GreenArcher - I suspected low progesterone a long time ago because I was having very short LP (when I stopped bcp my LP was only 7-8 days, 9 at the longest and my cycles were close to 40 days long so I was ovulating REALLY late - around CD30). That's where my first CP/MC came from. The second one was a couple months later, also very likely from the low progesterone. I asked my doctor if they would test me but he refused until I reached 12 months. So I used vitex and vitB to increase my LP (and help regulate my long cycles). I also changed doctors shortly after (unrelated, my doctor retired). After a few months of that when I was nearing my 12th month I stopped the supplements because I wanted everything out of my system for when I started testing. After stopping my cycles continued to be fairly regular on their own, so I think my body just needed a lot of time and maybe a little boost to start to regulate but my LP was still short. My new doctor put in the referral at 11 months TTC, met with the RE the next month, and we started testing my 13th month (had issues scheduling with my schedule before that). After a series of tests, lots of blood work, an HSG (which my husband swears is what got us pregnant

), we got our bfp. Ith appened to be on the same day I was going in to discuss our test results from the month, and I told the dr and he immediately put me on a LARGE dose of progesterone because he said at my 7DPO blood work test my progesterone was down to 5, and they want it above 12 at that point and they really wanted it above 20 now knowing I was pregnant. Honestly, the doctor was pretty sure if I hadn't gotten that bfp at that point there was a very good chance I would have lost this one too because I wouldn't have gotten the progesterone soon enough (they had said that for future cycles I would take a progesterone supplement after Ovulation to make sure I was getting enough to hold the pregnancy).
And that's my fertility story.

It's been a rollercoaster of a time. I'm so glad I made it to this point.

We found out a few weeks ago that we're having a little girl.

We're very excited. Can't wait to meet her.
Sounds like your last cycle was a mess. Hopefully this one is better! Good luck!
Kat - already!? Wow! At least I don't have to worry about that yet! So far people are just exclaiming over my large belly.