Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Star- how long have you been ttc? Typically clomid is tried at different dosages, then femara is tried which often works for those who don't respond to clomid, then a trigger shot is added with timed bd, then after that fails, (and you've had testing to include a sperm analysis, hsg, and early cycle bloodwork), then iui is tried. Have you had other testing? If you haven't had an hsg to rule out a tube or uterine issue, iui is a waste of time and money.
Welcome MrsRose and Gavsgirl!!

star - how long have you been TTC? It seems early to jump right to IUI without trying the other stuff, although I will admit I don't know much about IUI or anything like that as I haven't got to that point yet. Is there a sperm problem possibly why they are jumping to IUI?
star- I know that IUI is indicated when treating women with PCOS, but your FS does seem to be totally skipping some steps in there.

Is the monitoring cycle separate from the IUI cycle, or do they want to do it all in one?

I'm with drjo. It does seem like a bit of a waste of money to hop straight to IUI without trying just upping Clomid and using the trigger shot to ensure ovulation...or doing any additional testing to make sure your tubes are open, sperm are good, etc. Did you FS suggest further testing at all?
Star- how long have you been ttc? Typically clomid is tried at different dosages, then femara is tried which often works for those who don't respond to clomid, then a trigger shot is added with timed bd, then after that fails, (and you've had testing to include a sperm analysis, hsg, and early cycle bloodwork), then iui is tried. Have you had other testing? If you haven't had an hsg to rule out a tube or uterine issue, iui is a waste of time and money.

I have only been trying for one month. I was surprised she brought up iui. I was a bit taken aback because I thought that jumping to iui would be skipping many steps. They did blood tests today but I honestly don't kremeber the exact test names. She said we needed to rule things out before iui. I'll call tomorrow to ask. She mentioned something about checking for the tubes being open -though we didn't do that test today-and they are getting DH's sperm sample on Friday. What do I need to have done to figure out if there is a uterine issue? Thank you for this message because I am going to make sure I ask them about all those tests you mentioned. Also, does iui have a greater success rate than clomid with trigger shot?

I don't know what to think about all this. I obviously want to get pregnant but I've learned from reading other people's posts that their doctors gave them several options.
She said the monitoring cycle would be the same cycle as iui. She said I'd do the higher clomid dosage, a trigger shot, monitoring and iui. I am frustrated because I was not prepared enough at that consultation. I never asked her why she was suggesting going straight to iui. All of this is new to me and I felt confused.

I wanted the monitoring and the higher clomid dosage. THe thing is the monitoring itself is pretty expensive. even if I don't do the iui. Monitoring alone is expensive.

What do you all think about iui?

I can't thank you all enough for giving me the feedback on what tests need to be run first. I will call tomorrow and make sure I'm doing that.

I've been feeling very overwhelmed lately.
Hi Star, wish I could help you with information but I am clueless. Are you going to ask tomorrow?

Hi MrsRose good luck with your appt! Hope everything is good to go for you and your husband !
Star- how long have you been ttc? Typically clomid is tried at different dosages, then femara is tried which often works for those who don't respond to clomid, then a trigger shot is added with timed bd, then after that fails, (and you've had testing to include a sperm analysis, hsg, and early cycle bloodwork), then iui is tried. Have you had other testing? If you haven't had an hsg to rule out a tube or uterine issue, iui is a waste of time and money.

I have only been trying for one month. I was surprised she brought up iui. I was a bit taken aback because I thought that jumping to iui would be skipping many steps. They did blood tests today but I honestly don't kremeber the exact test names. She said we needed to rule things out before iui. I'll call tomorrow to ask. She mentioned something about checking for the tubes being open -though we didn't do that test today-and they are getting DH's sperm sample on Friday. What do I need to have done to figure out if there is a uterine issue? Thank you for this message because I am going to make sure I ask them about all those tests you mentioned. Also, does iui have a greater success rate than clomid with trigger shot?

I don't know what to think about all this. I obviously want to get pregnant but I've learned from reading other people's posts that their doctors gave them several options.

Ok, so it sounds like she did at least mention the HSG (it's a test where they shoot dye into your uterus and look at it with an imaging device to see if your tubes are open). They should also be able to see if there's anything going on with your uterus and the position of it with that test too. She should probably do that the cycle before you proceed to an IUI. They have to do it before you ovulate, to reduce the chances of an ectopic pregnancy. If they want to do it this cycle, I hope they make sure you're not about to ov.

The blood work is good too. Though I'm not sure where you are in your cycle, they can check for AMH and FSH, which will tell them about your egg reserve and the quality of eggs.

So, jumping to IUI, knowing that they are running all those tests and doing an SA with your DH, makes more sense.

When I did my fertility testing, I had the blood work (I had to do one test twice just because of where I was in my cycle the first time), DH had an SA, I had an HSG and at the end, when they didn't find anything glaringly wrong (unexplained IF diagnosis for me), we moved to right to IUI (Clomid + injectibles with a trigger).

My first IUI was successful, but resulted in my first loss. I've had two more IUIs with Femara and they haven't worked, but I think Femara wasn't as effective of a drug during the IUI as Clomid was for me. Far fewer follies were ripe at trigger time. But, I'm still pro-IUI. Getting sperm right up there to the egg seems like a good thing. :)

Since they know you have PCOS, the higher dose of Clomid plus the trigger makes sense. As for success rates, I know that IUI has a success rate of about 28-30%, which is higher than a normal try of just BDing any given cycle (20%). I'm not sure what the success rate for just Clomid plus trigger and BDing is though.
DBZ34 - thank you for all of this info! I really appreciate it. You have given me so much to think about and ask. I do think they are probably running those tests because she mentioned checking the tubes and also mentioned the need for running the blood tests and DH SA before the iui. I just don't remember the names of the test. Either way I'm calling them just to make sure.

You mentioned the uterus position. I remember doing an endoscopy a year and a half ago and the doctor (not a ttc doctor) said something about my uterus shape. Having a curve or something along those lines. Would his be info to try to get faxed to my FS or would they need to do the tubes thing anyway so no need? Also, do they have to do the test right before ovd? I think she mentioned everything was going to be done at once but I didn't ask exactly when the tubes would be tested.

Do you know of many success stories with iui?
DBZ: I am very sorry to hear about your first loss. i have my fx that you will get your bfp soon. is there a reason why they took you off the clomid and put you on the femara?
DBZ34 - thank you for all of this info! I really appreciate it. You have given me so much to think about and ask. I do think they are probably running those tests because she mentioned checking the tubes and also mentioned the need for running the blood tests and DH SA before the iui. I just don't remember the names of the test. Either way I'm calling them just to make sure.

You mentioned the uterus position. I remember doing an endoscopy a year and a half ago and the doctor (not a ttc doctor) said something about my uterus shape. Having a curve or something along those lines. Would his be info to try to get faxed to my FS or would they need to do the tubes thing anyway so no need? Also, do they have to do the test right before ovd? I think she mentioned everything was going to be done at once but I didn't ask exactly when the tubes would be tested.

Do you know of many success stories with iui?

They'll have to do the HSG anyway and should get an idea of the shape of your uterus and find out if there's anything going on inside that might be impeding conception. So, it's not necessary, but on the other hand, it can't hurt to have another piece of information to build a more complete picture. So, I'd say it's up to you.

As for timing, as long as you haven't ovulated yet, they can do the HSG without a problem. I know, in general, they shoot for around CD7-10 to make sure they're not doing it when someone is about to ovulate, but in your case, if I'm remembering correctly, you're past that point now. It won't hurt to do the HSG this cycle, as long as they're confident you're not going to be ovulating the day of the HSG.

I have come across many IUI success stories during my time on BnB (I've been here for years). Sometimes it takes more than one IUI, but it does work for a number of ladies. :)

I'm hoping that your FS's plan will work for you!! BFP! BFP!
DBZ: I am very sorry to hear about your first loss. i have my fx that you will get your bfp soon. is there a reason why they took you off the clomid and put you on the femara?

Thank you, star!

One reason is because I changed clinics. I moved from the UK to the US and I had my first IUI at this lovely clinic and that's where I did the Clomid.

My FS here in the US suspected that I had something in my uterus that might be feeding off the extra hormones produced by Clomid. That turned out not to be true, but he kept me on Femara for my next IUI anyway.
Morning ladies.

My temp stayed elevated today so I suspect I'm post-O though my temps around my +OPK are so odd that I couldn't pinpoint O if I wanted to. lol. Not sure I'll get ch this cycle if I did O but we'll see. With the combination of cm, sore breasts and temps i suspect I O'd or am skipping O - unsure so we'll see.

Dh has the final court date tomorrow afternoon to deal with his crazy uncle and our inherited house but I won't be able to go Bc it's over 3 hours away and I can't take another 2 days off work. Once that's over I hope my stress level will drop.
I'm 31 and we're in the "not trying, but not preventing" bracket. I really want a baby, but DH has been scared of financials.
I'm excited that he's moved into a new phase and that we're closer to starting a family!
I've mainly been just keeping track of my periods and nothing else so far. Since my periods are irregular, focusing on getting them on track right now is my #1 priority.
Thank you all for sharing your stories!
DBZ34 - thank you for all of this info! I really appreciate it. You have given me so much to think about and ask. I do think they are probably running those tests because she mentioned checking the tubes and also mentioned the need for running the blood tests and DH SA before the iui. I just don't remember the names of the test. Either way I'm calling them just to make sure.

You mentioned the uterus position. I remember doing an endoscopy a year and a half ago and the doctor (not a ttc doctor) said something about my uterus shape. Having a curve or something along those lines. Would his be info to try to get faxed to my FS or would they need to do the tubes thing anyway so no need? Also, do they have to do the test right before ovd? I think she mentioned everything was going to be done at once but I didn't ask exactly when the tubes would be tested.

Do you know of many success stories with iui?

They'll have to do the HSG anyway and should get an idea of the shape of your uterus and find out if there's anything going on inside that might be impeding conception. So, it's not necessary, but on the other hand, it can't hurt to have another piece of information to build a more complete picture. So, I'd say it's up to you.

As for timing, as long as you haven't ovulated yet, they can do the HSG without a problem. I know, in general, they shoot for around CD7-10 to make sure they're not doing it when someone is about to ovulate, but in your case, if I'm remembering correctly, you're past that point now. It won't hurt to do the HSG this cycle, as long as they're confident you're not going to be ovulating the day of the HSG.

I have come across many IUI success stories during my time on BnB (I've been here for years). Sometimes it takes more than one IUI, but it does work for a number of ladies. :)

I'm hoping that your FS's plan will work for you!! BFP! BFP!

thank you! i hope it works too. and i won't bother with trying to fax over the info from my other doc if the hsg also returns info about the shape of the uterus. my fx for you too.

right now i am a bit bored b/c nothing happens until monday. on monday, i will go in and they will give me a prescription to induce AF b/c AF does not come on her own. then i will have to take that for 10 days and then AF should arrive. i hope that the clomid and trigger shot make me ovd. b/c i dont ovd on my own and even with 50mg of clomid i dont. i hope there are success stories out there for women who only get AF 2 times a year due to pcos. the only symptoms of pcos that i have are irregular periods and many immature follicles in my ovaries. i dont have the other classic symptoms, even my hormones are at normal level.
i'm going to ask the doc to explain the normal hormone level to me more b/c i always thought pcos meant the hormones had to be unbalanced. but, when my bloods were taken, she said they were not abnormal. maybe she meant excessively so, i dont know.
EAhner - welcome!! did you recently stop any kind of hormonal birth control when you moved to the NTNP category? Just asking because that can cause some crazy irregular cycles for awhile.

Star - I thought PCOS also meant your hormones were unbalanced. :/ I would def ask your dr to explain. We might just not understand the full definition of pcos.
Happy Friday! Got my transvaginal ultrasound today and they said everything looked good--no cysts or fibroids and the lining was normal. She pointed out some follicles that were gearing up, which was cool. So, we can check that off the list! Bloodwork is being done on Tuesday to check for genetic and blood clotting issues.
Star_e - This might not be helpful to you or may be stuff you already knew, but I found this article super informative when I was reading up on PCOS, just in terms of getting my head around what it actually is and what it's related to:

EAhner - Welcome! Are you planning on using OPKs or temping before you start TTC?

Angel - I believe you would've had the court case by now. How did it go?

AFM, I haven't checked in on this thread in a while, but I got my BFP on Sunday! Was totally shocked. Now I'm just super scared of possible MC and also about a possible kidney infection I have going on.

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