Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

:wave: welcome angelbride!

Im just catching up, been a busy past couple days. Thought I was almost over this cold but today it feels like it's rearing up again. Plus today my car started making weird noises, dh thinks it's a bearing in the alternator. Not cool since we are a little tight on money this month. Blah. trying not to stress about it. I've got a massage tomorrow, going to do some yoga, and then my RE appointment Sunday. Hoping AF is gone by then!

I need to start doing some destress activities too. Massage sounds nice. Some people have recommended acupuncture. I've never done it before, but I've heard it's helpful.
Hey ladies.. Sorry I went MIA.. Sometimes you just need to get away .. I hope you are all doing well.. I think I'm 3DPO :shrug: I kinda been off and on temping and stopped checking CM but I did use my digi opks and my peak came faster than I thought it would but I managed to get 2 rounds of AI in so hoping that it took.. My donor is starting to feel like something is wrong with him so I we all decided that if it doesn't work this time we are going to take next cycle off.
Hey ladies.. Sorry I went MIA.. Sometimes you just need to get away .. I hope you are all doing well.. I think I'm 3DPO :shrug: I kinda been off and on temping and stopped checking CM but I did use my digi opks and my peak came faster than I thought it would but I managed to get 2 rounds of AI in so hoping that it took.. My donor is starting to feel like something is wrong with him so I we all decided that if it doesn't work this time we are going to take next cycle off.

:hugs: so good to see you again!! I was wondering about you recently! I def understand needing to get away though. :hugs: to your donor too! That must be so hard for him. Let him know that even for perfectly healthy couples it cant take months so not to be too worried. Though, if he is worried he could always look at doing a semen analysis just to be sure. I don't know how insurance would pick that up in your case with the donor situation but I don't think it's incredibly expensive w/out insurance (we were just told today its about $120 w/out any insurance, which is spendy but not outrageous compared to costs of some of the tests for me!)

I had my RE appointment today. I really like the clinic we are going to. They were so nice, very personable. The doctor is very kind, and didn't at all brush anything I said off and provided us with lots of information, which I really appreciate.

We will start doing tests next cycle. I'm going to have a very very busy month of April. I have to call on CD1 and then go on CD3 to have ultrasound (to look at lining thickness) and to do hormone tests. Then I call the radiology department and schedule a dye test to look at my uterus and make sure tubes are open and uterus shape is okay. This sounds incredibly painful and not at all pleasant (they warned me that some women say it's just like painful cramps, but other women have said it felt like childbirth without an epidural). Then I go back around CD12-18 somewhere to look at follicles and lining and hormone testing and then once I Ov I go back again to check hormones again.

Basically, this next cycle will be very busy. After that we can make some decisions about what needs to be done. He said that his concern right now isn't infertility but with recurrent losses because I've had 2 chemicals. This actually was relieving to hear because my previous doctor just brushed aside my CPs as not a big deal, and that really bothered me.

So I can't go in and start testing until next cycle (sucks because I'm at CD4-5 today and he said I missed starting the testing by about 2 days because they are very time sensitive tests) but DH can have his analysis done at any time so he'll prob go in a couple weeks and take care of that. I feel so relieved just to have someone else watching my cycle and help us! And they are there literally 7 days a week because they know that a woman can't control their cycle so I can literally call any day.
I had my RE appointment today. I really like the clinic we are going to. They were so nice, very personable. The doctor is very kind, and didn't at all brush anything I said off and provided us with lots of information, which I really appreciate.

We will start doing tests next cycle. I'm going to have a very very busy month of April. I have to call on CD1 and then go on CD3 to have ultrasound (to look at lining thickness) and to do hormone tests. Then I call the radiology department and schedule a dye test to look at my uterus and make sure tubes are open and uterus shape is okay. This sounds incredibly painful and not at all pleasant (they warned me that some women say it's just like painful cramps, but other women have said it felt like childbirth without an epidural). Then I go back around CD12-18 somewhere to look at follicles and lining and hormone testing and then once I Ov I go back again to check hormones again.

Basically, this next cycle will be very busy. After that we can make some decisions about what needs to be done. He said that his concern right now isn't infertility but with recurrent losses because I've had 2 chemicals. This actually was relieving to hear because my previous doctor just brushed aside my CPs as not a big deal, and that really bothered me.

So I can't go in and start testing until next cycle (sucks because I'm at CD4-5 today and he said I missed starting the testing by about 2 days because they are very time sensitive tests) but DH can have his analysis done at any time so he'll prob go in a couple weeks and take care of that. I feel so relieved just to have someone else watching my cycle and help us! And they are there literally 7 days a week because they know that a woman can't control their cycle so I can literally call any day.

Don't let them scare you about the HSG (tube dye test). I think the most uncomfortable part is when they insert the tube through your cervix.

Though, I didn't feel it at all. Literally, she told me it was going to get uncomfortable and I was waiting for it to happen and then she was like "Okay now we're going to insert the dye." I was super surprised that the part I thought was going to suck, I barely felt.

The dye going through the uterus is an interesting feeling, but if your tubes are open, you barely feel anything other than a weird warm feeling.

I forgot to take pain killers beforehand like they suggested and it was fine for me. But, I have a high pain tolerance. Take a couple of tylenol before you go and you should be fine.

Don't let it freak you out. You'll do fine!
Angel I am seeing an RE this cycle too and feel the same way you do-relieved that someone is there watching much more closely than my obgyn did on the whole process. And it can be slow. I had to wait till cd 35 before she would give me prometrium to induce AF even though I knew I didn't ovd bc my obgyn had done bloods. But RE just wanted to be cautious which I understand. She also mentioned doing the dye test too. And that really terrifies me. I am very scared of it. Do u think it's super painful for most people? I know u mentioned some say it's like cramps. But do u hear more stories of light pain or heavy pain?

Very happy for u that u liked the clinic and that the doc is taking the CP more seriously. Hope the next cycle is a good one. Sorry u missed March but at least April will be full with lots of stuff to do.
I had my RE appointment today. I really like the clinic we are going to. They were so nice, very personable. The doctor is very kind, and didn't at all brush anything I said off and provided us with lots of information, which I really appreciate.

We will start doing tests next cycle. I'm going to have a very very busy month of April. I have to call on CD1 and then go on CD3 to have ultrasound (to look at lining thickness) and to do hormone tests. Then I call the radiology department and schedule a dye test to look at my uterus and make sure tubes are open and uterus shape is okay. This sounds incredibly painful and not at all pleasant (they warned me that some women say it's just like painful cramps, but other women have said it felt like childbirth without an epidural). Then I go back around CD12-18 somewhere to look at follicles and lining and hormone testing and then once I Ov I go back again to check hormones again.

Basically, this next cycle will be very busy. After that we can make some decisions about what needs to be done. He said that his concern right now isn't infertility but with recurrent losses because I've had 2 chemicals. This actually was relieving to hear because my previous doctor just brushed aside my CPs as not a big deal, and that really bothered me.

So I can't go in and start testing until next cycle (sucks because I'm at CD4-5 today and he said I missed starting the testing by about 2 days because they are very time sensitive tests) but DH can have his analysis done at any time so he'll prob go in a couple weeks and take care of that. I feel so relieved just to have someone else watching my cycle and help us! And they are there literally 7 days a week because they know that a woman can't control their cycle so I can literally call any day.

Glad your RE appointment went well and that you like your RE, I've found that's super important:thumbup:

Wow they sure are thorough, I only had an HSG, CD3 hormone blood test and 1 scan where she could see I had Oed recently and checked lining.

As for the HSG don't be scared, mine wasn't so bad and wasn't really painful, more what I would term uncomfortable. The doctor that did it was really nice though and told me to relax because that helps and guess she was right. You could otherwise take a couple of pain killers 1 hour before if you're worried though. And bring a panty liner in case you're not provided with one. You'll be having small amounts of the dye leak out of you for a few hours afterwards plus some slight spotting.

I have heard and read from many though that CPs aren't normally considered a serious issue unless you've had more than 3 so your previous doctor isn't the only one that says that. I've seen many women on here that had 1-3 CPs go on to get pregnant with their take-home babies. CPs are most likely due to a chromosomal abnormality in the embie and are mostly considered "bad luck" until you've had 4 or more. So basically a CP is most of the time the body's way of rejecting a completely non-viable embie. I know for sure I had one after IVF #1 in December and am 98% sure I had one during my 7th natural cycle trying in April 2014. My RE wasn't concerned about the CP after IVF #1, I think actually she felt that it showed I could get pregnant and my odds for IVF working were really good, just needed a really good quality embie.
Angel the great thing is you can start trying to figure out what's going on and hopefully very soon have your own little peanut.
Hey ladies.. Sorry I went MIA.. Sometimes you just need to get away .. I hope you are all doing well.. I think I'm 3DPO :shrug: I kinda been off and on temping and stopped checking CM but I did use my digi opks and my peak came faster than I thought it would but I managed to get 2 rounds of AI in so hoping that it took.. My donor is starting to feel like something is wrong with him so I we all decided that if it doesn't work this time we are going to take next cycle off.

:hugs: so good to see you again!! I was wondering about you recently! I def understand needing to get away though. :hugs: to your donor too! That must be so hard for him. Let him know that even for perfectly healthy couples it cant take months so not to be too worried. Though, if he is worried he could always look at doing a semen analysis just to be sure. I don't know how insurance would pick that up in your case with the donor situation but I don't think it's incredibly expensive w/out insurance (we were just told today its about $120 w/out any insurance, which is spendy but not outrageous compared to costs of some of the tests for me!)

I had my RE appointment today. I really like the clinic we are going to. They were so nice, very personable. The doctor is very kind, and didn't at all brush anything I said off and provided us with lots of information, which I really appreciate.

We will start doing tests next cycle. I'm going to have a very very busy month of April. I have to call on CD1 and then go on CD3 to have ultrasound (to look at lining thickness) and to do hormone tests. Then I call the radiology department and schedule a dye test to look at my uterus and make sure tubes are open and uterus shape is okay. This sounds incredibly painful and not at all pleasant (they warned me that some women say it's just like painful cramps, but other women have said it felt like childbirth without an epidural). Then I go back around CD12-18 somewhere to look at follicles and lining and hormone testing and then once I Ov I go back again to check hormones again.

Basically, this next cycle will be very busy. After that we can make some decisions about what needs to be done. He said that his concern right now isn't infertility but with recurrent losses because I've had 2 chemicals. This actually was relieving to hear because my previous doctor just brushed aside my CPs as not a big deal, and that really bothered me.

So I can't go in and start testing until next cycle (sucks because I'm at CD4-5 today and he said I missed starting the testing by about 2 days because they are very time sensitive tests) but DH can have his analysis done at any time so he'll prob go in a couple weeks and take care of that. I feel so relieved just to have someone else watching my cycle and help us! And they are there literally 7 days a week because they know that a woman can't control their cycle so I can literally call any day.

I was wondering how you was doing as well :hugs: Sucks that you have to wait till next cycle to start getting any testing done. But I'm glad you have appointments and a game plan and everything in order.. I'm going to hold on to hope that you will not need them and you get your BFP this month FX!!

I did tell my donors wife to let him know that even a perfectly healthy couple who plans everything perfectly only has a 20% chance of getting pregnant. I'm not sure if he will be willing to go through all the extra trouble but maybe since I would be paying for it he wouldn't mind.. We shall see.

AFM I'm kinda annoyed with myself for not worrying about temping because now I want my cross hairs :dohh: ButI had to get up at different times for work so I'm sure it would be a bit off anyway.. Trying to relax and just take it easy.. Midterms and such is coming up so I have alot to keep me busy and when I don't have homework, classes and work to deal with I been focusing on video games to keep me busy :haha:
Yay, Angel! Glad your appointment went well, and that's so awesome that they're open 7 days a week! Seems like stuff always happens over the weekends when the doctors aren't available so that is great. Are they doing any genetic carrier or chromosomal testing too?

Ash, hopefully this more laid back approach works for you. I can't remember--does your donor already have kids?

AFM, got my flashing smiley this morning--a day later than last month. I was really hoping the Pregnancy Prep would move up my O but oh well! The past couple months I've had 3 days of flashing smileys and solid on the evening of the 4th day so I'm assuming that's what will happen this time. I'm getting a bit stressed trying to plan when to BD since DH has low sperm count and EOD is supposed to be better for us. I may try for tonight, Wednesday and possibly once more on Thursday.
Kat - Yeah, they are really thorough. They know I'm ovulating and they know I can get pregnant, so he wants to figure out why I haven't sustained a pregnancy before now, and because the insurance won't pay for the full panel for the 'multiple losses testing' until I've had 3CPs or more they are going to do all these other tests that the insurance will pay for during this first cycle to rule out what they can.

Thanks for the heads up about the panty liner. They did tell me to bring one for afterwards at the fertility clinic but I wasn't sure what to expect in terms of dye and spotting and what-not. Will a liner be enough or do I need a heavier pad? I don't typically use heavy pads, just liners.

I'd also heard multiple times that CPs and MCs aren't considered abnormal until 3+. The RE told me that at his clinic they get concerned when they see 2 as close together as mine were (September and then again in November)and try to determine if there is a preventable reason before I have to go through a 3rd. I guess a lot of times it's as simple as hormones and he said that it sucks that women have to go through a 3rd or more CPs when sometimes they could have possibly prevented that with some hormones. Which makes sense. And I know that it's very possible that there was nothing except some abnormalities and it's nothing to be concerned about. I just really like that he's being thorough and wants to check everything.

DBZ - thanks for the input! I was hoping someone from here could give me their opinions on the experience. I tend to have a pretty decent pain tolerance, so I think I'll be okay. The dr did suggest that if I have a low pain tolerance they are willing to give me a script for some heavy duty pain killers (vicadin or percaset) but I don't think I'll need it. I'll just take a few tylonel beforehand. He suggests 800mg of Ibuprofen, which will be plenty I'm sure.

Star - So far I've had 3 different ladies from BnB tell me that it isn't nearly as painful as the doctor says it could be. From what I'm getting, if you have a decent pain tolerance it's fine. I think if your tubes are open it's less painful. The dr said at least one of mine has to be open or I wouldn't be ovulating and having CPs so that's a plus.

AshNAmber I've been very similar: midterms and papers (plus I have my students to plan lessons for, etc) and when I'm not doing that I'm playing video games to keep me busy. :haha:

MrsRose I don't know about genetic carrier and chromosomal testing. I think that they are talking about maybe doing that after they check out the hormones and lining and stuff during the first cycle. It's a matter of what they can do with the insurance first. There are a few tests he mentioned that he is going to hold off on because the insurance often won't pick them up and they are really really expensive. They are going to check DH's sperm for abnormalities of course, but I think some of the other tests they are going to wait until after monitoring my first cycle.

Good luck with the BDing. With the low sperm count does that affect how long they can survive? Because typically they last 3 days on average, (as much as 5 days I've heard) so if you'e getting your solid on the 4th day that should be good if you can do today, wednesday and then even Friday. Do you usually O on the day of the solid or the day after? Since the egg is good about 24 hours, I think EOD would actually still work out with MWF.
So ladies I'm four weeks and three days post mirena removal. Still no AF either. I will say my breasts were really sore for about ten days and today they are just a tiny bit sore so I'm thinking that's a good thing. I've noticed yesterday I got a pretty nasty headache which I used to get migraines before my period. I'm guessing after 8 years of not having to make progesterone my body is trying to get back to normal again.

Why is it now that we are TTC, I'm so impatient.. Yet I had no problem waiting 31 years?
Angel yeah I would think a liner should be enough, maybe get one of those extra long ones though.

FXed all tests go well and they don't find anything:flower:
I don't know if this is the proper way to do things.. however here I am.
I am 31 years old and TTC (also TTLFS, or trying to learn forum slang).
I feel the post above mine.. I have gone my entire life trying NOT to get pregnant and now that I want it, it cant happen fast enough.

Some back story for me,

My partner and I have been together about 5 years.. Not married, but engaged, with no desire to spend money on a wedding. We decided around Christmas the 2016 was the year to get pregnant. He wanted later in the year, I want ASAP. We both agreed to just do our thing, and let nature take its course.

I however secretly am monitoring my ovulation. My cycle is normal. 29-30 days (its about 29.5 days actually.. ). I ovulate around day 16-17 according to my ovulation predictor kit that I purchased.
Last month was the first month I used the kit and was shocked to learn that I ovulated a little later than the standard 14 days.

Any and all information is appreciated and I will spend the next probably... until I am pregnant.. reading these forums and learning what has worked for others and taking comfort in knowing I am not alone. lol

much love to all of you ladies (and men) trying to expand your family.
Kat - Yeah, they are really thorough. They know I'm ovulating and they know I can get pregnant, so he wants to figure out why I haven't sustained a pregnancy before now, and because the insurance won't pay for the full panel for the 'multiple losses testing' until I've had 3CPs or more they are going to do all these other tests that the insurance will pay for during this first cycle to rule out what they can.

Thanks for the heads up about the panty liner. They did tell me to bring one for afterwards at the fertility clinic but I wasn't sure what to expect in terms of dye and spotting and what-not. Will a liner be enough or do I need a heavier pad? I don't typically use heavy pads, just liners.

I'd also heard multiple times that CPs and MCs aren't considered abnormal until 3+. The RE told me that at his clinic they get concerned when they see 2 as close together as mine were (September and then again in November)and try to determine if there is a preventable reason before I have to go through a 3rd. I guess a lot of times it's as simple as hormones and he said that it sucks that women have to go through a 3rd or more CPs when sometimes they could have possibly prevented that with some hormones. Which makes sense. And I know that it's very possible that there was nothing except some abnormalities and it's nothing to be concerned about. I just really like that he's being thorough and wants to check everything.

DBZ - thanks for the input! I was hoping someone from here could give me their opinions on the experience. I tend to have a pretty decent pain tolerance, so I think I'll be okay. The dr did suggest that if I have a low pain tolerance they are willing to give me a script for some heavy duty pain killers (vicadin or percaset) but I don't think I'll need it. I'll just take a few tylonel beforehand. He suggests 800mg of Ibuprofen, which will be plenty I'm sure.

Star - So far I've had 3 different ladies from BnB tell me that it isn't nearly as painful as the doctor says it could be. From what I'm getting, if you have a decent pain tolerance it's fine. I think if your tubes are open it's less painful. The dr said at least one of mine has to be open or I wouldn't be ovulating and having CPs so that's a plus.

AshNAmber I've been very similar: midterms and papers (plus I have my students to plan lessons for, etc) and when I'm not doing that I'm playing video games to keep me busy. :haha:

MrsRose I don't know about genetic carrier and chromosomal testing. I think that they are talking about maybe doing that after they check out the hormones and lining and stuff during the first cycle. It's a matter of what they can do with the insurance first. There are a few tests he mentioned that he is going to hold off on because the insurance often won't pick them up and they are really really expensive. They are going to check DH's sperm for abnormalities of course, but I think some of the other tests they are going to wait until after monitoring my first cycle.

Good luck with the BDing. With the low sperm count does that affect how long they can survive? Because typically they last 3 days on average, (as much as 5 days I've heard) so if you'e getting your solid on the 4th day that should be good if you can do today, wednesday and then even Friday. Do you usually O on the day of the solid or the day after? Since the egg is good about 24 hours, I think EOD would actually still work out with MWF.

Do you know what kind of hormonal tests you're doing? Just curious b/c my OB didn't mention that to me, although she did check my progesterone with my CPs and it was low.

I'm not sure if low count affects survival--good question! He was low on all counts with the SA so I was pretty surprised that I've gotten pregnant twice--but he's been supplementing so hopefully that's helped. I'm not sure when I O b/c last month was my first month temping and FF thought my CH could have been on CD18 or CD20 b/c my second post-O temp was wonky (slept horribly and the temp went down). So I'm really curious to see what happens this month. I don't know if you can see last month's chart through my link but I'd love for you to take a look to get your thoughts!
I spoke too soon.. AF arrived today!

Sorry she got you :(

And I totally know what you mean. I've been wondering how I am all of a sudden a crazy TTC person when I tried to prevent for all these years! Funny how the tables have turned! :shrug:
I spoke too soon.. AF arrived today!

Sorry she got you :(

And I totally know what you mean. I've been wondering how I am all of a sudden a crazy TTC person when I tried to prevent for all these years! Funny how the tables have turned! :shrug:

I'm actually happy it did.. Had the mirena removed four weeks ago.. Was waiting for my first official cycle
Just wanted to pop back in and say good luck to everyone waiting for fertility tests/treatments! I went thru them all and it got me where I am now, so there's hope! Im happy to share my experiences and info if anyone has questions. Afm, I've been doing alright, but I was unlucky and woke up with Bell's palsy a week ago and am having some unpleasant side effects from the steroids I have to take for it. But, little one is doing well and was just over 4 pounds on ultrasound last week. And still a girl :)
Hi m.clumsy! :hi: I too started TTC recently, after 30 years of trying desperately not to get pregnant, and I too was surprised recently that I O later than I thought. On the plus side of my TTC journey so far, I learned that I'm definitely fertile, but also sadly learned what a CP is.

Dr. Jo - sorry to hear you got Bell's palsy. Do you have any idea of recovery time?

Gag - sorry about :witch:

Angel - your RE sounds incredible! FX this is a game changer

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