I caved and took an IC (Wondfos) test and BFN. Not even a shadow of a line. Blank. We were so sad this morning. Technically it's not over yet. FF says I'm 13dpo but clinic would say I was 12 and based on my cramps on the Saturday after the iui that's when I would suspect I Oed so that could make me at 10dpo. So it might still be too early. Maybe wishful thinking. My temps dropped a bit today. Not by much. If they keep dropping then I'm out. I'm so sad. I hope I have a chance but Im feeling negative now. All the drama w the blood draws, the 30 day stimulation! It was so so so long and hard this one cycle.
If this cycle is a bust, DH and I are going to tell doc we want a higher dose bc we want more than one follie to work with. But then we run the risk of over stimming. There is an option to convert the cycle to IVF which is cheaper than just doing IVF from the get go bc our insurance will pay for the initial scans if it's iui.
Our insurance covers iui but not IVF. So iui is very affordable for us. We don't even have to pay for any of the injections. But we don't want to do several of them only to end up having to do IVF. It's so confusing and terrifying. The conversion method is less expensive but still very very expensive. Just wish there was a way to know how to get me to grow More than one follie. Like 2 or 3. So the odds were better. It's just a tricky process.
If this cycle is a bust, DH and I are going to tell doc we want a higher dose bc we want more than one follie to work with. But then we run the risk of over stimming. There is an option to convert the cycle to IVF which is cheaper than just doing IVF from the get go bc our insurance will pay for the initial scans if it's iui.
Our insurance covers iui but not IVF. So iui is very affordable for us. We don't even have to pay for any of the injections. But we don't want to do several of them only to end up having to do IVF. It's so confusing and terrifying. The conversion method is less expensive but still very very expensive. Just wish there was a way to know how to get me to grow More than one follie. Like 2 or 3. So the odds were better. It's just a tricky process.