Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Thanks ladies! :hugs:

I've been continuing to have breast twinges. I've noticed that this cycle mostly (but then again don't think I paid attention previous cycles!:nope:). I had quiet a bit of symptoms going on until 12dpo then it stopped! Except I've been super tired!! :sleep: I slept 11 hours on sunday and continued to feel tired after that. DH was so sweet to cook, clean and do the laundry! :D
I'm currently on 15dpo, and BFN this morning too. This in-between state is waaaay more frustrating than having AF come! I had a slight temp drop today, still way above the coverline though. Wondering what this means...

I have an inkling that AF will be here soon, but just out of curiosity - have any of you or anyone you know gotten late BFPs? :shrug:

KatO79 - so sorry you are having such a tough time. I really hope things calm down for you and you are able to catch a break. :hugs:

Angel - hoping to hear of your nugget's arrival soon!:thumbup:

Star - how absolutely exciting to be able to hear your baby's heartbeat! :happydance:

Jezika - hoping the silence from you means your little one has arrived finally!! :D
Kat - I am so sorry about everything you have to deal with. I know I keep saying this but seriously, I just want to smack your DH sometimes. :growlmad: I hope you're able to get some rest soon.

PSamuel - You're 15dpo? How long is your usual LP? Since implantation can occur between 6-12dpo, it's possible to not get a BFP for several days past the missed period. I have a couple friends who didn't get their bfp until a week or two later because they implanted late and then had a very slow doubling time for their hcg. Based on your chart, It is possible your O date was later, looking at CM and your OPKs. Based on temps alone, this looks right though. So confusing sometimes. I wouldn't let the little drop for today bother you, even when pregnant the temps fluctuate.
Sorry ladies, I'll write more hopefully tomorrow since it's gone 2am, but the update is that this baby does not want to come out of me! I'm not even 1cm dilated so going back for another u/s and another attempt at stretch and sweep on Wednesday. Really not hopeful it will do anything, so I have an induction booked for Thursday. It's the earliest I can have it and I feel bad about it because I wanted to avoid one, but it's getting a bit frustrating not knowing when she will come (or, it seems, if she will come at all, which I know is silly!). My midwife made me feel a lot better about it though, so hopefully depending on how long the induction takes to be successful, I should have a baby by Saturday, even though at this point I wouldn't be surprised if it somehow doesn't work and I stay pregnant forever.

On the plus side, at my ultrasound today (my 8th of this pregnant, so Wednesday's will be 9th - can you believe that?) they showed me her chubby little face in 3D and estimated her to be 7 lbs 9 oz, though of course that can easily be quite off. Would be nice though.. I was scared she'd be mahoosive.
Thanks ladies:hugs::hugs:

PS FXed for you :dust:

Angel thanks, yeah I have the urge too:haha: I did throw a book at him a few weeks ago plus my Lansinoh tube more recently:wacko: It's easy to see where Alexander gets his temperamental side from although DH can be nuts too! Oh well, at least he's gotten slightly better and he's taken over "get Alexander to sleep at night" on Fridays and Saturdays. Alexander got overtired again yesterday but luckily got over it by nighttime and after one of his night feedings I lucked out and could put him to bed right away and he was deep asleep after minimal rocking:thumbup::happydance: Although he was more difficult for his early morning feed as he was still tired and didn't eat much before going out cold :dohh: Put him to bed as he refused to eat more but then he predictably woke up 1-1½ hours later wanting more milk :nope:

Jezika here's hoping your induction works! My doctor at the hospital didn't want to induce me as she claimed that it often doesn't work (well?) on FTMs:shrug::confused: I'm sure she'll be here before you know it and I'm looking forward to seeing pics:thumbup: Yep scans can be way off, Alexander was estimated to be 4.7 kg and ended up being a tad over 4.0 kg!
Ugh so I've told DH a few times that I have an appointment with my GP to check my scar today and e.g. talk about prevention so need the car as public transport in this area (especially locally) is horrible. Yet he failed to figure something else out and his bike is still at his workplace:dohh: Oh and btw there's no one to watch Alexander so I have to take him with me to the GP:dohh: Problem is Alexander would need to come with if I had to drive DH to the train station and I didn't want to disturb his sleep or if he wanted to be fed at that time. To make it worse, Alexander was impossible to get to sleep after his 4 AM feeding so I got 0 sleep from 4-7 AM (so only got about 2½-3 hours sleep total) and yet DH forced my hand: either I drive him to the station so I can have the car or he takes the car and I cancel my appointment:growlmad: So I drove him as I really want to figure out my options in regards to prevention as I've been strongly advised to not get pregnant for about 1 year as they don't want me to give birth for at least 2 years due to the fear my uterus will split at the scar site during contractions. At this point, I'm not sure I want a 2nd child the way DH is still behaving:nope: I can only imagine how extra exhausted I'd be joggling a toddler and a newborn practically alone:wacko:
Kat, that is so incredibly frustrating. I don't blame you for second guessing whether a second kiddo soon is a good idea with the way DH is currently. I really hope he gets his act together!

Jezika, I'm sorry that little girl is so snuggled in there she doesn't want to come out, but it's exciting to think she'll be out by Saturday! Fingers crossed for you!

Psam, hope you get a BFP and that's the source of your weird symptoms. :-) Good Luck!

Angel, how is your final month of pregnancy going? Wild to think this is the last month!

Nothing notable here as I'm still awaiting my level 2 18 wk sono (Friday afternoon). Oh, I suppose it's notable that I'm finally starting to have a bump, pretty much just in the past 2 days. I've gained my fair share of weight (upper range of normal actually, which is a bit of a bummer as my weight was already at the upper range of normal before pregnancy), but it went everywhere else but a bump! Thighs, mostly. But FINALLY I'm getting a bump. Yay! Not feeling movements yet, even though so many people say they do at this point. Looking forward to when that starts to help solidify the reality of everything.
Kat, that is so incredibly frustrating. I don't blame you for second guessing whether a second kiddo soon is a good idea with the way DH is currently. I really hope he gets his act together!

Jezika, I'm sorry that little girl is so snuggled in there she doesn't want to come out, but it's exciting to think she'll be out by Saturday! Fingers crossed for you!

Psam, hope you get a BFP and that's the source of your weird symptoms. :-) Good Luck!

Angel, how is your final month of pregnancy going? Wild to think this is the last month!

Nothing notable here as I'm still awaiting my level 2 18 wk sono (Friday afternoon). Oh, I suppose it's notable that I'm finally starting to have a bump, pretty much just in the past 2 days. I've gained my fair share of weight (upper range of normal actually, which is a bit of a bummer as my weight was already at the upper range of normal before pregnancy), but it went everywhere else but a bump! Thighs, mostly. But FINALLY I'm getting a bump. Yay! Not feeling movements yet, even though so many people say they do at this point. Looking forward to when that starts to help solidify the reality of everything.

Yeah I'm wondering if it's a good idea at all if DH keeps this up:nope: Who knows, it's not for sure we can conceive naturally anyway:shrug: I'm at earliest going to start thinking about it when Alexander is around 3 years old.

Oh my GP recommended the mini p-pill so going to pick up my prescription on Friday after my Mothers Group meeting. He gave me for 3 months and wants me to come in when I'm about to run out to see if I should continue or try something else e.g. an IUD. The mini pill shouldn't affect my milk supply as it doesn't contain estrogen which was my main concern with taking a hormonal birth control.

Yay for bump:happydance: Looking forward to bump pics! I think I did feel extremely slight movements (felt that way to me but were bigger movements on his end) every 2-3 days at 16-17 weeks but do think around week 20 is the norm. I think first definite kick was around week 20 that I also could see.
Kat the lack of sleep seems so hard. I know that's what it's like for most mothers but still so hard and am thankful that at least sometimes your little one gets to sleep quicker than you'd expected. But I can totally see how it would be difficult for you to fall asleep even when you are exhausted. Your body is totally on a schedule of no sleep so it gets used to that. Does your DH realize how little sleep your getting? Sometimes I think even when people hear things they don't realize. Cause I'd think anyone's heart would melt a bit to know how tired you are and how you need to rest some. In terms of your brother, you reached out so hopefully things can become civil and if they don't well you did your part to try and thats really all you can do. Good luck w that.

Jezika - oh I hope your gorgeous girl comes soon! That the induction works and you have her in your arms on Saturday! Fx for you!

Miss doc - so cute you are starting to get the bump!!!! Adorable. And I've prob gained more than the upper limit within the first trimester. by week 13 I think I had gained 9 pounds. It's seems like my trimester symptoms are reversed though. Second trimester is lots of nausea and now I have a bad cold :(. How's your nausea been?

Psamuel - fx you Oed late and you'll get your bfp this cycle.

Angel - glad to hear the Tylenol pm has been helping a lot and you've been getting better sleep and that your vacation is coming up!!!! teaching teenagers on little sleep sounds super challenging so glad it's getting better.

Afm - dealing w a bad cold on my vacation :(. Plus I bur ed my tongue super bad due to eating way too much citrus fruits and juices and candy. So very uncomfortable. Still dealing w nighttime nausea mostly so it affects how much dimmer I eat which sucks bc then I wake up in middle night hungry and all I have around right now is cookies.
star yes he's pretty aware although I don't think he realises that it takes me so long to fall asleep again. He's a lot quicker, normally falling asleep within minutes so think he takes for granted that most are the same way:dohh: To be fair, he did get up and take over at 4 AM after I'd tried to get Alexander to sleep for almost 1 hour and was crying in utter exhaustion and frustration. Plus he came home earlier today because yet again, Alexander is having one of his "I refuse to sleep" days and I couldn't take it anymore as he cries a lot when he's having one of those days:wacko: Plus it's soon the weekend so tomorrow night plus Saturday night DH will take over getting Alexander to sleep after I bf during the night plus most of the time during the day as well. As for my brother yes, we can hope that it becomes a civil relationship although it's sad I won't be able to have a sister-brother relationship with him (which means I can't/won't share certain things with him, things I actually feel more comfortable sharing here) and it's the best I can hope for. If he can't do that, I will have no issues going no contact with him:shrug:

Oh DH's parents are coming Saturday to watch Alexander for 4-5 hours so DH and I can shop for Christmas gifts in peace although it could've been fun to drive him around in his carriage while we walked around. Think DH felt it gives me a few hours break which I probably do need although I'll miss Alexander for those hours. Pumping today and tomorrow evening (since I refuse to pump in the middle of the night if it's not necessary and during the day I won't have much time since it takes about 30 minutes total) so I can have (hopefully) enough of my own milk for him and lower the chances of my MIL giving him the back-up formula we still have. She just needs enough to give him once or twice while we're away and a bit extra if he's extra hungry. Will probably call/text here before we head home so she doesn't feed him right before I get home so I can feed him myself and avoid engorgement. Managed to pump almost 80 ml total in one sitting and that was after Alexander had fed from the one side:thumbup: The pump is less effective than him at getting milk out btw!
I don't think I updated since my last dr appointment.... Next week doctor is giving me a last US to make sure baby is head down, and to check on placenta. :happydance: I'm excited (Love the US idea). Really hoping my insurance will cover another one but as long as I have the "high risk" tag on my paperwork still they said the US limit doesn't apply (our limit is 2) and they'll cover them. :D

jezika - Wow! Looks like your LO is not interested in joining the world! I can't wait to hear that she's arrived!

Kat - Ugh I'm so sorry that your DH forced your hand. Honestly, I would have told my husband that since he didn't bother to figure it out then he was going to have to call in to work. But I'm a bitch and just wouldn't put up with sh** like that after everything else he's done with you.

I think you probably are in the right to think about not wanting a second child at this point. Parenting is not easy and if your DH isn't helpful I could imagine not wanting to handle a second one. I wouldn't be able to do it, you're basically a single parent it seems like.

MissDoc - the last month is going well. I'm just exhausted and ready to move on adn meet my LO. I don't think I started to really feel her until about 20-22 weeks, so don't feel discouraged.

Star - Hope you are feeling better soon! A cold while pregnant sounds miserable!
Jezika, I hope everything goes well with your delivery. Can't wait hear!

Kat- sorry to hear you're having so many issues with dh. How much does your little guy end up sleeping?

Angel- make sure you share an ultrasound pic with us!

Star- sorry about the cold.

Missdoc- I'm sure you'll be feeling movements soon! It's an amazing thing. :)

Afm, I know I'm not ttc #1 anymore, but I still follow this thread. I just got my first postpartum period on Wednesday, and it isnt nearly as bad as i thought it would be, or nearly as bad as they were before i had a baby. I started femara again today to begin ttc #2. I'm hoping it doesn't take as long as the 1st time around. It feels surreal right now.
Angel hope your u/s goes well and everything looks good with your placenta! I tried telling him that maybe he could just call in sick and then he could watch Alexander but he didn't want to do that and I didn't feel like getting into a huge argument with him because I know how he (and for that matter, myself!) can be. I don't think it matters much to him as he's never been interested in having much more than 1 child although I probably could get him to go for a 2nd since I know he's semi open to it. Right now I'm just grateful for the child we have given what we went through to have him and enjoying him:cloud9: I'm lucky to have him, some are never able to have just 1 child no matter what they try so know I'm already blessed to have just him.

drjo wow so it can take a while to get AF back? I don't think I've had my 1st AF yet so have been wondering when it would naturally start although I'll soon be starting the mini p-pill. Thanks, yeah although he's gotten slightly better which is always good :flower: Alexander naps a few times a day, varies a bit but he'll mostly sleep between 1-2 hours at a time and at night (between 11 PM and up to around 7-8 AM) he mostly sleeps for 3-4 hours each time before waking up to be fed although by that time he's usually super hungry (as it'll have been 4-5 hours since his last feed) so is crying and super eager to latch on which means he'll sometimes latch on really hard so it's a bit painful:wacko: Been wondering if I should set my clock to max 3½-4 hours but on the other hand it's a pity to wake him maybe??!! I definitely don't wake him if he's been overtired though.
Had my level 2 sonogram yesterday. Got to see all of his little organs in detail, except he wouldn't stretch out enough for us to get much of a look at the sex organs (saw a penis super briefly) and wouldn't let us see all 4 angles of his heart, so we'll try again in a month. Although I'm going to ask if we can just skip it because I don't want to pay another fortune for this specialty ultrasound just to get more more brief angle of his heart when there were zero implications from what we did see that anything whatsoever is wrong.

But he was super cute. He wanted to stay snuggled up low, right on my cervix, and just suck his little thumb. The lady would jiggle him around to try to get him to turn the right way, and he was not a fun. He would roll over, kick his little legs, cover his face, and snuggle back in for a nap. They had the doctor come in to try to get him to turn the right way and she said, "you have a very cute, but very uncooperative little baby." Lol. Doesn't bode well for parenthood, huh? I think I started feeling him move yesterday too, probably in protest of us jostling him about. I would post a picture, but I had to switch to the mobile version of the site because I couldn't click anywhere with these darn ads, and I don't that it'll let me post a photo. I'll try once the ads change. :-)
Hey there. The holidays have had me busy (as I'm sure most can relate to) so I haven't had the chance to check on this thread a lot. Just got caught up. :)

I'm 10 dpo and had some very light spotting on the tissue paper when I used the washroom in the middle of the night last night. Very unusual for me. I never spot between periods and the consistency of it seemed sort of strange (TMI sorry). I felt crampy after that. I've been feeling a bit strange over the past few days so I thought I'd take a test this evening even though I know it's still early (especially if that was implantation bleeding last night). I may be crazy but it looked like a faint positive. Will test again tomorrow morning. My temps been really high for the last 3 days too...maybe I'm just symptom spotting? Time will tell, I guess. AF is due on the 23rd. Being the POAS freak I am, I will probably test every day until then anyway. LOL.

Jezika - Rooting for you! Hope your weekend has been spent snuggled up with your little one.

Kat - Good for you for setting some boundaries with your brother (mentioned in an older post). Not always easy, but usually for the best. I've been in a similar situation. *hugs*

PSam - Any updates on your symptoms?

MissDoc - How exciting! Was this your first US?

Angel - Good luck next week! Fingers crossed insurance comes through for you.
Matilda has finally arrived! On the 15th in fact. Life has been super hectic since then and I no longer know what sleep is (currently 5am and nursing her after having had maybe 4 hours' broken sleep since she was born).

Ironically, after all my complaining about being overdue and how I felt like she will never, ever come, when she did come it was fast and furious - within about six hours of first having triage check my cervix at hospital (before which they assumed they'd have to send me home for 12 hours with cervadil), I had her in my arms, with less than an hour of pushing and the midwives scrambling to prepare for delivery. Had to switch off even the low dose of oxytocin because the contractions came almost instantly two minutes apart and I had to wait for an epidural. I have to say I'm proud of silently breathing through the contractions (thanks to hypnobirthing), but the idea of having to keep doing that for potentially many, many more hours seemed like torture to me. Turns out I was already up to 8cm dilated by the time I got the epidural! Oh, and it was such bliss. I went from feeling pretty miserable to absolutely fantastic and could actually enjoy the labour.

DH and I (me with a mirror) watched Tilly being born at 9:36pm on Dec 15. She was perfectly healthy, no cord around her neck or anywhere else like I'd feared throughout the pregnancy, and an APGAR score of 9 at birth at 10 at five mins. I got some perineal tearing because she came so fast (needed stitches) and she got a hemotoma on her beautiful little head where the midwife thinks she must've very quickly turned 100 degrees from a semi-occipital position, the long way around to the normal birthing position. Her arm must've gotten stuck during this ambitious twist, because she came out with an arm behind her head, like a diva. She was placed on my chest right after birth and we waited till the cord drained, and then DH cut the cord. She latched super quickly and we were so in awe of her generally. The placenta delivery was a bit more tricky because it didn't seem to want to detach completely within a good time, and the docs had actually turned up to do the allegedly not-very-nice procedure right when I managed to push it out during my final attempt, whew!

Later, the midwives gave me a "tour" of my placenta, which was pretty neat (we have pictures; great for Christmas cards) and noted that it was pretty old and tired-looking and that they were surprised it did such a great job for Matilda so much past her due date!

Anyway, we were home around three hours after delivery and somehow coordinated our entire visit to the hospital around a snowstorm, which started and then stopped all while we were there (my poor midwife had to get there halfway through, though she got to go home pretty early, so that makes up for it!).

Our baby Tilly was 7 lbs 8.3 oz, almost exactly as the ultrasound estimated days before, and mercifully much smaller than I had expected!

Some pics:


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Oh my gosh Jezika, she is just gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful and perfect! And your labor sounds great. I'm so shocked that you get to go home after hours. Here in the states if you deliver in the hospital you have to stay for 1-2 days depending on the hospital. I'm bummed about that, because I'd much rather go home within 12 hours or so if possible. I'm so happy for you! Yay for baby Tilly!

Fancy, nope! This wasn't my first ultrasound-- I had a bunch early on before 10 weeks to ensure growth and viability. But none since then, so this one I was really ready for. I am excited for your possible positive! Can't wait for your re-test. I hope it's there!

Kat, I also feel so grateful for this little boy as it wasn't easy to get him. It makes me wonder about what it will be like if we go for number 2. My thought is that a year after he's born we'll stop preventing and hope it happens naturally, but I don't think we'll go through major intervention. But who knows how we'll feel then.
I hope little Alexander has a better go of balancing sleeping and feeding soon!
First of all Jezika, super congrats on her:flower::happydance: So glad that labor went so well without any major problems. Agree with MissDoc, it sounds very quick to be discharged so few hours after labor. Here in Denmark most stay 1-2 nights at least, especially if it's their 1st baby. I think we stayed 5-6 days although that was partly because Alexander was jaundiced and losing too much weight.

Thanks Fancy_Pants:flower: FXed for you :dust: :dust:

MissDoc I think we'd also go NTNP if we decide to go for nr 2 but I'm 100% sure we won't go for assisted conception, it'll be a "if it happens, it happens...." kind of thing. I hope so as well! Can't wait for the day when he can sleep through the night.

AFM went Christmas shopping with DH and left Alexander with my ILs. I'd left about 290 ml of pumped milk for him for the 5-6 hours we were planning on being gone and it wasn't quite enough as he was still a bit hungry after they gave him the last of my milk:wacko: So thinking he needs about 350 ml (so there's a bit extra plus easy number to remember) for 5-6 hours and will remember that. Oh and I failed to pump my right breast before leaving (he'd fed from my left breast shortly before we left) so it was painful and swollen by the time we got home:wacko: It was actually rock hard on the outer side. I pumped about 100 ml out before it helped. Didn't want to "empty" it as Alexander is more effective than a pump so wanted him to feed from that breast and perhaps "empty" it out better. So those planning on bf'ing, remember to pump out before leaving for that long! I learned that the hard way, literally:dohh: I just hope I haven't messed my milk ducts up or anything as I know it isn't good to be backed up like that:wacko:
Jezika - She's adorable! I'm also in Canada but had no idea that you could be home so soon after giving birth. That's awesome!

Thanks for the FX, everyone. It worked. I got my BFP today (3x because I'm neurotic like that)!!! Now to dodge all those Christmas bevvys over the next week without tipping any of our friends and family off. LOL. I'm not a heavy drinker by any means but being that I'm the last in our social circle to get pregnant, every time I pass on wine at a dinner party (cleanses, antibiotics etc) they give me the "you pregnant?" look. I'm a pretty terrible liar when put on the spot so I'm thinking I'll just sneakily drink non alcoholic and give the wine they pour to DH. Hopefully I can find some convincing looking juice because the thought of wine (NA or otherwise) makes me gag a bit.
Jez she is beautiful!! Congratulations.

Angel I cannot believe it's is almost here!! Going way to fast (although I'm sure you don't feel like it)...

AFM, things are going pretty well.. Constipation, occasional nausea, breast tenderness, and bloating are my worst symptoms. We are clear to 10 weeks and I'm so excited to finally tell our secret to our family this weekend... Although I'm not ready for our first Christmas without my father in law.. Hopefully the fact we now can celebrate Baby T on the way will help soften the blow.
Fancy_Pants omg congrats and H&H 9 months to you :happydance:

Gagrlinpitt hope your reveal goes well and glad that everything is going so well with your pregnancy!

AFM had another Mothers Group meeting today and it went fine. Since DH needed the car one of the ladies that's practically a neighbour picked me up and drove me home which was nice of her:thumbup: Found out that Alexander is the only one not sleeping through the night since he still wakes me for a feed mostly between 2 and 4 AM, depending on when his last feed was:wacko: We'll be meeting up again sometime after New Years as things are gonna get hectic for all of us from the 24th and after.

Oh and my toxic mother tried calling me last week but I didn't take it as I was having a hard time with Alexander and didn't have the time. She left a message that I understood as her wanting to give me money so I could go out and buy a present to DH from her. I don't have any way of getting out as DH takes the car plus I'd have to take Alexander with me which can be difficult as not all stores have room enough to maneuver a carriage in. Apparently she contacted my MIL that texted me about it and I explained to her that it would be best for my mother to go out and buy something herself. Nope, my mother wants to give me money so I can buy DH a present:dohh: So odd as I get some money from DH every month so have always been able to buy him presents, don't know why she thinks I need her money. I declined and told my MIL that I'd ordered and received DH's gift last week so don't need the money.

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