Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

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mrs. unicorn. i dont know what to think about my chart at all b/c i agree it looks like i ovd. but i really dont know if its not correct due to my pcos and the meds i had taken in the cycle. have no clue. but the doc said to call her if af did not show in 2-3 weeks (she seemed to want me to wait out the three weeks though). this tuesday will be two weeks, so not sure if i should wait the other week out. i really hope i ovd. this is all so frustrating. i just want to know whats going on.

good luck with your cycle! seems like you are in the fun part of the cycle. fx for you. :)
I know what you mean, it's the waiting around not knowing that drives you mad. Maybe you could call them towards the end of the week, so around 2.5 weeks?
I called my RE yesterday because I wanted to make sure that there wasn't anything I needed to do for Monday's appointment (wasn't sure if we were doing blood work again or US or what and the bloodwork usually I have to fast for) and they called back to let me know it's just an US To look at my ovaries and my lining. I guess that makes sense that they won't need to check hormones right now until after I O and then they'll probably want to check hormones to make sure Progesterone is staying high etc. I'm glad I called though because I thought my appointment was at 9am but when she called back she mentioned 8:15am in her message! Oops!

DH was too tired to BD last night. :( He felt horrible about it but I Told him that I haven't ovulated yet, and I probably won't for a few days so not to worry. We decided that waiting until bed time is really not a good thing for us - we are both too tired at that point - and we are going to just start planning to BD shortly after we get home from work. We have a friend who is staying with us (somewhat permanently for a long extended period of time) so it is a little awkward sometimes to just go off and :sex: but I know he doesn't care and he's usually in his room anyway so we are just going to have to do it that way. First thing in the AM I'm grumpy and tired and last thing before bed he's grumpy and tired. Mid-Day is really what works for us. lol.

etis - I was skeptical at first for that same reason (and kept wondering how I could get one for free to try out! lol!) but I'm really pretty happy with it. Def weird shaped end though, and took a little getting used to. One thing that mine does that i haven't seen anyone else complain about is i'll turn it on and within 20 seconds it beeps like it's done, but hasn't taken a temp. So I Turn it off and back on and try again and then it's fine. It happens every time, but no one else has complained about this so I Think it's just mine. Or I'm using it too quickly after turning it on or something. I don't know. But I have just got to where I know it's going to do that so I use it twice. lol.

Enjoy the :wine: I know that's the only solace I get when AF arrives. :haha:

Star Soemtimes that happens to me and then I'll get a huge slew of emails all at once. I've also had them randomly go into my spam folder for a few days and then start coming in normally again (not sure why or how that happens).
Angel - were the same. Night time bding just doesn't work we want to sleep, that is if DH hasn't already fallen asleep on the sofa! Weekends are great, but in the week after we get home works for us too. DH gets up at 5am and likes his morning routine so not sure it'd be much fun all bleary eyed before 5am!!!
Angel - were the same. Night time bding just doesn't work we want to sleep, that is if DH hasn't already fallen asleep on the sofa! Weekends are great, but in the week after we get home works for us too. DH gets up at 5am and likes his morning routine so not sure it'd be much fun all bleary eyed before 5am!!!

That's exactly us!! Honestly, if we weren't TTC we'd never have sex during the week. It was always weekends before TTC, and to be honest, that would work except I rarely Ovulate on a weekend or anytime when a weekend BD would get the little spermies there! :haha:

DH is working today (second week in a row he's done a 6 day week :( ) but planning to BD when he gets home (he doesn't know this yet, but that's my plan anyway :haha: ) and then I'm going to try again tomorrow. I know they say every other day but I'm not super concerned about his sperm quality until the RE tells us otherwise.
I'm thinking the HSG test might have made me ovulate EARLY this month! I got a +OPK today! That's really pretty early for me. Expecting DH home thsi afternoon and planning to def BD today and the next several days until I get myCH.
mrs. unicorn, yea thats a good idea maybe ill call mid week, i mean, i dont think it could hurt. or maybe i'll just get impatient at call one day before mid week ;)

angel - i totally understand being super exhausted and not wanting to BD. that has happened to me before. this BDing gets to be very tough. glad you got your opk, good luck!
I picked up some Digi's because I really like to see that smiley face :dohh: Retested and got a glaring positive on my Wondfo's but negative on my digi. I only had like a 2 hour hold though so I'm thinking the Wondfo's are just more sensitive. When I ejected the Digi stick the lines were really close so I think if I had a slightly longer hold I would have gotten my smiley. Super annoying. Either way, we BD today :happydance:

I'm wondering if I should call the fertility clinic tomorrow and let them know I got a +OPK? Monday's appointment is for checking my ovaries and lining. They specifically chose Monday because I ovulate, on average, on CD15-16 and so they told me to come in on CD15. I don't know if it matters that I got my +OPK a little earlier than normal, so I'm wondering if I should call and check and see if the ywant to see me earlier (as in tomorrow) instead.
I picked up some Digi's because I really like to see that smiley face :dohh: Retested and got a glaring positive on my Wondfo's but negative on my digi. I only had like a 2 hour hold though so I'm thinking the Wondfo's are just more sensitive. When I ejected the Digi stick the lines were really close so I think if I had a slightly longer hold I would have gotten my smiley. Super annoying. Either way, we BD today :happydance:

I'm wondering if I should call the fertility clinic tomorrow and let them know I got a +OPK? Monday's appointment is for checking my ovaries and lining. They specifically chose Monday because I ovulate, on average, on CD15-16 and so they told me to come in on CD15. I don't know if it matters that I got my +OPK a little earlier than normal, so I'm wondering if I should call and check and see if the ywant to see me earlier (as in tomorrow) instead.

might as well call. maybe they will want to see you sooner.

I remember calling my clinic when I had ewcm for the first time ever and the nurse did not make a big deal of it. I called because I was thinking that they should see me sooner because I was continuing to give myself those injections and it already seemed like they were working. I figured they would want to see me sooner but the nurse didn't seem to take me too seriously or seem that concerned and of course by the time I went in a few days later I had overstimulated.
Oooh yeah Angel give em a call! It might be ok but better to check so you don't miss having the scan. X
Angel Oing earlier or later after an HSG is pretty common. I know I Oed 1 day earlier after mine in November 2014. Yeah I'd also call the clinic to let them know, they'll probably want you in a bit sooner than.
Temp dropped just a little this morning, so I'm thinking that O might be tomorrow. Could be today but my temps are still a lot higher than I normally have at O time. I decided not to call the clinic since my temp dropped today, because if they wanted to get me in earlier it would have to be today and they're only open 8-12 on Sunday and with it being a 40 minute drive, it would be tricky to work it in. If my temp had gone up I would have called, but I don't think I'll O until tomorrow so I'm not super worried and they wanted to see me on CD15 because that's my average O day.

Finally got to BD yesterday! :happydance: Planning to BD today and tomorrow too, at least continue until CM is no longer fertile.

I want this egg. *determined*

Aw good luck Angel. Keeping everything crossed for you!

I'm thinking I'll ov Tuesday so we'll bd tomorrow and hope for the best. I was looking back through my previous charts and the bfp cycle was the only time we bd the day before ov. I think I was more bothered about day of ov before but now I feel I want to repeat that cycle. Probably won't make any difference, but hey!!
From a lot of my reading and research a lot of BFPs come from BD on the day before O instead of the day of O. Then the sperm can be sitting there waiting when the egg comes through. I'm envisioning an army of :spermy: waiting for the egg to come through the tube and then they all attack. :haha:

DH Today wanted to know why we were going to BD today, because aren't we supposed to put a day in between. I told him that the recommendation from SMEP is to do every other day until +OPK and then the day of the +OPK plus the next two. And until I get results from the SA saying that he has low sperm count I'm going to assume he's fine and we can do that. So he agreed to make sure we BD today and promised no complaining of being "too tired" today. :)
Hey all--hope you're having a good weekend. Weather is gorgeous here so I've been spending a lot of time outside soaking in the rays.

Sounds like at least a couple of you spent the weekend BDing!! Angel your visual of the sperm army attacking cracked me up. Mrs. Unicorn, did you do the deed this weekend too?

Star--thanks for the bbt tip! I got a new one and have been getting up at 6:30 all weekend to test. Look at me learn from the experts ;)

I'm optimistic for a good cycle for us.

Afm: just waiting out AF. I started opk on cd1 so I could see if I am just missing my od. If I go another month with no obvious signs of o, I might lose it lol. Probably should go to the doc but it hasn't been 6 months yet so I need to learn to be a bit more patient
mrs unicorn - good luck this cycle and yes try to BD before O as well. hope you get it this cycle!

angel- great that DH is on board with the BDing. i think you have a good system in place and hope you catch that egg!

ettis- i hope that new thermometer works well. the thing about the bbt is that consistency can matter a lot. not necessarily for everyone, but for some little tiny differences are noticeable.

afm, my temps dropped a lot today, but i really don't think af will show b/c i don't think i ovd. i hope i did, but my gut feeling is that i didn't. im actually going to call doc tomorrow and see what they say.

also, i have really noticed that my temps are affected by whether or not my blanket is on or off or even how much it is on (like if its over my shoulder or at waist level). i always record my lowest temp on FF (if it is a day where i was able to take it twice, sometimes i take it twice if i wake up in the middle of a night b/c i am curious about how it fluctuates). today, for example, my temp was really low when i first took it b/c my blankets were totally off. after i temped, i put the blankets on and fell asleep again for another three hours and when i temped then it was 1/2 a degree higher. all b/c of the blanket. have you all noticed this?
Etis - I need to get out and soak up some rays too! It's been lovely here but I can't seem to bring myself to go outside. I hope you get a sign of ovulation!

Star - Getting an extra 3 hours of sleep can also significantly increase or decrease your temp. I have found that sometimes I'll temp and then sleep for another 3-4 hours and then my temp is much higher. The blanket could affect your temp but so will getting extra sleep. Unless you found something that indicates that overstimulation could cause significantly increased BBT, then I would say you definitely ovulated. You have a clear shift in your BBT. And for you to have not ovulatd this month your overstimulation would have hd to raise your temps significantly and keep them up. I just don't think it would do that. Your body temp raises naturally as a result of Ovulation.
Haha Angel that is exactly how I imagine it too!! An army of :spermy: waiting for the egg to emerge!! I had a look at the SMEP but I tend to get a +opk the day of ov so guess Id have to alter it? We bd every other day on the bfp cycle so again I'm tempted to stick to that! Anyway, fx I should ov tomorrow so we'll bd today and I might see if I can convince DH into tomorrow too - sure I can :winkwink: I'm dreading this tww though, I know it's going to feel so so long!

Star - fx af arrives - sounds a bit wierd! I agree with Angel, you're chart is showing all the ov signs. You wouldn't have had the clear sustained shift in temps if it was just inconsistencies.

Etis - good luck with the opks and temping this cycle! You'll have to show us your chart at some point. Are you using FF too?
Erm, I've just had two blazing positive opks. Oh no please don't ovulate yet! Maybe I'll have two days of positives for once?!
okay this will not shock you all, but i was shocked!

AF started today!!! :shock:

i really thought the drop in temp yesterday was due entirely to the blanket being off! today when i temped it was even lower and i had terrible cramps. went to bathroom and yup, there she was. i usually dont count the first day i see blood as day 1 of AF, but today i did b/c it was bright red. and sorry if tmi, but its not at the point where it's on my pad on its own. its only there when i wipe, but its bright red instead of being more of a brownish red when i spot and when i am sitting on the toilet a drop will fall into the toilet. so i counted today as first day. does that seem right? or does it have to be full flow for it to be the first day?

usually the docs office says to call on first day of full flow. but i called them anyway just now b/c im not sure what it counts as. i told them it wasn't full flow but there when i wiped and she said well come in tomorrow. so have my appointment booked now.

also, i think you can see my previous chart, but, i was thinking it's also possible that i ovd on monday, right? cause i forgot to temp that day and that's why FF has marked it with a dotted blue line and the chart would still make sense if that day was O day (and that could explain why on monday when i went to the clinic the doc did not say he had seen a collapsed folllie; could be that i ovd that evening). OR maybe he just didn't see it and i did in fact O on sat.

either way, i am thrilled. this means that i am pushed up by 10 days for sure maybe even more (b/c i dont have to take the meds to induce af and the doc also might have made me wait another week). also, it means that FF and bbt work for me! i thought this would be yet another tool i dont have access to, but it turns out it works for me too, despite the fsh injections.

hopefully my appointment goes well tomorrow and i don't have giant cysts or anything. i just can't believe the af news!

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