Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Khttc- the only times I had bleeding between periods was starting 2 months after my miscarriage, which was 4 months after stopping bc. Turns out I had a submucosal fibroid I needed to surgery to remove and it was causing the bleeding. If af is due the 24th, I'd say it's way too early to test now, and to try to wait as long as you can (I know it's hard!). Good luck!
Hi everyone! Mind if I join you all?

My name is Ella and I'm 31. I'm LTTTC #1. We've been TTC since 2011 with not much to show for it except 5 early m/cs, the most recent being a couple of weeks ago. I'm hoping my FS will be a little bit more proactive this year and we'll get our 2016 BFP and rainbow.

Hi DBZ, welcome :flower: I believe we know each other from another thread:winkwink:

I'm trying to stay optimistic about an earlier O this cycle (or heck even a long et cycle if that is what it take to lengthen my lp!) my cp seems higher than it usually does at this point and today I had water cm which I get about 4-5 days before O so FX! I'm really hoping I get a bfp opk by Thursday!

FXed you O earlier:thumbup:

UPDATE: Just got back and it's official: ER is on Thursday:thumbup:

My follies are 16 mm, 2 x 18 mm and one at 19 mm:happydance: My RE is pretty sure all 4 will have mature eggs but we'll see. I trigger tonight:flower:
Morning everyone! I've been a little absent the last few days but I've been working to get the guest room emptied out so our friend could move in. He moved in yesterday so now we have a "roommate" for awhile. Will be interesting. But at least he isn't super intrusive and spends a lot of time in his room or doing his own thing so that'll be easy to deal with.

I had an emergency dentist appointment yesterday. :( I've been having pain on one of my teeth from hot/cold and a dull ache off and on. I was going to schedule it for later next week when I can take time off but the receptionist was worried because when she pulled my records she could see the location of hte pain is around a baby tooth that I still have, because I never had an adult tooth for that one baby. So she did a little rearranging and squeezed me in yesterday even though they were booked up. Glad she did. Turns out the root is dying and I'm developing an abscess. :( I have an emergency root canal scheduled for Thursday. :/ So not thrilled. This is the worst time to take off work because we are only a week away from end of semester and my students are doing last minute assessments and stuff, but I have to take care of it. This morning I couldn't even drink my coffee without a LOT of pain. Which just reinforces that I NEED the root canal because teacher without coffee = bad. :p

That's 9am Thursday. I just hope I'll be feeling up to going back to work on friday.

My OPK Digi's (advanced) should be arriving today so I can start my daily testing in a couple days. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do the advanced again but I kinda liked getting the bouncy smiley face so I think I'll do them again. I found a pack on amazon for a lot cheaper than the ones at the store so it made it seem more worth while.

:wave: Hi khttc! Welcome! I have heard of spotting as being red, but not very heavy. However I have a friend who had a full length period the first month she was pregnant with her son, and so she didn't even know she was pregnant until the next month. Didn't realize it had happened until she went for her 8week scan and they found baby was 12weeks instead! If you are spotting that early on regularly I think it is usually a sign of hormone problems (like low progesterone? not sure). If it happens another couple months I would ask your doctor about it and see if they can test your hormones just to make sure things are normal.

:wave: Hi DBZ! Welcome! So sorry to hear about all of your trouble! :hugs:

2ducks - welcome! Seems like I bump into you around here fairly often. :) Feel free to join us. We're a pretty small group but everyone is welcome. :D

Kat :happydance: Woot! Hope that this one is the one! :D
Angel: Sorry about your tooth, that does sound bad and definitely like something you need to get taken care of ASAP. Can a baby tooth last through adulthood or will you be needing e.g. an implant tooth at one point?

Thanks I hope so too:winkwink:
Thanks ladies! I know we haven't been trying that long compared to some, but at 30 and having been on the pill for so long, it's hard not to worry and think the worst. I will keep you updated. Thanks for letting me join!
Welcome to all the new faces!

Sorry my post isn't longer. I'm just dropping in to do some thread skimming and to say hello. I haven't been around much, but nothing new to report. Still waiting to O. :coffee:

FX'd for you, Kat!
Just stumbled upon this thread. I'm 31 and The beginning of Feb I'm removing my IUD so we can ttc our first baby.
Just stumbled upon this thread. I'm 31 and The beginning of Feb I'm removing my IUD so we can ttc our first baby.
Just stumbled upon this thread. I'm 31 and The beginning of Feb I'm removing my IUD so we can ttc our first baby.

Welcome Gagrlinpitt:flower: Hope your journey is short and sweet!

BTW love your cat, so cute! I have a furbaby as well, I love cats <3
Just stumbled upon this thread. I'm 31 and The beginning of Feb I'm removing my IUD so we can ttc our first baby.

Welcome Gagrlinpitt:flower: Hope your journey is short and sweet!

BTW love your cat, so cute! I have a furbaby as well, I love cats <3
Thank you.. She's my love bug, and she's 17 years old now. What do you have?

Wow 17, she looks very good for her age :)

Mine is a mixed breed and is almost ½ the size of a normal cat, I think there's some Forest Cat in her. She's a rescue that we got when she was 1 and she's now 4, she was abused by her first owner so is a bit sceptic of new people :( She's blue and white with a white chin <3 We got her about 3 months after our previous cat, an almost blind ruddy colored Somali, died at 16 (we'd had her for 5-6 years; her previous owner is a friend of my DH and she couldn't keep her).
Thanks Kat. So a baby tooth can last for a long time if taken care of but not eternity. The doctor is always surprised when they see how good of condition mine is in. So am I, honestly. He says mine looks like it will last another 10 years if I keep doing what I'm doing. I'll eventually need to remove it and do an implant but they suggested holding off as long as possible since the tooth is not in bad shape aside from the Root.

Gagrlinpitt - welcome!! Hopefully you have a quick journey to motherhood !! :)
Angel - Ugh. I hate root canals. Bad teeth run in my family, so even those of us who regularly brush, floss, get check-ups and professional cleanings end up with teeth pulled, root canals, and fillings galore. Ick!

I've had 4 root canals, even though I take pretty good care of my teeth. I can understand why you don't want one!
Thanks for such a warm welcome ladies! I am getting really nervous about getting the mirena out on the 5th.. I guess because I realize there's technically not a waiting period and you could get pregnant immediately after taking out the mirena and I realize we are officially taking the big step into TTC. A few of my friends were so ready to be moms and they weren't scared at all. Me on the other hand, in some ways I'm terrified.
My CB Advanced Digi's came today! I found a set of 20 on Amazon for half hte price of the ones at WalMart. :happydance: Now to wait for time to start testing. I still have probably 50 Wondfo's too, so I have plenty of sticks for the wait ahead. ;)

Angel - Ugh. I hate root canals. Bad teeth run in my family, so even those of us who regularly brush, floss, get check-ups and professional cleanings end up with teeth pulled, root canals, and fillings galore. Ick!

I've had 4 root canals, even though I take pretty good care of my teeth. I can understand why you don't want one!

That's part of my problem, bad teeth run in the family. I do my best to take care of them, but it still sucks. This is my first root canal but I've had a lot of dental work done. Not excited. :/

Thanks for such a warm welcome ladies! I am getting really nervous about getting the mirena out on the 5th.. I guess because I realize there's technically not a waiting period and you could get pregnant immediately after taking out the mirena and I realize we are officially taking the big step into TTC. A few of my friends were so ready to be moms and they weren't scared at all. Me on the other hand, in some ways I'm terrified.

I totally understand! I kept putting off what month I was going to quit taking my birth control pills because as much as I wanted to be a mom it seemed like such a huge step. If I had known it was going to take me this long I would have stopped a long time ago. :haha: Hopefully you are able to get pregnant in the right time frame for you. :)
My CB Advanced Digi's came today! I found a set of 20 on Amazon for half hte price of the ones at WalMart. :happydance: Now to wait for time to start testing. I still have probably 50 Wondfo's too, so I have plenty of sticks for the wait ahead. ;)

Angel - Ugh. I hate root canals. Bad teeth run in my family, so even those of us who regularly brush, floss, get check-ups and professional cleanings end up with teeth pulled, root canals, and fillings galore. Ick!

I've had 4 root canals, even though I take pretty good care of my teeth. I can understand why you don't want one!

That's part of my problem, bad teeth run in the family. I do my best to take care of them, but it still sucks. This is my first root canal but I've had a lot of dental work done. Not excited. :/

Thanks for such a warm welcome ladies! I am getting really nervous about getting the mirena out on the 5th.. I guess because I realize there's technically not a waiting period and you could get pregnant immediately after taking out the mirena and I realize we are officially taking the big step into TTC. A few of my friends were so ready to be moms and they weren't scared at all. Me on the other hand, in some ways I'm terrified.

I totally understand! I kept putting off what month I was going to quit taking my birth control pills because as much as I wanted to be a mom it seemed like such a huge step. If I had known it was going to take me this long I would have stopped a long time ago. :haha: Hopefully you are able to get pregnant in the right time frame for you. :)

I think that's why I'm ok with it, because I realize that it may not happen right away and I don't want to push off trying any longer.
Angel, FXed that your dentist is right and it lasts that long.

ireadyermind, totally hear you on the bad teeth! Mine is a mixture of genes and the fact that as a child I decided I didn't want to brush my teeth anymore and my NPD mother let me, saying "Let her learn and suffer the consequences!" Yep, been suffering those consequences for my whole life now that 7-8 year old me had no chance of predicting:dohh: I think about every molar has either had 1-2 cavities or a root canal, one is even a crown I had done in my early/mid 20s and I'm going to need another crown on another molar within the next 1-2 years:nope:

AFM took my trigger last night so not much to report. Feeling a bit nervous about tomorrow and not looking much forward to it since it isn't a very pleasant experience, not to mention the 2 day wait to hear how many fertilised and if there is a good one again to put back in:wacko: DH's mother is coming by today to help get the apartment ready for their realtor to look at since they're planning on selling it when we move since they can get a really good price for it now.
Good luck Kat! I'm keeping everything crossed for you!!!

AFM - I'm going to start CB advanced digi's probably tomorrow or Friday. My cycle changes between 27 and 33 days and it says to start at CD8 for a 28 day cycle but last cycle I didn't O until CD18, and the earliest I've ever O'd was CD16 so I think I'll wait just a little later to be safe. I don't want to run out, those sticks are expensive!!

I'm finding that my libido just seems dead. :( I don't really have a lot of sex in the tWW, I think I'm usually just worn out by that point, and then there was AF, and so it seems like it's been forever since we've done anything. Granted, AF just ended over the weekend, but still.... seems like forever instead of just 3 weeks. And I know that 3 weeks isn't really long for a lot of people (heck, in my previous relationship we sometimes went months...but that's because I really wasn't was a crappy relationship lol) but we are still fairly newly weds (about a year and a half) and so I do feel kind of bad if we go very long without it.

Because of our work schedules, we are most likely to have sex on weekends but this weekend we will be at my moms working on our inherited "Crack house" (:haha:) so that won't happen unless I miraculously get a smiley face. I think I'm just feeling like there's so much going on in the next couple weeks that I'm afraid we won't get in enough BD time.

I really need to chill out :coffee: Sorry for the rant. Just having one of those mornings.
Hi all! I'm new here :howdy:

I'm 30, been with DH for 8 years and married for 1.5. I'm in grad school and won't be finished till at least 2020 but we didn't want to wait to TTC so this month is the first time we've been trying (and we said we'd take it easy).

Of course, I instantly became obsessed. We did the BD twice over what my period tracker (Clue) seemed to think was my ovulation window, and then I got a UTI so had to stop :( I know these trackers are not very accurate and I haven't been temping or anything, so all of that coupled with this being our first attempt, it's not very likely we were successful. I just took an FRER that gave me a BFN, but then again I may be 6 or at a push 7 days away from AF (or approx 9DPO) rather than 5 so may be too soon (my cycles are 24-26 days and today is CD20).

Of course I've read into every possible thing that could be a symptom: cramping, feeling uncharacteristically tired, getting a cold, feeling nauseous, you name it. I could have an ingrown toenail and I'd find a post by the only person on the other side of the world who's used those words in the same sentence as pregnancy. I have a friend who gets pregnant at the drop of a hat and who kept getting BFNs with her youngest even at 5 days late, so that's also messing with me. I feel the only thing that gives me hope is that I've been pregnant before, albeit 9 years ago.

I've enjoyed reading your posts from the past few weeks and would be grateful to join you all on your journeys!
Hi all! I'm new here :howdy:

I'm 30, been with DH for 8 years and married for 1.5. I'm in grad school and won't be finished till at least 2020 but we didn't want to wait to TTC so this month is the first time we've been trying (and we said we'd take it easy).

Of course, I instantly became obsessed. We did the BD twice over what my period tracker (Clue) seemed to think was my ovulation window, and then I got a UTI so had to stop :( I know these trackers are not very accurate and I haven't been temping or anything, so all of that coupled with this being our first attempt, it's not very likely we were successful. I just took an FRER that gave me a BFN, but then again I may be 6 or at a push 7 days away from AF (or approx 9DPO) rather than 5 so may be too soon (my cycles are 24-26 days and today is CD20).

Of course I've read into every possible thing that could be a symptom: cramping, feeling uncharacteristically tired, getting a cold, feeling nauseous, you name it. I could have an ingrown toenail and I'd find a post by the only person on the other side of the world who's used those words in the same sentence as pregnancy. I have a friend who gets pregnant at the drop of a hat and who kept getting BFNs with her youngest even at 5 days late, so that's also messing with me. I feel the only thing that gives me hope is that I've been pregnant before, albeit 9 years ago.

I've enjoyed reading your posts from the past few weeks and would be grateful to join you all on your journeys!

It's sooo hard not to obsess! Lol. Welcome! I also have a "fertile myrtle" friend. She has to be on like 3 types of bc at all times :haha: Actually a little annoying since I wish I were so lucky.
Don't symptom spot. Seriously it will make you lose your mind. I'd suggest temping over opks if you want to take a middle ground between taking it easy and obsessive. Poas can be evil and addicting.

Angel ah so sorry about the tooth! I have had 2 root canals, one an emergency and it was horrible. But the worst is the shot and the smell and then you will feel much relief.
I'm using cbd this cycle too! :thumbup:

kat :hugs: don't be nervous. You got this! And all worth it in the end.

Afm....thinking the soy was a bust. I'm on cd 14 and no sign of O. :nope:
Goin back on a low dose of vitex via Fertilaid which also has some B vitamins that I want to take with the extra b6. I'm about at my wits end of things to try but I'm gonna give the b6 another cycle or 2 I suppose.

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