My HSG is tomorrow. FX it isn't as painful as some poeple predict. Still working in the morning and then going home after I teach my 3rd period class to take a shower (I like to be extra clean when people are poking around down there) and then have the test at 1. Hoping for good results! I'll update when I'm done.

Yeah, it takes awhile to get the "lingo" down. Just feel free to ask and we'll clarify!
I've never heard of temping anally. I know a lot of women who temp vaginally for BBT because orally doesn't work for everyone. If you have to get up to go get your thermometer then that will def affect your temps and so does sleeping in. I temp at the same time on weekends but then go back to sleep after temping (my thermometer has a memory so I can look at it later). That's the easiest for me. Some people still temp whenever they wake up on weekends and can still see a temp shift but I found that for me it was easiest to see temp shifts when temping at the same time on the weekends.
I've heard about Ovia and I know that it tracks everything really well, but most women on here seem to prefer Kindara or Fertility Friend for the charting portion. That doesn't mean you can't use Ovia, just that I can't give you any feedback about the charts.
I use Wondfo's too. They are amazing. What a lot of us do is use the Wondfo's and then when we get lines that look almost positive or close to positive we use a Clearblue Digital (often abbreviated CB Digi) to confirm (using hte same urine). I loved the Advanced Digi, except my Ovulation date moved around enough that it was costing me too much and I finally gave up on it.

If you don't know when your O date is, Wondfo's are great because you won't feel guilty about it.
How soon in your cycle do you start testing? It's possible you are Ovulating much earlier than expected. My friend Ovulates literally two or three days after AF ends, and has something like an 18 day LP. It seems insane. But she's had 4 kids easily so apparently it works for her.