Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

I have a good feeling you ovulated, though I can't tell you why! Keep us posted of course. And bless you for remembering classes end for me this week! I have a paper due on Wednesday that I barely started. I was supposed to work on it over the weekend AND today but have just procrastinated my time away. Apparently I want to be down to the wire and stressed out to the max?

i can completely empathize. i hope it won't be too stressful though. wed will soon approach and you'll be done. :) good luck!
Hi etis - I use ovia and FF. I would recommend getting FF as it's far more accurate at predicting your fertile window / ov based on the info you input. Ovia gets things wrong a fair bit for me. Whilst it's only a couple of days most of the time, it annoys me because FF is always spot on. I still occasionally use ovia but FF is far better in my opinion.

Angel - good luck today! Fx it's not painful and you get some good results.

Star - when is your next appointment?

Jezika - good luck with your papers!

AFM - cd 6 (yawn) but bding will start soon - yey! I've started taking EPO again this cycle. I took it for the first time on my bfp cycle so fx. Already noticing more cm so that's good.
My HSG is tomorrow. FX it isn't as painful as some poeple predict. Still working in the morning and then going home after I teach my 3rd period class to take a shower (I like to be extra clean when people are poking around down there) and then have the test at 1. Hoping for good results! I'll update when I'm done. :)

Etisgonnab: :rofl: Yeah, it takes awhile to get the "lingo" down. Just feel free to ask and we'll clarify! :)

I've never heard of temping anally. I know a lot of women who temp vaginally for BBT because orally doesn't work for everyone. If you have to get up to go get your thermometer then that will def affect your temps and so does sleeping in. I temp at the same time on weekends but then go back to sleep after temping (my thermometer has a memory so I can look at it later). That's the easiest for me. Some people still temp whenever they wake up on weekends and can still see a temp shift but I found that for me it was easiest to see temp shifts when temping at the same time on the weekends.

I've heard about Ovia and I know that it tracks everything really well, but most women on here seem to prefer Kindara or Fertility Friend for the charting portion. That doesn't mean you can't use Ovia, just that I can't give you any feedback about the charts.

I use Wondfo's too. They are amazing. What a lot of us do is use the Wondfo's and then when we get lines that look almost positive or close to positive we use a Clearblue Digital (often abbreviated CB Digi) to confirm (using hte same urine). I loved the Advanced Digi, except my Ovulation date moved around enough that it was costing me too much and I finally gave up on it. :( If you don't know when your O date is, Wondfo's are great because you won't feel guilty about it.

How soon in your cycle do you start testing? It's possible you are Ovulating much earlier than expected. My friend Ovulates literally two or three days after AF ends, and has something like an 18 day LP. It seems insane. But she's had 4 kids easily so apparently it works for her.

Good luck today!! :hugs:
Hi etis - I use ovia and FF. I would recommend getting FF as it's far more accurate at predicting your fertile window / ov based on the info you input. Ovia gets things wrong a fair bit for me. Whilst it's only a couple of days most of the time, it annoys me because FF is always spot on. I still occasionally use ovia but FF is far better in my opinion.

Angel - good luck today! Fx it's not painful and you get some good results.

Star - when is your next appointment?

Jezika - good luck with your papers!

AFM - cd 6 (yawn) but bding will start soon - yey! I've started taking EPO again this cycle. I took it for the first time on my bfp cycle so fx. Already noticing more cm so that's good.

Thanks for the tip! I'll give FF a shot this weekend, assuming AF shows up. What is EPO?
evening primrose oil. It's supposed to help with cm. Like you, I don't have anything like some of the pics you see online (!!) although I'm not 'dry' or anything, I just have to go looking for it if you know what I mean :blush: You're only supposed to take it from af to ov though, think can make the uterus contract or something.

When is af due for you?
My HSG is tomorrow. FX it isn't as painful as some poeple predict. Still working in the morning and then going home after I teach my 3rd period class to take a shower (I like to be extra clean when people are poking around down there) and then have the test at 1. Hoping for good results! I'll update when I'm done. :)

Etisgonnab: :rofl: Yeah, it takes awhile to get the "lingo" down. Just feel free to ask and we'll clarify! :)

I've never heard of temping anally. I know a lot of women who temp vaginally for BBT because orally doesn't work for everyone. If you have to get up to go get your thermometer then that will def affect your temps and so does sleeping in. I temp at the same time on weekends but then go back to sleep after temping (my thermometer has a memory so I can look at it later). That's the easiest for me. Some people still temp whenever they wake up on weekends and can still see a temp shift but I found that for me it was easiest to see temp shifts when temping at the same time on the weekends.

I've heard about Ovia and I know that it tracks everything really well, but most women on here seem to prefer Kindara or Fertility Friend for the charting portion. That doesn't mean you can't use Ovia, just that I can't give you any feedback about the charts.

I use Wondfo's too. They are amazing. What a lot of us do is use the Wondfo's and then when we get lines that look almost positive or close to positive we use a Clearblue Digital (often abbreviated CB Digi) to confirm (using hte same urine). I loved the Advanced Digi, except my Ovulation date moved around enough that it was costing me too much and I finally gave up on it. :( If you don't know when your O date is, Wondfo's are great because you won't feel guilty about it.

How soon in your cycle do you start testing? It's possible you are Ovulating much earlier than expected. My friend Ovulates literally two or three days after AF ends, and has something like an 18 day LP. It seems insane. But she's had 4 kids easily so apparently it works for her.

This past cycle I started testing on CD1 just to see and surprisingly got some close to positive looking lines right away--they weren't as dark as the control but definitely darker than I had seen in the past. after my period ended, it stayed with two darker but not pos. lines for a few days after, then there was an obvious decline in the darkness of the LH line for a few days, then an increase again, to now close to no line. The thing though is this time I started saving the strips and pasting them onto a notepad so I can follow the changes better. Overall I got a lot more dark lines this month than the previous month, though nothing that was obviously positive, where as in past months I never had anything that looked remotely close to positive and thought either the strips didn't work or I wasn't ovulating. I wonder if the difference this time is cuz I could see them fully dry rather, which made them appear darker than if I had checked after a few minutes.

Anyway, good luck today! Hope your test goes well
mrs. unicorn, that's great that the fun will begin soon for you! g'luck and keep us updated.

afm, my next appointment is really up in the air. they told me to call them if AF did not start within 3 weeks. so its been one week since then. so if AF shows in the next two weeks then i can skip having to take the meds for 10 days to induce AF, but if it doesn't then i have to call for the meds. im hoping that FF is right and that i ovd, but things have been so unusual for me since ttc that i wouldn't be surprised at all if my temps were just high for some other reason entirely. we shall see. im still hoping....
evening primrose oil. It's supposed to help with cm. Like you, I don't have anything like some of the pics you see online (!!) although I'm not 'dry' or anything, I just have to go looking for it if you know what I mean :blush: You're only supposed to take it from af to ov though, think can make the uterus contract or something.

When is af due for you?

Ahhh gotcha. AF is due Friday. Don't have any of my normal PMS symptoms that would definitely be around at this point, but still feel like AF is going to arrive on time. So we'll see. Glad to know I'm not alone in not producing CM to the extent that you see in the photos online. I'm not dry either but man when looking at those photos I was like...umm for real? is that what's normal? :shock:
mrs. unicorn, that's great that the fun will begin soon for you! g'luck and keep us updated.

afm, my next appointment is really up in the air. they told me to call them if AF did not start within 3 weeks. so its been one week since then. so if AF shows in the next two weeks then i can skip having to take the meds for 10 days to induce AF, but if it doesn't then i have to call for the meds. im hoping that FF is right and that i ovd, but things have been so unusual for me since ttc that i wouldn't be surprised at all if my temps were just high for some other reason entirely. we shall see. im still hoping....

fx that FF is right!
star - Your temps definitely suggest that you o'd so lets hope that is the case.

Mrs Rose - how are you doing? Has the MS kicked in yet?

etis - are you not going to test at all this cycle unless af is late? I wish I had your restraint!
star - Your temps definitely suggest that you o'd so lets hope that is the case.

Mrs Rose - how are you doing? Has the MS kicked in yet?

etis - are you not going to test at all this cycle unless af is late? I wish I had your restraint!

I'm doing pretty well so far. My nausea isn't too bad and I've been able to stave it off by snacking frequently, drinking lots of peppermint tea and sucking on peppermints. I've been sick with an upper respiratory infection so I'll be so thankful once this cough goes away!

Good luck this cycle!!
star - Your temps definitely suggest that you o'd so lets hope that is the case.

Mrs Rose - how are you doing? Has the MS kicked in yet?

etis - are you not going to test at all this cycle unless af is late? I wish I had your restraint!

Ha already did have one BFN over the weekend so at this point I'm gonna wait out the week and test again Friday if AF doesn't show
Good evening ladies. :)

Had the HSG. The Tech says that everything looks good. The dye filled the uterus, filled the tubes, and spilled out the end so there is no blockages or anything there. The nurse and the tech were great, very good at keeping me informed about what to expect and what was coming next. The insert of the catheter was painful but not horrible, the worst part was when they blew up the balloon and then inserted the dye - that was pretty severe cramping but it subsided a little to more of a very uncomfortable bad period cramping and the whole process wasn't more than about 10-15 minutes. Spotting now, and still some cramping, but it's getting better.

So that's one more test done. And DH had his SA today and his blood draw for the genetic testing. So now we just have to wait. My next appointment is Monday (I think to do another set of bloods and another us to look at ovaries and check that I'm about to O).

I'll try to catch up with the thread later. I'm very tired, came home from the appointment and took a couple hour nap and am still kind of groggy now but have to get some lesson plans done for tomorrow's classes.
Good evening ladies. :)

Had the HSG. The Tech says that everything looks good. The dye filled the uterus, filled the tubes, and spilled out the end so there is no blockages or anything there. The nurse and the tech were great, very good at keeping me informed about what to expect and what was coming next. The insert of the catheter was painful but not horrible, the worst part was when they blew up the balloon and then inserted the dye - that was pretty severe cramping but it subsided a little to more of a very uncomfortable bad period cramping and the whole process wasn't more than about 10-15 minutes. Spotting now, and still some cramping, but it's getting better.

So that's one more test done. And DH had his SA today and his blood draw for the genetic testing. So now we just have to wait. My next appointment is Monday (I think to do another set of bloods and another us to look at ovaries and check that I'm about to O).

I'll try to catch up with the thread later. I'm very tired, came home from the appointment and took a couple hour nap and am still kind of groggy now but have to get some lesson plans done for tomorrow's classes.

Hey Angel thank you for sharing. Knowing how the procedure proceeds does a lot to alleviate anxiety at least for me, so even though I'm new to this I really appreciate your openness to discuss your experience. And I keep my fx that all of this will help you figure out what's going on so you can get that bfp really soon! Best of luck!! Also I don't know if you can but if you're able to take a hot bath and sip on some camomile tea I've found that helpful for severe cramping just to increase the blood flow and lessens the cramps in general. I have endometriosis so my periods can be really severe and hot baths (even better if you have access to a jacuzzi tub) was one of the most effective no medical reliefs for me. Just fwiw
Angel glad that appointment is over for you and that it went well! it sounds like it was painful but as you said not horrible. I hope I don't have to do that test bc I have a low pain threshold. hope your next appointment goes well and that the cramping has subsided by tomorrow.
Etis - if my experience can help anyone I'm glad to share! I'm pretty open about everything so I don't mind sharing and I'm like you, the more I know the less anxious I am. I'm glad to share my experience thanks for the tip about the bath. I should have done that, but the cramps subsided fairly soon after

Star - my re offered to give me some very strong pain killers (Vicodin or perc) prior to my appointment but I forgot to fill it because I have to pick up the prescription in person and his office isn't open late enough when I work. If you have to do an HSG then hopefully your doc will prescribe for you. The worst part was they made dh leave because of the radiation and I had been hoping he'd be there for moral support. :/
Angel - I'm so glad it went well, even though it sounds very uncomfortable. Well done, we have to go through some crap as women don't we?! Fx your DHs results are good too.
Good evening ladies. :)

Had the HSG. The Tech says that everything looks good. The dye filled the uterus, filled the tubes, and spilled out the end so there is no blockages or anything there. The nurse and the tech were great, very good at keeping me informed about what to expect and what was coming next. The insert of the catheter was painful but not horrible, the worst part was when they blew up the balloon and then inserted the dye - that was pretty severe cramping but it subsided a little to more of a very uncomfortable bad period cramping and the whole process wasn't more than about 10-15 minutes. Spotting now, and still some cramping, but it's getting better.

So that's one more test done. And DH had his SA today and his blood draw for the genetic testing. So now we just have to wait. My next appointment is Monday (I think to do another set of bloods and another us to look at ovaries and check that I'm about to O).

I'll try to catch up with the thread later. I'm very tired, came home from the appointment and took a couple hour nap and am still kind of groggy now but have to get some lesson plans done for tomorrow's classes.

Yay, I'm glad you didn't have any blockages! Hopefully you won't have to wait too long to get DH's results back.
We def go through some crap as women! DH's test is so easy...and then we have so many annoying and invasive tests. Ugh.

Waiting on other blood tests to come back. I got back one results which was for blood sugar and stuff and that was normal. But all the other stuff is still processing

Hoping that the HSG cleared everything out and I am "more fertile" This month like some results I've read. We will start to BD tomorrow I Think. :)
when you all go to your appointments and they do bloodwork like for progesterone or estradiol or fsh or amh, do your docs tell you what your levels are? mine havent. I think I'm going to call them and ask for copies of my results so that I can review them.

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