Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Sorry to read about your cyst Kat, I really hope the cycle can continue for you :hugs:. I feel the same about bad luck in life at the moment, we've just had one thing after another go wrong and just a little bfp would make it so much more manageable but it still eludes us :dohh:

I've not heard of chasteberry extract before, will look that up!

Af arrived last night, I was glad that my lp seems to be holding out at 11/12 days now but obviously gutted there was no bfp. I made myself feel better with cheesecake and some wine. :haha:
I had a big temp drop today. I'm 4DPO, and didn't expect that. I usually stay above the coverline pretty well after O, but nothing this cycle has been "normal" :shrug: we are staying at my moms this weekend, but her house is warmer than ours so if anything I Expected a temp rise not a drop. We'll see what happens tomorrow I guess.

Today we are spending the day working on making our "inherited property" livable (previous tenants were friends of a family member who trashed the house, and had serious drug issues). We were going to just try to sell as is and get whatever we could for it but we have friends who desperately need a place and have offered to do the work to fix it up if we can pay for the stuff for repairs. We decided to go ahead and do it figuring that the investment financially will suck now but will be better if we decide to sell it in a few years. At least it would be worth selling and maybe get us a decent price later (right now we'd practically have to give it away).

ireadyermind I'm in the same boat! I am trying to stay away from the chasteberry (Vitex) because I want to be able to provide some "natural data" for my doctor about my cycles if I don't conceive in the next two months (then it'll be a year since stopping bc) but it's so tempting to pick it back up again because my cycles were so REGULAR when I was on it! 27 day cycles, with an O on CD16, like clockwork.

Kat GOod luck on the houses!! DH and I had a similar discussion: he preferred older looking ones and I preferred the more modern. :haha: In the end we settled on one that was in between. :)
Sorry to read about your cyst Kat, I really hope the cycle can continue for you :hugs:. I feel the same about bad luck in life at the moment, we've just had one thing after another go wrong and just a little bfp would make it so much more manageable but it still eludes us :dohh:

I've not heard of chasteberry extract before, will look that up!

Af arrived last night, I was glad that my lp seems to be holding out at 11/12 days now but obviously gutted there was no bfp. I made myself feel better with cheesecake and some wine. :haha:

Thanks jtr:hugs: It sounded to me like if it's still there, they'll go in and remove it so don't think this round will be cancelled. Yeah, that's how I'm feeling at the moment:nope:

Enjoy the wine and cake :wine:

I had a big temp drop today. I'm 4DPO, and didn't expect that. I usually stay above the coverline pretty well after O, but nothing this cycle has been "normal" :shrug: we are staying at my moms this weekend, but her house is warmer than ours so if anything I Expected a temp rise not a drop. We'll see what happens tomorrow I guess.

Today we are spending the day working on making our "inherited property" livable (previous tenants were friends of a family member who trashed the house, and had serious drug issues). We were going to just try to sell as is and get whatever we could for it but we have friends who desperately need a place and have offered to do the work to fix it up if we can pay for the stuff for repairs. We decided to go ahead and do it figuring that the investment financially will suck now but will be better if we decide to sell it in a few years. At least it would be worth selling and maybe get us a decent price later (right now we'd practically have to give it away).

ireadyermind I'm in the same boat! I am trying to stay away from the chasteberry (Vitex) because I want to be able to provide some "natural data" for my doctor about my cycles if I don't conceive in the next two months (then it'll be a year since stopping bc) but it's so tempting to pick it back up again because my cycles were so REGULAR when I was on it! 27 day cycles, with an O on CD16, like clockwork.

Kat GOod luck on the houses!! DH and I had a similar discussion: he preferred older looking ones and I preferred the more modern. :haha: In the end we settled on one that was in between. :)

Yeah it sounds like it may be worth it to fix the house up and you should be able to get your money back once you sell it, hopefully with a nice profit.

It's probably best to not take anything that affects your cycles before getting tested by your RE. It'll give misleading results and probably affect the treatment plan so you risk getting something completely wrong for you.

Oh my that's funny:haha: Yeah that's what I was thinking but it may be difficult to find something like that because houses seem to mostly be either/or in this country. The funny thing is that the more old fashioned one is actually newer than the more modern one, guess the original owners wanted a throwback:shrug: It's also slightly more expensive but we can probably get a slight discount since there are some very, very minor problems and the little bathroom the owners were getting done on the 2nd floor isn't finished. DH's parents were curious so we sent them pics of each house so they can see. Either way we have to give a 3 month notice on our apartment so we won't be moving until a bit after New Years which is probably just as well. Hopefully I'll get my BFP in that time so I won't have a 1½ hour commute each way to the hospital:wacko:
hubby and i both to be 31 in December, we have been TTC for almost a year. Nice to see the encouraging words on here because I do worry! Would love for it to happen soon but trying to leave it open for the next few years so I'm not disappointed. Will be checking with the doc in december I think
hubby and i both to be 31 in December, we have been TTC for almost a year. Nice to see the encouraging words on here because I do worry! Would love for it to happen soon but trying to leave it open for the next few years so I'm not disappointed. Will be checking with the doc in december I think

Welcome housefinch! :) We have some great support in these threads. :D Love these ladies.
hubby and i both to be 31 in December, we have been TTC for almost a year. Nice to see the encouraging words on here because I do worry! Would love for it to happen soon but trying to leave it open for the next few years so I'm not disappointed. Will be checking with the doc in december I think

Hi housefinch :wave: Here's hoping you won't need to go to your GP but it sounds like a good plan to go in around December. Just to make sure. But I hope you get your BFP before that:flower:

AFM just got back from my appointment and am now cleared to start stimming:happydance::happydance: The cyst was much, much smaller and since it's not a functional cyst (my blood work showed my hormone levels are extremely low), they're letting me start. Going to be taking 225 IU Bemfola and 0.2 ml Suprefact (to prevent Oing). DH was happy to hear the good news:flower: Guess I could've taken my MIL with me today since it was good news, I feel kinda bad now and her and my FIL are taking off for a vacation in a few days so she won't have another chance:wacko: Wow now I really feel bad about not taking her with me :(
ireadyermind I'm in the same boat! I am trying to stay away from the chasteberry (Vitex) because I want to be able to provide some "natural data" for my doctor about my cycles if I don't conceive in the next two months (then it'll be a year since stopping bc) but it's so tempting to pick it back up again because my cycles were so REGULAR when I was on it! 27 day cycles, with an O on CD16, like clockwork.

Wow. I only took it for the one month, and I only STARTED taking it because I was on CD33 with no ovulation in sight. So I took Vitex, and a week later I ovulated and got a BFP 18 days later!

I can't imagine having a regular 28 day cycle. It sounds too good to be true! lol. I would love that -- only having to wait about 14 days to ovulate instead of 20+... The TWW is already torture, but having to wait almost a whole month until I can START my TWW is even worse! Haha
Kat- that is fab news!

Housefinch- good luck and welcome!

As for me, day three of continuous cramping or whatever it is called. Driving me up the wall with it too... Have I said how much I hate pms symptoms? Still a week away from a nice bfp or af.
hubby and i both to be 31 in December, we have been TTC for almost a year. Nice to see the encouraging words on here because I do worry! Would love for it to happen soon but trying to leave it open for the next few years so I'm not disappointed. Will be checking with the doc in december I think

Welcome! I'm pretty new too 32 and ttc #1 with two previous losses....
KatO: Yay for stimming!!! :happydance: Glad to see cyst was just a minor setback.

Welcome housefinch :wave:

Angel: That is a rather big dip. I might call it implantation dip but it could really just be estrogen surge. I have dips around 4-6DPO some cycles but they've never gone below coverline. Your coverline is rather high though. I guess we'll wait it out and see what it means.

I think today is O day, I can sort of feel it. TWW starts again bleh :coffee:
Kat - Yay! That's great news!!

ireadyermind - exactly!! That's why I started the vitex because I don't O until CD26! It's torture to wait a whole month before I can even start the TWW! :(

psychochick - Ooh FX you are about to O! Yeah, I can't believe I have such a high coverline. This cycle my pre-O temps were higher than my usual post-O temps. It's been a really odd cycle.
Kat- that is fab news!

Housefinch- good luck and welcome!

As for me, day three of continuous cramping or whatever it is called. Driving me up the wall with it too... Have I said how much I hate pms symptoms? Still a week away from a nice bfp or af.

Hope the cramping soon stops :(

KatO: Yay for stimming!!! :happydance: Glad to see cyst was just a minor setback.

Welcome housefinch :wave:

Angel: That is a rather big dip. I might call it implantation dip but it could really just be estrogen surge. I have dips around 4-6DPO some cycles but they've never gone below coverline. Your coverline is rather high though. I guess we'll wait it out and see what it means.

I think today is O day, I can sort of feel it. TWW starts again bleh :coffee:

Thanks, yeah I was so thrilled when she told me that my hormone levels were way down so it was definitely not a functional cyst :)

Hoping your 2WW ends well:flower:

AFM my 1st Bemfola shot went fine :) I was a bit nervous as the system is a little different from my "old" Puregon Pen but managed to get it all in. Hoping to soon be in twinges hell from making lots of follies:haha: I was already having twinges when I was making 2-3 follies for my IUIs, I can just imagine what making 8-12 will be like:wacko:
Ok just got back from the RE and the news isn't so hot - I only have 3-4 follies (plus a number of smaller ones):cry: They aim for 8-12 follies so I only have at least half. She started talking about it might possibly be turned into an IUI but when I mentioned I'd been through 6 failed IUIs she immediately said they'll do IVF no matter what. My dose is increased from 225 to 300 IU Bemfola and I go in again on Thursday to see when I can trigger and do the ER but she said it's mostly looking like it'll happen on Sunday.

So not too happy right now:cry:
Aw, sorry to hear that, Kat! But my sister in law conceived with IVF after a long struggle, too -- there's still hope, don't let it get you too bummed out. :hugs:

AFM -- Just got a nice, clear temp spike today. Officially in the TWW! There were some good signs and other things happening this month that make me really optimistic. It's almost like my body's trying to get itself into a normal cycle. I even had a teeny, tiny bit of EWCM this month and that rarely ever happens. I don't know how I'm going to be able to wait 2 weeks!

I will likely end up testing the morning before Thanksgiving day, so November 25th. Since we're going to be spending the holiday with family, and that means alcoholic beverages, I'll want to know in advance if I'm pregnant or not.
Aw, sorry to hear that, Kat! But my sister in law conceived with IVF after a long struggle, too -- there's still hope, don't let it get you too bummed out. :hugs:

AFM -- Just got a nice, clear temp spike today. Officially in the TWW! There were some good signs and other things happening this month that make me really optimistic. It's almost like my body's trying to get itself into a normal cycle. I even had a teeny, tiny bit of EWCM this month and that rarely ever happens. I don't know how I'm going to be able to wait 2 weeks!

I will likely end up testing the morning before Thanksgiving day, so November 25th. Since we're going to be spending the holiday with family, and that means alcoholic beverages, I'll want to know in advance if I'm pregnant or not.

Thanks, I'm just afraid the low amount of follies bodes badly for our chances though since they want 8-12 follies for a reason. I may not have any frosties after this and worst case maybe none to put back in if none fertilise and/or if none of them don't divide right. How many follies did she have?

FXed for you :dust:
I didn't ask how many she had. I feel like it's prying, and if she wanted to tell us, she would have.

They don't know DH and I are TTC at all. I don't want the whole family poking their nose into our business. It's bad enough that the 1 or 2 close friends I told early on were like, "Just relax and it will happen!" I can't imagine having DH's family all up in our personal lives, asking about sex and what methods we're using to TTC. Gross. lol.

So if I don't want people asking me, I imagine she wouldn't want people asking her, either.

And I still say you shouldn't worry so much! I know that's easier said than done, but you're "borrowing trouble", as they say. Right now, be happy that you have 3 - 4 follicles that are ready to go! All it takes is one good sperm and one good egg to make a baby, after all. :)
Ok just got back from the RE and the news isn't so hot - I only have 3-4 follies (plus a number of smaller ones):cry: They aim for 8-12 follies so I only have at least half. She started talking about it might possibly be turned into an IUI but when I mentioned I'd been through 6 failed IUIs she immediately said they'll do IVF no matter what. My dose is increased from 225 to 300 IU Bemfola and I go in again on Thursday to see when I can trigger and do the ER but she said it's mostly looking like it'll happen on Sunday.

So not too happy right now:cry:

I just wanted to give you some hope. I had only 7 eggs retrieved, 6 mature. We ended up with 4 blastocysts (3 are frozen and one was my bfp). :hugs:

My AMH is lowish so we knew it the goal would be 6-8. And well quality over quantity is my RE's belief.
Yesterday I got a BFP on a Wondfo test. But today when I tested with a Safeway brand Digital, and an Answer brand test both were negative (I sent hubby out yesterday to buy me store tests and those are what he came back with). AF came shortly after 8am this morning. :cry: I am really heartbroken. I was sitting at 4 days late....longest LP i've ever had (13 days is a long LP).

Looks like this was my second chemical. :(

Kat So sorry! :hugs: I hope this works for you!
Ok just got back from the RE and the news isn't so hot - I only have 3-4 follies (plus a number of smaller ones):cry: They aim for 8-12 follies so I only have at least half. She started talking about it might possibly be turned into an IUI but when I mentioned I'd been through 6 failed IUIs she immediately said they'll do IVF no matter what. My dose is increased from 225 to 300 IU Bemfola and I go in again on Thursday to see when I can trigger and do the ER but she said it's mostly looking like it'll happen on Sunday.

So not too happy right now:cry:

I just wanted to give you some hope. I had only 7 eggs retrieved, 6 mature. We ended up with 4 blastocysts (3 are frozen and one was my bfp). :hugs:

My AMH is lowish so we knew it the goal would be 6-8. And well quality over quantity is my RE's belief.

Thanks crystal:hugs: I think I would've been ok if I had 6-7 follies, just feel like 3-4 sounds like too little to have much room for error:nope: But Here's hoping all 4 will at least be mature so that hurdle is non-exsistent. Preferably that at least 3 fertilise so I can have a couple of frosties as well.

My AMH is normal though so I'm sure my RE was hoping for the 8-12 they aim for:nope: I wonder if downregulation is the problem, just that extra week I had to because of the cyst or if they started me on too low a dose (225 IU Bemfola):shrug: I also have a very small hope that they missed 1 follie but know I'm grasping at straws:nope:

Angel: So sorry :hugs: I hope your next cycle gives you a sticky BFP :dust:
Kat, what we discovered with my IUIs and a cyst I developed, was that bcp oversuppresses me. So we did estrogen priming instead.

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