Follow up doctor appointment today. I was seeing one of the associates in the office because my doctor is on break this week. She came in, took one look at me and said "are you still working?" I explained that I'm a teacher so I'm on xmas break but that I'm supposed to go back next week and she said "umm, no. I don't want you going back to work. You look exhausted, and you need rest, and you just told me you're already on break and look like this. You need to rest and sleep before you go into labor."
So, I'm officially on Mat leave now. I'm kind of relieved to have a fully valid reason not to go back to work next week.
Of course she followed that with, baby could come any day or in 3 weeks.

So, joy.... I'm just hoping she comes sooner than later! I want to meet my LO. I'm so anxious to finally get to HOLD her!
PSamuel - Apparently knowing it's there and getting antibiotics at the beginning of labor is all I need to do (talked to dr today) and then the risks are minimal, almost non-existant. Without antibiotics the risks are still actually fairly low to baby but it can be a pretty horrific disease if baby does catch it (apparently it does not affect grown adults so we never evne realize we have it), so they always want to check regardless of how minimal the chances of baby catching it. I'm feeling better about it after the chat with the doctor today.
JoJazie - It's not strep like strep throat. Group B Strep is a bacteria that lives in the vagina in some women (about 1 in 4). It's harmless to grown adults, but can be passed to baby through delivery (from passing through vagina) and can have pretty bad side effects (death in cases) if it isn't treated. Unfortunately the bacteria is fast growing so if they treated me for it now, it could very well be back before labor begins and baby would be at risk again. Protocol is that the woman receives 2 doses of antibiotics during labor before baby is born. Doctor said that with at least 1 dose of antibiotics baby will be fine. Risk of baby catching it without antibiotics is actually very low (I think she said 1 in 1,000), and chances with antibiotics is basically nonexistent and baby will be completely safe. There's nothing they can do before labor starts and then during labor every 4 hours or so I get the meds.
Kat - Oh yeah I'm sure I'll need to pump more than once a day. I'll have to figure out a schedule when it gets close to time to go back. My pump actually came with one of those bustier things that lets you attach a unit to both breasts and pump at the same time so I am thinking that will help with time. And the woman teaching the birth class actually suggested that when going back to work only to pump just enough during the work day to give comfort, not fully empty breasts, because you can "train" your breasts to create less milk during those hours. She said it will probably result in an extra feeding occuring in the evening or middle of the night, but will allow me to do less pumping during the day and less time during each session, which is important for people in my kind of situation. I'm also unsure of how to get enough milk built up for baby for while I'm at work but I figure I'll worry about that a month or so after baby comes and I've started to figure out some of the breastfeeding stuff!
drjo - thanks! That's basically what doctor told me today, which made me feel better. This is one of those things that googling was bad. Made me way over paranoid.