Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Etis as to the alcohol thing, here are some various tips I've found on the internet:

You’re still going out at night, but you’re not drinking. Flat-out refusing that glass of wine is a sure pregnancy giveaway. Lines like, “I’m getting over a cold”, “I’m on antibiotics”, and “I’ve already had too much” are also giveaways. They’ve been used by too many other pregnant women, too often in the past. The only thing to do is to fake-drink.

Ways to fake-drink: 1. Get to the bar/restaurant early and order a virgin cocktail. NOT a soda water (claiming it’s got vodka/gin in it)—no one will believe you. Get the bartender to mix you a virgin mojito, virgin cosmo, something that looks like a cocktail. Tell the bartender about your predicament, so that he doesn’t spill the beans to your pals. Or 2. Enlist husband/partner as your accomplice. Both of you need to order the same drink and sit/stand next to each other. Every few sips (his real sips, your fake ones), surreptitiously switch glasses. He’ll get tanked, but it’s a small price to pay for keeping your secret. Or 3. At cocktail parties, get a glass of wine, and then, every 20 minutes or so, go to the bathroom and pour a third of it out. Trust me, if you’re pregnant, you’ll be needing to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes anyway.

Get to the bar early You’ll want to plan on arriving about 10 minutes before your drinking buddies. Explain the situation to the bartender (trust me, he’s heard it before), and order a virgin cocktail. Let him know you’ll be drinking the same thing all night but won’t specify it’s non-alcoholic in front of your friends.

My experience: The bartender slipped once and put enough alcohol in my drink to intoxicate a sumo wrestler. I instinctively spit it out. I know, very lady like. I froze but then said, “Ugh, the soda water is flat. Can you please make me another one?” The bartender suddenly remembered who he was serving and made me a baby-friendly version.

Bring your drink to your lips—but don’t sip When someone else buys you a drink, you don’t have to turn it away—people are less observant than you think. Simply bring the glass to your lips and then place it back down on the bar or table. Every 20 minutes or so, sneak away to the bathroom to dump a little out so you can keep up the charade.

My experience: I was called into a champagne toast at the office. If I denied a glass, it would have been clear I was pregnant (rumors were already circulating at this point). After we clinked glasses, I brought the glass to my lips and then placed it back down. No one noticed I didn’t take a sip. After about five minutes, I excused myself and poured the booze down the drain. Next time my co-workers saw me, I had an empty glass.

Make your husband drink for two To employ this tactic, you and your hubby should order the same drink and sit or stand next to each other. Every few sips (his real sips, your fake ones), switch glasses so it looks like you’re both drinking.

My experience: I brought my husband along to a co-worker’s going away party, and we both ordered white wine. Every five minutes or so, we swapped glasses. It worked perfectly. Warning: Expect your husband to get pretty drunk. You should definitely plan on driving home.

Hope some of these help!
These are great ideas! Thanks!

Angel, here you go. Left side is wondfo, right side is easy@home starting from last Wednesday through today (was testing multiple times a day at the beginning):

Etis - Wow! That's crazy how much stronger the Easy@Home lines are!

Gagrl - :hugs:
Etis - i don't think i can add much more on the drinking thing than what angel and kat suggested. i really like the idea of arriving early and speaking with the bartender. the other thing is when you go to someone's house, maybe bring over alcohol and make drinks for your friends and just make yours as a mocktail. let us know how this goes. and congrats again!

gagrl - sorry about AF showing. hope this cycle is your one.

angel - glad to hear that your m/s has not been bad. i can imagine you feel real tired; hope you get a good nights rest tonight.

afm - AF showed!!! it came all of a sudden. this morning i had no symptoms at all and really expected to have to call my RE and get another 10 day prescription. im very excited. so i'll call the doc tomorrow and hopefully get onto to injections soon. it's felt like such a long time since i've been back in the game.
Heck ya Star!! Congrats! This cycle it is on. What's the BD plan? Do the injections give you a good idea of when you'll o?
I will be thirty in two-ish weeks and my hunny and I have been trying to conceive for a couple of years now. I can't help but feel a little afraid that we still don't have our #1 yet, but we're trying with a vengeance starting this month.
I start some doctor trips to make sure everything is okay down there and need all the best wishes I can get! Babydust to you all, too!
I will be thirty in two-ish weeks and my hunny and I have been trying to conceive for a couple of years now. I can't help but feel a little afraid that we still don't have our #1 yet, but we're trying with a vengeance starting this month.
I start some doctor trips to make sure everything is okay down there and need all the best wishes I can get! Babydust to you all, too!

I'll be 32 in August and we are trying for #1 too.
thank you Ettis! he injections do give me a good idea of Onbc they monitor me a couple of times a week to check the growth. Even if they mature they won't release on their own either. so I have multiple problems that need fixing. the meds to induce AF. the injections to get the follies to mature. and a trigger shot to get the follie to release. the. we will do iui. I have never been able to go that's full way yet and I'm hoping this cycle is the one w a real chance.
Star - that's great that AF arrived

SweetDreams - welcome! I am 30 and this is #1 for me as well. Good luck with your dr appointments! What kind of testing are they planning to do?
Well I am 17dpo but got a bfn yesterday. Big temp drop this am. Not below cover line but not far from it. So I expect AF anytime now so we can start the next cycle.
ETIS!! Wow! That is just awesome. Look at those lines. EEeee! <--- That's my excitement for you. :-P Congratulations!!

GaGrl-- Sorry you're out this cycle, but hopefully cycles keep smoothing out and it's not much longer from here!

Star-- Yay for getting to re-set this cycle and move on to the next. When my period came this cycle I took it as an opportunity to drink, take hot baths, eat lunch meat and sushi, and ditch my thermometer for a week. It actually felt kind of nice. Granted I would have preferred to be pregnant, but might as well enjoy the little things!

Angel-- Glad you're well. Hopefully you're able to rest up a little and you're out for the summer completely soon!

AFM, all signs point to that I o'd yesterday. Today CM is dried up after a week of EWCM and temp shot way up. My positive opks were on the morning of CD 12, and yesterday was CD 14. I'm noticing when I do OPKs it seems that per my temp and CM, my O date isn't until two days after the pos OPKs. Or at least the past couple of cycles.

So anywho, today I'm counting as 1DPO, and I BD'd every night in the potentially fertile window (7 days in a row!), so I should definitely be covered in terms of sex timing, haha!

Now it's a waiting game. I have a love/hate relationship with this part. I like getting to the waiting stage, because I've done what I can. But I hate it because there's nothing to do but wait and go nuts. I am vowing to not pee on a stick before 10dpo at the earliest (last time I started on Day 6!), and even then only cheapie sticks. Period is due 6/20 in exactly 2 weeks, so hopefully these couple of weeks fly by.
ETIS!! Wow! That is just awesome. Look at those lines. EEeee! <--- That's my excitement for you. :-P Congratulations!!

GaGrl-- Sorry you're out this cycle, but hopefully cycles keep smoothing out and it's not much longer from here!

Star-- Yay for getting to re-set this cycle and move on to the next. When my period came this cycle I took it as an opportunity to drink, take hot baths, eat lunch meat and sushi, and ditch my thermometer for a week. It actually felt kind of nice. Granted I would have preferred to be pregnant, but might as well enjoy the little things!

Angel-- Glad you're well. Hopefully you're able to rest up a little and you're out for the summer completely soon!

AFM, all signs point to that I o'd yesterday. Today CM is dried up after a week of EWCM and temp shot way up. My positive opks were on the morning of CD 12, and yesterday was CD 14. I'm noticing when I do OPKs it seems that per my temp and CM, my O date isn't until two days after the pos OPKs. Or at least the past couple of cycles.

So anywho, today I'm counting as 1DPO, and I BD'd every night in the potentially fertile window (7 days in a row!), so I should definitely be covered in terms of sex timing, haha!

Now it's a waiting game. I have a love/hate relationship with this part. I like getting to the waiting stage, because I've done what I can. But I hate it because there's nothing to do but wait and go nuts. I am vowing to not pee on a stick before 10dpo at the earliest (last time I started on Day 6!), and even then only cheapie sticks. Period is due 6/20 in exactly 2 weeks, so hopefully these couple of weeks fly by.

Eee I will be stalking you now lol.

As bummed as I am about a bfn my body has bounced back from the mirena better then I could have imagined. My cycles are 28-30 days and AF lasts four days with a day of spotting constantly. I'm going in for a follow up doctors appointment next week and I'm going to ask her to check my vitamin levels and such too. I'm really confident we won't have to wait too much longer for our little bean
GAgrl, I love your optimism, and it's totally well deserved as your cycles have bounced back beautifully. It's great that your cycles are under 30 days with predictable and regular AF. Here's to hoping that that little bean snuggles in this next cycle for you!

I think I added my chart correctly in my signature now. (That makes stalking easier!)
Thank you all for the warm welcome! Keeping you all in my thoughts, muah
One of my first doctor appointments will be to check my thyroid, I have been feeling pretty ill this year and my periods have become irregular along with so many other symptoms. Trying hard to stay positive because we have been trying for a few years now, but I have a feeling I will be in the doctors office quite regularly to get other things like my tubes checked on (a bad bout of PID when I was nineteen). I hate that I put this all off for so long, but work got the best of me for a while there. Trying to remember to take time to take care of myself!
Star: Fx for you! I'm so hopeful this is your cycle. Sounds like you got a lot of doctors appointments in your near future but sounds like you're in good hands.

Gagirl: it took me SO long before I had a regular cycle after coming off depo. Like 7 months before my period returned, 9 months before it was regular again, and longer until I could even pick up signs of ovulation. So you seem like you're rebounding quite nicely. I really do think you're close!

MissDoc: Oh the ever so fun TWW. Got my fx for you! You certainly covered all your bases with your BD so come ooooon and catch that egg!

SweetDreams: Welcome! I'm 34 and also recently got a BFP for my first! It's very early still so I'm trying to not get too far ahead of myself. I hear you on work--between work, grad school, work again, I blinked and found myself 34 and wondering if I waited too long. These days though, 30 is the new 20. With all the technology available to us, we have a good shot of getting that BFP. Sounds like you've got the right idea with starting up with the testing. Keep us posted on how it goes!

AFM: Not too much new. Still waiting on my blood test results. I've found that drinking metamucil in the evening has been helpful in alleviating the constipation the next morning, which is nice. At least getting one decent BM in a day now, which helps with some of the pressure I was feeling. Still super bloated though and feel like I'm already kinda showing. Like my pants are tight already, wth?! I also had a nasty dream last night that I started bleeding, so I'm hoping it was just stress and not a bad omen. It was so vivid, when I woke up I had to pause to remember whether or not it was real
Star: Fx for you! I'm so hopeful this is your cycle. Sounds like you got a lot of doctors appointments in your near future but sounds like you're in good hands.

Gagirl: it took me SO long before I had a regular cycle after coming off depo. Like 7 months before my period returned, 9 months before it was regular again, and longer until I could even pick up signs of ovulation. So you seem like you're rebounding quite nicely. I really do think you're close!

MissDoc: Oh the ever so fun TWW. Got my fx for you! You certainly covered all your bases with your BD so come ooooon and catch that egg!

SweetDreams: Welcome! I'm 34 and also recently got a BFP for my first! It's very early still so I'm trying to not get too far ahead of myself. I hear you on work--between work, grad school, work again, I blinked and found myself 34 and wondering if I waited too long. These days though, 30 is the new 20. With all the technology available to us, we have a good shot of getting that BFP. Sounds like you've got the right idea with starting up with the testing. Keep us posted on how it goes!

AFM: Not too much new. Still waiting on my blood test results. I've found that drinking metamucil in the evening has been helpful in alleviating the constipation the next morning, which is nice. At least getting one decent BM in a day now, which helps with some of the pressure I was feeling. Still super bloated though and feel like I'm already kinda showing. Like my pants are tight already, wth?! I also had a nasty dream last night that I started bleeding, so I'm hoping it was just stress and not a bad omen. It was so vivid, when I woke up I had to pause to remember whether or not it was real

Please keep us updated on the blood test results..

I really do pray this is our month. I'm supposed to O right around father's day which is going to be extra hard since it's only a little over a month since my fil passed away and the first father's day without him...
Will do. I'm getting anxious to get them!

I really hope you guys can find a way to get BD in during a difficult time. I can imagine how tough that might be.

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