Hey everyone:
gagrl: it's still early so you don't know for sure yet. Just that dreaded TWW. Fx for ya!
angel: That's so great your school is so supportive! What a relief!! I get that it would seem way too early to be talking to them about this, but I'm glad you did because you're going to need that support from your employer throughout the entire process.
star: I've had that same cm on CD14-17, so if I did end up ovulating sometime between CD14-15 then I would have had that cm too. Unfortunately, as we know, my body likes to keep me guessing so no clue if I had that cm and did o. I'm not in the habit of talking to my friends about their cm so I only know what others post here about their experience. I'm really hopeful that one of your follicles burst and you were able to o on your own. Time will tell if AF shows! Again, odd on this board to be excited about something like that but for you that'd definitely be good news.
To answer your questions, AF is due for me on Monday and other than feeling somewhat bloated and having some minor cramping low in my pelvic area Monday and Tuesday, I have felt totally normal. Even symptom hunting I'm not noticing anything. I'm also not getting my normal PMS symptoms of extremely sore boobs a week out from AF that I was getting earlier this year, but I didn't get those last cycle either and AF showed right up on time. So I'm just in wait and see mode right now. Since it's unclear when my od was, I'm going to wait on testing until this weekend I think. Or...well I'll probably break down and test again before then but I'm not putting too much stock in any BFNs at the moment because I could only be on dpo5, 6, or 7 at this point. I think I'll have to wait it out till Monday to see if AF shows on time or not. She's been extremely regular since January.
Some context to my situation--which I may not have discussed here before--is that I'm TTC after coming off of 4 years of Depo. So my body has been all kinds of messed up. It took about six months for AF to return, which it first did back in Nov. 2015. It's was irregular as hell for the first two months but has been like clockwork since Jan. 2016. So for all I know, my body is just getting to the point where it's really worked out all the depo from its system--they say it can take a year since your last injection and I went off of it in April 2015. That's why I'm having a harder time even knowing what symptoms are "normal" for me. Honestly I'm still not convinced that I'm ovulating at all, but is it possible to have a consistently regular cycle (5 months running now) and not be?
mrs. unicorn: Yes the digis supposedly "learn" your levels and alert you when there are changes. I can't totally vouch for their accuracy though because I first used them last cycle and probably around CD5 or 6 iirc I started getting a "high" reading (which reads as a flashy smiley face), meaning an estrogen surge was detected. The thing is though you'll get that reading no matter what until a LH surge is detected and you get a "peak" reading. So I got that high reading for nine days straight with no peak. The instructions said you should disregard the test at that point and start again next cycle so I stopped using them. This time, I had two digis--the leftovers from last cycle and the new on for this cycle. So I figured, what the hell, I'd try both. One I started using on CD1, which is counter to their instructions, and the other I started using on CD5 which is when they recommend starting with my average cycle length (25 days without fail). Neither of them ever registered a high reading but both of the registered the peak reading on CD7. So clearly they picked up something and it wasn't a fluke because it was two different tests. However, the cheapies didn't pick up a surge then as you can see by my previous pictures. After the digis pick up a "peak" reading, it will only give you a peak reading for two days. You can stick it in a can of coke and it will still register as peak. They say they do that to remind you so you don't miss your fw. The instructions also say to discard and stop testing after you get the peak reading so I quit using them but continued to use the wandfos. The wandfos picked up that surge for CD13-15. I think next time if that happens again, I'll discontinue using the digis for a couple days and let them reset then start using again to see if anything changes. Oh also I did go back and entered the other positive opk on FF just to see but it didn't update the chart. so
Fx for you for next cycle. I'm assuming AF showed up on time as you predicted?