Button I'd take them straight away, they're for the whole month. What cd are you on ?
Sig potty training is a sore point! Everyone keeps telling me she's ready , she tells me all about what it's for, puts her dolls on the potty, knows when she's seeing a pooing etc but we've tried over and over again and nothing!! The last try ended last night and I've vowed to just let her do it now. I'll wait til she potty trains herself. I give up.
My sisters dd has mild Spina bifuda and they don't know how she'll get on and if she'll ever be potty trained but she's so gorgeous and it doesn't matter. She's only 16 weeks so they're not sure what'll happen.
I never trust cm as a fertility sign, I always get ewcm but it could be 5 days before ov and come and go. I never get it after ov but I often won't notice it every day til ov. I'd go by the opk! You're nearly in the 2ww. Yay!
I might email the bereavement midwives, I don't trust drs to know what they're talking about.