I had a big temp drop today. I'm 4DPO, and didn't expect that. I usually stay above the coverline pretty well after O, but nothing this cycle has been "normal"

we are staying at my moms this weekend, but her house is warmer than ours so if anything I Expected a temp rise not a drop. We'll see what happens tomorrow I guess.
Today we are spending the day working on making our "inherited property" livable (previous tenants were friends of a family member who trashed the house, and had serious drug issues). We were going to just try to sell as is and get whatever we could for it but we have friends who desperately need a place and have offered to do the work to fix it up if we can pay for the stuff for repairs. We decided to go ahead and do it figuring that the investment financially will suck now but will be better if we decide to sell it in a few years. At least it would be worth selling and maybe get us a decent price later (right now we'd practically have to give it away).
ireadyermind I'm in the same boat! I am trying to stay away from the chasteberry (Vitex) because I want to be able to provide some "natural data" for my doctor about my cycles if I don't conceive in the next two months (then it'll be a year since stopping bc) but it's so tempting to pick it back up again because my cycles were so REGULAR when I was on it! 27 day cycles, with an O on CD16, like clockwork.
Kat GOod luck on the houses!! DH and I had a similar discussion: he preferred older looking ones and I preferred the more modern.

In the end we settled on one that was in between.