Star- how long have you been ttc? Typically clomid is tried at different dosages, then femara is tried which often works for those who don't respond to clomid, then a trigger shot is added with timed bd, then after that fails, (and you've had testing to include a sperm analysis, hsg, and early cycle bloodwork), then iui is tried. Have you had other testing? If you haven't had an hsg to rule out a tube or uterine issue, iui is a waste of time and money.
Star- how long have you been ttc? Typically clomid is tried at different dosages, then femara is tried which often works for those who don't respond to clomid, then a trigger shot is added with timed bd, then after that fails, (and you've had testing to include a sperm analysis, hsg, and early cycle bloodwork), then iui is tried. Have you had other testing? If you haven't had an hsg to rule out a tube or uterine issue, iui is a waste of time and money.
I have only been trying for one month. I was surprised she brought up iui. I was a bit taken aback because I thought that jumping to iui would be skipping many steps. They did blood tests today but I honestly don't kremeber the exact test names. She said we needed to rule things out before iui. I'll call tomorrow to ask. She mentioned something about checking for the tubes being open -though we didn't do that test today-and they are getting DH's sperm sample on Friday. What do I need to have done to figure out if there is a uterine issue? Thank you for this message because I am going to make sure I ask them about all those tests you mentioned. Also, does iui have a greater success rate than clomid with trigger shot?
I don't know what to think about all this. I obviously want to get pregnant but I've learned from reading other people's posts that their doctors gave them several options.
DBZ34 - thank you for all of this info! I really appreciate it. You have given me so much to think about and ask. I do think they are probably running those tests because she mentioned checking the tubes and also mentioned the need for running the blood tests and DH SA before the iui. I just don't remember the names of the test. Either way I'm calling them just to make sure.
You mentioned the uterus position. I remember doing an endoscopy a year and a half ago and the doctor (not a ttc doctor) said something about my uterus shape. Having a curve or something along those lines. Would his be info to try to get faxed to my FS or would they need to do the tubes thing anyway so no need? Also, do they have to do the test right before ovd? I think she mentioned everything was going to be done at once but I didn't ask exactly when the tubes would be tested.
Do you know of many success stories with iui?
DBZ: I am very sorry to hear about your first loss. i have my fx that you will get your bfp soon. is there a reason why they took you off the clomid and put you on the femara?
DBZ34 - thank you for all of this info! I really appreciate it. You have given me so much to think about and ask. I do think they are probably running those tests because she mentioned checking the tubes and also mentioned the need for running the blood tests and DH SA before the iui. I just don't remember the names of the test. Either way I'm calling them just to make sure.
You mentioned the uterus position. I remember doing an endoscopy a year and a half ago and the doctor (not a ttc doctor) said something about my uterus shape. Having a curve or something along those lines. Would his be info to try to get faxed to my FS or would they need to do the tubes thing anyway so no need? Also, do they have to do the test right before ovd? I think she mentioned everything was going to be done at once but I didn't ask exactly when the tubes would be tested.
Do you know of many success stories with iui?
They'll have to do the HSG anyway and should get an idea of the shape of your uterus and find out if there's anything going on inside that might be impeding conception. So, it's not necessary, but on the other hand, it can't hurt to have another piece of information to build a more complete picture. So, I'd say it's up to you.
As for timing, as long as you haven't ovulated yet, they can do the HSG without a problem. I know, in general, they shoot for around CD7-10 to make sure they're not doing it when someone is about to ovulate, but in your case, if I'm remembering correctly, you're past that point now. It won't hurt to do the HSG this cycle, as long as they're confident you're not going to be ovulating the day of the HSG.
I have come across many IUI success stories during my time on BnB (I've been here for years). Sometimes it takes more than one IUI, but it does work for a number of ladies.![]()
I'm hoping that your FS's plan will work for you!! BFP! BFP!