Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Zoe - welcome, and so sorry to hear about your difficult situation. I've only ever lived in the UK and Canada so I take access to healthcare for granted. It makes me said when I'm reminded that in the States people actually have to think about the financial aspect when it comes medical issues and starting a family. I'm almost just gobsmacked that they charged you $2000 for an ultrasound. Absolutely gobsmacked.With some of the low-cost suggestions others gave, is it at all feasible?

Hi CeeCee - I friend called CeeCee... cute name :) I'm also in my 30s (well, 30) and joined this thread when I started TTC. Everyone on these forums is so awesome. I hope Geritol does the trick for you and you're on the way to a BFP!
Hi Ladies! I thought i would jump into this thread :D

i'm 34 - going to be 35 in November and my husband is 40
we are TTC #1

My OBGYN ran some basic blood tests, said everything was normal and sent me off to an RE.. that was in April.... i'm on my third cycle with the RE- the first was really just blood tests and seeing what my body would do naturally- i did ovulate on my own.

the second we tried Metformin, Clomid and TI- which was a BFN

this cycle we are moving on to IUI- along with metformin, clomid & ovidrel

Hubby's SA was ok
nothing has been found to be wrong with me at this point- so we are hoping for a good cycle... I know statistically speaking you don't get a BFP on the first IUI- but some do, so I hope to be lucky :flower:
Welcome, Harley! Here's to hoping that this first iui is super lucky for you! Where are you at in your cycle right now?
Hi Ladies! I thought i would jump into this thread :D

i'm 34 - going to be 35 in November and my husband is 40
we are TTC #1

My OBGYN ran some basic blood tests, said everything was normal and sent me off to an RE.. that was in April.... i'm on my third cycle with the RE- the first was really just blood tests and seeing what my body would do naturally- i did ovulate on my own.

the second we tried Metformin, Clomid and TI- which was a BFN

this cycle we are moving on to IUI- along with metformin, clomid & ovidrel

Hubby's SA was ok
nothing has been found to be wrong with me at this point- so we are hoping for a good cycle... I know statistically speaking you don't get a BFP on the first IUI- but some do, so I hope to be lucky :flower:

welcome harley! im 34 also ttc #1. i'm hoping to do iui this month too. i have pcos so its tough for me to O. we've been trying since late january and i have not been able to. either i don't respond to the meds like clomid or i overstimulate with the fsh injections i have been given. we are trying to get the dose right this cycle so that i can actually have a chance. it's great that you O on your own and respond to the meds. i hope this is a successful cycle for you! fx that you get your bfp on your first iui. good luck!
my appointment on friday went alright i guess. follies are still small, but by that point i had only done 4 injections and it was cd 6, so very early in the cycle. my next appointment is on tuesday and i am hoping they will have grown. doc says it will most likely be a 16 day stimulation, so i have plenty of time left. here's to hoping this cycle works out for me....just being able to O and do the iui would be great for me.
Star: seems like your appointment went as well as it could. You've still got time so hopefully your next appointment will show some more development.

Zoe: do you live in a state without an exchange or something? I thought the marketplace open enrollment started Nov. 1st and regardless you should check to see if you could qualify for a special exemption open enrollment if you were pregnant. Go here and enter as though you were pregnant and see if that would qualify you:

Harley: hey girl! Welcome to this thread! It's a good one filled with really supportive and helpful ladies. Hope you're doing well! How's the diet and exercise going? I've been slowly getting back with the program and at least working out with a trainer once a week. I need to do more but it's still something!

AFM: not much new. Only symptoms I'm dealing with are the same: fatigue, constipation, and needing to eat every few hours to keep my blood sugar up. No MS yet but it's early still. At the moment, I'm enjoying a much needed beach vacation for my birthday and haven't been on here in a bit cuz I was crazy busy in advance of it. Isn't that always the case? You have twice as much work to get done before vacation and then are just as slammed when you get back
Hey everyone! Yesterday I graduated with my Masters degree!! I'm so glad I'm done! I only have 4 more days in this school year with my own students, and then I will be free for the summer! <3 I can finally SLEEP!

Welcome CeeCee! Good luck with the Geritol. I haven't heard of that one, but I'm assuming it's an ovulatory drug like clomid?

Zoe - :hugs: I'm with MissDoc, I feel like there's got to be a way to not have to postpone. The process can take a long time, it took me 14 months to conceive - I understand you can't afford it if you get pregnant sooner, but if you do get pregnant they won't even see you before 8-10 weeks (My OB said 10 weeks, but saw me at 9). And after that they only see you once every 4 weeks until closer to the end. I know you said the closest low cost clinic is 2 hours away but if you have to wait 10 weeks after you get a positive, then 2 hours once a month isn't horrible. I drive just about an hour to my RE each week right now. :dohh:

If you aren't going to start TTC until December then my I'm so sorry. My recommendation is to considering stopping bcp if you are on it and start tracking your cycles. It took me MONTHS after stopping BCP to have regular cycles, and it takes some getting used to track cycles It would be beneficial to have an idea of what your cycle is like before you start TTC so you can be sure of when you are ovulating and stuff.

MissDoc - your temps look awesome! That's so hard that your friend got her BFP on the first try. But I'm glad you can be happy for her. :hugs: FX that this is your turn.

Harleyquinn - Welcome! How long were you TTC before they moved onto IUI? Good luck with this cycle! :flower:

Etis - good luck! Vacation sounds awesome! Hopefully MS doesn't set in too hard for you when it does.
Hey ladies. Hope everyone is doing alright! Etis, I hope tomorrow's appt goes well for you! And thanks, Angel. I'm glad I'm not in the jealous stage yet (I mean, I want it to happen for me, but it's not affecting for my happiness for others, thankfully). I haven't been trying long enough to be a grump yet. :-P

I am, however, so over this two week wait. Lol. Today is 8DPO and I caved and tested with a cheapie with FMU. Nada. BFN. No surprise, 8 dpo is really early. Period due next Monday, so I will likely know in one direction or the other by the end of this week (hopefully). I wish I felt more hopeful than I do, but I'm in such a pessimistic mood about it all!
Hey ladies. Thank you for all of the great responses. I actually got off birth control about 2 months ago so I could get my cycles back on track. So far so good, and it appears that I am definitely ovulating (good sign). I live in NC which is one of the states that hasn't expanded medicaid which is why it's so difficult to find an affordable health plan. The open enrollment starts November 1st, but insurance won't kick in until January 1st. There could be a chance that I might qualify for pregnant medicaid, but we would hate to take the chance. There is a free clinic in town that offers pregnancy tests and ultrasounds so that is a possibility. But I think we are just going to be smart and wait a few more months. We are planning a trip to Vegas in September for our anniversary and Mexico in October, so I am definitely looking forward to being able to let loose on those trips. I'm just trying to think positive about it :)
etis w joy your vacation! hope you are able to relax and catch up on some rest.

Angel congrats on graduation!! and also on your summer break quickly approaching! enjoy and sleep :)

miss doc - fx for you. really hope you get that bfp in the next few days. keep us posted.

afm I have another appointment tomorrow. I'm hoping for better news.
Zoe, those vacations are great to look forward to! I hope they're wonderful and the wait just flies by. If I were in this position, I'd use this time as baby prep. Get really healthy, do major spring cleaning/decluttering, get into s good team work routine with your husband, and look into resources around the area for pregnant women so that when you're ready you're in a great place. And it helps you feel like you're still moving toward your goal. :-)

Etis, thanks for the positive vibes my dear. Sending some right back at ya for a good appt. *hugs*

Tested this morn with an Internet cheapie and a bfn, of course. Not feeling discouraged by it as its early. I think I'm coming down with a little something though. Sore throat, feel achey and tired, congestion.

I've decided if this cycle ends up being a bust I'll cope by doing what I suggested to Zoe, organize and clean the house (decluttering closets and drawers and whatnot) work toward getting in a good routine (cooking when I get home from work in the eve, taking a walk or going to gym afterwards, etc). Clean up my eating a little more, etc. Essentially do some pre-nesting to convince the next little fertilized egg that this is a comfy place to stay! Lol.
miss doc that sounds like an awesome plan. my fx for you for this cycle!
Thanks, Star. I appreciate all the fingers crossed I can get!

BFN again today (10 DPO) but last evening I had a spot of red blood in CM when I did a cervix check, and I had some cramping (most of it on the right side, which doesn't seem like it would be related to implantation, probably just constipation cramping, lol). Hopefully that slight touch of spotting was a good sign that a little embryo was burrowing in though. I'll keep testing each morning until my period arrives (due Monday). Edited to add-- also had the faintest smear of red spotting when I checked cervix this morning. No more cramping though. Interesting!
Newbie - LP doesn't change much but can vary. When I first got off bcp my LP was 8 days. Over time it lengthened to 10 and then 12 days. I had one cycle where it was 16 days back when it was still normally 10 (I was POSITIVE I had to be pregnant, :nope: ). So sometimes it can vary. Are you recently off a hormonal BC? That would also cause your LP to not be consistent yet.

No I haven't been on bc for at least 3 years now & wasn't on it for very long anyway (maybe a year?)
AF showed up today which is around my normal time but it put my lp at 18 days when it was 14 the month before. I figured FF would've changed my o date but it didn't. And since I had a peak opk watery cm & temp spike between cd 7 - 9 I'm pretty sure my o date was accurate. I'm not going to start getting my hopes up until my normal cycle length passes from now on. Apparently I may be a rare case that my lp varies more than others. But this was only my 2nd month tracking so maybe in a couple months I'll have more insight.

Well I got a peak opk today & ewcm. It's day 8 again so I'm curious to see if today is actual ovulation. Is ovulating this early a problem? I don't have a lot of cm, what can I do to increase it? I wonder if stress could be causing me to ovulate early? But I've never tracked it before last month so this may be my norm?
Well I got a peak opk today & ewcm. It's day 8 again so I'm curious to see if today is actual ovulation. Is ovulating this early a problem? I don't have a lot of cm, what can I do to increase it? I wonder if stress could be causing me to ovulate early? But I've never tracked it before last month so this may be my norm?

I don't think it's a problem to Ovulate early it just means your cycle may be short. I had a friend who always ovulated a few days after her period ended, and she's had 4 healthy pregnancies.

To increase CM, you can take Evening Primrose pills. Only take them pu until ovulation though because they can cause uterine contractions os you don't want to use them after O. You can also try grapefruit juice (natural, not just the fake stuff). I bought a bunch of grapefruits and juiced them in our juicer and drank it one cycle when I had almost no CM and I suddenly had GLOBS of EW cm. It was insane. But effective.
Well I got a peak opk today & ewcm. It's day 8 again so I'm curious to see if today is actual ovulation. Is ovulating this early a problem? I don't have a lot of cm, what can I do to increase it? I wonder if stress could be causing me to ovulate early? But I've never tracked it before last month so this may be my norm?

I don't think it's a problem to Ovulate early it just means your cycle may be short. I had a friend who always ovulated a few days after her period ended, and she's had 4 healthy pregnancies.

To increase CM, you can take Evening Primrose pills. Only take them pu until ovulation though because they can cause uterine contractions os you don't want to use them after O. You can also try grapefruit juice (natural, not just the fake stuff). I bought a bunch of grapefruits and juiced them in our juicer and drank it one cycle when I had almost no CM and I suddenly had GLOBS of EW cm. It was insane. But effective.

I don't think my cycle will be shorter. I say that because last month I ovulated on day 8 and then had an 18 day lp. I did get another peak on my opk today so I'm guessing I will prob o today. I expect a temp spike tomorrow.
I read about the grapefruit juice and was actually already drinking it to add flavor to my water. I did the same as you. I bought a bag of grapefruits & juiced them. I didn't want the preservatives & sugar that is in the store bought juice. I also tried the Mucinex this time. I think these two helped because my cm did increase yesterday. I just wish I had started the Mucinex earlier.
Well brownish reddish cm today and mild cramping, so I'm assuming AF is on her way. BFN as well. Booo.
Hey ladies. CD 6 here. Last cycle was a bust and I took my period week off from even thinking about anything TTC related. Getting back into the swing of things now.

Question-- does anyone know the actual timing of when one should consume brazil nuts and/or pineapple for natural fertility boosting? The stuff on the internet conflicts so much! Eat pre-o, no eat right around o, no, eat it post o for a few days... ayayaye, hard to tell how to best proceed if I wanna give it a try.
Hey ladies. CD 6 here. Last cycle was a bust and I took my period week off from even thinking about anything TTC related. Getting back into the swing of things now.

Question-- does anyone know the actual timing of when one should consume brazil nuts and/or pineapple for natural fertility boosting? The stuff on the internet conflicts so much! Eat pre-o, no eat right around o, no, eat it post o for a few days... ayayaye, hard to tell how to best proceed if I wanna give it a try.

Never tried with pineapple or brazil nuts, but I'd imagine they'd need some time to build up whatever properties needed in your system before it'd be effective. Even with Mucinex (which I'd recommend, it helped me produce more ewcm), you're supposed to start a little before. I started when I noticed a change in my cm from sticky to creamy or watery. then I took it every six hours, just make sure it is guaifenesin ONLY! if it contains a decongestant at all, it will have the opposite effect and dry you out.

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