37 weeks today!

I'm officially at "term" according to my doctor. Except of course doctor doesn't consider me 37 weeks until Thursday, so by her standards I have a few more days.
This weekend DH and I went to a 2-day birthing class. It was SO INFORMATIVE. They almost cancelled it because our instructor was really sick and no one would cover, but there were 3 of us signed up who are due within a month and they had no other class to offer us so they found two different women who were willing to split the class up between the two days.
Afterwards DH told me that he didn't realize just how involved the whole process was, and that he's glad we went because he felt it was really informative and it was certainly "not a waste of a weekend" (which is good because he was kind of frustrated that we were spending our entire weekend, 2 days of 9-3:30, in the class). I'm so glad he felt as good about it as I did. We went through all the processes and stages of labor, what to expect in terms of what our body is going through, pain, emotions, etc. They talked about labor coping techniques and had us practice different movements and different breathing techniques - and then we were practicing on day 2 while holding ice (which really helps you simulate the pain a little). And labor partners got a lot of practice in what to do to help us through it.
Day 1 was all about labor. Day 2 was talking about what to expect for C-sections (planned or unplanned), postpartum care, what to expect for recovery, the hospital policies on skin-to-skin and all of that, plus how to's on breastfeeding and newborn care. Honestly, I think this class was one of the best decisions I've made. I feel a lot more ready (informed!) for birth. Plus DH now feels more confident in what he should do and what to expect.

When we came home yesterday he was saying we need to start putting together a hospital bag and figure out what we want in it. I think he now feels a lot more involved (he realized just how involved he needs to be as a support person), and wants to be part of the process.
drjo - once I get my pic I'll share.

You're starting for ttc#2 ? How long do you think it'll take. I'm so overwhelmed with how I Feel right now I can't imagine trying for #2 anytime soon!
Kat - That's a good way of looking at it. You are really blessed with Alexander and for now just enjoy him.
MissDoc - Aww I loved all of my US, and your LO sounds so cute!
Jezika - OMG she's beautiful!! I'm surprised they sent you home 3 hours after delivery! My hospital won't let you go home for 24 hours minimum after any birth. But your baby is gorgeous. I'm so excited for you!
FancyPants - Congrats!!!

Don't worry about the neurosis.

I took 3-4 tests EVERY DAY for the first 7-10 days after my first BFP.

If you're at a party or dinner with a server you can pull aside your server (go to the "bathroom" and stop to talk to a server or something) and let them know you're wanting to drink non-alcholic without telling anyone and ask that they bring you mocktails or something even if you don't say to make it virgin at the table. It's actually pretty common I am told. You can also pull the "I've got a headache so I'm not drinking alcohol today", but that excuse will probably only get you through one event. Either way, CONGRATS!! FX that this is your sticky bean.
Gagrl - Thanks! Going through the process it didn't seem that fast. Now looking back I can't believe it's been 9 months already! I'm sorry this will be your first xmas without your father in law. I can imagine that is going to be really hard on you.

I found a onesie I wanted to buy for my husband to open at xmas that says "Sent by my grandpa in heaven" because his grandparents passed away (within the last couple years) and they were the ones who raised him, and didn't get a chance to meet their first great-grandchild. I don't know if it would make you feel any better or worse but it was a cute onesie I think.
PSamuel - It's possible that bleeding was not an actual period but was ovulation. I have heard of women (I read about it I think in the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility) who bleed like a light period during ovulation. A lot of times these women think they're having just a very light period (and usually think they just had a light cycle because they then have a "real" period a couple weeks later) but it can be bleeding from ovulation. So rather than Ovulation on CD5, it's possible that you were having a late ovulation as a continuation from your previous cycle.
On the other hand it IS possible to ovulate that early in the cycle, it's just really pretty rare I think. It is not common, but I have a friend who ovulates around CD6 every cycle. She only managed to get pregnant (after 2 years trying) when they started making sure to BD starting on the last couple days of her "period" When she was slowing down to mostly spotting and suddenly she was getting pregnant.
Also, keep in mind that post O your temps may not rise right away. Mine often would "yo yo" up and down, and sometimes my temp rise took 2-4 days to show up! The cycle I got pregnant my BBT didn't rise for 4 days post-O, which they say isn't possible but I can pinpoint O date exactly because I was seeing a specialist and they did US and saw that I had literally just ovulated within hours of being in (and I Had received a +OPK the day before I went in to see them).
I would treat this like Ovulation. It could be a new cycle, it could be late in your old cycle, but you got a +OPK and other signs. I would keep tracking temp and see what happens. Has the bleeding stopped?
Also, for the "medium positive" that you describe - is the line still darker than control? otherwise it's just a dark negative. Important to know the difference. Also, remember that a +OPK means your body is gearing up to O - it means your hormone has been released that signals the possible egg release, but it doesn't mean you WILL ovulate. Sometimes you get a +OPK and your body chooses not to ovulate. You can O anywhere from 12-48 hours after a +OPK. Which means if your temp dropped the day after your OPK you could just be gearing up still. Your temps are the only way to really confirm Ovulation happened because the OPK can't confirm.