Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Jezika - welcome!! :wave: I've also been married for 1.5 years, and am in grad school (I'm a full time teacher too), so I know some of where you are at! :) I love getting new faces! So feel free to join in! :) If this cycle doesn't end up being your cycle, are you going to start temping? Also do you check CM (cervical mucous), that will help your app be more accurate at determining your fertile window.

kittykat - sorry about the soy not working. :( it may take a couple cycles though? I don't know much about the soy thing.
KittyCat and Angel - thanks for the warm welcome!

Although I've read about the CM indications, I've not yet had a chance to see what's going on down there. I'll probably start paying attention at the start of my next cycle. It's amazing how I've lived with my body for 30 years and now it seems like a completely foreign land! I am so tempted to do temping and everything else too, but I'm going to try to see how it goes for three cycles before investing in some of those tools. Not least because I just know it would distract the hell out of me and school is ridiculously busy right now (btw glad you're in the same boat, Angel!).

I said to myself that the good thing about getting AF will be that I can *ahem* indulge in a bit of (sensible) drinking for a bit. There seems to be an entire brewery in my fridge.

What do you guys think about my early testing? It said on the pack that 76% of pregnant women got a positive result 5 days before AF. I may have been at 5... or at 6... but I have no idea how much it would reduce the stats if I were at 6.

Man, it sucks spending my whole life hoping and wishing and pleading for AF to come (the few times things had been cut fine) and now suddenly regarding it as a sinister assailant.
Sorry I'm almost about to leave for the ER so this is a quickie:haha:

Welcome Jezika :flower: Hope your journey is short and sweet! I agree on trying to avoid symptom spotting, it just drives you nuts :wacko: As for testing I never bother unless AF is late or just wait until the beta after fresh transfer IVF. I think most BFPs first come around 10-12 dpo anyway but can also occur a bit later, even up to 1 week after AF was due.

Afm....thinking the soy was a bust. I'm on cd 14 and no sign of O. :nope:
Goin back on a low dose of vitex via Fertilaid which also has some B vitamins that I want to take with the extra b6. I'm about at my wits end of things to try but I'm gonna give the b6 another cycle or 2 I suppose.

Awww kitty:hugs: I've read you should always try for 3-4 months before deciding something won't work for you so maybe try another month or 2 and see what happens? I think the 1st month on something new can screw up that cycle a bit but the body seems to right itself. I know the first month on Royal Jelly I got a strange month where AF was late by 5 days or so.

Entirely up to you though, just my 2 cents for what they're worth:winkwink::haha:

I'll update later today when I can how it went and how many eggs we got:winkwink:
So they got 2 good eggs out, the 3rd they couldn't get out after 2-3 tries and felt that it was probably of bad quality since it didn't come out within those 2-3 tries so not worth any extra effort to get out. Was super disappointed as was hoping for at least 3 eggs like last time:nope: They'll call me Saturday morning to let me know how many fertilised and tell me what time to come in. FXed these are now extra good as I only have 2:wacko:
Random but I had the most vivid dream of getting a BFP hpt last night. Lol. Talk about obsessed! Even when I'm sleeping sheesh.
Still lurking here but wanted to pop up and say: FX for you KatO, you just need one good egg. :thumbup:

angel: It's probably good to take care of the teeth asap and not wait til later. I think I already mentioned my pregnant friend had a root canal during pregnancy and it remained infected for 6 weeks due to hormones. no bueno.

kittycat: other girls had similar issues with Clomid, which I think is supposed to behave similar to soy in that it encourages strong O, but they found on their first cycle that it actually delayed O for some reason. People also adjust the days that they take soy from cycle to cycle and some days work better.

welcome everyone else. I'll go back to lurking now. Just really want to see everyone's success stories. I used to think TTC threads moved quickly with people getting BFPs and stuff, but it's nothing compared to first tri threads with people having chemicals and MMCs left and right :( So c'mon guys, want to see some good news this month
Jezika - If I say "don't test early" I'd be a huge hypocrite. Definitely better to wait until you're closer to AF though. Super early BFP are rare, but they do happen.

The thing about testing early is not getting discouraged if you do get a BFN, because it could just be too early (eggs can implant anywhere from 6DPO to 12DPO). But I wouldn't waste good tests testing early. Most of us buy cheap tests off the internet/amazon and test with those because you can burn through them and not worry about cost. Something to think about next cycle. ;) They are also more sensitive than the store bought tests, so it's more likely that you would see something early using cheapies.

I do the same with opks. I got a 50 pack for like $5 and I can track ov better that way. (I temp too, just to confirm ov, because you can get a surge and not ovulate). But, that's just me. :)
Thanks for the tip! I burned 20 big ones on a two-pack of FRER, intended on waiting till well within the 5-day window and then failed miserably! Thinking of getting DH to hide the remaining stick so I can't test till I'm actually late, or otherwise next cycle. Do you think the cheap ones are even more sensitive than FRER?

Oh man, you mentioning buying those things on Amazon is all it took... I'm obsessed with that site and can't see myself not ordering some of the stuff you mentioned by the end of today. Why do they make it so cheap and easy? And do you have any particular ones to recommend (OPKs and HPTs)?
Update: Bought some Wondfo OPKs off Amazon as well as some HCG strips. I'm very excited about this purchase :blush:
Kat -FX for you!!!

kitty - OMG I had a really random dream about giving birth to a baby boy! Definitely have baby on the brain!

Jezika - yes, the nice thing about AF is the ability to indulge. :) As for early testing, at this point I have been TTC for 11 months and what I've found is that if I am going to test early (because the desire to POAS is just too much sometimes!) I use internet cheapies (I love the Wondfo brand, best IC I've used) or ones from the Dollar Store. In my case the Wondfo's have picked up a BFP before any other brand, including FRER for me. Unfortunately both of those ended up being a chemical, which is why I'm now at the point where I am trying very hard not to test until AF is due. Doesn't always happen, so I use cheapies. POAS addiction is real. :haha: I know a lot of people have got a BFP as early as 9-10DPO on a FRER, but it all comes down to when you implant and tests are so expensive! The biggest downfall of early testing is the possibility of a catching a chemical (and $) . On the other hand, early testing with lots of BFN can make it easier to handle when AF does show.

AFM - emergency root canal yesterday went well. Cold/Hot sensitivity is gone, my jaw is just a little sore. I go back next week for a follow up check up to make sure everything is okay and then in another week or two to do the restorative work.

on a TTC front - started getting EWcm day before yesterday so I started my Advanced Digi's. I am just glad I have something to do now. :haha: Going to try to BD every 3rd day until I get blinky smiley. Every month I say we'll do SMEP but I get worn out so I'm beign realistic and saying every 3rd day until then. That should still cover our bases.
Jezika - LOL! Well, Wondfos are supposed to be pretty good and they are so reasonably priced. And it beats dropping $20 on a FRER and having to go out and buy more.

Internet cheapies are more sensitive and will pick up BFPs slightly earlier than regular tests. But First Response Early Response (FRER) does a good job at picking up early BFPs too. But, most people use the cheapies and then when they see a line on the cheapies, confirm with a FRER a day or two later. But I love cheapies because you can POAS to your hearts content. :)

It's a little late, but since you asked....I order Clinical Guard opks and then for my hpts, I order One Step from the UK. I just like them because I used to live there and I've always gotten good results with them. But, that's just me and my personal preference. Wondfos are a good choice. :)
Angel - yes, I will say it is cushioning the blow a little, because I do expect AF to come, and if she doesn't it will be a nice surprise. But of course I seriously regret using an expensive stick that early! Also, glad your root canal went well! I had two in one week some years back and it was unpleasant stuff, but really not as bad as I would've thought. Happy recovery!

DBZ - I love that you prefer the UK brand for sentimental reasons :) I actually grew up in the UK (age 4-23) so I could see myself doing the same... if Canadian Amazon Prime wasn't so addictive!!!
AFM - emergency root canal yesterday went well. Cold/Hot sensitivity is gone, my jaw is just a little sore. I go back next week for a follow up check up to make sure everything is okay and then in another week or two to do the restorative work.

on a TTC front - started getting EWcm day before yesterday so I started my Advanced Digi's. I am just glad I have something to do now. :haha: Going to try to BD every 3rd day until I get blinky smiley. Every month I say we'll do SMEP but I get worn out so I'm beign realistic and saying every 3rd day until then. That should still cover our bases.

Glad to hear it went well and that you're not in much pain. I know how painful they can be.

FXed for you this cycle!
Jezika - When I first started TTC, I wanted to POAS the day after ovulation. I generally didn't, of course, but the urge was there. So I can't blame you for testing early! I'm glad you picked up Wondfos. I was lucky enough to hear about them almost right from the start, and so we didn't blow too much money on digital OPKs. Only bought one pack of them before I learned about Wondfo, and it's been those ever since. :)

Like most of the gals here, I look for a line on a cheapie before I test with the more expensive ones. Though there have been one or two months where I was just CERTAIN that the cheapies were wrong, and tried a FRER instead. :haha:

Angel - Glad to hear you're doing well after the root canal. Feeling the absence of the pain that made you go into the dentist in the first place is such a relief, isn't it? :)

AFM -- Finally got my +OPK and temp spike. I'm technically not "late" on ovulation this month, since most of my previous cycles were all CD20 or thereabouts. It just looked like I might have O'd in time for a "normal" 28 day cycle, and then my body just couldn't make it work.

Oh well. I have 15 days before AF or BFN. I'm going to try my hardest not to test until 10DPO. DH and I did really well with BDing and using PreSeed this month, so FXd that we get our sticky BFP!

I have heard that having an HSG can actually help open up your fallopian tubes, "clean out the cobwebs" so to speak, and make it easier for sperm and egg to travel. Even my mother, who had trouble conceiving me (her first child) got pregnant the month after her HSG. I'm hoping the same thing happens for us, even though this is really cycle #2 after the HSG. :P

Anyway! I'm feeling pretty optimistic about this month. I hope this is it! I'd love to have some good news for the family at Easter. :D
Irea.. Sending sticky vibes your way!!

So my appointment with the genetics division is on Monday as well as my prenatal counseling with maternal fetal because of my results from the MTHFR.

My husband is coming with because we both have middle eastern backgrounds and they want to test for CF, tasaks, and a few other things.

I'm also going to have them test my vitamin and homocystine levels as well as in-depth thyroid testing. Might as well get it all done at once. Anything else you ladies recommend? Trying to get this all done before feb 5th when I get the mirena removed.
Ireadyermind - I'm glad I hear about the cheapie OPKs before thinking about something more expensive too. I'm quite looking forward to using them.
FX for you this month; sounds like you've got some good things going.
Finally got my +OPK and temp spike. I'm technically not "late" on ovulation this month, since most of my previous cycles were all CD20 or thereabouts. It just looked like I might have O'd in time for a "normal" 28 day cycle, and then my body just couldn't make it work.

Oh well. I have 15 days before AF or BFN. I'm going to try my hardest not to test until 10DPO. DH and I did really well with BDing and using PreSeed this month, so FXd that we get our sticky BFP!

I have heard that having an HSG can actually help open up your fallopian tubes, "clean out the cobwebs" so to speak, and make it easier for sperm and egg to travel. Even my mother, who had trouble conceiving me (her first child) got pregnant the month after her HSG. I'm hoping the same thing happens for us, even though this is really cycle #2 after the HSG. :P

Anyway! I'm feeling pretty optimistic about this month. I hope this is it! I'd love to have some good news for the family at Easter. :D

Sorry you didn't O earlier this cycle:hugs: FXed it ends in a BFP still! :dust:

As to HSGs: I've heard that too although after mine in November 2014, I didn't get any BFP within those 3 months or after when I started doing my IUIs. I think it all depends on what the infertility issue is:shrug:

AFM it's really late here so going to try and get some sleep even though I'm super nervous about getting that call tomorrow morning. Hoping there's at least 1 to put back in or otherwise I'm going to be so upset:nope:
Thanks for all the good wishes. I'm doing so much better today. I got my coffee so my students were happy. :rofl:

I'm packing up to head to work out on our "crack house". Not thrilled. DH's uncle (drug addict who used to live there before he was sent to jail and is now out of jailing and trying to move back onto the property) sent us a few texts basically telling us we can't keep him out of that property and he's going to move back there regardless (even though it is in our name not his). He's been threatening too. I'm almost hoping he tries something this weekend so we can send him back to jail, but mostly I'm just dreading this weekend. :( So much work and because we are going to have to now make the house less accessible (like adding a gate to the front of the driveway to keep out cars so he can't at least drive in) it means we won't get much actually done in the house. Blah. :(

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