Anyone trying for #2 around cd 4?

Not Nic how are you doing? AF is very over due for you know isn't it if you haven't come on yet? Fingers crossed for u :-)

Fleur sorry you're feeling icky its not nice is it. The weeks are going by quickly though so you'll be feeling super energetic soon right in time for Christmas :-D

Dogtanian I really hope they get to the bottom of why your liver is enlarged and I hope it's not causing issues for u ttc. Hang in there you'll get your BFP and 3 days from ov is definitely in with a chance as they can live for quite a while. Really hoping for a christmas BFP for u.

Castaway fingers crossed for the blood test for you tomorrow. I hope u get another BFP very qyickl, you've been through too much x
Sorry I don't mean to keep you all in suspense! :) I haven't tested and no AF yet. The test I took had no hint of a line and I haven't felt anything, so feel like its a waste of money doing another test so soon. The month before I conceived the first time I missed an AF so I did 'skip' one last time. while it's unusual I'm late, it has happened before. I plan to test Saturday morning and then if nothing another when I get back.

Good luck for your blood test castaway xx
I bought a load if Internet cheapies for the same reason notnic. Then if no hint if a line on them I knew to wait, but once a faint line appeared, I then did a digi. Xx
Hi ladies! Sorry I have been absent. Clocks like everyone is trucking along and getting ready for the holidays! It's coming so fast!!
Had my ultrasound yesterday, saw the baby and all looks good. We'll know more when we meet with the midwife in Jan. again.
Nausea is still off and on. Days have been getting better but nights are still aweful! Almost 12 weeks now so here's hoping its ending!
Glad its all going well for you sparky,and hopefully the sickness will be gone soon,i seem to remember mine stopped at about 13 weeks.Just in time for you to enjoy the holidays!
I am CD 41,ovufriend have given me a dashed line on CD36 but fertility friend havnt confirmed OV,we havnt BD in over a week so there is no chance!
Im getting a CBFM for next cycle and starting Agnus Castus,i need some sort of help or its never going to happen! Trying not to let it all get to me and looking forward to Christmas and then DD birthday in January
Glad its all going well for you sparky,and hopefully the sickness will be gone soon,i seem to remember mine stopped at about 13 weeks.Just in time for you to enjoy the holidays!
I am CD 41,ovufriend have given me a dashed line on CD36 but fertility friend havnt confirmed OV,we havnt BD in over a week so there is no chance!
Im getting a CBFM for next cycle and starting Agnus Castus,i need some sort of help or its never going to happen! Trying not to let it all get to me and looking forward to Christmas and then DD birthday in January

Definitely worth getting a cbfm. Would totally recommended them even though mine seems to have gone crazy lol. I'm convinced that's why I got pregnant with my ds as it helped me pinpoint ov. With a longer cycle Dogtanian it might really help you pinpoint those two peak days especially of they've said u haven't got pcos. Amazon I think were doing a good deal when Fleur bought hers. I think around £60ish? I'm cd 9 and still on highs. We dtd yesterday and I'm aiming to do so every other day. I've also had some opks arrive in the post today so going to run them alongside monitor. I'm such a saddo lol I actually really enjoy using the monitor and looking forward to tracking with opks too :-) baby dust to u all.
Glad its all going well for you sparky,and hopefully the sickness will be gone soon,i seem to remember mine stopped at about 13 weeks.Just in time for you to enjoy the holidays!
I am CD 41,ovufriend have given me a dashed line on CD36 but fertility friend havnt confirmed OV,we havnt BD in over a week so there is no chance!
Im getting a CBFM for next cycle and starting Agnus Castus,i need some sort of help or its never going to happen! Trying not to let it all get to me and looking forward to Christmas and then DD birthday in January

Definitely worth getting a cbfm. Would totally recommended them even though mine seems to have gone crazy lol. I'm convinced that's why I got pregnant with my ds as it helped me pinpoint ov. With a longer cycle Dogtanian it might really help you pinpoint those two peak days especially of they've said u haven't got pcos. Amazon I think were doing a good deal when Fleur bought hers. I think around £60ish? I'm cd 9 and still on highs. We dtd yesterday and I'm aiming to do so every other day. I've also had some opks arrive in the post today so going to run them alongside monitor. I'm such a saddo lol I actually really enjoy using the monitor and looking forward to tracking with opks too :-) baby dust to u all.

Twinks is this your first cycle since hard reset?
Glad its all going well for you sparky,and hopefully the sickness will be gone soon,i seem to remember mine stopped at about 13 weeks.Just in time for you to enjoy the holidays!
I am CD 41,ovufriend have given me a dashed line on CD36 but fertility friend havnt confirmed OV,we havnt BD in over a week so there is no chance!
Im getting a CBFM for next cycle and starting Agnus Castus,i need some sort of help or its never going to happen! Trying not to let it all get to me and looking forward to Christmas and then DD birthday in January

Definitely worth getting a cbfm. Would totally recommended them even though mine seems to have gone crazy lol. I'm convinced that's why I got pregnant with my ds as it helped me pinpoint ov. With a longer cycle Dogtanian it might really help you pinpoint those two peak days especially of they've said u haven't got pcos. Amazon I think were doing a good deal when Fleur bought hers. I think around £60ish? I'm cd 9 and still on highs. We dtd yesterday and I'm aiming to do so every other day. I've also had some opks arrive in the post today so going to run them alongside monitor. I'm such a saddo lol I actually really enjoy using the monitor and looking forward to tracking with opks too :-) baby dust to u all.

Twinks is this your first cycle since hard reset?

I haven't done a hard reset yet but I definitely will next cycle. I think it's getting my peak days correct as that's the time I get ov pains/ ewcm. I think where I've been going wrong maybe is that we've been too tired on the second peak day so we've been stopping on the first peak. I think we need to continue dtd after the first peak to try and catch tht lil eggy. I did an opk last night and it was negative. Had another high on the cbfm so that's only x5 highs so far lol! How many highs do I need lol it's gone crazy! If I don't conveieve in Jan I'll pop into docs and just have blood tests to check I don't have what my sis has. Sure all will be fine in the end tho. My friend is pregnant and she's been trying for three years. She was finally successful after one round of IVF and I'm so thrilled for her :-D xx
Hi ladies! Sorry I have been absent. Clocks like everyone is trucking along and getting ready for the holidays! It's coming so fast!!
Had my ultrasound yesterday, saw the baby and all looks good. We'll know more when we meet with the midwife in Jan. again.
Nausea is still off and on. Days have been getting better but nights are still aweful! Almost 12 weeks now so here's hoping its ending!

Hi sparky :-) fantastic news RE the scan! Sorry to hear you've not been well but hang in there you'll feel great very soon I'm sure. Will u find out the sx of bubs at 20 weeks? Can't believe you're all 12 weeks already- where did the time go?! :thumbup:
Hi girls, just wanted to post an update. Lots of tmi coming up! I went for a bowel movement yesterday and when I wiped it was pinky on the paper - definitely from the front :-( I had really strained (!!) 5 mins before had been for a wee and it was totally clear so I don't know if it was the bm that caused it.

Anyway 24 hours on I'm still spotting brown mucusy stuff on wiping and 100% fearing the worst. I phoned the midwife (even though I've not even been seen yet!) and they said it is all normal and were totally unconcerned but I'm very very scared as I'm sure you can imagine and completely preparing myself for the worst. We have our scan on Friday anyway and a midwife appt tomorrow so even if they continue to be dismissive I won't have long to wait to find out. I might ask the midwife tomorrow to use a Doppler to see if they can find a hb as if she can't she might then send me for an emergency scan...?!!

I am completely resigning myself to this not working out though and it feels horrible. :-( I can't believe I might have to go through a miscarriage over Christmas :-( sums up this year tbh!


Oh Fleur,i totally understand you fearing the worst,but im sure its not a miscarriage.Do you have any pains or any other signs?
I agree that you should deffo get the midwife to use the doppler,it will put your mind at rest im sure.
Sending you lots of hugs
Aw Fleur massive hugs hun. I think it's quite common to spot as a few friends of mine did with their first maybe that's why the midwife didn't seem concerned? It's completely understandable you're worried and I hope they find the heart beat quickly and easily for u tomorrow to put your mind at rest. Xxx
Thanks guys. No I don't have any pain at all and don't feel any different which is prob why she didn't sound at all concerned but I just feel like this isn't normal for me as I never had any spotting with dd. anyway we will see! I'm preparing myself for the worst anyway and at least I don't have very long to wait now. Thank you for your lovely replies, will keep you posted! X
Thanks guys. No I don't have any pain at all and don't feel any different which is prob why she didn't sound at all concerned but I just feel like this isn't normal for me as I never had any spotting with dd. anyway we will see! I'm preparing myself for the worst anyway and at least I don't have very long to wait now. Thank you for your lovely replies, will keep you posted! X

Fleur I never spotted either with either pregnancy, I can understand your concern. I do think if you were straining that can cause it though so I would try to not worry so much! I know with pregnancy constipation if I can't go I just don't push. I wait it out....and feel horrible while waiting. lol BUT when I have the urge to go, I GO! I run to the nearest toilet... :haha:

Miscarriage is a sneaky thing....I never had any pain quite opposite I had MORE symptoms with that pregnancy then with my son! The good thing is once you hear a heart beat your odds if miscarriage go down greatly so I agree get that Doppler out!
Glad its all going well for you sparky,and hopefully the sickness will be gone soon,i seem to remember mine stopped at about 13 weeks.Just in time for you to enjoy the holidays!
I am CD 41,ovufriend have given me a dashed line on CD36 but fertility friend havnt confirmed OV,we havnt BD in over a week so there is no chance!
Im getting a CBFM for next cycle and starting Agnus Castus,i need some sort of help or its never going to happen! Trying not to let it all get to me and looking forward to Christmas and then DD birthday in January

Definitely worth getting a cbfm. Would totally recommended them even though mine seems to have gone crazy lol. I'm convinced that's why I got pregnant with my ds as it helped me pinpoint ov. With a longer cycle Dogtanian it might really help you pinpoint those two peak days especially of they've said u haven't got pcos. Amazon I think were doing a good deal when Fleur bought hers. I think around £60ish? I'm cd 9 and still on highs. We dtd yesterday and I'm aiming to do so every other day. I've also had some opks arrive in the post today so going to run them alongside monitor. I'm such a saddo lol I actually really enjoy using the monitor and looking forward to tracking with opks too :-) baby dust to u all.

Twinks is this your first cycle since hard reset?

I haven't done a hard reset yet but I definitely will next cycle. I think it's getting my peak days correct as that's the time I get ov pains/ ewcm. I think where I've been going wrong maybe is that we've been too tired on the second peak day so we've been stopping on the first peak. I think we need to continue dtd after the first peak to try and catch tht lil eggy. I did an opk last night and it was negative. Had another high on the cbfm so that's only x5 highs so far lol! How many highs do I need lol it's gone crazy! If I don't conveieve in Jan I'll pop into docs and just have blood tests to check I don't have what my sis has. Sure all will be fine in the end tho. My friend is pregnant and she's been trying for three years. She was finally successful after one round of IVF and I'm so thrilled for her :-D xx

Twinks didn't something happen and you didn't start between CD 1-5? I thought something happened? I know with a hard reset the first month is a bit wonky with lots of highs but as soon as it learns you it comes down a bit. You really need the egg waiting for the sperm. They often say if you wait till you ovulate it will take longer to get pregnant as the egg may die off before you get the sperm there! I would hard reset and try to set an alarm to get up everyday to test on time...
Thanks castaway - I kind of feel like it could go either way ATM! I'm sure that the pushing when constipated caused something weird to happen because it was odd that I had been for a wee immediately before and there was nothing dodgy on the paper then; but I think it's weird that I still had brown spotting this morning, 24 hours later. I'm too scared to go to the loo again! I'm really trying to prepare myself for the worst at the moment but I guess we just have to wait and see...

Castaway - can I ask - when you had your mc, did you have a d&c? Or did you opt for the drugs or natural? I know it's premature to be thinking about this stuff but it helps me to cope if I'm forearmed with information...

Thanks ladies xx
Thanks castaway - I kind of feel like it could go either way ATM! I'm sure that the pushing when constipated caused something weird to happen because it was odd that I had been for a wee immediately before and there was nothing dodgy on the paper then; but I think it's weird that I still had brown spotting this morning, 24 hours later. I'm too scared to go to the loo again! I'm really trying to prepare myself for the worst at the moment but I guess we just have to wait and see...

Castaway - can I ask - when you had your mc, did you have a d&c? Or did you opt for the drugs or natural? I know it's premature to be thinking about this stuff but it helps me to cope if I'm forearmed with information...

Thanks ladies xx

brown is old blood, I really think you are OK hun! If it even starts spotting bright red then go get emergency help, just in case....

Mine was a blighted ovum...never turned into a baby. Due to this I was able to get cytotec and inserted them vaginally. The largest I had to pass was the sac, about the size of a lemon. I was in no pain. Back cramping, like labor, but manageable. I would do the cytotec instead of a D&C anyway in my opinion. My body is still out of whack, still get positive pregnancy tests 7 1/2 weeks later. Sadly I think my husband thinks we are pregnant again. I am broken hearted b/c I can't tell him what is going on I just have no clue. I would not wish this heartache on anyone ad pray that you just pushed too hard...sending you nothing but good thoughts!
Glad its all going well for you sparky,and hopefully the sickness will be gone soon,i seem to remember mine stopped at about 13 weeks.Just in time for you to enjoy the holidays!
I am CD 41,ovufriend have given me a dashed line on CD36 but fertility friend havnt confirmed OV,we havnt BD in over a week so there is no chance!
Im getting a CBFM for next cycle and starting Agnus Castus,i need some sort of help or its never going to happen! Trying not to let it all get to me and looking forward to Christmas and then DD birthday in January

Definitely worth getting a cbfm. Would totally recommended them even though mine seems to have gone crazy lol. I'm convinced that's why I got pregnant with my ds as it helped me pinpoint ov. With a longer cycle Dogtanian it might really help you pinpoint those two peak days especially of they've said u haven't got pcos. Amazon I think were doing a good deal when Fleur bought hers. I think around £60ish? I'm cd 9 and still on highs. We dtd yesterday and I'm aiming to do so every other day. I've also had some opks arrive in the post today so going to run them alongside monitor. I'm such a saddo lol I actually really enjoy using the monitor and looking forward to tracking with opks too :-) baby dust to u all.

Twinks is this your first cycle since hard reset?

I haven't done a hard reset yet but I definitely will next cycle. I think it's getting my peak days correct as that's the time I get ov pains/ ewcm. I think where I've been going wrong maybe is that we've been too tired on the second peak day so we've been stopping on the first peak. I think we need to continue dtd after the first peak to try and catch tht lil eggy. I did an opk last night and it was negative. Had another high on the cbfm so that's only x5 highs so far lol! How many highs do I need lol it's gone crazy! If I don't conveieve in Jan I'll pop into docs and just have blood tests to check I don't have what my sis has. Sure all will be fine in the end tho. My friend is pregnant and she's been trying for three years. She was finally successful after one round of IVF and I'm so thrilled for her :-D xx

Twinks didn't something happen and you didn't start between CD 1-5? I thought something happened? I know with a hard reset the first month is a bit wonky with lots of highs but as soon as it learns you it comes down a bit. You really need the egg waiting for the sperm. They often say if you wait till you ovulate it will take longer to get pregnant as the egg may die off before you get the sperm there! I would hard reset and try to set an alarm to get up everyday to test on time...

Yeah I didn't start it the very first month on cd1 so the next cycle I did a hard reset. That was about 3 or 4 cycles ago now though that I did the hard reset. Since I did the hard reset I haven't missed a single day and its always at the same time :-( After the hard reset I was getting two high days and two peaks and then last cycle and this cycle it went crazy and started giving me loads of highs lol! I think I'll hard set again next month :-)
Thanks castaway - I'm so sorry that you're still going through this and am hoping and praying that maybe you did fall preg again. You said you were going to see a different doctor? I hope they can give you some answers. Roll on 2014 I reckon!! X
Thanks castaway - I'm so sorry that you're still going through this and am hoping and praying that maybe you did fall preg again. You said you were going to see a different doctor? I hope they can give you some answers. Roll on 2014 I reckon!! X

Yes 2014 can't come fast enough. I just mentioned to my sister today that we are going for a scan next Sunday if AF doesn't come. She was like, "Maybe you need to focus on something else, you know people get pregnant when they are not trying and such." Basically telling me I am concentrating on it too much? I felt like I was handling this well to say the least...this is NOT normal. I mean I get it may take some longer than others for HCG to go out of their system but you are so alone in this stuff. Doctors, well they just don't care as it is routine to them. So you sit and wait with out answers. I am basically not going to talk to anyone now and just hope something gives. Uhhh...come on 2014!

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