Anyone struggling to get baby number 2??

I didn't really like them anyway!! Yes I'm so lucky to have my dd and looking back her conception pregnancy birth and childhood so far have been trouble free. I have to remember how blessed I really am xx
CD1 for me. I'm frustrated! But I'm snuggled up in bed with dd and feeling so grateful to have her!
Oh bless you sig. Cd1 is the worst day :( I always said it was a day for a fresh start, do all the things you meant to do last month, drink loads of water, eat healthily and have a good clear out! Our toddlers make us so blessed though xx I think I'm cd 14 but we're not allowed to try this month and it'll probably be an epicly long cycle so nothing at all going on here for months!!
How is everyone doing today? X

Hi Everyone!!

Doing o.k. this morning. Got a positive opk Thursday afternoon :happydance:

That was cd 18 so it was actually pretty early for me. Last month I didn't get my first positive opk until cd 22. So I'm happy ovulation has at least moved up a bit (shorter cycle too). We dtd Thursday afternoon, Friday morning, and we were supposed to this morning but my toddler woke up too early screaming for mom! So today is out the window since my OH is going to work now (He works the weekends doing physical therapy home care, so a bit of a different schedule than most during the week). I am a little bummed about missing this morning. I hope we're still in this month. I hate that feeling of not having all our bases covered so to speak. Maybe we'll get it in tonight. Then again maybe not, mentally I think I'm done with BD, I'm up for watching a little Games of Thrones but I think that's about it!
I think you've probably covered it Hammy. Do you get ov pain or anything? It usually tells me when I've ov'd. I try and to the sperm meets egg plan but you have to dtd the day you get a pos opk then 2 more days, miss a day then one more day. I never get to the final day because it's 3dpo by my reckoning so I don't see the point! And even if you ov 3 days after the pos opk you're still very much covered and I usually ov the day after the pos opk.
Think I'm about 4or 5 dpo but not holding out much hope for this month.
I went totally bananas this morning and bought a whole new wardrobe of clothes for Chloe!!! Had to try to buy things that can be layered since we're going home (to nz from Ireland) for a holiday in June/July, so going from summer to winter for 5 weeks!!! If I don't manage to get BFP this cycle then my first scan at 12 weeks will have to be done in nz without hubby there!
I didn't really like them anyway!! Yes I'm so lucky to have my dd and looking back her conception pregnancy birth and childhood so far have been trouble free. I have to remember how blessed I really am xx

Yes but as I always said, it is totally unrealistic to look at something someone else has suffered and to never feel ungrateful with your own circumstances, especially on the worst days. That why I never grudge anyone who complains about their pregnancy beyond 29 weeks. I was pretty uncomfortable at 29 weeks and for sure wouldn't have enjoyed third tri!

However, I just found out that friend who wasn't even trying, isn't actually pregnant, it was one of those chain mail "haha let's tell people we are pregnant" Facebook statuses and now I am really angry. Will struggle to de friend because she is part of the Bliss next work and I need to be around her. It makes me double angry because, knowing what she and many on her FB have been through, it seems incredibly insensitive.
Munchkin - I did get some cramping last night. I'm thinking it was ovulation. Not sure if it was happening at that moment while I was cramping or if it was pain from the egg bursting through earlier in the day. Yes, I've thought this deeply about it, I'm a weirdo about this TTC stuff. We shall see what happens, TWW begins! Are you currently tracking your cycles in preparation for TTC?

Tess - I hope this is your month! I have to say retail therapy does help me when I'm feeling down. :blush: Sounds like you had a valid reason though.

Foo - Why do people think that facebook crap is funny? Even if I wasn't TTC or had difficulties etc., I've just never found stuff like that funny. It's a huge emotional life event so let's make it into a joke? What?!?! Very foolish of her to join in something like that. I understand your struggling to de-friend her. You may just have to put some blinders on when it comes to her and ignore. Totally justified in being angry though. Makes me angry and I don't even know her!!
Hammy, I think you are covered for BD. I never know O is coming so when I get a pos OPK I try ASAP and the next two days. Two months ago we did every other day until after my OPK :shrug: I don't think our issue is not being covered rather it's me not releasing a healthy egg.

Munchkin, I guess it makes sense to wait a cycle but it must be frustrating to prevent pregnancy when you want one so badly.

Foo; I agree about the FB post. Inappropriate! I know exactly what that chain thing is. Some of my friends have posted things from that list that are less serious. Like, I forgot to wear underwear today. But I know that posting you are pregnant is an option. Not nice :growlmad:

I just spent a week with my family in California (2 hour plane ride away). Emily and I came home and Jeff worked 4 days in a row. Today was our first day all together and Jeff is in bed with the flu. Poor guy is really sick. Guess I need to come up with something for me and dd to do today.
It turns out she's had to field a lot of very concerned texts and is feeling quite upset for getting involved. It is very unlike her so I do feel quite sorry for the whole mess!

And someone commented it's "for breast cancer". stupid stupid stupid.
Foogirl - don't you just love Facebook?!? Massively wrong. I do feel a bit had for her, hope she learns her lesson.

Hammy - yes def sounds like you're covered hon. Now to relax and not think about the 2ww :haha: I'm sort of tracking cycles but thus ones a mess already because my dd was born 14 days ago :cry: so I don't know what my body will decide to do. After my last mc the first cycle was 10 days longer than usual and my Lp was only 11 days so they're would be no point trying this month anyway. My second cycle was normal though so I'm praying I'll get back to normal as quickly xx

Sig - yes it's extremely frustrating. More than once I've been in tears desperate to start this month but I know it's stupid. After a 21 week birth I know my body needs a bit of recovery time and if I did get pregnant this month and something happened I'd always wonder if it was because I didn't wait. We're not so much preventing though as doing nothing!! I'm currently still bleeding so any sort of BDing is off the cards!!
Now ladies I wanted to make this a really positive thread so I think we should post our best things about being mummy's of 1 toddler lists. I'll start!!

1. More time for number 1, dealing with their tantrums and dramas and hopefully they'll be a bit more human in time for number 2!!

2. Only one tot in nappies at a time. And when you use cloth nappies that's quite a bonus.

3. Not having to lug a heavy toddler about pregnant. When we do get our bfps we can enjoy them and not do our backs in!!

4. Being able to go away overnight child free. It's taken me til my dd is 2 and 4 months to leave her overnight (and it was only to give birth to my angel girl ) but now I know it's possible! Once I have 2 it'll be years before that's possible.

Obviously we'd all much rather be pregnant or mummies of 2 but there are SOME positives. Let's have everyone else's!! Xx
Hi munchkin and everyone else!

I'm ttc no 2 as well. I also wanted a 2 year age gap and concieved easily in oct last year but it ended in mmc at 12 weeks in January. I'm now on cycle 3 trying again. I'm really struggling with not letting it take over (temping, opks, cm, cm I analyse everyday!!) I want to enjoy my dd and I hate that I feel so sad.

I've been having acupuncture to regulate my hormones and get my cycle back on track, but I've also noticed I went into my session today with the weight of the world on my shoulders and come out like a daffodil emerging on a spring day! Could be a placebo effect but even so.... I'd recommend it to anyone struggling.

As for positives of a bigger age gap..... Well all of my friends are pregnant just now and with dd #1 I always liked situations where she was the youngest baby so ill enjoy # 2 being younger and people cooing over my newborn when theirs are bigger.

I have a younger sister by 3 years and my first memory is the day she was born. I also had a brother when I was 17! Enjoyed looking out for him and mummying him!

Dd will now be that bit older when a new baby comes so hopefully it'll be easier to reason with her for example when bf the baby explaining mummy will be with you to get your snack or your toy out in a minute whereas no chance of that now !!

Looking forward to hearing others positives.

Hi there mrs w!! I know I've run into you in other forums, we were probably 1st tri together this time??
I know what you mean about having the youngest. Mine will be the last of the NCT 2nd babies so when I've got a gorgeous newborn there babies will all be covered in banana and crawling or walking about causing trouble. I think all but one will stop at 2 babies so I'll have the baby for a long time! Sadly one NCT friend was due same time as my first baby that ended in mc, and another is due same time Rowan should've been due so it's a constant reminder :(
We were yes, I was due 23 July but lost the baby in January. And I'm on one of the mc threads you started too.

Yes 3 of my nct group are now pregnant with no 2, it is hard as its all baby and pregnancy talk now. It must be really hard for you, do you see the, regularly?

I just keep reminding myself that I was due first out of the 7 of us and because my dd was 16 days late she was second to last to be born with the last born the day after her!! And while the wait was awful and every day overdue I was soooo jealous of them all, I then loved having the youngest tiniest baby with some of them due after me, having their babies 1st birthday a month before my dds!! Obviously this wait is much much bigger but as you say, when I have my newborn some of their babies will be much bigger and they will be closer to going back to work after maternity leave while I will have a whole year ahead of me!! Positive thoughts!!! X
Love the positives Munchkin, but unfortunately for me, number three is a con rather than a pro. I have a non walking nearly five year old. The thought of having to lift her whilst pregnant does worry me!
:hi: hi ladies. And hi to you, Mrs W here on this thread.

I'd like to say that I probably speak for all breast cancer survivors when I say that putting silly messages on your FB page does us no good :wacko:

I was awake a lot last night, snuggling in Emily's bed, thinking about having only one child. So here's some of my positives:

1. I don't have to split my attention, all focus goes on dd
2. I usually get to sleep through the night
3. the major stress on us as a couple from having a baby is past. We both loved having a baby but even the good stress has to be handled.
4. It's pretty easy to travel with just dd, even when hubby doesn't come along. Important because we travel a lot.
5. Only one carseat
6. I think I'm going to start homeschooling dd next year so I'll have time to get a really strong start on her education
7. don't have to baby proof the house with all small parts of toddler toys lying around

hmmmm, maybe I should stick with just one kid :haha:

Foo; can I ask what your daughter's struggle with walking is?

I'm watching the most beautiful snow storm out my window right now. Big, fat, fluffy flakes. :)
oh I forgot...
MrsW...I have a brother 18 years younger then me. I took care of him a lot when he was a baby. This is his first year of college now!!
Hi everyone. I feel like we're struggling for baby number 2, it's been 4 months since our mc, it was a long process as I got pregnant in June, found out in July that I was going to miscarry but it didn't happen until November!! The due date was 8th.march and I was hoping to be pregnant again by then. We wanted a 3 year age gap and it would of been perfect as ds has just turned 3.
We had no problem conceiving ds or last year when I got pg but it feels like it's taking forever and Its really hard with so many other pregnant friends around me.

Anyway I'm glad we can talk on this thread and share stories and I'm liking the list of positives, makes me feel a bit better.

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