Kat for what its worth I don't get along with my family either. Kind of my mom but not dad or sibs and Dh only has a brother left who we don't get to see much. I hear your feelings and it can be hard to not dwell on those negatives and much like anyone or anything that has been abused we both have a high risk of continuing to put ourselves in situations we know will cause problems. I can't do nc cause my parents don't get how serious I feel about some of the stuff my dad has said as well as other things. Also I don't have friends really either. Maybe cause I moved a lot or because I have standards for treating people not everyone likes mainly not lying or doing anything intentionally destructive. Bottom line is sometimes its okay to be a loner because it lets you evaluate your wants and needs so when you come accross people you are more emotionally stable and secure. Helps me a lot.
Yeah I do remember you mentioning that. So sorry you're in a similiar situation
As to NC, I don't think your family has to understand it, it's so you protect yourself from further abuse. The non-abusive family members just have to respect your decision and if they can't, then I think it depends on how much they keep pressuring you to drop NC with your e.g. Dad and sibs, if they're people you need to go LC with or NC. My brother and sister e.g. will
never understand my POV, they consider themselves always right and it's
all on me, I'm being "too sensitive" or whatever. I won't be doing NC to make them understand or wait until they understand why I'm doing it (because they never, ever will!), I'll be doing it because I need to protect my emotional and mental health plus completely heal and I can't do any of that completely until they're totally out of my life. So no, they don't have to get why you're doing NC. From what I've read, most abusers will never understand it because they always justify their abuse and any enablers in the family will for the most part take the abuser's side, which makes them feel more powerful and encourages their abusive behavior. NC is accepting you'll never have a healthy, respectful relationship and letting it go to protect yourself - not to make them realise they've been abusive and realise what they've done because that'll never happen!
No need to even explain why you're going NC if you wanted to do so, you just send a letter saying you don't wish any further communication with them, period. No mentioning of what they've done because that can only leads to them invalidating and gaslighting everything anyway plus give them ammunition to further smear campaign you (if your abusers have e.g. NPD). I've also heard some just ignore the abusive family member and block all communication they can e.g. FB and email. If they send you any letters, you throw it away (unless you think it may contain important info for some reason, then you can let your DH read it and let you know if it does or not). If they call, you don't take the phone or if you do by mistake, you hang up. Any gifts they may send you, you can donate to a charity or whatever.
Sorry you also don't have many friends, I know what that's like and I feel it can be hard

I personally though don't like being almost a loner

I would love to have a few girlfriends (or even some male friends for that matter) I could go out with and have fun, people to lean on and experience friendship with. I don't really have anyone like that since my childish friend is so hung up on her boyfriend she has almost 0 time to see us and almost never wants to see me without DH. The only time she mentioned it was we could go out and have a girl's night out where we bar hop and drink which I can't since I'm TTCing

Now that she has a boyfriend though I doubt she's interested in doing that anymore anyway. In my case though I think it's both the fact that Danes can be hard to become friends with, especially after college age where they feel they have "enough friends" and are for the most part not interested in making more. I don't know if it's worse here in the big city of Copenhagen. We'll be moving to a more rural area in April so hoping people are more open there.