Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

FX AshNAmber! When is your test date? I'm in the TWW too, though no idea if I actually ovulated. I may be messing my temps up. This stuff is so challenging!

Temping drives me bananas :wacko: I am 6dpo so I'm trying to wait until next Saturday that will put me at 12dpo AF is supposed to be here on the 21 or 22 :shrug: This is a long cycle for me and I'm not feeling very positive. My temps have been pretty low and today another drop below cover I was so shocked to see it below cover I took it again it went from 97.50 to 97.73 :wacko: I temp vaginally because I sleep with my mouth open so that was crazy that it jumped that high in less than a minute that it took me to test again and now I'm having some serious cramping going on like AF cramps! :cry::shrug: I don't know what to think of all this..

AshNAmber - Oh man, I hear ya on the temping anxiety. I also noticed that if I temp again even less than a minute later, the temp always goes up, sometimes quite a bit. I'm assuming that the lowest temps are therefore always the most reliable because they're more true to BBT in that they've not been affected by wakefulness and arousal. That's kind of a bummer when you're looking for higher temps, but it also made me wonder whether the temps from the earlier part of my cycle actually should be lower, because sometimes I've fumbled with the thermometer, didn't realize it was off or whatever. These things seem to make a difference. In any case, try not to worry too much. I spent ages looking through charts on FF that resembled mine and ended in pregnancy, and that made me feel better. I've definitely seen charts with dips below the cover line in the post-O phase. And if you're due on the 21st, that's a while to go, no? I don't think you should be expecting sustained temp drops and AF cramping?

AshNAmber - Oh man, I hear ya on the temping anxiety. I also noticed that if I temp again even less than a minute later, the temp always goes up, sometimes quite a bit. I'm assuming that the lowest temps are therefore always the most reliable because they're more true to BBT in that they've not been affected by wakefulness and arousal. That's kind of a bummer when you're looking for higher temps, but it also made me wonder whether the temps from the earlier part of my cycle actually should be lower, because sometimes I've fumbled with the thermometer, didn't realize it was off or whatever. These things seem to make a difference. In any case, try not to worry too much. I spent ages looking through charts on FF that resembled mine and ended in pregnancy, and that made me feel better. I've definitely seen charts with dips below the cover line in the post-O phase. And if you're due on the 21st, that's a while to go, no? I don't think you should be expecting sustained temp drops and AF cramping?


I checked FF again I'm actually not due for AF until the 23rd that's 9 days from now so definitely to soon for AF but I am on CD 25 and normally have a 29 day cycle but this cycle seems to be odd and long and my temps are all over the place from the first week due to having to get up at different times. but digi opks said I peaked and everything so I know my O day is right. :dohh: :wacko: but I'm trying to not think about it. But you know how that goes. :haha: the cramps have finally died down and I felt nauseous early so I ate a donut :haha: I hope I start feeling better we have dinner reservations tonight. I hope all is well on your side
Hmm I've been cramping a bit too and I have no idea why. I've actually felt mild sharp pains mostly on the right side of my abdomen, sometimes the left and just general central crampiness. Who knows what's going on, but I'm guessing my UTI has maybe gone up to my bladder. For me, FF is predicting AF to start much later than I know it will because it's obviously counting 14 days ahead from my O, but I've NEVER had a cycle that long and my periods are regular, so I'm pretty sure I'm dealing with short LP issues. I also hope FF is wrong about when I O'd because we didn't BD on that day or the day before so I feel like we'd be cutting it fine. In any case, you and I have done all we can do and the rest is really out of our hands. I'm going to try to keep busy and not worry. Sometimes BFP happens when you least expect it anyway!
You are absolutely right. All we can do is wait and hopefully not drive ourselves completely nuts in the mean time.. :wacko: much easier said than done :haha:

Any plans for tonight?
ash amber: sorry if you have already posted the answer to this question. i might have missed it earlier. but, at what point did you start doing AI? were you on clomid at all? just curious about the timeline for things. i know some people do clomid a few rounds and then do trigger shots and then maybe do AI, not sure. good luck! hope you get a BFP soon.
Yay for TWW ladies!

I'm still waiting to O, but I'm only Cd10. We are going to try to go to dinner and/or a movie tonight. If not, we will do something tomorrow. We've got a lot going on right now with the stupid court and uncle breaking into our property thing. Going to try to make sure to at least BD tonight.
No proper plans for today. DH and I exchanged cards (I hurriedly made one when he was out running in -22C temperatures!!). Usually for V day we just chill, order in and watch some shows or movies. I definitely don't want to go out when it's this cold. Yesterday it was nearly -30C with windchill!
star_e AshNAmber is doing AI because they are using a sperm donor (her SO is a DW not a DH, they are missing the necessary equipment to do it without AI ;) )
star_e AshNAmber is doing AI because they are using a sperm donor (her SO is a DW not a DH, they are missing the necessary equipment to do it without AI ;) )

Thanks for the info. Have any of u all taken clomid? If so what round are u on it?
I use softcups there pretty cheap I get them from walmart it's like 6$ for a box of 12 I think.. and like Kat says you just pop that baby in an go about your day.. I'm doing AI so if we have :spermy: left have in the cup that doesnt fit in the syringe I'll actually put the rest in the soft cup and I leave mine in for 10-12 hours you don't feel it at all. Its a little gross when you take it out but I can deal with it :haha:

Hi AshNAmber, oh nice $6 that's not bad at all I could deal with that! Thanks for the info, I'll talk to my fiance about it.

Hope you lovely ladies are enjoying your VDay! I am in my TWW too, anxious to test but I'm trying to be patient. I'm about 10dpo as well.

I tried to temp too but it is really tough to do first thing in the morning but I should get back to it. I was doing it consistently in the beginning of the month but after we tried and my O ended I stopped. I should get back to it because I know it is useful info..

I also love the Ovia app! Do you guys have a favorite app that you use?
Star - I tried clomid for 2 cycles, one at 50mg and one at 100mg. It didn't work for me (I didn't ovulate).
Hope everyone had a nice Valentines Day yesterday! Mine was only so-so, DH made a lovely butternut squash risotto with scallops and Brazil nuts (since he couldn't find chestnuts) which tasted super yummy! Only minus was we ended up seeing "Mad Max: Fury Road" which isn't romantic at all:dohh: DH and I disagree on romantic movies as well: he's more of a "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" type of romance and I'm more into the "traditional" romance films:nope: We almost never get each other a present though and this year was no exception. Valentines isn't a big thing in this country I think, definitely not like it is in e.g. the US.

As for apps I've never tried any of them, have never tried using FF either as I was never big on temping. Tried it a few cycles and found it just stressed me so stopped doing it and relied on OPKs for a while.

As for Clomid my former RE never tried it and went straight to putting me on injectables (Puregon) when I started doing IUIs last year (all 6 failed BTW). She didn't suspect Oing issues so guess that's why.

As for cramping in the 2WW, it can be a good sign providing it's around the same strength or maybe less than your normal AF cramps:thumbup: I had twinges and cramping on my 2 BFP cycles (my CP after IVF #1 and this pregnancy after IVF #2).
Kat glad to hear you are doing well sweetie. Can't wait to hear about 8 week scan.

Afm...I'll just copy and paste my rant from my SI thread...apologies for more bitching.

Well I'm out this cycle:cry:

Today (yesterday) was our only shot and we fumbled it. Basically he came mid switching position and we tried to save some of the swimmers. Salvaged a very small amount put them in some egg whites in a menstural cup. It was probably about 10 minutes in room temp egg whites when all was said and done and then I spilled some :dohh: inserting it.

Pretty much the worst case scenario. I have zero hope and I'm just going to pray I O soon and I lengthen my lp at least. :nope:

OH is away until the end of the week so that's that. So down right now :cry:

On top of everything of course I get a positive opk today, cd15. Positive and peak cbd advanced. Alsobmybtemp was way up this morning so I'm thinking I may have O last night which would have been perfect. No ones fault we both just messed up, but it still is just so depressing. And he's gone until the end of the week so that's that.

Hope you lovelies had a nice Valentine's Day :flower:
ash amber: sorry if you have already posted the answer to this question. i might have missed it earlier. but, at what point did you start doing AI? were you on clomid at all? just curious about the timeline for things. i know some people do clomid a few rounds and then do trigger shots and then maybe do AI, not sure. good luck! hope you get a BFP soon.

Yep Angel explained my situation perfectly :shy: So I've never taken clomid. Sorry I couldn't be more help with that

No proper plans for today. DH and I exchanged cards (I hurriedly made one when he was out running in -22C temperatures!!). Usually for V day we just chill, order in and watch some shows or movies. I definitely don't want to go out when it's this cold. Yesterday it was nearly -30C with windchill!

Oh goodness yeah I would freeze!! :wacko: I wouldn't want to get out in that either.. Sometimes a night in is better than any night out.. This is the first year we actually did go out.

star_e AshNAmber is doing AI because they are using a sperm donor (her SO is a DW not a DH, they are missing the necessary equipment to do it without AI ;) )

Thank you doll for explaining that :hugs: I love the " missing the necessary equipment" :haha:

AFM 7DPO still feeling crampy today swear it kinda feels like AF temp did jump a little today going to wait till 10dpo to maybe start testing. I got me some el cheapies to satisfy my POAS needs :haha: I had a wonderful valentines day and just all around nice weekend. I have been relaxed and none stressed about anything, no symptom spotting just watching my crazy temps and trying to wait it out..
Kat glad to hear you are doing well sweetie. Can't wait to hear about 8 week scan.

Afm...I'll just copy and paste my rant from my SI thread...apologies for more bitching.

Well I'm out this cycle:cry:

Today (yesterday) was our only shot and we fumbled it. Basically he came mid switching position and we tried to save some of the swimmers. Salvaged a very small amount put them in some egg whites in a menstural cup. It was probably about 10 minutes in room temp egg whites when all was said and done and then I spilled some :dohh: inserting it.

Pretty much the worst case scenario. I have zero hope and I'm just going to pray I O soon and I lengthen my lp at least. :nope:

OH is away until the end of the week so that's that. So down right now :cry:

On top of everything of course I get a positive opk today, cd15. Positive and peak cbd advanced. Alsobmybtemp was way up this morning so I'm thinking I may have O last night which would have been perfect. No ones fault we both just messed up, but it still is just so depressing. And he's gone until the end of the week so that's that.

Hope you lovelies had a nice Valentine's Day :flower:

I'm so sorry kitty, that just stinks so hard:hugs: Maybe you mentioned it but did you manage to BD any other days before that? I would think that as long as you got some in there, you still have a chance! All you need is one strong :spermy: after all:hugs: FXed for you :dust:
I've never tried Clomid. I know that I O, just some months I O kind of late.

I have tried several apps: Ovia, Kindara, Glow (awful!!), Fertility Friend, and a couple others. My fave is still fertility friend. I did like Ovia but still went back to FF in the end.

kitty Sorry. :/ That sucks. :(
I use softcups there pretty cheap I get them from walmart it's like 6$ for a box of 12 I think.. and like Kat says you just pop that baby in an go about your day.. I'm doing AI so if we have :spermy: left have in the cup that doesnt fit in the syringe I'll actually put the rest in the soft cup and I leave mine in for 10-12 hours you don't feel it at all. Its a little gross when you take it out but I can deal with it :haha:

Hi AshNAmber, oh nice $6 that's not bad at all I could deal with that! Thanks for the info, I'll talk to my fiance about it.

Hope you lovely ladies are enjoying your VDay! I am in my TWW too, anxious to test but I'm trying to be patient. I'm about 10dpo as well.

I tried to temp too but it is really tough to do first thing in the morning but I should get back to it. I was doing it consistently in the beginning of the month but after we tried and my O ended I stopped. I should get back to it because I know it is useful info..

I also love the Ovia app! Do you guys have a favorite app that you use?

I really like the app Woman Calendar. It is very easy to use and a great reference to have when i speak with my doctor. i really like it because it is so simple and the icons are very clear. for example, on BD days, the app inserts two little people on the day. so its very easy to read. however, i am going to start temping soon. this is my first round of clomid and my first time ever ttc and i have heard that many people use fertility friend. i downloaded it yesterday and was surprised it was free. they give you so many videos and lessons. it seems much more sophisticated than the woman calendar, but also more complicated and confusing. i will definitely use both. i also dont really understand temping and am going to have to spend some time trying to understand it.
can someone give me the dummies version break down of how to bbt? i want to use the fertility friend app, but find it a bit confusing. likely b/c i have not spent enough time reading it. just glanced over it last night and a bit this morning. i just want simple instructions. its confusing b/c it says when there are three higher temps, the ovd day is calculated as the day before the first higher temp. but does that higher temp have to be higher than all the days prior to that day? cause i see some peoples charts and that higher temp is the same temp as some of the prior days. also, my cm is not a very clear source of evidence of ovd for me. can you all tell me how you check your cm? its a rare day where its actually on the toilet paper for me. i have heard people say to take mucinex and drink a lot of water. but its hard to drink a lot of water and hold my pee for four hours so that its concentrated enough to do a after 2pm opk test.
can someone give me the dummies version break down of how to bbt? i want to use the fertility friend app, but find it a bit confusing. likely b/c i have not spent enough time reading it. just glanced over it last night and a bit this morning. i just want simple instructions. its confusing b/c it says when there are three higher temps, the ovd day is calculated as the day before the first higher temp. but does that higher temp have to be higher than all the days prior to that day? cause i see some peoples charts and that higher temp is the same temp as some of the prior days. also, my cm is not a very clear source of evidence of ovd for me. can you all tell me how you check your cm? its a rare day where its actually on the toilet paper for me. i have heard people say to take mucinex and drink a lot of water. but its hard to drink a lot of water and hold my pee for four hours so that its concentrated enough to do a after 2pm opk test.

The nice thing about fertility friend is that you just input the temps and it will figure out ovulation for you.

In general, you start temping at the beginning of your cycle and that gives you a baseline of temps. Then after you ovulate, your temperature will rise. If your temp rises and stays up at least three days, that is how you know you have ovulated for sure and FF will give you crosshairs, which show you your baseline average temp and the day of ovulation.

That said, I have had cycles where my pre-ov temps are high, I have a dip, then my next temp is right around the same level of the pre-of temps, but the next two are definitely higher. FF will mark ovulation as the day the little dip happened in that case.

I would say at least two of the three temps should be higher than previous temperatures in order to confirm that you ovulated. If they are the same, then chances are you haven't ovulated yet because you want a clear rise in temperatures to confirm ovulation.

As for CM, I have yet to do any checking other than looking at the toilet paper, but since I take cinnamon, I get a lot of ewcm/watery cm, so I know when fertile time is upon me. Plus I do opks too. I know of other ladies who stick a finger up their bits to check cm, but it seems like too much work to me.

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