Kat glad to hear you are doing well sweetie. Can't wait to hear about 8 week scan.
Afm...I'll just copy and paste my rant from my SI thread...apologies for more bitching.
Well I'm out this cycle
Today (yesterday) was our only shot and we fumbled it. Basically he came mid switching position and we tried to save some of the swimmers. Salvaged a very small amount put them in some egg whites in a menstural cup. It was probably about 10 minutes in room temp egg whites when all was said and done and then I spilled some

inserting it.
Pretty much the worst case scenario. I have zero hope and I'm just going to pray I O soon and I lengthen my lp at least.
OH is away until the end of the week so that's that. So down right now
On top of everything of
course I get a positive opk today, cd15. Positive and peak cbd advanced. Alsobmybtemp was
way up this morning so I'm thinking I may have O last night which
would have been perfect. No ones fault we both just messed up, but it still is just so depressing. And he's gone until the end of the week so that's that.
Hope you lovelies had a nice Valentine's Day