I feel huge. LoL. However on the positive side a lot of people keep telling me that aside from the large bump I look like I'm losing weight in the rest of my body (I'm not, I think the bump just makes me look smaller), but most of my weight is all in the bump. That's probably on the good side. We are still going to the gym, and I switched to the Y because they have a pool and my old gym didn't (even though I really love my old gym and am sad to leave them) and the pool is a lot easier. I'm getting to a point where my hips are hurting after a lot of activity and since I'm on my feet almost all day teaching. . . . my hips hurt a lot.

On the positive side, I'm loving this school year so far. The kids I have (so far) are pretty awesome
Greenarcher - I've had some almost positive OPKs early in my cycle (CD4-7 ish) before, and then they fade and I get a positive OPK later on. I think sometimes it's just left over hormone. I've had some really light periods after dropping BCP too. Some of them were ridiculously light, where I couldn't even use a light tampon. I was sure it meant something odd but it was just my body adjusting. What makes you think it was a withdrawal bleed? This far along after stopping any form of bcp, I wouldn't think you would be having a withdrawal.
Good luck with temping. I loved temping. It gave me so much clarity to my cycle and it was the only sure way to pinpoint ovulation, and then once my LP leveled out I was able to determine the exact day AF would show. I loved it. I hope it helps you.
34andTrying - welcome!! Hopefully you are able to conceive quickly! Our family also is very fertile, and so I thought I would get pregnant easily (after all, my sister got pregnant while on birth control, and my mom never had any trouble conceiving or any of my aunts). Unfortunately it took me 14 months, but part of that was that it took me a long time to level out after being on bcp. But I was on bcp for a very very long time so my body just didn't know how to produce its own hormones at that point. FX for you! Are you doing anything for tracking or just trying the natural method for now?
Etis - Hi! :wave: Been awhile!! Good to see you! So glad to hear that everything is going well!! Keep us updated! I'd love to see your scan pics!