Hey everyone! Yesterday I graduated with my Masters degree!! I'm so glad I'm done! I only have 4 more days in this school year with my own students, and then I will be free for the summer!

I can finally SLEEP!
Welcome CeeCee! Good luck with the Geritol. I haven't heard of that one, but I'm assuming it's an ovulatory drug like clomid?
Zoe -

I'm with MissDoc, I feel like there's got to be a way to not have to postpone. The process can take a long time, it took me 14 months to conceive - I understand you can't afford it if you get pregnant sooner, but if you do get pregnant they won't even see you before 8-10 weeks (My OB said 10 weeks, but saw me at 9). And after that they only see you once every 4 weeks until closer to the end. I know you said the closest low cost clinic is 2 hours away but if you have to wait 10 weeks after you get a positive, then 2 hours once a month isn't horrible. I drive just about an hour to my RE each week right now.
If you aren't going to start TTC until December then my I'm so sorry. My recommendation is to considering stopping bcp if you are on it and start tracking your cycles. It took me
MONTHS after stopping BCP to have regular cycles, and it takes some getting used to track cycles It would be beneficial to have an idea of what your cycle is like before you start TTC so you can be sure of when you are ovulating and stuff.
MissDoc - your temps look awesome! That's so hard that your friend got her BFP on the first try. But I'm glad you can be happy for her.

FX that this is your turn.
Harleyquinn - Welcome! How long were you TTC before they moved onto IUI? Good luck with this cycle!
Etis - good luck! Vacation sounds awesome! Hopefully MS doesn't set in too hard for you when it does.