Ive had similar pains but got BFN in the past, but the stomach pains are the only dfference for me this time around...
But fingers crossed for us all I realy hope its someones month for good news xx
Hi everyone, i have just recently joined and i have to say i find it great chatting to everyone who are in the same boat (thought i was going mad at times).
We have been trying to 3 mths now, like some of you, it is so hard to think maybe some of the symptoms are just wishful thinking but this mth just seems different for me! Was due my AF Fri or Sat, have had period like pains a week after Ovulation, then this week, the same type pains since Wed night, so was convinced my period was coming! My boobs aren't sore at all, im not feeling sick, the only 2 things are really tired, and constant headaches and dizziness!
Have tested a few times latest was this morning first thing and still negative, has this happened to any of you??
to you all xx