Etis- I'm sorry you're going through this. Sometimes not knowing is worse than knowing somethings wrong. Miscarriages are different for everyone, but I can tell you what mine was like... I knew there was a good chance I would miscarry for over a week due to blood work, but the numbers were still in the questionable range. Then my progesterone tanked and I started bleeding later that night. It was painless at first. The next day I had horrible intense abdominal cramps for a few hours. I sat doubled over on the toilet, sobbing. It was very much like having contractions. I'd have waves of cramps occurring about every 2 minutes. I finally took a Toradol and got in the tub and the pain improved. The next morning when I got up I had passed a clot of tissue about the size of a golf ball and I knew that was it. I continued having mild cramps for several days and bled for about 2 weeks total.
That being said, at the beginning of my pregnancy with Nora, I had 2 bleeding episodes. One was around 5 weeks and another around 6. I had ultrasounds both times and she was just fine. I'm also a labor and delivery nurse, and some people honestly do have bleeding at random times throughout pregnancy, particularly during the 1st trimester, and nothing is wrong. Sometimes it can be due to sex, straining during a bowel movement, or exercise, and sometimes the cause is unknown.
I know from both personal and professional experience that your situation is frustrating and emotional. As you said, stressing won't change anything and nothing can be done right now. Just try to take it easy and don't do anything too strenuous. I hope everything turns out just fine.
That being said, at the beginning of my pregnancy with Nora, I had 2 bleeding episodes. One was around 5 weeks and another around 6. I had ultrasounds both times and she was just fine. I'm also a labor and delivery nurse, and some people honestly do have bleeding at random times throughout pregnancy, particularly during the 1st trimester, and nothing is wrong. Sometimes it can be due to sex, straining during a bowel movement, or exercise, and sometimes the cause is unknown.
I know from both personal and professional experience that your situation is frustrating and emotional. As you said, stressing won't change anything and nothing can be done right now. Just try to take it easy and don't do anything too strenuous. I hope everything turns out just fine.