Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Congratulations psychochick. I have been waiting for my bfp too, right nw on cd 11. I'm on femara this month and will be hving ultrasound on sunday, cd14. Very nervous. Looking for friends....
Girls I'm so excited to tell you that I got a BFP yesterday confirmed today with more tests. I really hope this one sticks but the lines look dark enough that I think it'll stick for the time being. I am definitely going to stick around until all of you get your BFPs, and hope that my new years baby dust will reach all of you! :dust: 2016 BFPs!!

Oh my gosh oh my gosh!!! How exciting!! I'm over the moon happy for you :hugs: HUGE congratulations and here's to a happy and healthy 9 mons. Hope the rest of us will be joining you soon.
I know the longer LP is better in just bummed it happened this way.

I'm not necessarily doing anything difference except exercise. I've been steadily working out since October and lost some weight. That might help. I'm also nearing 1 year off bcp so it could be that I'm starting to finally regulate.

Psycochic - congrats!!!!!!! That's so exciting!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!!
Congrats psychochick:flower:

AFM I'm fidning these Cetrotide injections annoying. I get a pretty bad itch at the injection site for 1-1½ hours:dohh: My nurse did warn me that most experience irritation but I wasn't expecting this:nope: Going in for a scan tomorrow so here's hoping things look good:thumbup:
So got back from my scan and everything looks good although I might only end up with 3 follies of the right size at ER (so pretty much same situation as for IVF #1) but the RE said we'll see. I go in for one last scan on Sunday and she's 99% sure my ER will be on Tuesday:thumbup:
Can't wait to what happens Kat!! FX!!

AFM, My body is so confusing right now. I basically had a 2 day period. My temperatures are still bouncing around a little but the last two days were rising and are all still clearly above the CL from last month. It makes me suspicious and, unfortunately, hopeful that it wasn't really AF, but I can't let myself get my hopes up. I've had a month like this before where I had a 2 day AF and the next cycle my pre-O temps were really high but it was just an odd cycle. I took a dollar tree test yesterday just to be sure and it was clearly BFN so I am pretty sure that it was AF, it's just so very odd when I get one that is only 2 days long and then a day of spotting. It makes me worry that something isn't right. Like my lining isn't getting thick enough or something? I'm being irrational I think. :haha:
AFM, My body is so confusing right now. I basically had a 2 day period. My temperatures are still bouncing around a little but the last two days were rising and are all still clearly above the CL from last month. It makes me suspicious and, unfortunately, hopeful that it wasn't really AF, but I can't let myself get my hopes up. I've had a month like this before where I had a 2 day AF and the next cycle my pre-O temps were really high but it was just an odd cycle. I took a dollar tree test yesterday just to be sure and it was clearly BFN so I am pretty sure that it was AF, it's just so very odd when I get one that is only 2 days long and then a day of spotting. It makes me worry that something isn't right. Like my lining isn't getting thick enough or something? I'm being irrational I think. :haha:

I don't think a 2 day AF is necessarily a sign of a problem, it also depends a bit on how much blood is coming out. My AFs are also 2-3 days long where I spot a bit the day before, bleed fairly heavily on CD1 and more medium that goes light later in the day by CD2 and then spot brown a bit afterwards. If your AF is super light though then maybe but otherwise I don't think so. I don't think you have anything to worry about since your CPs show you can get pregnant. Just need to get a healthy embie that'll stick!
Girls I'm so excited to tell you that I got a BFP yesterday confirmed today with more tests. I really hope this one sticks but the lines look dark enough that I think it'll stick for the time being. I am definitely going to stick around until all of you get your BFPs, and hope that my new years baby dust will reach all of you! :dust: 2016 BFPs!!

OMG congrats, psychochick! :hugs: Stick little bean, stick!

Can't wait to what happens Kat!! FX!!

AFM, My body is so confusing right now. I basically had a 2 day period. My temperatures are still bouncing around a little but the last two days were rising and are all still clearly above the CL from last month. It makes me suspicious and, unfortunately, hopeful that it wasn't really AF, but I can't let myself get my hopes up. I've had a month like this before where I had a 2 day AF and the next cycle my pre-O temps were really high but it was just an odd cycle. I took a dollar tree test yesterday just to be sure and it was clearly BFN so I am pretty sure that it was AF, it's just so very odd when I get one that is only 2 days long and then a day of spotting. It makes me worry that something isn't right. Like my lining isn't getting thick enough or something? I'm being irrational I think. :haha:

This happened to me this cycle, too! A very short, 2 day AF with high BBTs afterward. I hate it when our bodies randomly seem to decide to change everything up. Sigh.

About the thickness of the lining: I also researched this issue, as my AFs were getting shorter and shorter after my cervical surgery. The OB/GYN wasn't telling me anything about it, so I had to look into it on my own. Anyway, what I learned was that it isn't the number of days AF lasts that's important, it's how much flow you have.

The acceptable range is huge, with 10ml - 80ml being considered 'normal.' Average is 35ml (~2.5 tablespoons). That doesn't seem like much to me at all!

But as you guys know, I'm not a doctor -- so if you feel worried, it doesn't hurt to ask your physician. :)
In comparison to my previous periods, I've been pretty light since stopping bcp.

When I mark light on FF it means I only used a liner and only had to change it a few times during the day. Medium meant I could use a tampon but only a light one and only had to change it a few times (2-3) and then heavy would be using anything more than a light tampon. Which is odd because I Had heavier periods on birth control! Not much heavier but seemed like more. If I get a referral to fertility clinic next month I'll ask about it. Just ot make sure.

This month after 2 days and then a day of spotting I had a 4th day that was actual bleeding again. Really light but more than spotting. So it was almost normal. lol

Right now I thik I'm gonna hit the gym. Got a busy weekend ahead and lots to do. We've got a friend who is moving in this weekend for awhile because he needs a place to stay and we are always open to helping our friends. But that means I gotta clean out the "guest room" so he has a place. lol right now it's more like a "storage room with a bed for guests" :haha:
Hi Ladies

Long time no chat. Congrats psyco and holly. That's great news on the bfps.

Kat - so hoping you get a sticky bfp soon. It seems to have been such a long hard struggle for you and I think you deserve it.

Other posters- I hope you all get your BFPs soon too. It can seem like it takes forever (took me 9 cycles total, 5-7 of which were active ttc) couple of breaks and some timing issues along with having been off of birth control for 5 or 6 years so it can happen in its own time.....

AFM: My dd is now 6 weeks old. Had to be induced at 37 +1 due to pregnancy induced hypertension- which is essentially high blood pressure only and one step below pre eclampsia. Then after delivery, had a post partum hemorrhage- lost almost 3 pints of blood, then had to do a D & C yesterday cause not everything came out. Finally off of my high blood pressure meds and the post partum bleeding is finally slowing down due to the D & C. Though I will say the hospital assumed I was miscarrying not post partum which was strange but it was easy peasy. I know I am not currently TTC, but if you all are okay with it, I will lurk and answer questions if I can :flower:
Congrats, cutestuff! That sounds like you had a lot of trouble at the end of your pregnancy there, but I'm glad everything worked out!
Kat - so hoping you get a sticky bfp soon. It seems to have been such a long hard struggle for you and I think you deserve it.

Thanks cutestuff:flower: Yeah going on 2 years and 3½ months TTC now:dohh: :( Was so close for IVF #1 since it ended in a CP. I'm almost glad I was on a forced 1 cycle break now so I could recover emotionally and get ready for IVF #2.

Sorry you had so much trouble in the end but glad it had a happy ending :)
So it turns out that my ER won't be until Thursday. The follies haven't grown very much but the RE said it's the Cetrotide that's inhibiting growth a bit and that there's nothing to worry about. She's sure that a couple of days more with Bemfola and Cetrotide should do it. Go in for another scan on Tuesday.
Hi Hollynesss and Angel022605, I am 30 years old and would be 31 years in October. We have been TTC since Dec 2013, I feel a wave of sadness everymonth when AF shows up. This month if AF shows up again then my DH is going to get SA done, as my doctor suggested that would be the first thing to do before 1 year mark when they would start testing me.

We have been married for ~6years but waited on TTC as I was completing my Masters and then my husband starting studying further. Let's hope all of us get our BFP soon :)

Please feel free to PM me if you guys want to make a chat group. My skype id is mangoberry29

Hello, I am 32 and TTc#1 sine last May. Your story sounds similar to mine. My OH and I have been together for 12 years and decided to wait to TTC until I finished my masters degree and we were more stable in our careers (I am also in New England). I am very happy we waited. My OH makes significantly more at his job now than he did when he first started 6.5 years ago and I am now licensed in my field and have many more options for my career than I did several years ago. Part of me does wish that I started this whole journey two years ago because I had no idea how complicated it would be! I have to hope that things will work out soon and that we will get our BFP.

Good luck to everyone!
Hi everyone! Mind if I join you all?

My name is Ella and I'm 31. I'm LTTTC #1. We've been TTC since 2011 with not much to show for it except 5 early m/cs, the most recent being a couple of weeks ago. I'm hoping my FS will be a little bit more proactive this year and we'll get our 2016 BFP and rainbow.
I realize I'm jumping in the middle of this thread, so I apologize in advance. I just posted another thread earlier today and didn't get a response.

I'm 30 and ttc #1. I was on the pill for 12 years, stopped in June 2015 and have been trying since September 2015. I have been fairly regular since stopping the pill, about 31-33 days per cycle. However, last month and this month I started pretty heavy spotting. I know implantation bleeding is generally pink or brown, but last month it was a sudden flow of red that turned to brown until AF. This month, I started spotting red 10 dpo. Has anyone had red IB? If it's not IB, should I be concerned if the spotting before AF has now happened 2 months in a row? Side note: I have been told I have a tilted uterus, but I'm not sure if this matters. AF is due on the 24th I believe. BFN tonight on Wondfo. Thoughts on spotting and recommendations on when I should take another test? I feel like the most impatient person on the planet!
In comparison to my previous periods, I've been pretty light since stopping bcp.

When I mark light on FF it means I only used a liner and only had to change it a few times during the day. Medium meant I could use a tampon but only a light one and only had to change it a few times (2-3) and then heavy would be using anything more than a light tampon. Which is odd because I Had heavier periods on birth control! Not much heavier but seemed like more. If I get a referral to fertility clinic next month I'll ask about it. Just ot make sure.

This month after 2 days and then a day of spotting I had a 4th day that was actual bleeding again. Really light but more than spotting. So it was almost normal. lol

Right now I thik I'm gonna hit the gym. Got a busy weekend ahead and lots to do. We've got a friend who is moving in this weekend for awhile because he needs a place to stay and we are always open to helping our friends. But that means I gotta clean out the "guest room" so he has a place. lol right now it's more like a "storage room with a bed for guests" :haha:

My periods are similar (kind of). I will have 2 days of med or light then day 3 it will almost disappear and then the last day is the worst cramps and it's like a med bleed again for about 1/2 day then, poof! Done. Strange.
Hope you got the guest/storage room ready in time.

kat good luck! I'll be anxious to hear how things progress.

psycho how are you feeling?? Hope everything is going well.

Welcome all the new ladies! Everyone here is welcoming and supportive

khttc I think IB is usually brown and just a streak or some spotting but I don't think that's always the case. I think in some cases spotting mid cycle or for several days before your flow starts could mean a progesterone deficiency or some other hormonal imbalances. Maybe you could ask your doc about getting some tests done to see where you are after being on bc for so long?

2ducks Glad to see you here! Seems I bump into you a lot on b&b :) I'm answering your question from another thread about the fertility massage and chiropractic. I can only assume the massage is like the ones I've watched on YouTube. There is instructions for self fertility massage and it focuses a lot on the abdomen so you could maybe google that and check it out? I personally get massage therapy and adjustments regularly and think it's great for anyone especially for those ttc. I'm also doing acupuncture as you are. It's helped with my cycle in the past so maybe it will help ttc!

I'm trying to stay optimistic about an earlier O this cycle (or heck even a long et cycle if that is what it take to lengthen my lp!) my cp seems higher than it usually does at this point and today I had water cm which I get about 4-5 days before O so FX! I'm really hoping I get a bfp opk by Thursday!
I realize I'm jumping in the middle of this thread, so I apologize in advance. I just posted another thread earlier today and didn't get a response.

I'm 30 and ttc #1. I was on the pill for 12 years, stopped in June 2015 and have been trying since September 2015. I have been fairly regular since stopping the pill, about 31-33 days per cycle. However, last month and this month I started pretty heavy spotting. I know implantation bleeding is generally pink or brown, but last month it was a sudden flow of red that turned to brown until AF. This month, I started spotting red 10 dpo. Has anyone had red IB? If it's not IB, should I be concerned if the spotting before AF has now happened 2 months in a row? Side note: I have been told I have a tilted uterus, but I'm not sure if this matters. AF is due on the 24th I believe. BFN tonight on Wondfo. Thoughts on spotting and recommendations on when I should take another test? I feel like the most impatient person on the planet!
First.... thank you everyone for the congrats and yes it was a bit much but it was worth it. Welcome newbies and may 2016 bring many bfps to this thread.

As for ib and mid cycle spotting...I experienced both. The cycle of my bfp I started red spotting just before o and that lasted about 4 days. Then one day later I started spotting again. It was super light pink and started 7 dpo & ended 10dpo. When I say spotting I mean I would go pee and I would see pink then 20 minutes later go again and it would be gone and that process continued every couple hours or so. I personally waited till I had gone a full day without spotting to test but combined with major bloating and sore boobs-not normal for me I had a feeling it could be. Not everyone will follow the statistics and while your cycle can and will change you should discuss it with a doc

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