Hi all! I'm new here
I'm 30, been with DH for 8 years and married for 1.5. I'm in grad school and won't be finished till at least 2020 but we didn't want to wait to TTC so this month is the first time we've been trying (and we said we'd take it easy).
Of course, I instantly became obsessed. We did the BD twice over what my period tracker (Clue) seemed to think was my ovulation window, and then I got a UTI so had to stop

I know these trackers are not very accurate and I haven't been temping or anything, so all of that coupled with this being our first attempt, it's not very likely we were successful. I just took an FRER that gave me a BFN, but then again I may be 6 or at a push 7 days away from AF (or approx 9DPO) rather than 5 so may be too soon (my cycles are 24-26 days and today is CD20).
Of course I've read into every possible thing that could be a symptom: cramping, feeling uncharacteristically tired, getting a cold, feeling nauseous, you name it. I could have an ingrown toenail and I'd find a post by the only person on the other side of the world who's used those words in the same sentence as pregnancy. I have a friend who gets pregnant at the drop of a hat and who kept getting BFNs with her youngest even at 5 days late, so that's also messing with me. I feel the only thing that gives me hope is that I've been pregnant before, albeit 9 years ago.
I've enjoyed reading your posts from the past few weeks and would be grateful to join you all on your journeys!