Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

I'm 7DPO, took a dollar store test because I Couldn't resist the urge to POAS. Obviously BFN. Saw that coming. Hopefully can hold off for a few more days. My previous LPs are usually 10 days but last month I suddenly had a 14 day LP (and no CP or anything) so I'm not sure when to expect AF. Somewhere between Wednesday and Sunday :/

DBZ34 - :haha: Yeah Ic an't stop touching them either to see if they are still sore. :haha: I guess if I'm producing that much progesterone that's better than before when I Don't think I was producing enough.
angel good luck fx for you! I have a poas addiction for sure. I start my opks 10 days sooner than I should :blush:

I started spotting this afternoon, cramps this evening and I'm calling it for tomorrow....cd1.
Managed a whole day longer lp though :happydance:

If I can make it to 9 next cycle I'll be totally psyched!
Alright, my Wondfo's are ordered and should be here Tuesday. I can begin my senseless testing then. :haha: I thought I had a stash of dollar tree tests but I forgot I gave a bunch to my sister! so I'm down to just a couple FRER's and I'm not wasting those.

Sorry to hear AF is on her way Kitty, but at least your LP increased! FX for a longer LP next time!
How are you ladies doing? Angel, did you get your Wondfos today? I'm going to start with my OPKs tomorrow morning. O should be coming Saturday (at a guess) so soon it's crunch time again, eesh.

Went for my ultrasound today. Tech can't say anything diagnostic, of course, but she did reveal that my largest fibroid from what she saw was 4.3cm, and two years ago the largest was 5.4cm, so hopefully that's good. She also said that it doesn't look like any of them are inside the cavity and she didn't see any cysts on my ovaries. I hope she's right, but my doc will confirm next Monday.

I also finally got my BBT thermometer, so will start trying to use that tomorrow morning.
My Wondfo's came in today. I tested this afternoon, BFN. :( But it's only 9DPO and I have no signs of AF - usually by now I'd be having some red or pink when I check my cervix. So either my LP is increasing or there's still hope. :) CM is starting to dry up though which makes me a little nervous. :/

Jezika - hopefully the doctor gives you good news! It sounds like it might be headed that way. :)
Well, apparently 43.8% of pregnancies show up as BFNs on Wondfos at 9DPO so it sounds like you're very much still in the running. But even if not, longer LPs are a good thing if you're headed in that direction, right? I think I'm going to try not to test till I'm late for AF, but that is sooooo much easier said than done! Might have to ask DH to hide the sticks.
Ooh that's encouraging. Where'd you find that stat? :)

It's so hard to hold off!!
kitty sorry about AF, always stinks:hugs:

Jezika great news about your cysts, FXed she's right:flower:

Angel FXed for you this cycle! Many women don't get their BFP until much closer to expected AF so you're still in with a shot:thumbup:

AFM was out at the local mall yesterday since a bunch of people were coming to look at the apartment (ended up buying a few CDs on sale:happydance:). Got back and thought it strange that my cat didn't come running to greet me. Then I noticed that the bathroom door was closed, opened it and she came slinking out in this scared way. Poor baby :( Am a bit pissed that either she was closed in by accident or, worse, that she was locked in there on purpose because someone that came to see the apartment e.g. doesn't like cats and then the realtor didn't let her out before locking up the apartment:growlmad: Good thing I wasn't going to be away for even more hours, otherwise she'd have been starving and not been able to get to her litter box:nope:
kitty sorry about AF, always stinks:hugs:

Jezika great news about your cysts, FXed she's right:flower:

Angel FXed for you this cycle! Many women don't get their BFP until much closer to expected AF so you're still in with a shot:thumbup:

AFM was out at the local mall yesterday since a bunch of people were coming to look at the apartment (ended up buying a few CDs on sale:happydance:). Got back and thought it strange that my cat didn't come running to greet me. Then I noticed that the bathroom door was closed, opened it and she came slinking out in this scared way. Poor baby :( Am a bit pissed that either she was closed in by accident or, worse, that she was locked in there on purpose because someone that came to see the apartment e.g. doesn't like cats and then the realtor didn't let her out before locking up the apartment:growlmad: Good thing I wasn't going to be away for even more hours, otherwise she'd have been starving and not been able to get to her litter box:nope:

That's so annoying.. My old renter had a dog and denied showings of my house because she couldn't get home to lock up the dog..
Angel- So glad to hear your LP is increasing at the very least! Hopefully, you'll get a BFP soon! 9 DPO is so early for a BFP, if you think about it. The egg only makes it into the uterus at 6DPO and eggs can implant anywhere from 6-12DPO...and you get a pos test about three days after the egg starts to implant. You are def still in with a chance! :)

Kat - That is so annoying! If they're going to lock your cat up, they should make sure to let her out at the end! Poor baby! She was probably scared by the whole experience. :(

AFM- just waiting on AF and trying to decide when to have my endometrial scratch done. The FS wants to try it to see if it will help eggs implant and stay for longer. We'll see.
Gagrlinpitt: Why did the dog need to be locked up? If the renter had fair warning of the day, couldn't she have found someone else to take the dog for the day or given the keys to a close, trusted friend or family member to go in and lock the dog?

Kat - That is so annoying! If they're going to lock your cat up, they should make sure to let her out at the end! Poor baby! She was probably scared by the whole experience. :(

AFM- just waiting on AF and trying to decide when to have my endometrial scratch done. The FS wants to try it to see if it will help eggs implant and stay for longer. We'll see.

Yep they should've. Or if the realtor didn't realise that someone closed her in, she should've made sure all doors to all the rooms were open after the last potential buyers left before locking up to make sure the cat wasn't locked in somewhere since she knew we have a cat. Either way, the realtor messed up! I could tell by the way she slinked out that she wasn't a happy kitty:nope:

As for your scratch, shouldn't your FS be advising you on the best time for getting it done? Hoping it works for you!
Gagrlinpitt: Why did the dog need to be locked up? If the renter had fair warning of the day, couldn't she have found someone else to take the dog for the day or given the keys to a close, trusted friend or family member to go in and lock the dog?

Kat - That is so annoying! If they're going to lock your cat up, they should make sure to let her out at the end! Poor baby! She was probably scared by the whole experience. :(

AFM- just waiting on AF and trying to decide when to have my endometrial scratch done. The FS wants to try it to see if it will help eggs implant and stay for longer. We'll see.

Yep they should've. Or if the realtor didn't realise that someone closed her in, she should've made sure all doors to all the rooms were open after the last potential buyers left before locking up to make sure the cat wasn't locked in somewhere since she knew we have a cat. Either way, the realtor messed up! I could tell by the way she slinked out that she wasn't a happy kitty:nope:

As for your scratch, shouldn't your FS be advising you on the best time for getting it done? Hoping it works for you!

You would think so right? I had 10 showings on my house while she was there and no one made an offer because of it.. She left the place a wreck.
Kat - Poor kitty! I have a cat who is always terrified when people come over that he doesn't know. Do you think your cat might've run in to hide in the bathroom when strangers came in, and they accidentally closed the door?

As for dogs -- I would personally prefer to have my dog crated when guests came over, too. Dogs don't automatically like everybody, and that instinct toward people can be made worse when the stranger is in the dog's "territory". Even if I know my dog won't bite, I would never want to leave strangers to come into my house with my dog on the loose.

He might think that they are breaking and entering, and take it upon himself to protect his house!

There was also a time when I left my dog home alone for a couple of hours to go out to dinner with my (then) boyfriend. When I came home, he had cigarette burns all over his face and was absolutely terrified. Turns out someone had come over, a friend of a family member, and was having a smoke and decided to put the cigarette to that dog's face. The dog eventually had to be euthanized. He was so traumatized by the event that he became aggressive, a biter, etc. and he would not tolerate any blonde person near him.

No trainer that I contacted to help rehabilitate him was willing to do so without shock collars and muzzles, either. You don't cure a dog of fear by zapping him!


Anyway! Didn't mean to go on a long rant there...

13DPO here, BFN this morning.

But I have the most ridiculously sensitive nipples of my LIFE today. No sore BBs, no other symptoms, just those nipples. What on earth is going on there?

It's to the point that the fabric of my clothes hurts them, and I couldn't sleep on my stomach last night.

Anyone else ever experienced something like that before? Do you know what caused it for you? And when/why did it go away?
I know 9dpo is early so I am hoping I'm still in the running. I think that LP is definitely increasing since today is 10dpi and I have no sign of AF. She should have been here by today. Really hoping it means BFP but since this happened last month too I'm going to assume LP is longer. :happydance:

Will test again this afternoon (duh! :haha: ) and see if anything shows. I am nervous Bc cm is almost completely dry now :(. And my soreness is decreasing. almost sure it means bfn. However if this is the new "post O normal" for me I'll be a little upset. I've been over the top sore the last few days!!!

Ireadyermind - I had something similar a couple days ago. I had sore breasts too but the nipples were so sensitive my sleep shirt was painfully irritating them. Went away in a couple days though. Dunno what it was.
Angel - I got the Wondfo (and other HPT) stats by DPO from this site: Pretty neat... and strangely addictive.

Kat - that's totally happened to me too. Our superintendents HATE cats and are allergic, but they can't be locked in our bedroom when they come over to do work because DH is also allergic so we try to at least keep the bedroom allergen free (mind you, the siamese one gets to sleep with us sometimes... so unfair, I know). Anyway, once we came home and both cats were locked in the bedroom and had been there ALL day - no food, no water, no litter tray. We weren't happy. And another time, one of our cats hissed at the sight of our landlord, which he never, ever does, so I'm pretty sure he did something to him.

Ireadyermind - what happened to that poor dog is absolutely deplorable! Did the sociopath who did that to him at least get some sort of comeuppance?
Ireadyermind - what happened to that poor dog is absolutely deplorable! Did the sociopath who did that to him at least get some sort of comeuppance?

Unfortunately not.

But I had been living with my father at the time, and it was one of his so-called "friends," and he defended her for doing it! I couldn't believe it!

I was so furious, and really I was afraid for my own personal well being if that was the sort of person (read: drug addict, possibly a dealer - and that was on top of being the sort of lunatic to purposefully burn an animal!) he allowed into our home, that I packed up as much of my stuff as could fit in a single car load and moved out the following morning without a word to him.

It was rough the first few months, but getting away from that toxic environment and taking control of my own life was the best thing I had ever done for myself up to that point in life. Glad I did it. :)
Unfortunately not.

But I had been living with my father at the time, and it was one of his so-called "friends," and he defended her for doing it! I couldn't believe it!

I was so furious, and really I was afraid for my own personal well being if that was the sort of person (read: drug addict, possibly a dealer - and that was on top of being the sort of lunatic to purposefully burn an animal!) he allowed into our home, that I packed up as much of my stuff as could fit in a single car load and moved out the following morning without a word to him.

It was rough the first few months, but getting away from that toxic environment and taking control of my own life was the best thing I had ever done for myself up to that point in life. Glad I did it. :)

My goodness. I'm not surprised you got out of there. The whole thing must've been so difficult. I'm glad it turned out for the best, though awful that it had to get to that point.
Kat - Poor kitty! I have a cat who is always terrified when people come over that he doesn't know. Do you think your cat might've run in to hide in the bathroom when strangers came in, and they accidentally closed the door?

As for dogs -- I would personally prefer to have my dog crated when guests came over, too. Dogs don't automatically like everybody, and that instinct toward people can be made worse when the stranger is in the dog's "territory". Even if I know my dog won't bite, I would never want to leave strangers to come into my house with my dog on the loose.

He might think that they are breaking and entering, and take it upon himself to protect his house!

There was also a time when I left my dog home alone for a couple of hours to go out to dinner with my (then) boyfriend. When I came home, he had cigarette burns all over his face and was absolutely terrified. Turns out someone had come over, a friend of a family member, and was having a smoke and decided to put the cigarette to that dog's face. The dog eventually had to be euthanized. He was so traumatized by the event that he became aggressive, a biter, etc. and he would not tolerate any blonde person near him.

No trainer that I contacted to help rehabilitate him was willing to do so without shock collars and muzzles, either. You don't cure a dog of fear by zapping him!

Could be but the realtor knows we have a cat so she shouldn't have left the apartment with any closed doors to avoid lcoking our cat in.

Awww your poor dog, makes me so sad, especially that you couldn't find a decent trainer :( Muzzles aren't so bad (since you can also understand the trainer wanting to not get bitten), especially if it allows the dog to open his/her mouth but just cages it in so he's/she's unable to bite, but I would've definitely also drawn a line at shock collars, those are just horrible and should be banned in my opinion!

Unfortunately given what you've told me about your father, it doesn't surprise me he has a friend that would do that or that he'd defend her behavior:nope:

Kat - that's totally happened to me too. Our superintendents HATE cats and are allergic, but they can't be locked in our bedroom when they come over to do work because DH is also allergic so we try to at least keep the bedroom allergen free (mind you, the siamese one gets to sleep with us sometimes... so unfair, I know). Anyway, once we came home and both cats were locked in the bedroom and had been there ALL day - no food, no water, no litter tray. We weren't happy. And another time, one of our cats hissed at the sight of our landlord, which he never, ever does, so I'm pretty sure he did something to him.

Awww poor kitties, that's just so cruel of him/them. The cats should've been let out right before the superintendent left. He could've just opened the bedroom door and left right away if he wanted no contact with the cats. Could very well be the landlord did something to him although it's not like you can confront someone because your cat hisses at them, unfortunately. If it were me I'd be uncomfortable living there and consider moving but I'm also a bit of a "crazy cat lady":haha:

AFM feeling anxious about my beta tomorrow and fear it being a BFN:nope: If it is, we'll only have 1 free chance left since I've not gotten frosties from any of my fresh cycles:wacko: To make things worse, my DH forgot to take the key card to the underground parking lot we keep our car in yesterday (since you don't need to scan to go out) so now we'll need to find someone that can let me or us both in later today to retrieve the card. It also stinks they didn't give us an extra card when we started paying rent for the parking space for a situation like that.
I've made it to 11DPO with no signs of AF coming, but still a BFN yesterday and this morning. I'm thinking that this means after a year off bcp I'm finally regulating and my body may have increased my LP on its own (since last month I made it to 14DPO for the first time ever). CM is dried up and basically gone, and my breast tenderness is basically gone, but today's temp spiked so I don't know what to think. I am suspecting that AF will be here this weekend, but trying to be positive that at least my cycles are regulating.

Gong to probably test again this evening (because lets face it, POAS addiction is real! :rofl: ) but am not expecting anything.

Jezika - Thanks! This looks like a fun website!

ireadyermind - OMG what a horrible thing to happen to your poor dog!! I'm so glad you got out of that situation. I would be furious. My fur-babies mean the world to me!

Kat - Keeping FX for you. Waiting for update. :)
Just popping in to say hi and I'm crossing my fingers for Angel, Kat and Iread!!!

Just started second round of SI. Here's hoping I'm one of the success stories too.

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