Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

So I'm officially contraception free. My IUD is officially out. Not bad at all actually. My doctor asked me to use protection until I get my first cycle. I'm starting my prenatals today (thank goodness they have omega in them) and he's going to check my thyroid as well. He asked me to stay away frm high mercury fish, lunch meat, raw meat, and unpasteurized cheese and milk.

He is not putting me on iron until they do blood work and told me I don't need the extra calcium/magnesium vitamin either.

Great news. I think a cycle or two of using protection is a good thing so you can learn your regular cycles. Hopefully it won't take long......
So I'm officially contraception free. My IUD is officially out. Not bad at all actually. My doctor asked me to use protection until I get my first cycle. I'm starting my prenatals today (thank goodness they have omega in them) and he's going to check my thyroid as well. He asked me to stay away frm high mercury fish, lunch meat, raw meat, and unpasteurized cheese and milk.

He is not putting me on iron until they do blood work and told me I don't need the extra calcium/magnesium vitamin either.

FXed you get regular cycles very quickly :flower: Sounds about right with those recommendation, that's pretty much what I've been doing since I started TTCing (although meat is no problem for me since I've been a pescetarian since 2012).

I'm assuming your prenatals have Folic Acid in them? Very important since it prevents neural defects.

They actually have folate.. I have MTHFR so I cant do folic acid.

These are what I'm taking

Ah I see, those are pretty cool though, I mean gummy vitamins:happydance: Although with my aversion to candy ATM I wouldn't be able to get those down now:haha:

BTW I've been on these, obviously boring compared to yours, prenatal/pregnancy vitamins for a while now (sorry, they're Danish so the site's in Danish). They're for before, during and after pregnancy (although requires me to take 6 pills a day since there are 3 different ones and I have to take 2 of each a day:wacko:):

Kat I was the same. Those first 4 weeks are the worst. I personally experienced some spotting so to see the baby with good blood flow and a flickering heart was amazing. You can't hear the heart beat till 12 weeks but I will say it is so cool. The anxiety will stay but will change as you progress. Feel free to ask questions if you have them.

Thanks cutestuff, that's what I'm hoping for. I think I'll already feel a bit better if everything looks good at my 8 week scan. Looking so forward to being able to hear the heart beat although I know I'll be crying when it happens for a good reason, yep I'm a sap:winkwink::haha:

Kat - OMG! I was sooooo happy to read about your BFP :) Huge congrats!!! How are you feeling? How did you tell DH and how did he react?

Thanks Jezika:flower: Feeling pretty good but not feeling much else besides the total chip+candy aversion, slight increase in appetite, gassy (mostly burping) and some minor breast pain that comes and goes a bit. Think I'm also starting to get hot flashes, I do feel very warm sometimes.

Luckily I had bought one of those "Keep Calm, I'm Pregnant!" t-shirts last year so put that on and went to pick him up from work. I stood out of the car when he was walking towards it and opened my jacket so he could see. He got a huge smile on his face although he felt a bit embarrassed because it was a "public" way of telling him but I seriously doubt anyone noticed.

We're choosing to remain cautiously optimistic until at least 8 week scan although our worst anxiety will be away after a 12 week scan.
So I'm officially contraception free. My IUD is officially out. Not bad at all actually. My doctor asked me to use protection until I get my first cycle. I'm starting my prenatals today (thank goodness they have omega in them) and he's going to check my thyroid as well. He asked me to stay away frm high mercury fish, lunch meat, raw meat, and unpasteurized cheese and milk.

He is not putting me on iron until they do blood work and told me I don't need the extra calcium/magnesium vitamin either.

Great news. I think a cycle or two of using protection is a good thing so you can learn your regular cycles. Hopefully it won't take long......

My doctor said it shouldn't take more than 2-4 weeks since with the mirena the hormones aren't in the blood stream like depo and the pill.

Ah I see, those are pretty cool though, I mean gummy vitamins:happydance: Although with my aversion to candy ATM I wouldn't be able to get those down now:haha:

BTW I've been on these, obviously boring compared to yours, prenatal/pregnancy vitamins for a while now (sorry, they're Danish so the site's in Danish). They're for before, during and after pregnancy (although requires me to take 6 pills a day since there are 3 different ones and I have to take 2 of each a day:wacko:):

Luckily I had bought one of those "Keep Calm, I'm Pregnant!" t-shirts last year so put that on and went to pick him up from work. I stood out of the car when he was walking towards it and opened my jacket so he could see. He got a huge smile on his face although he felt a bit embarrassed because it was a "public" way of telling him but I seriously doubt anyone noticed.

We're choosing to remain cautiously optimistic until at least 8 week scan although our worst anxiety will be away after a 12 week scan.

The only thing my doctor was concerned about a bit is the fact that back in 2004 when I had my really bad car accident I broke my pelvis in for 4 places. He did tell me that because of the injuries, I may have to forgo a vaginal delivery if my pelvis doesn't tilt.. I told him that didn't really bother me.

That's the only other thing I'm not extremely happy about the gummy vitamin. I have to take six daily, but they taste so good that I'm honestly not going to complain.

By the way that is the cutest idea on how to tell your husband.. Seriously adorable. I can't wait to hear how the 8 week appointment goes.
So I sent my doctor a message through the message portal to request a referral for the fertility clinic to have tests run since i've now hit the one year mark. It's a bitter sweet moment, like yay I can have tests run just ot make sure everything is okay, but bitter because I didn't think I would have to get to this point. :(

I think that things are okay, and that I really just needed to regulate from bcp (which I appear to be doing) but I'm still going to try to do it just to be sure. I'd rather spend the money and find out that everything is okay than not do it and find out later that we should have had some tests done.

Kat thats super adorable! I love it!

Gagrlinpitt that's good that the mirena doesn't put hormones in teh blood stream like depo and bcp. after this experience, I doubt I Will go back to a hormonal birth control again. this was way too hard for me to recover!
Gagrlinpitt - you must be pretty excited to be ramping up to TTC? That's great that it shouldn't take long for everything to readjust. And gummy vitamins are the best, aren't they? DH actually eats them like candy so I have to hide them.

Kat - that's such a cute way of telling him the news. I know this is a time of mixed emotions while you wait to hit the various scan dates. Hang in there and do try to enjoy it!

Angel - I can imagine its bittersweet for sure. Regardless of what, if anything, it turns up, it will be nice to have more insight into what's going on and then take some control.
Angel- I can completely understated that!

Kezia- I'm excited and nervous, it's a big step. As far a the vitamins, very much so and it's keeping my anxiety low which is awesome.
Garling.... did not know that about the iud. That's a good thing....
Angel I hear you about bcp. It always surprises me when I hear about people getting pregnant on it. I can see how it would be bitter sweet but at least you can know for sure all is good .
Afm I have a cold which means my lo has a cold.....not fun.
Kat make sure you can keep us in the loop. I want to hear about your progress. I only had symptoms for a week or two maybe then I felt normal so its interesting hearing about all the different experiences.
Thanks everyone:flower:

Yep trying to enjoy it and thinking super sticky thoughts:winkwink:

BTW was by my narcissistic mother's today after DH's grandmother's birthday as she had a few teeth removed and wanted us to come by and buy groceries. When we got there she went on and on about her teeth, the "foreigners" (she's a bit of a racist) and a bunch of other stuff (politics, how she's pissed my equally narcissistic brother is no contact with her ect.). Despite the fact DH told her last night we got a positive beta, not one "congratulations" to me and when she finally did ask about how I'm doing and I mentioned I was feeling tired that day (I try to not give her too much emotional ammunition) she started going on about how tired she is and went on and on. Oh yeah, at one point she was talking and said "... when you get pregnant." DH told her that I was but she ignored it and started talking about something else. Can't say I'm surprised by her reaction though. I think despite her fake attempts at being supportive, she's pissed the IVF worked.
Kat - Oh man, that's so odd. She just repeatedly ignored the multiple times she was told you're pregnant? Do you think she doesn't believe it fully or that she resents it, like you suggested? Why do you think she's pissed at that? I'm sorry, though... again, so suckie not to have that support, and almost worse for if it's fake.
Kat - Oh man, that's so odd. She just repeatedly ignored the multiple times she was told you're pregnant? Do you think she doesn't believe it fully or that she resents it, like you suggested? Why do you think she's pissed at that? I'm sorry, though... again, so suckie not to have that support, and almost worse for if it's fake.

I truely believe she resents it. I remember when we told her we were TTCing almost 2 years ago, she used months and months trying to tell me not to have kids because kids were the biggest mistake of her life and she'd never of had them if she could redo her life (yep, malignant narcissist!). I finally had enough and told her the baby won't be her "problem" and to stop saying stuff like that. She ended up doing so and then acting fake supportive. I think in reality she'll be jealous of the baby because it'd take attention away from her. Narcissists want to be the center of attention, always and resent anything else. I also think she'll resent any attention I'll get while pregnant since she's always trying to be "in the spotlight", including at my birthdays. I think she was fully hoping we'd do the 3 IVFs, they wouldn't work, we'd give up and she'd come out smelling like roses because she was "supportive" - her plan has now backfired.

I'm so glad we'll be moving away from her, means even less contact than what we have now which is a really good thing. Thank God I've kept my siblings away as they'd only add to the negative comments and attitudes!
Kat - Your mom sounds awful, and I'm so glad that you'll be moving away and not have as much contact. That doesn't seem like a good environment for the baby anyway. :hugs: I'm just so glad you finally got your positive! :D
Kat - Your mom sounds awful, and I'm so glad that you'll be moving away and not have as much contact. That doesn't seem like a good environment for the baby anyway. :hugs: I'm just so glad you finally got your positive! :D

Thanks Angel:flower: Yeah she's highly verbally and emotionally abusive, has been all my life and uses the silent treatment when I either don't agree with her or set a boundary, then weeks later she'll call and act like nothing happened. Tried a few times on saying we should talk about what happened last time we spoke but she'll say she did nothing wrong and refuses to discuss things out like a normal adult - probably because being a narcissist she's mentally about 6 years old. Imagine being raised by a toddler and that's pretty much my childhood in a nut shell:nope: I'm amazed that I'm not more damaged than I am sometimes, what with her and my brother being abusive all my life.

Nope I'll also be using our move to go even lower contact than we've been which has been very low already (I never talk to her over the phone, try and keep visits to every 2 months and won't be alone with her for more than 1 hour since she seems to be able to behave ok in that short of a time period, at least for the most part:dohh:).

Thanks, FXed you very soon get your BFP as well :dust:
Kat- my goodness.. My sister is that way sort of. I know everything and I need to be center of attention.

Thank goodness you're getting away from that and you know what not to do with your own children.
Kat- my goodness.. My sister is that way sort of. I know everything and I need to be center of attention.

Thank goodness you're getting away from that and you know what not to do with your own children.

Sorry your sister is like that Gagrlinpitt:hugs: Is she also toxic?

Yep so not doing what my mother did but also need to be careful I don't end up raising another narcissist so there will definitely be rules and boundaries and no spoiling. I think it's horrible these days, at least in this country, that so many kids are raised to be spoiled, narcissistic/selfish brats:nope: DH's big brother's 2 kids are pretty difficult: they are super super picky about what they eat and mostly stick to the same 3-4 things (plus even when you get them to taste something new they'll barely let it touch their tongue before saying the don't like it), they never say "thank you" or "please," the list goes on. Especially the boy will not sit and eat at the table and will quickly eat a couple of bites before spending the rest of dinner playing games on the computer or his iPhone or whatever (his parents let him). He's also learned to cheat to win games from his mother and that it's ok to gloat and be mean to people when he wins (he upset one of his friends once, poor kid looked so sad :() plus he's a sore loser and I remember my DH had to retract his move on a game board because it made his nephew start crying and making a fit. So yeah, things to avoid as well:dohh:
Kat- my goodness.. My sister is that way sort of. I know everything and I need to be center of attention.

Thank goodness you're getting away from that and you know what not to do with your own children.

Sorry your sister is like that Gagrlinpitt:hugs: Is she also toxic?

Yep so not doing what my mother did but also need to be careful I don't end up raising another narcissist so there will definitely be rules and boundaries and no spoiling. I think it's horrible these days, at least in this country, that so many kids are raised to be spoiled, narcissistic/selfish brats:nope: DH's big brother's 2 kids are pretty difficult: they are super super picky about what they eat and mostly stick to the same 3-4 things (plus even when you get them to taste something new they'll barely let it touch their tongue before saying the don't like it), they never say "thank you" or "please," the list goes on. Especially the boy will not sit and eat at the table and will quickly eat a couple of bites before spending the rest of dinner playing games on the computer or his iPhone or whatever (his parents let him). He's also learned to cheat to win games from his mother and that it's ok to gloat and be mean to people when he wins (he upset one of his friends once, poor kid looked so sad :() plus he's a sore loser and I remember my DH had to retract his move on a game board because it made his nephew start crying and making a fit. So yeah, things to avoid as well:dohh:

She can be.. I wasn't in her wedding because I'm plus size (had a bad car accident in 2004 with lots of serious injuries and gained 120+ lbs and she got married in 2005) and she had 14 bridesmaids. She is married to a dermatologist so she'll ask me what shoes, designers, ECT I like and then the next time I see her she has shoes, accessories , ECT from those designers.

She's 3.5 years older than me.

I agree with you on the spoiled younger generation. Too much entitlement mentality and not enough hard workers.. I worked my butt off for everything I have and I intend to teach my kids to do the same.
Kat- my goodness.. My sister is that way sort of. I know everything and I need to be center of attention.

Thank goodness you're getting away from that and you know what not to do with your own children.

Sorry your sister is like that Gagrlinpitt:hugs: Is she also toxic?

Yep so not doing what my mother did but also need to be careful I don't end up raising another narcissist so there will definitely be rules and boundaries and no spoiling. I think it's horrible these days, at least in this country, that so many kids are raised to be spoiled, narcissistic/selfish brats:nope: DH's big brother's 2 kids are pretty difficult: they are super super picky about what they eat and mostly stick to the same 3-4 things (plus even when you get them to taste something new they'll barely let it touch their tongue before saying the don't like it), they never say "thank you" or "please," the list goes on. Especially the boy will not sit and eat at the table and will quickly eat a couple of bites before spending the rest of dinner playing games on the computer or his iPhone or whatever (his parents let him). He's also learned to cheat to win games from his mother and that it's ok to gloat and be mean to people when he wins (he upset one of his friends once, poor kid looked so sad :() plus he's a sore loser and I remember my DH had to retract his move on a game board because it made his nephew start crying and making a fit. So yeah, things to avoid as well:dohh:

She can be.. I wasn't in her wedding because I'm plus size (had a bad car accident in 2004 with lots of serious injuries and gained 120+ lbs and she got married in 2005) and she had 14 bridesmaids. She is married to a dermatologist so she'll ask me what shoes, designers, ECT I like and then the next time I see her she has shoes, accessories , ECT from those designers.

She's 3.5 years older than me.

So sorry Garglinpitt, sounds like it may be best to keep your contact with her to a minimum, especially while TTCing:hugs: She sounds like she's out to be hurtful and make you jealous of her. Does she also come with put downs? My brother loves to put me down every chance he gets:nope:

BTW my brother is 23 years older and my sister is 10 years older than me. I do have one more brother, the eldest, but luckily have 0 contact with him as he's been selfish and toxic as well.
Hey ladies :hi: I just stumbled upon this thread and would love to join in on the fun :shy:

I'm 32 will be 33 in October :wacko: ugh getting old :haha: I am on my 3rd cycle this go round. I believe today is my O day :happydance: My DW and I have been off and on trying now for 3 years. This is the first year that we are actually putting the real effort into it. We are doing AI with a known donor :shy: I temp, use digi OPK's, preseed and soft cups :wacko: . I look forward to getting to know all you wonderful ladies and sending loads of baby dust to everyone :dust: :dust:
Hey ladies :hi: I just stumbled upon this thread and would love to join in on the fun :shy:

I'm 32 will be 33 in October :wacko: ugh getting old :haha: I am on my 3rd cycle this go round. I believe today is my O day :happydance: My DW and I have been off and on trying now for 3 years. This is the first year that we are actually putting the real effort into it. We are doing AI with a known donor :shy: I temp, use digi OPK's, preseed and soft cups :wacko: . I look forward to getting to know all you wonderful ladies and sending loads of baby dust to everyone :dust: :dust:

Hi AshNAmber :wave:

32 going on 33 isn't that bad, I'm 36 turning 37 in May:winkwink: I hope your journey will now be short:flower: So it's at your home AIs?
Hey ladies :hi: I just stumbled upon this thread and would love to join in on the fun :shy:

I'm 32 will be 33 in October :wacko: ugh getting old :haha: I am on my 3rd cycle this go round. I believe today is my O day :happydance: My DW and I have been off and on trying now for 3 years. This is the first year that we are actually putting the real effort into it. We are doing AI with a known donor :shy: I temp, use digi OPK's, preseed and soft cups :wacko: . I look forward to getting to know all you wonderful ladies and sending loads of baby dust to everyone :dust: :dust:

Welcome :hi:
Great group of girls here. I'm your age and I'm on cycle #3 too! Just took a peak at your chart (sorry I'm a chart stalker :haha:) ans id say you actually probably ovulated yesterday or today with the peak reading on cd18 and no clear temp shift yet!
Charting and temping has become a love/hate relationship for me and poas an addiction.
:wave: Hi AshNAmber! Good to see you here!! These ladies are awesome! We're a small group, but so much support! :)

AFM - AF seems to be ending soon (I have really short AFs since I stopped bcp) and I think I'm going to start CB Digi's (advanced) on CD7 this month since I O'd so much earlier last month than normal.

I'm a little worried that stress is going to affect us. WE have a court date on the 16th of this month because DH's crazy, drug addicted, felon of an uncle got out of jail and broke into hte property that we inherited and is living there and refuses to leave. He was living there before he went to jail because his mother had let him live there for free, but when she passed away all of her stuff was left to my DH and his brother (DH and his brother were raised by his grandparents), so we notified the uncle that we were fixing the place up and then selling it and he was not to enter the property (he had tRASHED it - severely - we cleaned it up and pulled out hundreds of drug needles among other things). Anyway the cops can't remove him because he was living there before jail and even though we filed the appropriate paperwork to get his gf and other people out of the property we didn't mail an eviction notice to him in jail so we had to go through the process again. The rest of the people left of their own accord when we filed paperwork so we didn't have to go to court but he refuses to leave, claiming "The will was invalid and he owns the property", even though he and all his siblings had a chance to fight hte will while it was in probate for 6 months (and they received letters and notices of such) and so now we have to go to court. In the mean time, he gets to stay there and keep trashing the place i put so much effort into fixing up. :/ I'm not happy about it.

What's even more annoying is that I filed a 24-hour eviction notice and yet the court can't give us a date sooner than 10 days later so his 24-hour eviction basically is taking 2 weeks to get rid of him. *angry*

Sorry. Had to get it out. Just so frustrated. I think I'm going to try to hit the gym or do some meditation/yoga toay to try to cleanse my mind. lol

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