Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Awww Angel I'm so sorry that the uncle is making things so difficult for you! I don't understand why something can't be done about him destroying the house at least when it's in your and your DH's name. So sorry you're going through this and that he's destroyed all your hard work:hugs: I hope it's soon resolved and that something can be done to keep him away from the house.

AFM I think I'm started to feel tired because I fell asleep on the couch today with my kitty who decided to lay next to me, which is a bit unusual for her. My phone was on silent (sometimes I forget to put it back to sound mode when I get up in the morning) and I woke up to the fact that my narcissistic mother and her dentist (a dentist DH and I unfortunately also use:dohh:) have tried calling me several times. Tried listening through the messages they left but they don't say why they're calling. The 1st time my mother calls she says "Kat, I love you!" in this manipulative tone and the 2nd time she calls she just hangs up. I know my mother was supposed to have her regular dentist take a look today and do something about the teeth she had pulled out by the other dentist. My mother probably wanted me to come over there and drive her home or something so she could also make me listen to her whine and moan about her teeth issues, bah! I just don't need this, especially after how she's behaving about my pregnancy. Last thing I need is her giving me stress, I'm sure that's her plan now in the hopes it'll make me m/c.

Can't wait to move as we'll also be finding a new dentist and it'll be more difficult for my mother to expect me to be at her beckon call when we'll be living farther away and DH will be using the car every day so wouldn't be able to play taxi driver for her.
Hey ladies :hi: I just stumbled upon this thread and would love to join in on the fun :shy:

I'm 32 will be 33 in October :wacko: ugh getting old :haha: I am on my 3rd cycle this go round. I believe today is my O day :happydance: My DW and I have been off and on trying now for 3 years. This is the first year that we are actually putting the real effort into it. We are doing AI with a known donor :shy: I temp, use digi OPK's, preseed and soft cups :wacko: . I look forward to getting to know all you wonderful ladies and sending loads of baby dust to everyone :dust: :dust:

Welcome :hi:
Great group of girls here. I'm your age and I'm on cycle #3 too! Just took a peak at your chart (sorry I'm a chart stalker :haha:) ans id say you actually probably ovulated yesterday or today with the peak reading on cd18 and no clear temp shift yet!
Charting and temping has become a love/hate relationship for me and poas an addiction.
Hi AshNAmber! As others have said, everyone here is really awesome and supportive.

Angel - sorry (again!) to hear about your uncle. I did wonder how that would pan out; it didn't seem promising. It absolutely sucks that it's taking so much to get him out. I'm sure the stress of that is all you need right now. It sounds like a good idea to do some nice, relaxing things to destress.

AFM I got the proper results back from my ultrasound today and I'm kind of confused. The good news is that my fibroids (four of them, largest being 4.3cm) seem to all be subserosal, so not the kind that usually interfere with fertility. But my ovaries had a "polycystic appearance," which my doctor said was odd because there wasn't anything like that noted two years ago when I had my last ultrasound, and I've not had any irregular or missed periods, not any other particularly notable symptoms. She explained that sometimes polycystic ovaries are a misnomer, because it's the follicles that look abundant in the ovaries because they haven't "popped," so they're not necessarily cysts. I'm actually not sure whether she's saying that what could be the case INSTEAD of PCOS or that IS was PCOS is. She's going to schedule me for another ultrasound in two months to see what happens. They also found my right kidney to be enlarged, which to me sounds a bit worrying, but she just said to drink lots of water and that I should come back later this week to make sure Macrobid cleared up my UTI (and then to check my kidneys again in two months).

What do you ladies think about the PCOS thing? The doc thought it surprising that I wouldn't have irregular or missed periods with it (which I've honestly never had). She said often ovulation doesn't happen with it, but can't I still have periods despite no ovulation? Of course now I'm tying this all in with the fact that I STILL haven't ovulated and I'm on day 13 of a 26-day cycle and today I had another negative OPK and no temp rise (see my chart below). At least if I ovulate later than I thought, it would explain why last cycle was a flunk, but now I'm worrying that I won't/don't ovulate at all... And I haven't EVER had a cycle more than 27 days long, so either my luteal phase absolutely sucks or I'm not ovulating? Or I'm doing the OPKs *and* temping wrong...
Hi AshNAmber! As others have said, everyone here is really awesome and supportive.

Angel - sorry (again!) to hear about your uncle. I did wonder how that would pan out; it didn't seem promising. It absolutely sucks that it's taking so much to get him out. I'm sure the stress of that is all you need right now. It sounds like a good idea to do some nice, relaxing things to destress.

AFM I got the proper results back from my ultrasound today and I'm kind of confused. The good news is that my fibroids (four of them, largest being 4.3cm) seem to all be subserosal, so not the kind that usually interfere with fertility. But my ovaries had a "polycystic appearance," which my doctor said was odd because there wasn't anything like that noted two years ago when I had my last ultrasound, and I've not had any irregular or missed periods, not any other particularly notable symptoms. She explained that sometimes polycystic ovaries are a misnomer, because it's the follicles that look abundant in the ovaries because they haven't "popped," so they're not necessarily cysts. I'm actually not sure whether she's saying that what could be the case INSTEAD of PCOS or that IS was PCOS is. She's going to schedule me for another ultrasound in two months to see what happens. They also found my right kidney to be enlarged, which to me sounds a bit worrying, but she just said to drink lots of water and that I should come back later this week to make sure Macrobid cleared up my UTI (and then to check my kidneys again in two months).

What do you ladies think about the PCOS thing? The doc thought it surprising that I wouldn't have irregular or missed periods with it (which I've honestly never had). She said often ovulation doesn't happen with it, but can't I still have periods despite no ovulation? Of course now I'm tying this all in with the fact that I STILL haven't ovulated and I'm on day 13 of a 26-day cycle and today I had another negative OPK and no temp rise (see my chart below). At least if I ovulate later than I thought, it would explain why last cycle was a flunk, but now I'm worrying that I won't/don't ovulate at all... And I haven't EVER had a cycle more than 27 days long, so either my luteal phase absolutely sucks or I'm not ovulating? Or I'm doing the OPKs *and* temping wrong...

Welcome Amber... hopefully your stay here is short...
Jezika- you cant have a period if you do not ovulate. There are I think two kinds of PCOS, a syndrome where the ovaries ovulate fine but there is something about the ovaries or ovulation that is not normal and then the actual disease which affects ovulation, but I think there can even be varying degrees of severity with it... maybe try looking it up and see what you can find.... sorry I could not help more.....:wacko::flower:
Kat your mom and the rest of your family sound like a trip. with mine, I don't have really any contact with my sibs unless it is out of necessity and my parents are on low contact though I would imagine they would blame me for a majority of the issues rather than themselves. I think it takes two to cause issues and while no one is narcissistic, there can be a need or desire to please them and therefore feed into the issues they cause as people.... sucks... hope you are doing well and baby bean stays nice and sticky. Looking forward to an 8 week update...:hugs::kiss:
Cutestuff - I looked into a little more. Like a mad woman, actually! Of course I found some research that's looking into little known "silent anovulation," where women with completely normal and regular periods don't actually ovulate (it's not a real period - it's called something else - but it is virtually indistinguishable from a period). Just what I needed! I did look into PCOS too, and it does seem like I should be having some symptoms, which I don't. Maybe what they saw on my ovaries really were little cysts rather than follicles so they just looked like PCOS? I know I'm pretty "cysty" in other places...

I see you gave birth to your first little one not long ago. How are you finding new motherhood?
Hi everyone!
I'm 34 and ttc. I'm new to the ttc world but my doctor put me on clomid first round bc I have pcos. I usually only have AF two to four times a year. Prior to this recent provera induced AF I had not had one for five months. I'm currently on cd15 and no positive opk or any other signs of ovd. I'm just feeling like it's not going to happen this round. Maybe I need 100 mg. when you all ovd how long do u experience signs of ovd prior to a positive opk? Do they just happen suddenly? I'm hoping they do bc I have no signs at all.
Cutestuff - I looked into a little more. Like a mad woman, actually! Of course I found some research that's looking into little known "silent anovulation," where women with completely normal and regular periods don't actually ovulate (it's not a real period - it's called something else - but it is virtually indistinguishable from a period). Just what I needed! I did look into PCOS too, and it does seem like I should be having some symptoms, which I don't. Maybe what they saw on my ovaries really were little cysts rather than follicles so they just looked like PCOS? I know I'm pretty "cysty" in other places...

I see you gave birth to your first little one not long ago. How are you finding new motherhood?

seriously?!! that is stupid. yet another fake out only the female body is capable of. Luckily it is common-ish and treatable. It is fun being a mom...she is now just over 10 pounds which is a huge weight gain. Also starting to smile and hold her head up by herself. Hardest part is the feeding every two or three hours......:shrug::cloud9:

welcome star, good luck in your journey.

As always I stalk and will answer questions if I can :flower:
So i got a message back from my doctor today through the messaging system. She's processing a referral for me for the fertility clinic, and it will be processed by Thursday so I can call them after Thursday to start making appointments. Hoping I don't need much done, but at least having some tests done will give me peace of mind if nothing else.

Jezika - I don't know what to think about what your doctor said. Usually you don't have a period without Ovulation but the research you mention makes me think otherwise. My sister has PCOS and has definite symptoms.

I would definitely say keep temping and making sure you are doing OPKs with at least a 3-4 hour hold (with little water). What time of the day are you doing them? And what brand are you using?

star - what specific symptoms are you referring to? I get EWcm or watery CM about a week before O usually. some months more and some less. Drink lots of water to help with CM. That's the only real symptom I get for O except for temp drops but that is sudden.
Angel-I'm referring to o symptoms like pain or ewcm or aches. I have not been drinking a lot of water and am completely dry. I have no pain, no tender breasts. Nothing. A lot of people say they did not ovd until cd 18 or cd 20. I'm going to be at cd 16 at midnight and well if people usually get symptoms a week in advance I doubt I'll ovd. I know ttc can be a very long journey. And I just started my first clomid round. But I was hoping I would at least ovd.

Also I hope you get your appointment. Keep us updated. Thank you!
Also angel how long did you wait before getting a referred to a fertility clinic? I'm seeing my obgyn right now but considering looking for an RE. It's my first round of clomid so not sure if i should wait it out for another round.
Good evening ladies.. I never thought I would be excited about having my period, but I had my IUD taken out on Friday and I just started bleeding this evening... I didn't expect it to come this quick as I hadn't had a cycle on almost 8 years...
Star - I never get O pain and I don't get aches or tender breasts until after O. The only symptoms that I get that O is coming is the EWcm and that can vary from person to person. some people don't get EWcm until the day before O and some never get it at all even though they do O. If you aren't producing fertile CM then you can look into supplements that will help with that. The best way to confirm that O actually happens is throgh temping. OPKs will tell you that your body is gearing up to O, temps can confirm it actually happened. There are a lot of people who don't get any sign that O is happening. If you have a period you are probably ovulating. Typically women do not get a period without ovulation, so there is that possibility.

EDIT: I just saw that I missed a couple posts while I was writing this.

I waited a year to get my referral to a fertility clinic. My original doctor wouldn't give me a referral until a year and then he retired in August and I lost my insurance until October so I didn't get a new doctor until November and she wanted to wait until she'd seen me and I'd tried for a couple more months before referring me out. Plus I was on bcp for 15 years and even though they say you can conceive right away my cycles had been really wonky for the first several months coming off bcp. The first several cycles of mine were 40 days with only an 8 day LP because my hormones were so messed up. It's only been the last 3 months where i have had a normal length cycle naturally (without vitex, which I used for 3-4 months to help jump start my cycles to regulate). So if I was being honest with myself I probably would need to wait another couple months before I Could say I had been seriously trying for 1 year. But I decided to go with the date that I stopped bcp as my "1 year mark" instead of the point where we started actively tracking and ttc (which was 6 weeks later when I got my first period).

Gagrlinawesome!! My first period after bcp took 6 weeks! So glad that you seem to be getting things going quickly! :)
Hi everyone!
I'm 34 and ttc. I'm new to the ttc world but my doctor put me on clomid first round bc I have pcos. I usually only have AF two to four times a year. Prior to this recent provera induced AF I had not had one for five months. I'm currently on cd15 and no positive opk or any other signs of ovd. I'm just feeling like it's not going to happen this round. Maybe I need 100 mg. when you all ovd how long do u experience signs of ovd prior to a positive opk? Do they just happen suddenly? I'm hoping they do bc I have no signs at all.

Welcome star, hope your TTC journey is short. As to Oing I never got any symptoms but I'm very regular so always Oed either CD13 or in rarer cases CD14 (26-27 day cycles). Many before O will experience an increase in CM that will go watery or EW (egg-white which is stretchy). It varies but this usually starts happening a few days before you O. A positive OPK means you'll O within 48-72 hours if I remember correctly.

Kat your mom and the rest of your family sound like a trip. with mine, I don't have really any contact with my sibs unless it is out of necessity and my parents are on low contact though I would imagine they would blame me for a majority of the issues rather than themselves. I think it takes two to cause issues and while no one is narcissistic, there can be a need or desire to please them and therefore feed into the issues they cause as people.... sucks... hope you are doing well and baby bean stays nice and sticky. Looking forward to an 8 week update...:hugs::kiss:

I agree with you to a certain point that it takes 2 to cause issues and I'm in no way saying I've handled every situation perfectly, who does?

However in my case, my NPD family members have been scapegoating me and fully blaming me for everything! This has been going on since birth and my mother even blames me for things that went wrong in her life before I was even born. My brother e.g. always talks to me in a condecending, arrogant manner and he always has to be right and win every discussion. He uses every opportunity he can to tell me I'm selfish or childish and always invalidates my feelings. He gaslights as well, changing events so he's innocent and I'm the horrible, selfish one that is wrong. Whenever I've tried setting a boundary for his behavior, he just either comes with more put downs or most recently has been silent treatmenting me, for over 1 year now actually. My mother does the same and whenever I've tried to talk about any altercation that came before the silent treatment, she'll deny all wrong doing, even when she's resorted to screaming nasty put downs at me all because I e.g. politely tell her I don't fully agree with her. I've never tried it with my brother but he'd most likely react the same. I have so many stories but that'd take a long time to tell you. I find it impossible actually to discuss any issues in an adult manner because they'll always blame me. I don't see how anything can be resolved when they constantly are verbally and emotionally abusive towards me and just get worse whenever I try to set a boundary or discuss it with them? I do not have these issues with anyone else in my life BTW.
Jezika - I was going to say it's very possible to have a period and not ovulate. Which sucks. But, I feel like most women who have those kind of cycles that I've come across on here have generally had longer cycles because their bodies keep trying to ovulate and don't quite make it. But I suppose, if you don't ov, you don't have an LP, so a shorter cycle is possible...If you temp, it should be a good indicator of whether or not you ovulate though. You shouldn't have a temp rise if you don't ov that cycle.

There was someone else who had PCOS but without the symptoms. The doctors ended up prescribing Clomid and monitoring her cycles. It worked for her, so there's that. :)
Cd16 no positive opk. I'll hang onto hope but gut feeling says that 50mg of clomid does not make me ovd.
Angel: thanks for the feedback. It's possible I may be the type that does not have signs. I will start temping. And look into supplements to help with my dry cm. and congrats on your cycles getting back to normal. Let us know how the clinic appointment goes!

If I have a period induced my provera does that count as a real period? cause most people who have a period also ovd so I'm curious if that applies to people with an induced period.

Given my track record w periods my obgyn told me she would want me to see an RE after a few cycles if it doesn't work. I kind of want to move to an RE even sooner but I might stick w the obgyn bc there is no guarantee I guess that an RE will give me anything other than a higher clomid dose which is what my obgyn will do anyway.

I have heard people talk about trigger shots before. Can anyone tell me about their experience with that?-
Look into getting a good basal thermometer. I had a cheap one but when it died I paid the money for a better $25 one. Only Bc I plan to stay away from bcp for ever after this experience and want to be able to use temps and FAM as our bcp method in the future. I like the higher qualify ones though because they save the temps. So that it is easy to go back and look.

As for supplements - evening primrose oil increases cm. it increased mine a TON. Takes several days to get into your system and you want to stop once you get a confirmation of O so you have to be temping or using OPKs to verify. It's not recommended for use during luteal phase. Grapefruit juic (actual not the sugary drinks) does wonders. One month I used my juicer and juiced a couple grapefruit a and drank the juice over a couple days and the next few days my cm amount was crazy. That takes a few days too.

Plus tons of water. If you aren't hydrated you can't create cm.

Hope that helps!'
Look into getting a good basal thermometer. I had a cheap one but when it died I paid the money for a better $25 one. Only Bc I plan to stay away from bcp for ever after this experience and want to be able to use temps and FAM as our bcp method in the future. I like the higher qualify ones though because they save the temps. So that it is easy to go back and look.

As for supplements - evening primrose oil increases cm. it increased mine a TON. Takes several days to get into your system and you want to stop once you get a confirmation of O so you have to be temping or using OPKs to verify. It's not recommended for use during luteal phase. Grapefruit juic (actual not the sugary drinks) does wonders. One month I used my juicer and juiced a couple grapefruit a and drank the juice over a couple days and the next few days my cm amount was crazy. That takes a few days too.

Plus tons of water. If you aren't hydrated you can't create cm.

Hope that helps!'

I'm with you.. I think I'm done with any type of bcp/ IUD. I'll be charting for bc after we are done ttc too.

I didn't know about grape fruit, but that is one thing I've never had to worry about. I've always had a lot of fluid down there...
Hey ladies :hi: I just stumbled upon this thread and would love to join in on the fun :shy:

I'm 32 will be 33 in October :wacko: ugh getting old :haha: I am on my 3rd cycle this go round. I believe today is my O day :happydance: My DW and I have been off and on trying now for 3 years. This is the first year that we are actually putting the real effort into it. We are doing AI with a known donor :shy: I temp, use digi OPK's, preseed and soft cups :wacko: . I look forward to getting to know all you wonderful ladies and sending loads of baby dust to everyone :dust: :dust:

Hi AshNAmber :wave:

32 going on 33 isn't that bad, I'm 36 turning 37 in May:winkwink: I hope your journey will now be short:flower: So it's at your home AIs?

Hey Kat!! Still young yourself.. It's just crazy to think I'm already in my 30's I swear I feel like I was just in my 20's :haha:

Yes ma'am we are able to do at home insemination. It's private and more personal then having to go to a doctors office and it gives DW the feeling that she is actually helping with me getting pregnant. :shy:

Hey ladies :hi: I just stumbled upon this thread and would love to join in on the fun :shy:

I'm 32 will be 33 in October :wacko: ugh getting old :haha: I am on my 3rd cycle this go round. I believe today is my O day :happydance: My DW and I have been off and on trying now for 3 years. This is the first year that we are actually putting the real effort into it. We are doing AI with a known donor :shy: I temp, use digi OPK's, preseed and soft cups :wacko: . I look forward to getting to know all you wonderful ladies and sending loads of baby dust to everyone :dust: :dust:

Welcome :hi:
Great group of girls here. I'm your age and I'm on cycle #3 too! Just took a peak at your chart (sorry I'm a chart stalker :haha:) ans id say you actually probably ovulated yesterday or today with the peak reading on cd18 and no clear temp shift yet!
Charting and temping has become a love/hate relationship for me and poas an addiction.

Hey Kitty!! Oh hunnie don't stalk this months chart its so out of wack :wacko: I keep temping every morning in hopes I'm going to be able to get it back on track.. I had a crazy couple of weeks with having to be at work an hour earlier than normal so that had me temping at 3am instead of 4am on top of not getting solid blocks of sleep because DW had surgery and the first 2 days i had to get up every so many hours to give meds :wacko: then of course I forgot to reset the alarm for my normal temp time so took that one an hour late and then todays i slept 2 hours took temp and then slept 5 more hours and since it was a actual solid block of sleep i temped again :wacko: so yeah needless to say my chart is all over the place this month.. But I hope after today I can start taking it at my normal time :dohh:

Angel!! It seems to be im stalking you :haha: I'm sorry your going through so much crap with DH uncle. It's awful what some of our own family will do to you :hugs: I'm glad you have some where you can come an vent and get some support :hugs:

I would like to thank all of you lovely ladies for such a warm welcome :hugs:

AFM I'm in the TWW :happydance: We got 3 rounds of AI in.. The first round I think was to far out to really do any good :shrug: it was on the 3rd and I O'd on the 8th so yeah :shrug: So no stressing this go round.. hopefully
yes it does! I will start drinking more water. I hardly drink any. so this helps a lot!

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