Thanks ladies. I'm doing okay, as okay as can be expected anyway. Going back to work today and going ot keep busy. I am heart broken for the school I was at last year. They aren't going to recover from this well.
Blinky smiley again this morning, but temp went up a little instead of down. Thinking O pushed back by a day or two simply because of stress. Going to try some yoga tonight after work and try to relax. DIdn't BD yesterday. Clearly wasn't in a mental state for that. Going to try tonight though.
Has anyone else used the advanced digi's? I"m wondering if the blinky face is going to keep showing no matter what now until I get the solid face? I know that once you get the solid it stays there for 48 hours and you can't keep testing, just wondering if the blinky face is like "preprogrammed" so that the minute you get one it keeps doing that until LH appears. Or could it disappear if my O gets pushed way off?
Gagrlin I don't know if Kindara does, the couple months that I used it I had to manually put in the O day, so I don't know if there is a feature where it calculates it. I used the fre version of FF for a long time and was happy with it. I started using VIP when I got several "free" months (they give them away on their twitter account all the time) and then when it went on sale o that a 1-year VIP was only $20 I went ahead and paid. Otherwise I wouldn't pay full price for it.