time is ever lost time, it's a beautiful thing we are doing.

Battyatty's secret is a younger man! Hehehe JK

I have a theory about you batty, it was your IUD removal, women are very fertile just after removal and a lot of them get pregnant within the first couple of cycles. I didn't happen for me because my tubes were blocked :( but I have one good tube now :) so we'll see...

Delphi, don't worry about O, as long as it happens its all good, just think that maybe those extra couple of days may actually bring a more mature egg that will be healthier and better for fertilization ;)
Well Delphine11 as upon request here is my TTC journey. It isn't very long and I didn't do anything very special, I think I was just extremely lucky!!!

In July my DF asked me if I could still have kids, tbh I wasn't sure, I was nearly 47 and had had a mirena fitted for over 12 years! So we started checking out statistics on the net... not pleasant, but as my DF said not impossible.
By the middle of August we still hadn't decided if we should do this, but me being more of a doer not a thinker, I got fed up one morning and went to my GP and announced I wanted another baby! He was great about it, I was worried he would tell me to go home and wait for a grandchild! Anyway he said he would take my bloods, check for FSH, LH and all the rest, then sent me to his wife's room, she's a doctor also and had my IUD removed! When I was leaving she suggested I start a BBT chart.
When I got home I had to google what everything was, although I had 3 kids, I never did anything like this before, I didn't have bloods taken or do charting.
So I found a great site for charting and started, I was then 7 days past my last tiny AF which I still got on the merina even after all those years. The next day by chance I bumped into a very old friend who is a herbalist and I confided in her what I was doing, she suggested I take Vitex, EPO and Red Clover tea from AF to ovulation, she said that would help get my cycles regular again, and to call her in 3 months if I hadn't had any joy in the baby making, as she had more things I could take.
I tempted for the week and 7 days after first seeing my GP I went back to get my blood test results! They came back great, I was overjoyed and my GP was thrilled, he said wait till my next cycle then start trying, but make sure not too stress over it too much, as it took him and his wife nearly 2 years when they were younger. He also put my name down for my local fertility clinic as as he said we have no time to waste and it takes up to 4 months to get an appointment. Before I left I showed him my BBT chart and he was amazed that it showed I had O'd that day, just 7 days after my IUD removal. He actually had a huge grin on his face and said Well done!

Anyway my cycle was quite short only 22 days with a LP of 11 days. My next AF was awful, I bleed very heavily for nearly 9 days, it was quite scary after all those years of just spotting! I was using OPKs but they never showed a positive, I got one slightly dark one, the rest were very light. But when I thought maybe it must be near time we did BD. It turned out the nearest BD was 2 days before I O'd. My BBT chart kept putting my O back over 3 days at 15dpo! Anyway 6 days after I O'd I was woken by a very sharp pain and I just knew it was implantation, that afternoon I saw some brown spotting and I was overjoyed! From then till 11dpo I kept it from my DF that I thought I was pregnant, I didn't want him thinking I was crazy! But on 11dpo I got a BFP!
So as you see I think I was just very very lucky! Although I have read that it's quite common for women to get pregnant very quickly after having a mirena removed, that may be how I managed it. My Df thinks it could be due to my diet of lots of high antioxidant foods that I eat, but I am not that sure.....
If any of this is in any way any help...............
Suzie, you are very welcome here, this really is a special thread, all the girls are mature and genuine here... I don't think there's a secret to conceiving but I do think you try to learn as much as you can, be kind to yourself daring the progress and do all you can, that way you'll have no regrets and never feel you lost time... No ttc time is ever lost time, it's a beautiful thing we are doing.

Battyatty's secret is a younger man! Hehehe JK

I have a theory about you batty, it was your IUD removal, women are very fertile just after removal and a lot of them get pregnant within the first couple of cycles. I didn't happen for me because my tubes were blocked :( but I have one good tube now :) so we'll see...

Delphi, don't worry about O, as long as it happens its all good, just think that maybe those extra couple of days may actually bring a more mature egg that will be healthier and better for fertilization ;)

Ha ha ha I can't believe you wrote that about my IUD just as I was typing it lol, Great minds think alike!
Hi, I am 46 and just joined this site as I am ttc number 2. I got pregnant while 41 last time and had no problems so I want to try once more so I don't have an only child. This is my first month tcc and all I am doing is monitoring cm. I have been reading the new research about blood groups and as I am blood group A I am feeling positive that my eggs are still ok. I have also been told that if you want a girl you need to dtd well before ovulation as boy sperm swims faster but dies quicker! Myth do you think?
battyatty - thank you SO much for all that :hugs: I really appreciate you going to the trouble to describe every step. That's just the kind of detail I like :) It's not that I'm obsessive, I just like to think things through, and I do think having information makes me calmer too because it makes me feel more in control.

Your high anti-oxidant diet sounds very interesting. I do try to eat healthily but I can never eat as well as I'd like to in an ideal world (because of work and the lack of shops nearby - I live in quite a rural area). One thing I'm doing is taking wheatgrass tablets, eating as much fruit and veg as I can, oily fish and drinking full-fat milk.

It's interesting that you mentioned those supplements. I've been taking Vitex for quite a few months now because my cycle went a bit mad last year (annoying spotting and short cycles). I also take EPO up to ovulation. I haven't tried the Red Clover tea though. I'll google that.

Unfortunately, I've never had a Mirena so I'm hoping that's not the magic answer :D I was thinking about it this afternoon, and I reckon that when you're older (not that any of us ladies here are old, of course :winkwink: ) conceiving is harder because lots of tiny little things might be a little bit out of whack, eg hormones, maybe not as much CM as when we were younger, etc etc. This sounds stupid, but I was thinking that TTC was a bit like that Mouse Trap game - do you know it? You gradually assemble a machine, and, at the end, if it's all put together correctly, everything works and you catch the mouse. However, if one part is even slightly out of place, it doesn't work and no mouse is caught. Just a fraction out of place can make the whole contraption fail. I imagine TTC is like that, and that's why I place importance on tiny tweaks that might line everything up OK to catch that egg :D

I was interested that you felt implantation - that's very cool! I find it difficult because it's easy to imagine every little twinge is an ovary firing out an egg, or some tiny little fertilised egg implanting. I mainly try to ignore things like that because I start to think I'm imagining it all. However, when I had what I believe could have been a CP, I did feel 'different' symptoms, so I hope that if I'm lucky enough to conceive, I will know that what I'm feeling is real.

Thank you again for being so kind to tell your story. You're an inspiration - and a source of hope :)
Hi, I am 46 and just joined this site as I am ttc number 2. I got pregnant while 41 last time and had no problems so I want to try once more so I don't have an only child. This is my first month tcc and all I am doing is monitoring cm. I have been reading the new research about blood groups and as I am blood group A I am feeling positive that my eggs are still ok. I have also been told that if you want a girl you need to dtd well before ovulation as boy sperm swims faster but dies quicker! Myth do you think?

Hi Dibdob :) I hadn't heard of any research about blood groups :o Do you have a link, please?

As for the sperm, yes, I believe 'girl sperm' live longer but swim slower, and 'boy sperm' are faster but have shorter lives. That's why people say that if you want to conceive a boy, you should DTD at ovulation (because the male sperm will beat the female ones to the egg) but if you want a girl, you should BD a few days before ovulation (because then the surving sperm will be female as they're longer-lived so it's more likely to be a female sperm fertilising the egg).
...Battyatty's secret is a younger man! Hehehe JK

....Delphi, don't worry about O, as long as it happens its all good, just think that maybe those extra couple of days may actually bring a more mature egg that will be healthier and better for fertilization ;)

Haha! Now a younger man is one thing I DO have! :D My partner is 35 :D

Thank you for your kind words, BBbliss :) I hadn't actually thought about the idea of a more mature egg. That's a very good way of thinking about it. Thank you! I am feeling better now, but it is stressful not knowing what's going on. I've decided to just BD every other day and not do any OPKs because that way I'll be more relaxed. I also don't want to get my partner worried because sometimes I look at him and think he must be worrying but doesn't want to say anything. More for his sake than mine, I wish I could conceive super-fast. I hate to see him disappointed.
hmm interesting about the sperm, makes you think, in life men are generally stronger and quicker, but die younger, and women aren't as strong but live longer!
Anyway if the sperm theory is correct as we BD 2 days before O that would mean I am carrying a girl??? So maybe my dream of twin girls isn't just a crazy fantasy???
Hi ladies, I'm sorry to just jump unannounced into your discussion! Only wanted to comment on the male and female sperm-thing, because I did a bunch of research on this years ago, and everything stated that the only way to shift the gender odds one way or the other (naturally) was exactly that...timing BD a few days prior to ov for girls (slower swimmers with longer lives) or BD right around ov for boys (fast little buggers with shorter lives).

There was also some research that eating alkaline foods help boy sperm survive in a woman's body; acidic foods to help support girl sperm.

Who knows?! But I conceived a girl when I BD 3 days prior to ov, and my sister (who has a gaggle of kids), specifically tried that method to conceive her 2 girls and it worked for her, too, whereas with all her boys they BD right at ov time.

Sending massive baby dust and best wishes to you all!
Over and out!
Hi, I am 46 and just joined this site as I am ttc number 2. I got pregnant while 41 last time and had no problems so I want to try once more so I don't have an only child. This is my first month tcc and all I am doing is monitoring cm. I have been reading the new research about blood groups and as I am blood group A I am feeling positive that my eggs are still ok. I have also been told that if you want a girl you need to dtd well before ovulation as boy sperm swims faster but dies quicker! Myth do you think?

Welcome! I am also 46 ttc #2...planning an IUI soon...possibly an IVF if need be. I also want a sibling for my child...I am also curious about the blood group connection you mentioned!
@ battyatty _ welcome back...of course we want you to stick on here! anyone else too that will fall pregnant should stick around..we need the support from those that succeed...we also want to keep up with you and share in the excitement!
Hi, sorry I can't post the link as I am too new here. It is on the daily mail web site, search for blood group affecting fertility in the over 40's and see what you get and maybe someone else can post the link.

Interesting about how timing can affect the sex, I will try it next month but I am just starting the 2ww. Makes sense when you think about it though, men rushing to finish first then dying off, lol.

FC for everyone :dust:
Basically they are saying if you're an A or AB blood group your chances of having good eggs is higher after 35! Hmm interesting idea, but a small test group!
heres a link

Blood group & fertility
thanks battyatty and big congrats to you too!! h&h 9months ahead
Suzie, you are very welcome here, this really is a special thread, all the girls are mature and genuine here... I don't think there's a secret to conceiving but I do think you try to learn as much as you can, be kind to yourself daring the progress and do all you can, that way you'll have no regrets and never feel you lost time... No ttc time is ever lost time, it's a beautiful thing we are doing.

Battyatty's secret is a younger man! Hehehe JK

I have a theory about you batty, it was your IUD removal, women are very fertile just after removal and a lot of them get pregnant within the first couple of cycles. I didn't happen for me because my tubes were blocked :( but I have one good tube now :) so we'll see...

Delphi, don't worry about O, as long as it happens its all good, just think that maybe those extra couple of days may actually bring a more mature egg that will be healthier and better for fertilization ;)
thanks for your kind words BBliss, and you are so right this is a time to take care of ourselves do all we can without over- stressing our bodies and minds, that's how im approaching ttc'ng now, I was obsessive for years!! charting, opk's, bbt ,timing etc and after my last mmc (last year) I thought stop and breathe a while enjoy what I do have, loving partner beautifull daughter who I adore, career I enjoy etc.. so il stalk a while and contribute if I can :)) llots of baby dust to all on here..
Basically they are saying if you're an A or AB blood group your chances of having good eggs is higher after 35! Hmm interesting idea, but a small test group!
heres a link

Blood group & fertility

Ummm... I'm typo O and my ovaries a full of eggs... I don't know the quality, that, nobody knows as I haven't had a chance to test them out yet, lol I'm also ovulating every month on CD16/17. We are testing DF this wk!!! I'm really curious to see if we were able to make better swimmers with supps. Fingers crossed and hopefully we are good now:happydance:

Suzie, good attitude:thumbup:

Batty, I hope you are well and not too lonely. This sucks I imagine how you feel, but this is for a better life for you guys. Good luck!
Basically they are saying if you're an A or AB blood group your chances of having good eggs is higher after 35! Hmm interesting idea, but a small test group!
heres a link

Blood group & fertility

Ummm... I'm typo O and my ovaries a full of eggs... I don't know the quality, that, nobody knows as I haven't had a chance to test them out yet, lol I'm also ovulating every month on CD16/17. We are testing DF this wk!!! I'm really curious to see if we were able to make better swimmers with supps. Fingers crossed and hopefully we are good now:happydance:

Suzie, good attitude:thumbup:

Batty, I hope you are well and not too lonely. This sucks I imagine how you feel, but this is for a better life for you guys. Good luck!

Good luck with DF test this week!!!
Basically they are saying if you're an A or AB blood group your chances of having good eggs is higher after 35! Hmm interesting idea, but a small test group!
heres a link

Blood group & fertility

Thank you for the link (and Dibdob for the original info). Hmm, my blood group is O.

I wonder if it's anything to do with some conditions being more common amongst certain blood groups? That might affect fertility maybe.
Good luck with DF's test, BBbliss. I'm not sure how quickly supplements work, but I'm sure they improve health in general, and that can only be good. Every little tweak helps improve your chances, I think.

But sometimes it does feel like a bit of a full-time job trying to conceive :D Suzie is right about not getting obsessed. I try to aim for concentration but not obsession. That having been said, I do find myself dreaming about supplements and BBTs, etc etc, sometimes :D Obviously, my subconscious is still focussed on making a baby even when I'm asleep!
Delphi, I get the dreams too! I think I started this process as if it were a full time job but I think I have gotten much better, more relaxed, I have surrendered some control and I'm now trying to let things happen. I'm not trying as hard.

We have him an appointment for Friday, he's been on the supps for about 6wks maybe but only been serious the past 3, i was so hard getting to to understand the importance and efficacy of the supplements. Now he gets it... so lets hope it's been enough time if it all looks good I think I'm going to go on clomid again for nov/dec

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