Today I decided I couldn't make it in and stayed home. It was a really rough night for me. I fell asleep around 10pm, woke up at midnight to go to the bathroom. Fell back asleep, woke up around 1:30am with a weird dream and then could not go back to sleep no matter what I tried. I finally started to doze off around 4:30, but my alarm goes off at 5am. I tried to get up and go to work but I realized I probably needed to stay home when I was sitting at the table crying. Just not a good day. What sucks is I feel guilty about taking a day off because I have such limited sick leave.

After I went back to bed around 6, I slept until 10, so clearly I needed it. I still don't feel well though, I'm still feeling kind fo sleep deprived, and having sharp pains in my stomach (middle/sides). Not sure what that's about but it's accompanied by nausea.

I've got my regular appointment today so I'll mention it to her when I see her.
Kat - I think the change in his behavior had to do with a stroke he had when he was about 50. Despite being told many times by his doctor that he was at high risk of a stroke if he didn't lose weight, keep up with his blood pressure meds, and start taking care of his diabetes (he developed it later in life and then refused to acknowledge it, and completely ignored that he even had diabetes), he didn't do anything. He refused to exercise. When my mom would try to pack him healthy lunches he would go out to eat and have pizza and soda and other junk. If she didn't pack him a lunch he'd tell her it was her fault he couldn't lose weight because she wasn't making him good lunches and thus forced him to eat out (because apparently he was incapable of making his own lunch). He ended up having a pretty big stroke, which never affected his memory or speech (surprising the doctors) but gave him very limited mobility in his left hand, and he has to walk with a cane (though they were surprised he got the ability to walk back at all). He became an angry, bitter, horrible person after that. He was an angry person before (very abusive to my mother and sister long before the stroke, physically and emotionally) but after the stroke he was tried to blame the stroke for his behavior because he couldn't hide it as well around other people so other people were seeing his horrible side. I suspect that's where the change in the affect of the alcohol came from. He also isn't supposed to drink at all because of the diabetes and while he did well for a year or so after the stroke he quit following doctor recommendations and started eating crappy food, drinking again, and gaining weight back.
I've gotten drunk myself several times, especially in college. I totally understand that, and figure kids will be kids and young adults are having fun and learning their limits, etc. Once or twice as an adult I've gotten more drunk than I intended and I always hate it. Plus I don't have the same rebound abilities I had as a college kid and I tend to get sick now and that's never pleasant
I realize now that it sounded like I was being really judgmental in my previous post about drinking and I didn't mean it to sound that way. I think parents need to let loose sometimes, and DH and I have an agreement that shortly after we have baby I am allowed to drink the next several times we do game night at my sister's house (as long as I pump beforehand, and then we can do the test strips or whatever to make sure the next batch is "safe"), and he'll take care of baby because I haven't been able to let loose in a long time (which makes game nights not so much fun when everyone is drinking and I'm still completely sober AND pregnant). I just hate the part when someone gets completely smashed. I think getting happily buzzed is not just okay but a healthy thing for parents to do sometimes.
I'm glad your mommy group seems good! Sounds like a great thing though! I love that you have the option. Unfortunately here even if I wanted to take 6 months off, I don't have the job security (or finances) to do so. I'm only guaranteed my job for up to 12 weeks leave.

More importantly, even if I give up my job (which wouldn't be the end of the world but would be really hard to pay our bills on just DH's salary), we'd lose our health insurance because it's through my work. The 12 weeks requires that my job continue my insurance for those 12 weeks but after 12 weeks they are no longer required to pay for me to have insurance.

The US is so behind in so many ways.
MissDoc - I've got a great massage therapist so that helps a lot. I've been seeing him for awhile (before pregnancy even) so that helped. It's hard to sometimes find a person who meets your needs and so the massage doesn't feel/seem as good and then it's hard to decide if you didn't like the massage itself or the therapist. But I think mine are definitely worth it!
I'm so sorry to hear you also had an alcoholic parent. Your mom sound exactly like the kind of alcoholic my husbands mom (and grandmother) was. His mom's been sober for awhile now, which is the only reason we have contact with her, and his grandmother passed a couple years ago (he was actually raised by grandmother not mom), but she was very much a raging, aggressive alcohol. Very cruel.
I love that you are calling your LO "the cheeseburger"!

That's awesome!
Fancy Pants - Welcome! I also got a lot of "waiting too long" comments from people but I've only been married to DH for 2 years, and I wanted to finish my Masters first so that I could be more financially stable. Welcome to the group! This is a great group of women!

I've been with them for a long time

Sounds like you are totally prepared for your first cycle! Good luck!! Try not to let yourself stress too much over it as you learn your body you'll find it gets easier (sometimes) to predict. It's great you've been temping already. I tried to learn temping at the same time I was starting TTC and there was a lot of frustration for me. It got so much easier to manage after I mastered the temping and charting thing a few months in!
Buckeye - Ah, got it. Well then hopefully you'll be able to catch it early enough that the treatments will be effective!

Are you doing anything specific in your TTC (charting/temping/OPKs/etc) or are you just doing the natural "let it happen" path?
Jezika - aw.

Hopefully baby comes soon. I have been doing a lot of reading and found that Red Raspberry Leaf Tea is supposed to be great for helping to prepare the uterus for birth but also supposed to help encourage labor to start if it's near enough to your due date. I have no idea if there's any truth to that at all, but thought I'd throw that out there.

I am starting to drink a cup a day and will up that when I'm closer to term. All the research I've done has said it's perfectly safe in 3rd tri and actually supposed to be really good for helping make an easier/shorter labor. I'm hoping it is true anyway.