Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Thanks ladies for all the congrats. Unfortunately the pregnancy was an early loss :angel:

I think it may have had something to do with the fact that I was tapering down off prednisone and the day before I bled I was off. I started again on 10mg that day but it was too late. Didn't even occur to me. :nope:

I'm optimistic about this cycle though and I'll stay on the pred for 12 weeks along with the progesterone. Whatever gets and keeps me pregnant!

Hope everyone is doing well, I enjoy skimming through the last few weeks and easing your updates and good news :flower:
Gagrl - :hugs: I know what you mean. I was so sure I'd get pregnant in 2-3 months after trying, and it is so easy to get defeated. This is such a difficult journey. :hugs: We're here if you need to vent,and we understand.

Kitty - Oh! I'm so sorry! :hugs:
Kitty-- I'm so sorry. That is really sucky. Hope the progesterone helps keeps things nice and sticky next time.

Angel-- Thanks! I had a small temp spike today, but more EWCM and still no positive OPK so not sure when O will be. If I don't have a pos OPK in the next 2 days, it will be completely anomalous. I've never Od later than CD 16 and today is 14. We'll see! I hate how murky all of this can be.

GAGirl-- I'm sorry you're feeling bummed. I go up and down with those feelings. Like one week on, one week off. I am right there with you. I kind of figured we'd get pregnant so easily because we're doing everything right. And I went to a baby shower for a colleague last Saturday and it made me so wistfully sad even though I'm thrilled for my colleague. I want to pregnant. :-( But we'll get there. You will too. At this point there's nothing to be freaking out about yet.
Positive OPK today, so wooo to that. Digital positive this morning, and cheapie dip strips are more and more positive throughout the day when I test, so I'm guessing I caught the surge early and should O late today or tomorrow.

Does anyone know how quickly after O/surge the tests become negative? Like, if I get a negative tomorrow morning, does it likely I o'd today, or could I still be o'ing tomorrow at the end of the surge/after it's passed?
Positive OPK today, so wooo to that. Digital positive this morning, and cheapie dip strips are more and more positive throughout the day when I test, so I'm guessing I caught the surge early and should O late today or tomorrow.

Does anyone know how quickly after O/surge the tests become negative? Like, if I get a negative tomorrow morning, does it likely I o'd today, or could I still be o'ing tomorrow at the end of the surge/after it's passed?

Missdoc, you can O up to 48 hours after your first positive opk. It just depends on when you catch your surge and what your body feels like doing!

Good luck catching that egg :happydance:
I caved at 11dpo and POAS.. It was a bfn. So now I'm just waiting until AF comes. I have a really really good feeling about next month
Thanks kitty. I think I caught it at the very beginning of the surge and o'd 48 hours after that (yesterday morning) in CD 17. Later than I've ever o'd before. Cycles are being so weird recently. Because I was so certain I was o'ing on 15 or 16, I bd'd on 15, but not 16, then o'd morning of 17. Aargh. Wish I would have kept bd'ing and not missed the day before O. Darn it. I did BD in the afternoon the day of O, and I figure hey, there are people who do the o+12 plan, so perhaps a few soldiers got in there quickly and did what they needed to do even though they showed up late for the party. Lol.

And so the wait begins! 1 dpo today and started with the pineapple and core this morn. Hopefully that helps. :-) Good luck to you ladies!!
angel - so happy to hear that things are going well with the little one! and its really amazing how wonderful your RE was and it seems like the clinic was just great too. that really is quite special. when will you get to find out the gender of the little bean? so is it really hard to wait for the appointments? im sure it just feels so good to get more info. hope you enjoy your summer break and that the next appointment goes swimmingly!

etis - congrats on being done with school, but yea, the student loans....they are a bummer. but you have your little bean! and that is so so so wonderful! its so great that you are not feeling crazily exhausted or attacked with nausea. two weeks for your appointment, that's relatively soon. keep us updated! so happy for you!

gargrl - its a tough journey, but you'll get it eventually. i hope this next cycle is your one!

kat - it seems so incredibly difficult to be unable to speak to them. i mean, it just seems like trying to relay information to a rock. Continue to protect yourself, and your little bean! you will have your own family and the chance to make it everything you want it to be. so happy things are going well with your pg!

kitty - so sorry for the early loss. i very much hope next cycle you have a sticky bean. fx for you!

miss doc - congrats on the positive opk! good luck with the tww. fx for you! hope the pineapple core works! you never know, that might be the little extra that makes this cycle the one. good luck!

afm - i have to make a very long story short. otherwise this post will be too long. i have had problems with the clinic b/c the nurses cannot draw my blood. this has caused me immense pain, stress and a lot of bruising. the nurse at the new lab is great and is able to get my blood on the first try, without any digging around endlessly once inside to find my vein. she is great and i am so thankful to be able to see her. so i go to the new lab for the bloods and the clinic for the u/s scans.

i am now on cd 31, i have been taking my fsh injections for a LONG time. we are doing a very slow stimulation. b/c last time we used a small dose in comparison to what a high dose is, but yet it was still too strong for me and i over stimmed after a 7 day stimulation. this cycle has already been a 30 day stimulation, but most of it at a super super low dose. b/c i don't want to do ivf, its basically experiment time. figuring out what dose will not make me overstim and make iui possible. this past friday i had one at 12mm and doc thinks it will continue to respond. they had upped my dose a bit and ive continued that through the weekend and i have another blood draw tomorrow and appointment. so hopefully the follie has continued to respond. my last estraidol level was 126. i hope the follie has grown over the weekend.
kat - it seems so incredibly difficult to be unable to speak to them. i mean, it just seems like trying to relay information to a rock. Continue to protect yourself, and your little bean! you will have your own family and the chance to make it everything you want it to be. so happy things are going well with your pg!

It's not proving very difficult really. They were so abusive, especially my brother, that it's been a huge relief to not have any contact with them. The fact that they never once have asked me how my IUIs ended or anything shows how little they care also. Not even my cousin has shown interest. Giving up on ever having a respectful and loving relationship is one of the best things I've done for myself! I only regret that I wasted so much time and energy trying to gain the love and acceptance that they weren't willing to ever give, no matter what I did, they would never deem it good enough.

Thanks so much:flower: Yep that's what I'm hoping for!

And wishing you so much luck on your journey, I really hope you soon get your baby :dust:
thanks kat!

I hope I at least have a chance this cycle. ever since starting ttc in January I have not even had the chance to be in a TWW. I just hope that we get to the stage where we figure out how to get me to O with the chance for iui. hopefully I'll get positive news tomorrow and I find out the follie has grown more. my fx!
MissDoc, I'd say your chances are still pretty good! Hope you caught that egg sweetie.

Star_e fx you O and can do iui this cycle. Good luck!
Hey all! back from camping. So glad to be home. Had a great time but I really REALLY missed my bed. My back and my hips will thank me tonight!! :haha:

MissDoc - The OPK can go negative pretty quickly or fairly long, it depends on your surge. IT's different for everyone. You will Ovulate anywhere from same day to 48 hours after a +OPK. I tend to Ov the day of the +OPK but once didn't get my temp spike for 4 days, so it's possible I ovulated 3 days later even though my OPKs went negative that evening. It's very different for each woman and can differ cycle to cycle.

Typically they say once you get a +OPK you stop testing and count the first day of the +OPK as the positive and that you could Ov anywhere after that.

Good luck! Keeping FX for you this month!

Gagrl - so sorry. :( :hugs: But hopefully this will be your month! :)

Star - Not sure when I'll get to find out gender. My OB appointment is tomorrow so I'll ask her then. I've had weekly appointments so I didn't have to wait long, but now that I'm done with those I'm feeling like having to wait 4 weeks is an ETERNITY! Not sure how I'll make it. :haha:
Good luck with your next appointment. hopeufuly that follicle does what it needs to! :)
so good news, the follie is 22mm. it grew a lot. the iui is scheduled for Thursday afternoon! she wants me to do one more fsh injection tonight bc she would like it to get a bit bigger. tomorrow I do the trigger shot. I have to call and find out when bc they told me 11am but that's when the doc thought I'd come in for the iui on Thursday at 11am. but my appointment is actually around 2:30 so I don't know if the nurse was considering that when she told me 11. I'll do some research to find out if it's better to do it a littler earlier than that. I also don't know where to stick myself. I've never done the trigger shot and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to do it in same place as the fsh injections.

I cannot believe I'm going to have a chance this cycle. when the doc told me it was at 22mm and that we'd do the iui on Thursday it didn't really hit me till this evening. so much is happening during the day and I'm always in a huge rush to get back to work. I'm so so thankful right now. I've waited for a chance since January. we have finally made some progress.
Thanks, Kitty!

Angel, so glad you get to be back in your comfy bed! With the OPK, it kind of got me me because I just assumed the first digi was the real positive even though the Wondfos went positive after that. I bd'd the day of the very first pos but not the day after because I thought we were fine (and we were tired of BDing), but then with positives next day and not o'ing until 2 days after, I think my chances are much less without the right kind of o time BDing. A bit bummed about that. But lesson learned! Don't get worn out with daily BDing too early, and when I get a positive OPK, BD daily until I'm confident I ovulated. I think the plan next month will be every other day BDing until positive OPK, then go to daily for 2-3 days.

Star, I'm so excited that you have a chance this cycle!! I will keep by fingers crossed that the follicle is nice and plump and all goes well! Good luck!

AFM, 3 dpo here. Sticking with the pineapple core and Brazil nuts and leafy greens each day in the LP. I o'd so late so I hope my LP adjusts accordingly and gives any fertilized egg enough time to implant before AF arrives.
Hi all!

Star--great news! Really excited for you. Good luck on Thursday! Progress finally.

Miss doc: I had the same issue with the digis. They were off but the wandfo ended up being the more accurate measure for me. Fx you still have a chance this cycle!

Angel: Hope you had a nice camping trip!

AFM: I'm in limbo right now as I may have miscarried on Saturday. I've been out of town for a wedding and mini-beach vacation immediately after and on Saturday evening I was standing at
The sink, brushing my teeth, getting ready for the wedding when I felt a dripping down my leg. Looked down and bright red blood was everywhere. I panicked, rushed to the bathroom, called my husband (he was in the wedding so he was already there for pictures),
Who called his dad (an obgyn himself). They assured me that it was probably nothing. We had had sex earlier in the day which can trigger bleeding, etc. and that most women bleed at some point. They seemed to have missed the part where I said that it looked like I passed a small blood clot or tissue. Anyway the bleeding subsided quickly and stopped completely a few hours later. But when I mentioned the blood clot to his sister on Monday--that's when they became concerned about the miscarriage. I called my doctor and spoke to an on call doctor who also said it was probably fine but if I had passed the embryo I'd have a miscarriage in a few days. Last night I spotted, but the spitting again stopped almost immediately. Didn't even mark the pad I put on. I really thought that was the miscarriage beginning but it stopped. Then this morning, after I pooped (TMI but relevant), there was again blood on the tissue but it wiped away and hasn't come back yet. So it seems like there is blood in my cervix that's getting pushed out but don't know what to make of it. However, the doctors all say not to bother going to the ER because there's nothing they can do and to wait until my appointment Monday to get an ultrasound. So unless I start really heavily bleeding, I should just take it easy and monitor the bleeding. This not knowing is so frustrating but I'm trying not to stress too much because stressing isn't good and also there's absolutely nothing to be done if I am having a miscarriage. Just wish I knew.
etis my fx are crossed for you. I hope it is not a miscarriage and it's just a normal bleeding. how did you know it had tissue or there was a blood clot? I wish I knew more about this, but I don't. sending yiu positive thoughts. hope everything is okay. i take it the doc can't see you before Monday?
etis my fx are crossed for you. I hope it is not a miscarriage and it's just a normal bleeding. how did you know it had tissue or there was a blood clot? I wish I knew more about this, but I don't. sending yiu positive thoughts. hope everything is okay. i take it the doc can't see you before Monday?

Thanks star. Yeah I'm out of town until tomorrow and my first appointment was already scheduled for Monday so they said I should just wait till then. When the big bleeding first happened, I sat down on the toilet for a while and when I got up, saw what looked like a clot or tissue in there. From what I can tell, it's 50-50 that the pregnancy will be fine or will end in a miscarriage. So I just have to wait it out.
Etis, I'm so sorry you're going through that scary situation! I really strongly hope that it's just odd bleeding and it's not a miscarriage. That sitting and waiting must be so frustrating. It's really good that you already have an appt scheduled within the next week. Is there anything on the internet about how to tell when you've had a miscarriage other than the bleeding? I'd probably be scouring around a bit to get a sense of things. Big hugs to you. I hope everything ends up being just a scare.

From what I've seen, signs are heavy bleeding (no) or bleeding over three or more days in a row (not really but I have had some spotting once yesterday and once today so far); cramping or pains in your abdomen, lower back (no again though I have had some really really dull sensations in my stomach off and on but it comes and goes super quickly and isn't really painful), nausea (no), and/or sudden absence in pregnancy symptoms (only symptom I have consistently had is sore boobs and they are still sore). So that all should make me feel optimistic but regardless something feels off. Really don't like this waiting game
Star that's great news! :hugs: FX!

Etis - Oh! :hugs: I'm so sorry that you are in limbo! How terrifying! :hugs: I am keeping everything crossed, praying that this is not a miscarriage. Monday feels like a really really long time from now! :(

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