Angel, that's a good idea about the massages. I don't think insurance will cover massage or chiropractor for me, but if it helps, then it's totally worth it. Can you describe a little the type of stretches your doc recommended?
I've been doing some of the stretches my doctor recommended and that seems to be helping some. I was at least able to get around my classroom a little more yesterday. And I've schedule myself a massage for this weekend so that will help loosen some of the muscles too.
Gagrl - that's awesome!! So excited!They'll be able to give you a better estimate of how far you are once they start doing a couple US. Will they do several on you, or just the standard 2? If he's tracking your HCG this long I suspect he'd also do a couple extra US to track measurement, etc.
Kat - Ugh, I am so sorry about your DH.Sometimes I think men just hate to be told to do anything a certain way, because my DH will do that on occasion too when I know the way to do it that works and he wants to do it his way. And in the end we have to do it my way anyway.
Why is your DH staying up until 1am? I'd think after a few days of that he'd be so tired he'd have a hard time keeping that schedule up.
Kat - Ugh, I am so sorry about your DH.Sometimes I think men just hate to be told to do anything a certain way, because my DH will do that on occasion too when I know the way to do it that works and he wants to do it his way. And in the end we have to do it my way anyway.
Why is your DH staying up until 1am? I'd think after a few days of that he'd be so tired he'd have a hard time keeping that schedule up.
Kat - really sorry your mom complains so much. I really wish she was supportive. And I totally understand how you are indirectly affected by DHs schedule. That's tough. You're working hard and doing what you need to do for your LO and I wish you had more support. I know you are really tired; it's impressive what you are doing and if DH does not see it, your LO is thankful. I hope DH comes around soon though.
Afm - have a scan coming up on Monday. It's the NT scan. Going to order the home Doppler soon. Hopefully today. Been so so tired and have been busier than I'd like and things won't really slow down for another long while. Oh well. I plan on doing nothing tomorrow which is much needed.
I would love to see everyone....except well you know
I won't say anything to her