Ooh, how exciting you got your BFP, Angel. That is just amazing. And as stressful as it is coping with early pregnancy and the requisite paranoia, lol, at least you'll be all done with your program very soon and it will be a huge thing off your plate. How great will that feel!
Etis, I was reading your struggles with your roller coaster chart-- sorry it's been so wonky to read! I hope it evens out for you over this next cycle. I get so mad when all of my signs don't make sense or add up in the way they should (this month is like that for sure for me).
Star-E, I'm sorry to hear about all of the stress! I hope that this next cycle feels calmer for you (I feel you on the anxiety and frustration--it's pretty much all I can think about... I don't think I go more than 2 hours without thinking of fertility related stuff and worries). Fingers crossed for your next round!
AFM, I am now in TWW. I think. FF thinks I o'd on Friday (CD12) because of temp rise, but I disagree. I think my temp was higher this weekend due to traveling, exercise, and stress. I think I actually o'd yesterday (CD14) based on other signs (OPK, CM, CP). Either way, I o'd SOMETIME in the past few days, assuming yesterday, but not certain because my signs aren't lining up perfectly. Depending on when I actually o'd, I got 2-4 BD sessions in, so hopefully I have a good shot either way. Used preseed for the last two times and a softcup for the last two times as well. I had some pink spotting with sex Saturday and Sunday, which could just be from the sex itself, but could also be O bleeding I've read.
Ugggh, now to wait for the next two weeks. I plan to test on 5/22 if I'm patient, but may start testing as early as 5/18 if I'm not.