Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

miss doc - its completely understandable that you are stressed - you do work a lot and its a lot of decision making and planning that has to be done and that's stressful. my heart always goes out to stressed people pregnant or not b/c i know how that feels (im stressed right now too). hopefully the hospital lets you do part time, and as you mentioned maybe dropping one of the other things if you can to carve out more time for you and baby. hope that you can get your six month plan worked out soon and that its something you think you can manage. fx. :hugs:
Thanks Kat, Angel and MissDoc!

If I remember correctly we BD about 5 days before the checkup and then the day after. I won't bet on the 5 days before and really, I'm not actually holding out much hope for the day after either. AF still hasn't shown though so I'll see about getting a test tomorrow and then taking in on Thursday (which would be 17DPO) if AF is still a no-show by then.

Good luck PSamuel, FX for you!
Sorry, I've not properly caught up with this thread, but thought I'd give a quick update.

Unfortunately, my positive birth story was balanced out a week later after I was rushed to hospital in the early hours of last Thursday morning with sudden delayed postpartum haemorrhage due to retained placenta. In the emergency department, doctors tried to remove some tissue from my uterus manually, which was probably 20 times more painful than my unmedicated contractions at 8cm dilation and had me in more pain and distress than I have ever experienced. They had to stop and do it again under sedation (ketamine - a crazy trip). I ended up needing a D&C anyway, as well as iron via IV and a blood transfusion since I had lost so much blood that my haemoglobin levels had dropped very low. Needless to say this was pretty traumatic, especially in the midst of looking after a newborn who needed breastfeeding every 2-3 hours (they transferred me to labour and delivery where DH and Tilly could stay with me and I could breastfeed, but DH did have to scramble to find formula in the early hours of the morning while I was in emerg). I came home on Saturday morning and now been so paranoid about something else going wrong or the PPH returning that I've been having some PPD, especially in the evenings.

On the plus side, Tilly is a really good feeder and sleeper. Two nights ago I got a total of 10 hours' sleep across three separate awakenings (that was unprecedented), and last night I got 6.5 hours' sleep. I'm hoping the latter is what I can reasonably expect for most nights. It's because she sleeps extremely well with our cosleeping arrangement, which initially stressed me out in light of SIDS risk, but the midwife showed us safe ways to cosleep (while not officially endorsing it, even though she coslept with all her kids). Unfortunately Tilly wakes up regularly and cries when she's in our in-bed bassinet thing, even though she's right next to us, so cosleeping makes sure we all get decent sleep... plus she LOVES the physical contact. She spends a lot of time being alert and awake, so I don't think it's lethargy or anything like that.
star so sorry about the mold, that's just appalling! I hope it doesn't have any bad effects on your pregnancy:hugs:

Jezika so sorry you went through that:hugs: I'm hoping though that you don't have PPD and it's just the more normal "baby blues" most women go through those first couple of weeks. I know I did! I'd say if you're still feeling that upset/depressed after the first 2-3 weeks then you might want to contact a psychiatrist. Glad that co-sleeping works for you! I probably should do that with Alexander but DH often rolls around in his sleep so not sure how we could have Alexander in our bed without the risk of DH crushing him:wacko:

MissDoc thanks, I hope so as well. And I hope you find out a way to make things work at your job.

Unfortunately I think Alexander has been more or less overtired the last 2-3 days unfortunately and today didn't help things as we went to a lunch at my ILs' house. We had an almost impossible time getting Alexander to sleep but DH's older brother (plus the younger brother's gf and DH's cousin) offered to walk around the neighbourhood with him in his carriage while we ate. I mentioned that perhaps I should feed him first as it would make no sense to get him to sleep only for him to wake up a couple of hours later because he's hungry. They did end up getting him to sleep in his carriage in his Voksi sleeping bag so we left him outside. My FIL complained a couple of times through all this that we weren't letting Alexander make the rounds and be held by various people:dohh::growlmad: We did let him make the rounds afterwards which we probably shouldn't have as he started yawning from the get-go:nope: Needless to say the rest of the night was a nightmare getting him to sleep. I think the whole thing at least convinced DH we should stay at home for New Years this year instead of going to one of his friends as going through something similiar would just ruin our night and make Alexander very unhappy:nope: I can't stand it when he cries and see his tears, it makes me cry:cry: DH's parents have invited us over for New years instead which is better but we'll see, don't know if we should stay home and have a night for ourselves:shrug:
Jezika - my goodness that sounds so horrible and really scary. I'm so so sorry you had to go through that. I can't imagine at all. Heart goes out to you. So glad you made it through and sending prayers your way that nothing else happens and you can recover quickly.

Yea that your LO is sleeping well. Geez that is much needed for anyone but esp after the trauma you went through. So how does the co sleeping work. She's in a bassinet that is next to you? Is the bassinet big? hope she stays sleeping well!

Kat - sorry about the bad night getting him sleep! I'm sure it's hard to see him cry. Hope he's doing alright now.
Hi there, I'm back here as TTC!! Finally! I had started at a new independent private practice so we held off on TTC to now.

Jezika, I'm so pleased to hear the news of your healthy baby girl! I'm sorry you had to experience that horrific turn, I do hope there are no other issues. Good thing is that now you have your healthy baby girl with you to hold. No more waiting :)

Kat, I hope Alexander can find a bit of a sleep routine. I'm sure it will be super helpful for him and yourself.

EElse good luck! I'm not really officially in TWW bc I know I will have ovulated already. I expect to O in 2 wk (or so FF tells me) and AF is expected any day. So we can probably track together :) -ish

PS - how did u go?

Looking forward to getting more involved here now :)
Welcome back JoJazie:flower:

Thanks guys! I think we've turned a corner and he's much less overtired. He's not latching on crazy hard anymore which is great and bf'ing is becoming more of a pleasure again than the necessary torture it's been the last 3-4 days:wacko:

My health care provider came by today to test me for PPD since it's been 10 weeks or more since Alexander was born. I needed to score under an 8 to pass, DH scored a 4 and I scored a 7 but I think it's because I answered one of the questions about anxiety a bit weird and DH could confirm that it was normal for me way before Alexander was born so that was good. She says they can first reliably test for PPD at 10 weeks or later as women (and even men!) go through so many changes that some "baby blues" is normal at first so Jezika maybe you need to wait it out that long and see how you're feeling by then before seeking help unless you feel like you'd hurt yourself or your child. Unless you're equating "baby blues" and PPD because they're 2 very different conditions as PPD is very serious and requires serious psychiatric intervention!
I got a message from my doctor on the message portal. My Group B Strep test came back positive. :( I"ll have to make sure I get antibiotics during labor. I didn't get much more info than that, I'll ask at my appointment this week but I'm seeing an associate since my doctor is on vacation for the week. Hopefully the associate will give me some info.

Kat - Ugh, so sorry about DH! :hugs: I'm with MissDoc, it really does sound like he has unrealistic expectations of a baby.

PSamuel - Good luck! I did read somewhere also that very few people actually get IB (I didn't have any), but FX This is your lucky cycle.

MissDoc - Well, it helped that my sister was going to the gym with me so it was a little easier to keep consistent when she was pushing me. And then when we switched gyms to one with a pool DH was going with me so that helped. Honestly if you're getting in something at least 2x a week I think you're doing good!

You don't sound like you're whining at all. I'm in the same boat. As a teacher I have my normal work schedule (7 - 3pm, Mon-Fri) plus the work I end up taking home because there's no way to do all of my grading and planning in the 45 minutes each day that I have for planning. I've managed to get to a point where I don't take too much home, but that's because I tend to actually work 6:45am - 3:45pm. I'm worried about how I'll keep up BF and pumping because as a teacher I absolutely can't just "take a break" when I've got a classroom full of kids. And unfortunately my "prep period" overlaps with the lunch period which means if I need to pump more than once a day I don't have that time. I'm hoping to work something out with the principal but I don't know what they'll do.

Looks like we both have some figuring out to do! Good luck! I hope you can get to a place where you can cut back some of your hours.

Star - Oh no that is horrible! Black mold can be pretty bad for your health. But my understanding is that if it's been behind the wall/ceiling it probably wasn't affecting you too badly. Sounds like it's been there for awhile and it sounds like disturbing it may have affecting you a little but otherwise I don't think it's probably been affecting you. I don't think the mold will be bad for baby since you haven't been actively breathing it and you've closed it off now but definitely ask your doctor. My parents had black mold in their house for years before they found it - they couldn't smell it until they opened up the wall where it was and only then could they smell it. It probably wasn't affecting you too much until you opened it

How'd the scan go?

Jezika - OMG! I'm so sorry! That sounds awful!! :hugs: I really hope that this was the last of it and that you're okay now! Is there a follow up appointment or anything?

I'm glad that she's sleeping well though and you're getting some decent sleep! :hugs:
Angel5000 - I dont know much about Strep, but I hope that having identified it helps the labor go smoothly. Also good luck with figuring out your schedule. I'm sure in time you will have a solution which works for you and baby.

Kat - Glad you identified why Alexander is having trouble sleeping, hopefully his sleep cycles get better. Good luck! :thumbup:

MissDoc - Woah! That's a lot of hours of work. I'm sure you'll find a schedule that works well for you and baby. :)

Star - Yikes! The mold situation doesn't sound good. But, the weekend is around the corner and you will be out of there soon. Good luck with the doc appointment and the move. :thumbup:

Jezika - so sorry to hear of your recent developments, but hoping and praying that it will be resolved soon and its not as bad as you think of it to be right now. :hugs: End of the day you have a beautiful child to love and care of so chin up!
As for me: Today is CD15 / 9dpo. I had pinkish spotting once on CD13 (day of implantation BBT dip) and a couple of times on CD14. Noticed it only when I wiped really close to the vagina with tissue and the amount was a smudge half the size of a fingernail. So really really light, so its spotting for sure. No spotting today. Also temps went back up after the dip. Having dull cramps on n off, nothing major. The other unusual occurrence is really sore boobs, like as though it bruised/punched, and sore nipples almost a burning sensation. I've never had this before, so hoping it indicates something different/ positive for this cycle. Actually everything about this cycle has been different starting with the v light/weird period! :)

The earliest date to test is on Dec 30th. Fingers crossed! I do get bouts of anxiety though just hoping everything goes well.
Kat - with a score just below cutoff it comes too show that you have really struggled though doesn't it? Thank goodness Alexander is latching now and sleeping better. I'm sure it will help overall.

Angel - how did you come to have Strep? What is it? And why can't they do anything about it before labour?

All the best to all, no matter what stage you're at :)
Psamuel, not long before the test! Just remember that a September baby will be nice too! Ie if the next cycle is the one! That's what I'm telling myself if a cycle isn't to be. Anxiety won't help but reassurance will! :)
Psamuel, not long before the test! Just remember that a September baby will be nice too! Ie if the next cycle is the one! That's what I'm telling myself if a cycle isn't to be. Anxiety won't help but reassurance will! :)

Absolutely JoJazie!! Always move forward! Also, fall is my favorite season, so anytime in fall is an added perk! 😊
Thanks Angel :flower: Wow sounds like you have a busy workday as well :wacko: I unfortunately do think you'll need to pump more than once a day. A bf baby will feed normally every 2-3 hours since breast milk is more quickly digested than formula. E.g. a 1 month old will consume between 80-150 ml at each feed which is around 2.5-5.0 ounce. When I pump I get between 50 and 120 ml each time (I use an electric Philips Avent pump) although the baby is more efficient at getting milk out than a pump. Plus some respond better to pumping than others. Also going too long without emptying your breasts leads to engorgement which can become painful in the end and you risk getting e.g. blocked milk ducts. You'd need to pump enough milk for each feed so yep I would think you'd need to pump more than once a day. I don't pump very often so can’t advise you on how you could make it work. Maybe ask in the Breastfeeding forum?

Jo I think it was one question that made my score that high and it's because I normally worry about stuff that could potentially happen. I don't think I experienced anything other than normal baby blues since actual PPD is much worse and continues beyond those first weeks.

Thanks PS:flower:
Group b strep is usually no big deal as long as you get antibiotics during labor. It's a common bacteria that women have in the perineal area that does not cause any problems in adults, but can be devastating to babies who become infected. That is why the antibiotics are important- to prevent transmission to baby during vaginal delivery. The drug of choice is usually penicillin, and it is typically given every 4 hours until delivery.
Btw Angel you could invest in one of those bustiers where you attach a pumping unit to each breast (you'd need to get a type of double electric pump). That way you cut down pumping time and have your hands free to do other things.
Follow up doctor appointment today. I was seeing one of the associates in the office because my doctor is on break this week. She came in, took one look at me and said "are you still working?" I explained that I'm a teacher so I'm on xmas break but that I'm supposed to go back next week and she said "umm, no. I don't want you going back to work. You look exhausted, and you need rest, and you just told me you're already on break and look like this. You need to rest and sleep before you go into labor."

So, I'm officially on Mat leave now. I'm kind of relieved to have a fully valid reason not to go back to work next week.

Of course she followed that with, baby could come any day or in 3 weeks. :dohh: So, joy.... I'm just hoping she comes sooner than later! I want to meet my LO. I'm so anxious to finally get to HOLD her!

PSamuel - Apparently knowing it's there and getting antibiotics at the beginning of labor is all I need to do (talked to dr today) and then the risks are minimal, almost non-existant. Without antibiotics the risks are still actually fairly low to baby but it can be a pretty horrific disease if baby does catch it (apparently it does not affect grown adults so we never evne realize we have it), so they always want to check regardless of how minimal the chances of baby catching it. I'm feeling better about it after the chat with the doctor today. :)

JoJazie - It's not strep like strep throat. Group B Strep is a bacteria that lives in the vagina in some women (about 1 in 4). It's harmless to grown adults, but can be passed to baby through delivery (from passing through vagina) and can have pretty bad side effects (death in cases) if it isn't treated. Unfortunately the bacteria is fast growing so if they treated me for it now, it could very well be back before labor begins and baby would be at risk again. Protocol is that the woman receives 2 doses of antibiotics during labor before baby is born. Doctor said that with at least 1 dose of antibiotics baby will be fine. Risk of baby catching it without antibiotics is actually very low (I think she said 1 in 1,000), and chances with antibiotics is basically nonexistent and baby will be completely safe. There's nothing they can do before labor starts and then during labor every 4 hours or so I get the meds.

Kat - Oh yeah I'm sure I'll need to pump more than once a day. I'll have to figure out a schedule when it gets close to time to go back. My pump actually came with one of those bustier things that lets you attach a unit to both breasts and pump at the same time so I am thinking that will help with time. And the woman teaching the birth class actually suggested that when going back to work only to pump just enough during the work day to give comfort, not fully empty breasts, because you can "train" your breasts to create less milk during those hours. She said it will probably result in an extra feeding occuring in the evening or middle of the night, but will allow me to do less pumping during the day and less time during each session, which is important for people in my kind of situation. I'm also unsure of how to get enough milk built up for baby for while I'm at work but I figure I'll worry about that a month or so after baby comes and I've started to figure out some of the breastfeeding stuff!

drjo - thanks! That's basically what doctor told me today, which made me feel better. This is one of those things that googling was bad. Made me way over paranoid.
JoJazie - good luck! hope you get a bfp this cycle.

angel - great that the doc relieved some of your worries about group b strep and that the antibiotics are really all you need to do. also glad you are on mat leave and you have a chance to rest.

psamuel- good luck! fx. are you testing tomorrow?!

drjo - how’s it going?

kat - glad breastfeeding is going better and the latching part of it isn’t as bad now that your LO is better rested ;)

afm - scan went well yesterday, everything is as it should be. super relieved. early anatomy scan confirmed that the baby is a boy. also i’ve been staying at my sisters place since finding out about the mold, though we had a mold expert go to our apt today and apparently he thinks it might not be mold, but we will know officially in 48 hours. he ran a bunch of tests. i hope its not mold and if it is, that its the non toxic type. either way, I’m not going back there as we move to Toronto next week.
Angel- I'm an OB nurse, so quite familiar with GBS (group b strep). :) Plus I also had it with my baby. I'm allergic to penicillin so I got clindamycin every 8 hours instead. Since you're starting leave early, is that going to cut into your time off after baby arrives? I had to be off work for 2 weeks before delivery due to medical reasons, which was noce, but I was bummed that it took away my time with nora as a newborn.

Star- thanks for asking! I ovulated today. Had 2 positive opks yesterday and terrible ovulation pressure last night and this morning. I've only felt ovulation once before, and that was when I conceived Nora, so I'm hoping it's a good sign. I hope your mold isn't really mold!
Congrats star :happydance: Glad the mold might not be mold after all :thumbup:

FXed drjo :dust:

Angel ok I didn't know that was possible. But wouldn't you need to pump so you can feed baby for those hours e.g the day after or will you be giving baby formula during working hours? Plus wouldn't that just tank your supply generally? My experience is that you generally produce less milk in the evenings / night (due to you being tired) so don't understand how you can reverse that effect:shrug:

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