Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

angel: i am using the clear blue opks. so i have gotten the smiley face for a week. but it hasn't always been smiley. sometimes it would be blank and then i would get a smiley the next day. basically, i have gotten smileys at different days throughout the week.

whats really frustrating is that i have read that i might not have ovd at all. it may be that i had the surge and my body was trying to release the egg but never did. i have no clue. i will bbt next cycle if this one turns out to be a bust. waiting for my thermometer to arrive.

i went in for my bloods today, but b/c my doc is out of town, i probably wont get the results till friday, maybe monday, but i am hoping friday. will let you all know what the results are when i get them. i just hope i ovd. if not i guess doc will bump me up to 100 mg of clomid. though i might tell her that i want to move on to see an FS b/c i want to be monitored. all she wants to do is check to see if i have cycts, but i want mid cycle monitoring to know what the heck is going on.
Good afternoon ladies.. How's everyone doing? I'm STILL waiting on AF after my mirena removal. It's been 11 days.. Hopefully it will come soon.

yesterday i got another positive opk. i have had positives for about a week. i have read that people with pcos often get positives and i have pcos. i have no clue if i have ovd. im going to get my bloods checked today. only time will tell.

Hey Star have you tried to use Vitex to help regulate you since you have PCOS? I've read numerous of reviews and heard that it works wonders.

i will look into vitex, thank you for the suggestion. i def need help regulating AF. if this cycle is a bust, the doc will probably put me on provera to get the AF as that is what she did this round. i just hope i ovd this cycle. on pins and needles just waiting to find out. i should know by friday when blood results come in.
star_e: When did you take clomid last? if you are on clomid now, I've read that Clomid can cause a false OPK. From what I've read you want to take the clomid and then have at least a 3 day wait between the last day you took clomid and the OPK. I have never taken clomid I just remember reading that when I was doing research for my sister.
Good afternoon ladies.. How's everyone doing? I'm STILL waiting on AF after my mirena removal. It's been 11 days.. Hopefully it will come soon.

yesterday i got another positive opk. i have had positives for about a week. i have read that people with pcos often get positives and i have pcos. i have no clue if i have ovd. im going to get my bloods checked today. only time will tell.

Keeping fingers crossed for you!!

AshNAmber - You are still early, your temps fluctuating may not mean anything at this point. The "Charts like mine" section of FF always makes me feel better. :)

Gagrlinpitt - Did you get an approximation of when to expect AF after mirena removal? I don't know much about mirena. I know that with the pill I had an AF immediately (withdrawal bleed) and then it was about 6 weeks before I had another one.

Star - are your OPKs fully positive? As in, are you making sure that your test line is as dark or darker than the control line?
I have heard that PCOS can affect the OPKs but there are lots of ladies on here with PCOS that still use OPKs I think.

He said a couple of months... I had some discharge (brown /red) off and on for about three days right after.. Nothing since, but I'm sorry emotional today so I'm hoping it comes soon.
star_e: When did you take clomid last? if you are on clomid now, I've read that Clomid can cause a false OPK. From what I've read you want to take the clomid and then have at least a 3 day wait between the last day you took clomid and the OPK. I have never taken clomid I just remember reading that when I was doing research for my sister.

i took clomid cd5-9. i started getting the positive opks cd16-22. i have no idea if i ovd. cant wait till the blood results come back on friday. though, given all the positive opks, if they show low progesterone, i'll probably have to go back a few days later to check again.

other thing is, i have read several articles and forum threads on checking cervical position. i have visited the website beautiful cervix, i have tried many positions to try to find the thing and i have no clue where it is. my lady part is all bothered now from reaching the entire day for it. is it possible that the thing is so high up but not b/c im fertile but just b/c its always high. b/c i have been trying to find it for over a week and its not there.
AshNAmber - I've also used the "Charts Like Mine" feature of FF to make myself feel better about my temps, and also did a generic search for charts that resulted in pregnancy and was able to see many that were really erratic. Also, the fact that you're on 10DPO (if I remember correctly) and have not had your usual symptoms is not necessarily a bad thing! I've read many times on here that it's the times that women had no symptoms at all that they got their BFP. FX for you!

star_e - I feel like you are me exactly two weeks ago. I was like, "where is my cervix" and "what's all this temping" and "is this OPK right!?" I truly, truly feel you. I don't exactly have a map to find your cervix, but when I was looking for mine and seemingly going into the most extreme depths of my lady cave, I eventually realized that I was going too far and that my cervix was in fact not so far back and a tiny bit off to one side. So try different depths and poke around left and right a bit. Having said all this, I still can't determine whether it's high or low and am not convinced I can completely tell between soft and hard, so I'm not using CP as a fertility sign. Also, I hear you on the CM. I **think** I can tell when I have EWCM, but it's also hard to tell apart from sperm sometimes. Even now, way past ovulation, I am not completely dry and I am wondering whether it's slightly EWCM-y but just less abundant... or sticky or creamy or what! I don't put my fingers inside me, though, I just either look at toilet paper after I wipe or do the two-finger swipe of the opening and then see if it stretches. Hopefully that's not too TMI. Hey, it's all natural! :haha: But yes, definitely get your thermometer so you can confirm O. Even with my +OPK last week I wasn't convinced I O'd because I might also have PCOS and have heard the wonderful news of women with PCOS sometimes not O'ing despite +OPKs. Good luck!
AshNAmber - I've also used the "Charts Like Mine" feature of FF to make myself feel better about my temps, and also did a generic search for charts that resulted in pregnancy and was able to see many that were really erratic. Also, the fact that you're on 10DPO (if I remember correctly) and have not had your usual symptoms is not necessarily a bad thing! I've read many times on here that it's the times that women had no symptoms at all that they got their BFP. FX for you!

star_e - I feel like you are me exactly two weeks ago. I was like, "where is my cervix" and "what's all this temping" and "is this OPK right!?" I truly, truly feel you. I don't exactly have a map to find your cervix, but when I was looking for mine and seemingly going into the most extreme depths of my lady cave, I eventually realized that I was going too far and that my cervix was in fact not so far back and a tiny bit off to one side. So try different depths and poke around left and right a bit. Having said all this, I still can't determine whether it's high or low and am not convinced I can completely tell between soft and hard, so I'm not using CP as a fertility sign. Also, I hear you on the CM. I **think** I can tell when I have EWCM, but it's also hard to tell apart from sperm sometimes. Even now, way past ovulation, I am not completely dry and I am wondering whether it's slightly EWCM-y but just less abundant... or sticky or creamy or what! I don't put my fingers inside me, though, I just either look at toilet paper after I wipe or do the two-finger swipe of the opening and then see if it stretches. Hopefully that's not too TMI. Hey, it's all natural! :haha: But yes, definitely get your thermometer so you can confirm O. Even with my +OPK last week I wasn't convinced I O'd because I might also have PCOS and have heard the wonderful news of women with PCOS sometimes not O'ing despite +OPKs. Good luck!

Thank you for empathizing with me. it is very difficult at the beginning of ttc learning all this. cp is just confusing and my lady cave is aggravated from all the prodding I did today. for cm, I just stick a finger in there and see what I see. its not comfortable doing that, but I am trying to learn. my cm is never really flowing enough to be on toilet paper. and as for bbt, I am going to plug the info in and let FF do all the work. i'll start looking at the tutorials more in case I learn other helpful things. i'll find out on Friday whether or not my progesterone was high and i'll let you all know. hopefully I at least ovd this cycle. but who knows.
I really like the app Woman Calendar. It is very easy to use and a great reference to have when i speak with my doctor. i really like it because it is so simple and the icons are very clear. for example, on BD days, the app inserts two little people on the day. so its very easy to read. however, i am going to start temping soon. this is my first round of clomid and my first time ever ttc and i have heard that many people use fertility friend. i downloaded it yesterday and was surprised it was free. they give you so many videos and lessons. it seems much more sophisticated than the woman calendar, but also more complicated and confusing. i will definitely use both. i also dont really understand temping and am going to have to spend some time trying to understand it.

I will look into Woman Calendar! I also see Fertility Friend is very popular so I'm going to try to get it too, and quit being lazy and start temping...

So I was very sad today. I'm CD27, about 12DPO. Sorry this is TMI but I have been emptying myself out a lot (#2) :blush:, woke up this morning, went a lot, wiped... and then there was this long brown stringy discharge. Never had that before. I am going to post about it elsewhere to see what everyone thinks. I read that brown discharge is old blood.

I've been having cramps, still have cramps, breasts were very sore yesterday and still sore today. Still gassy.

I don't know. AF is due within the next week (I'm irregular). I wonder if this was my first miscarriage :( Felt exhausted and down all day at work. Came home, couldn't help myself and took the First Response test and got a BFN.

So yea. That's where I am right now, hope you all are doing better than me right now <3
Gagrlinpitt hope your AF soon shows up:thumbup:

Angel hope you managed to BD and that court wasn't too bad for you. I hope you soon get something decided about what can be done about that uncle:flower:

LG24 I don't know much about miscarriages although I've been through 1 CP last year in December after IVF #1 and highly suspect I had a CP in April 2014. You'll know when you mc I've read, there will be really, really bad cramping and lots of red blood. I know with my CP(s) it was like a bad period with cramping a bit worse than normal and lots of red bleeding. I wouldn't worry about brown blood since as you said it's old blood (usually days old), especially if it was a small amount, that could potentially be IB (implantation bleeding). I'd just wait and see and try testing again in 2-3 days time if AF hasn't shown up. BTW cramping can be good, I was cramping mildly before I got my BFP, still do cramp a bit actually (am now about 6w0d) which I've learned is the uterus stretching out to make room for the bean.
AshNAmber - I've also used the "Charts Like Mine" feature of FF to make myself feel better about my temps, and also did a generic search for charts that resulted in pregnancy and was able to see many that were really erratic. Also, the fact that you're on 10DPO (if I remember correctly) and have not had your usual symptoms is not necessarily a bad thing! I've read many times on here that it's the times that women had no symptoms at all that they got their BFP. FX for you!

star_e - I feel like you are me exactly two weeks ago. I was like, "where is my cervix" and "what's all this temping" and "is this OPK right!?" I truly, truly feel you. I don't exactly have a map to find your cervix, but when I was looking for mine and seemingly going into the most extreme depths of my lady cave, I eventually realized that I was going too far and that my cervix was in fact not so far back and a tiny bit off to one side. So try different depths and poke around left and right a bit. Having said all this, I still can't determine whether it's high or low and am not convinced I can completely tell between soft and hard, so I'm not using CP as a fertility sign. Also, I hear you on the CM. I **think** I can tell when I have EWCM, but it's also hard to tell apart from sperm sometimes. Even now, way past ovulation, I am not completely dry and I am wondering whether it's slightly EWCM-y but just less abundant... or sticky or creamy or what! I don't put my fingers inside me, though, I just either look at toilet paper after I wipe or do the two-finger swipe of the opening and then see if it stretches. Hopefully that's not too TMI. Hey, it's all natural! :haha: But yes, definitely get your thermometer so you can confirm O. Even with my +OPK last week I wasn't convinced I O'd because I might also have PCOS and have heard the wonderful news of women with PCOS sometimes not O'ing despite +OPKs. Good luck!

Thank you for empathizing with me. it is very difficult at the beginning of ttc learning all this. cp is just confusing and my lady cave is aggravated from all the prodding I did today. for cm, I just stick a finger in there and see what I see. its not comfortable doing that, but I am trying to learn. my cm is never really flowing enough to be on toilet paper. and as for bbt, I am going to plug the info in and let FF do all the work. i'll start looking at the tutorials more in case I learn other helpful things. i'll find out on Friday whether or not my progesterone was high and i'll let you all know. hopefully I at least ovd this cycle. but who knows.


TTC can be so overwhelming sometimes. It really does just take time to absorb all the information you're bombarded with...and time to figure out your body's patterns. (And time is the one thing you don't want to waste, because I'm sure you're just like the rest of us and want it to happen NOW. :) )

I've heard of women with PCOS having multiple pos opks...that really makes things hard. Hopefully they'll have good results for you on Friday! Fx!
Managed to BD yesterday, got another blinky today, and so I'm going to try to bD today too because I suspect I'll get my solid tomorrow and I usually O on the day of the +OPK so I want to have as many little guys up there as possible.

Turned out that yesterday's court was just a "prelim" because the uncle didn't file the "answer paperwork" yet so they didn't have any testimony stuff. :/ Basically his uncle has until 10am today to file which he did right after court yesterday (ugh! was hoping he'd forget) and then we will get a trial date set and have to go down and deal with this again. I think we're just going to hire a lawyer to deal with it so we have less stress. :(

Star - it is possible that your cervix is just always high, there are a few ladies I've talked to on here that can never find their cervix. If you are fertile it will also be high/soft/hard to find, so it could be one or the other or both.

To be honest, Jezika and Star I Didn't start looking at my CP until I'd been TTC for several months. CM took me a couple months to figure out, and CP took me even longer. Determining height, and softness, is very confusing at first and because everyone is different the only way to really start to understand high/med/low and soft/firm/med is to check your cervix daily (just once around the same time every day is all you really need to do) and see how it changes. Don't get me started on how hard of a time I had figuring out open/closed. I've been ttc for a year now and I only just started to get the hang of that a couple months ago. But that is the least reliable "sign" of fertility in comparison to CM and OPKs and BBT so it's also the least important to worry about.

It took me a couple months of checking CM to really understand what was sticky vs creamy vs EW vs watery and even now sometimes I'm like "umm I don't know what to classify that as". LoL!! Our bodies aren't textbook, unfortunately. Don't let ti stress you out. Pick one or two things to look at and just start to get a feel for what you're doing before trying to do too much. :)

LG If you aren't very far into the TWW then that could be implantation bleeding. I've had 2 chemicals and on both of those it was like a regular AF but was a couple days late, a little longer, a little heavier, and more cramping. So if you were having a miscarriage or a chemical then you'd at least have made it to your full TWW probably before you'd have any signs it was coming.
Gagrlinpitt hope your AF soon shows up:thumbup:

Thank you.. My breasts were really sore the week before I got it out so I'm wondering if I just missed it.

I've been using the Kindara app and I really like it.. It's so user friendly and you can add in a bunch of personalized fields. I hadn't looked into FF but I didn't realize there was so much that can go into TTC.. It's overwhelming sometimes.
I really like the app Woman Calendar. It is very easy to use and a great reference to have when i speak with my doctor. i really like it because it is so simple and the icons are very clear. for example, on BD days, the app inserts two little people on the day. so its very easy to read. however, i am going to start temping soon. this is my first round of clomid and my first time ever ttc and i have heard that many people use fertility friend. i downloaded it yesterday and was surprised it was free. they give you so many videos and lessons. it seems much more sophisticated than the woman calendar, but also more complicated and confusing. i will definitely use both. i also dont really understand temping and am going to have to spend some time trying to understand it.

I will look into Woman Calendar! I also see Fertility Friend is very popular so I'm going to try to get it too, and quit being lazy and start temping...

So I was very sad today. I'm CD27, about 12DPO. Sorry this is TMI but I have been emptying myself out a lot (#2) :blush:, woke up this morning, went a lot, wiped... and then there was this long brown stringy discharge. Never had that before. I am going to post about it elsewhere to see what everyone thinks. I read that brown discharge is old blood.

I've been having cramps, still have cramps, breasts were very sore yesterday and still sore today. Still gassy.

I don't know. AF is due within the next week (I'm irregular). I wonder if this was my first miscarriage :( Felt exhausted and down all day at work. Came home, couldn't help myself and took the First Response test and got a BFN.

So yea. That's where I am right now, hope you all are doing better than me right now <3

Sorry you were feeling sad. I was sad too yesterday. i don't know what the brown discharge is. Have u seen your doc yet? Could AF be early? Please let us know what happens. Sending u positive energy.

Angel: glad u got that smiley face!!!

As for me. I have to wait till Friday for results. I am experiencing no symptoms though so I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't ovd at all. I'm also giving up on checking cervical position. I completely aggravated my area yesterday w all the checking. Andill still aggravated today. Uggg. Will check for cm only but only during the days after clomid.

Here's to hoping clomid 50 mg at least made me ovd. Let u all know on Friday.
Gagrlinpitt hope your AF soon shows up:thumbup:

Angel hope you managed to BD and that court wasn't too bad for you. I hope you soon get something decided about what can be done about that uncle:flower:

LG24 I don't know much about miscarriages although I've been through 1 CP last year in December after IVF #1 and highly suspect I had a CP in April 2014. You'll know when you mc I've read, there will be really, really bad cramping and lots of red blood. I know with my CP(s) it was like a bad period with cramping a bit worse than normal and lots of red bleeding. I wouldn't worry about brown blood since as you said it's old blood (usually days old), especially if it was a small amount, that could potentially be IB (implantation bleeding). I'd just wait and see and try testing again in 2-3 days time if AF hasn't shown up. BTW cramping can be good, I was cramping mildly before I got my BFP, still do cramp a bit actually (am now about 6w0d) which I've learned is the uterus stretching out to make room for the bean.

Kat, I just popped in this thread to check and realize you got your BFP!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Congratulations! That was certainly hardwon and well deserved. I hope you're feeling amazing.
I was just sent home from work. I got news at lunch that former student of mine committed suicide this morning. She was 16. The news is devastating. So my principal told me to take the afternoon and process/grieve. :cry:

Gagrlin I like Kindara and FF. I always go back to ff because it calculates Ovulation date for you and I do't have to do it. lol. There is a lot to process but just take one thing at a time. Learn one new thing each time, that tends to help. :)

Star You wouldn't necssarily be showing symptoms whether you Ovulated or not. You could ovulate and not conceive and have no symptoms at all. Or you could ovulate and conceive and have no symptoms at all. Or you could ovulate and conceive and have symptoms. Some women have signs that they ovulated but most have no physical symptoms that they did ovulate except maybe a change in cm. Don't count yourself out til you get your results.
Angel, sorry to hear the court case wasn't what you expected and that somehow the uncle's managed to do everything he can to delay proceedings. That must be frustrating to say the least.

AFM, well, I went ahead and tested (at 8DPO) with a Wondfo. BFN, of course, but I swear I am now devout believer of line eye! I was actually amazed at how it could be clearly white as snow one moment and how I could convincingly see just a ghost of a whisper of a pink line the next moment. I even marked where I thought I could see it and then saw if the distance from control was the same as on the OPKs. No point even posting a pic because it's so ridiculous.
I was just sent home from work. I got news at lunch that former student of mine committed suicide this morning. She was 16. The news is devastating. So my principal told me to take the afternoon and process/grieve. :cry:

Gagrlin I like Kindara and FF. I always go back to ff because it calculates Ovulation date for you and I do't have to do it. lol. There is a lot to process but just take one thing at a time. Learn one new thing each time, that tends to help. :)

Star You wouldn't necssarily be showing symptoms whether you Ovulated or not. You could ovulate and not conceive and have no symptoms at all. Or you could ovulate and conceive and have no symptoms at all. Or you could ovulate and conceive and have symptoms. Some women have signs that they ovulated but most have no physical symptoms that they did ovulate except maybe a change in cm. Don't count yourself out til you get your results.

Angel my goodness I'm so sorry to hear that! My condolences.

Doesn't Kindara calculate ovulation too or am I thinking wrong? I like FF but don't want to pay to have all the features I want... I'll be honest, I'm cheap sometimes lol.
I missed your paste, Angel. That's horrible to hear. I hope you're okay.

Gagrl - It may be because I'm still in the middle of the free VIP trial or FF, but I think almost all the features I actually use are still included with the free version. Mind you, I don't think that includes custom symptom fields, so if you're finding those particularly useful, it's sounds like Kindara's a great app.
I was just sent home from work. I got news at lunch that former student of mine committed suicide this morning. She was 16. The news is devastating. So my principal told me to take the afternoon and process/grieve. :cry:

Gagrlin I like Kindara and FF. I always go back to ff because it calculates Ovulation date for you and I do't have to do it. lol. There is a lot to process but just take one thing at a time. Learn one new thing each time, that tends to help. :)

Star You wouldn't necssarily be showing symptoms whether you Ovulated or not. You could ovulate and not conceive and have no symptoms at all. Or you could ovulate and conceive and have no symptoms at all. Or you could ovulate and conceive and have symptoms. Some women have signs that they ovulated but most have no physical symptoms that they did ovulate except maybe a change in cm. Don't count yourself out til you get your results.

angel: so sorry to hear the sad news about your former student. i hope you are okay! that really is devastating. sending you warm wishes.
update: got the results. im out this cycle. i did not ovd. they might make me take another test given that my last positive opk was this monday. but pcos has the tendency to make LH high. so it read right on the tests, but i just didn't ovd. i am now in the process of trying to find a FS. i think given my long history with pcos that i am better off moving on than staying with the obgyn.

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