Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Jezika - What a gorgeous lil nugget! Congratulations again and enjoy motherhood!

Fancy_Pants - Congratulations!!!! So exciting!!!! :happydance:

Gagrlinpitt - Can't wait to hear how your big reveal goes. Keep us posted with all the stories! :D

KatO79 - So sorry that you are going through so much one after the other. I hope life gets drama free at the earliest for you and you get to enjoy Alexander without hassles. You may look back on all this many years later and have a good laugh, hopefully. :hugs:

MissDoc - That's so cute the way you described him snuggled up and tucked away. Do post a photo when you get the chance to. :)
As for me: So much weirdness going on with my system.

So here's the history - sorry might be a bit long, apologies in advance!

Dec 13th - CD30/16dpo: had some creamy CM so thought it may be positive. BD that night coz we were in the mood.

Dec 14: Woke up with bright red bleeding with LOTS of ewcm. Not to be confused with BD left over, coz there was ewcm all through the day with bright red/orange blood. I've never had this before. Also very light bleeding. I always have a bit of dark blood when my period starts and my period blood is a deep red, so the color was a bit off. So anyway marking this as CD1. Some backache.

Dec 15 - CD2: Still very light bleeding all day - barely filled a sanitary pad. LOADS of ewcm all day. Also color is still bright red/orange. No clots, so I'm doubting if this is even a proper period. TMI - even the smell is not the usual as during a period. Backache was a tad bit more.

Dec 16 - CD3: Lighter period - barely stained my sanitary pad and lots of ewcm continues. I have NEVER experienced ewcm during my period or this early in the cycle, so I can clearly tell the difference.

Dec 17 - CD4: Period is done - shortest and lightest period ever! BBT rise. Left pelvic pinches throughout the day. EWCM continues - its super clear and stretchy. Took a HPT with fmu - it was a BFN (as expected). BD in the night.

Dec 18 - CD5: BBT increased. Woke up again to lots of ewcm (SO confusing!). Left pelvic pinches all through the day a bit more intense than yesterday. Based on symptoms decided to take an OPT. At around 3:40pm it was dark - but not darker than the control line. I tested again at around 11:30pm and it was super dark - darker than the control line, so that's Peak OPK right? Poor DH was feeling under the weather (starting a cold :() but dragged him up for a BD session just to make sure we cover this in case it is O. :D Late evening HPT - BFN.

Here is my major doubt - is it even possible to O by CD5??? Will the egg be mature? Was that a proper period??? I have more questions than convincing answers at this point! :shrug:

Dec 19 - CD6: BBT dropped by .4 points - so wondering if it really is O. DH is down with a cold :( I still have some ewcm - not as much as the previous days, but its definitely there. Took an OPK at around 12:30pm and it is lighter than last night - more like a positive medium.

Ladies - I need your help big time!!!! Any of you experienced something similar? Any idea what all this could possibly mean. It's so frustrating because just by cycle 3 I thought I had figured out my cycle. O usually happens around CD14. But cycle 4 and it's a royal mess and I feel like I'm back at square 1. :nope:

Also wondering if this means I get a second shot at testing in December! :D
37 weeks today! :happydance: I'm officially at "term" according to my doctor. Except of course doctor doesn't consider me 37 weeks until Thursday, so by her standards I have a few more days.

This weekend DH and I went to a 2-day birthing class. It was SO INFORMATIVE. They almost cancelled it because our instructor was really sick and no one would cover, but there were 3 of us signed up who are due within a month and they had no other class to offer us so they found two different women who were willing to split the class up between the two days.

Afterwards DH told me that he didn't realize just how involved the whole process was, and that he's glad we went because he felt it was really informative and it was certainly "not a waste of a weekend" (which is good because he was kind of frustrated that we were spending our entire weekend, 2 days of 9-3:30, in the class). I'm so glad he felt as good about it as I did. We went through all the processes and stages of labor, what to expect in terms of what our body is going through, pain, emotions, etc. They talked about labor coping techniques and had us practice different movements and different breathing techniques - and then we were practicing on day 2 while holding ice (which really helps you simulate the pain a little). And labor partners got a lot of practice in what to do to help us through it.

Day 1 was all about labor. Day 2 was talking about what to expect for C-sections (planned or unplanned), postpartum care, what to expect for recovery, the hospital policies on skin-to-skin and all of that, plus how to's on breastfeeding and newborn care. Honestly, I think this class was one of the best decisions I've made. I feel a lot more ready (informed!) for birth. Plus DH now feels more confident in what he should do and what to expect. :) When we came home yesterday he was saying we need to start putting together a hospital bag and figure out what we want in it. I think he now feels a lot more involved (he realized just how involved he needs to be as a support person), and wants to be part of the process. :)

drjo - once I get my pic I'll share. :) You're starting for ttc#2 ? How long do you think it'll take. I'm so overwhelmed with how I Feel right now I can't imagine trying for #2 anytime soon! :haha:

Kat - That's a good way of looking at it. You are really blessed with Alexander and for now just enjoy him. <3

MissDoc - Aww I loved all of my US, and your LO sounds so cute!

Jezika - OMG she's beautiful!! I'm surprised they sent you home 3 hours after delivery! My hospital won't let you go home for 24 hours minimum after any birth. But your baby is gorgeous. I'm so excited for you!

FancyPants - Congrats!!! :happydance: :happydance: Don't worry about the neurosis. :p I took 3-4 tests EVERY DAY for the first 7-10 days after my first BFP. :rofl: If you're at a party or dinner with a server you can pull aside your server (go to the "bathroom" and stop to talk to a server or something) and let them know you're wanting to drink non-alcholic without telling anyone and ask that they bring you mocktails or something even if you don't say to make it virgin at the table. It's actually pretty common I am told. You can also pull the "I've got a headache so I'm not drinking alcohol today", but that excuse will probably only get you through one event. Either way, CONGRATS!! FX that this is your sticky bean. :winkwink:

Gagrl - Thanks! Going through the process it didn't seem that fast. Now looking back I can't believe it's been 9 months already! I'm sorry this will be your first xmas without your father in law. I can imagine that is going to be really hard on you. :hugs: I found a onesie I wanted to buy for my husband to open at xmas that says "Sent by my grandpa in heaven" because his grandparents passed away (within the last couple years) and they were the ones who raised him, and didn't get a chance to meet their first great-grandchild. I don't know if it would make you feel any better or worse but it was a cute onesie I think.

PSamuel - It's possible that bleeding was not an actual period but was ovulation. I have heard of women (I read about it I think in the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility) who bleed like a light period during ovulation. A lot of times these women think they're having just a very light period (and usually think they just had a light cycle because they then have a "real" period a couple weeks later) but it can be bleeding from ovulation. So rather than Ovulation on CD5, it's possible that you were having a late ovulation as a continuation from your previous cycle.

On the other hand it IS possible to ovulate that early in the cycle, it's just really pretty rare I think. It is not common, but I have a friend who ovulates around CD6 every cycle. She only managed to get pregnant (after 2 years trying) when they started making sure to BD starting on the last couple days of her "period" When she was slowing down to mostly spotting and suddenly she was getting pregnant.

Also, keep in mind that post O your temps may not rise right away. Mine often would "yo yo" up and down, and sometimes my temp rise took 2-4 days to show up! The cycle I got pregnant my BBT didn't rise for 4 days post-O, which they say isn't possible but I can pinpoint O date exactly because I was seeing a specialist and they did US and saw that I had literally just ovulated within hours of being in (and I Had received a +OPK the day before I went in to see them).

I would treat this like Ovulation. It could be a new cycle, it could be late in your old cycle, but you got a +OPK and other signs. I would keep tracking temp and see what happens. Has the bleeding stopped?

Also, for the "medium positive" that you describe - is the line still darker than control? otherwise it's just a dark negative. Important to know the difference. Also, remember that a +OPK means your body is gearing up to O - it means your hormone has been released that signals the possible egg release, but it doesn't mean you WILL ovulate. Sometimes you get a +OPK and your body chooses not to ovulate. You can O anywhere from 12-48 hours after a +OPK. Which means if your temp dropped the day after your OPK you could just be gearing up still. Your temps are the only way to really confirm Ovulation happened because the OPK can't confirm.
Currently one-hand typing with baby Tilly in other arm and gotta get unready for bed while i have a decent window, so I will catch up later in the week (DH's parents are visiting from UK so a bit tied up), but thank you for the kind words, and re: going home so soon, they tend to send you home the same day if you have a hospital birth with midwives and there are no complications, baby is healthy etc. If you have an OB, they keep you in 1-2 days. I did have the option to stay too, but preferred to be home than being moved to a ward with other mothers. I think the sending home thing is because the midwives come home with you (except mine didn't) and then visit you the next day and on another four occasions over the next week or so to make sure all is well, do some routine testing, assist with BFing, other educational stuff, check my stitches etc. I actually think that's an incredible level of service and has been so reassuring for us. I'm so glad i didn't get pressured into going with an OB by my mum, who was convinced id die if i wasn;t followed by a doc through pregnancy!

<3 to you all and CONGRATS Fancy Pants!
Angel- yes, trying for #2 already! My age and not wanting the fibroid to grow back so I need another surgery are good motivators. I really have no idea how long it will take. After the fibroid was out before, it only took 2 femara cycles to conceive, so I'm hoping it won't be long. Hard to say.
Thanks PS I hope so as well. As for o'ing that early I think it's definitely possible. Have you tried using OPKs?

Angel glad your course was good :thumbup: Yeah I feel like I went through so much to have him so I want to enjoy him. We'll see.

Drjo good luck with TTCing #2, hope it goes quickly :winkwink:

AFM my toxic mother is creating drama and now refuses to come to Christmas dinner with my whole IL family on Saturday and just wants us to pick up the gifts she's bought on the way over to them:dohh: I don't know if it's because my oldest BIL can't pick her up so we have to or because I turned down her money or what it is. I think she just enjoys creating drama as she gets attention.
I'm feeling off today. Crampy and some back pain. My sister thinks it's a good sign that I could be going into labor soon. The crampy feeling is weird, kind of like period cramps. My sister said to start timing but I can't figure out how I'm supposed to time this feeling when there isn't a distinctive "come/go/start/end" feeling, it's more of this "I notice that I'm uncomfortable" feeling, and then later I notice I feel better, but I don't know when it's happening.

Does that make any sense at all?

Jezika - Oh that makes sense about going home sooner when you have a midwife. I didn't realize the midwife checked in with you so often after birth. That's awesome. I thought about doing a midwife but when we were in first tri and deemed high risk & had a the specialist we decided to stick with an OB after we were released. It made DH feel more comfortable. Especially after all the US we had to have. But I think for future I would want to look into midwife. I like that idea. :)

drjo - I forgot about the fibroids and stuff, that makes sense that you would want to try for #2 sooner than later. Good luck! And even though you aren't TTC#1 anymore, I say stick around and keep us informed! :) <3
drjo - so exciting you are trying to conceive #2! good luck!

miss doc - so cute that you could see him suck his thumb! awwww so cute. what does feeling him move feel like? i'm looking forward to that.

jezika - congrats!!!!!! your DD is finally here and she is absolutely gorgeous! so happy it went well and you are at home with your LO. so great that things went well and you actually enjoyed the labor. i hope i have an experience like that too!

kat - you had mentioned being worried about the milk supply since you didn't empty before going shopping. did it affect anything or is everything going well? also sorry about your mother and the xmas drama. you have a lot going on and that's the last thing you need. hope it resolves itself quickly.

fancy pants - congrats on the BFP! you must be so thrilled. such good news.

gagrl - so awesome you get to tell your fam soon. that is super exciting.

angel - honestly cannot believe how close you are! im so glad the class was helpful and informative. and its so wonderful that your DH discussed preparing the hospital bag - def sounds proactive and very involved. timing the cramps does seem like it would be hard given you don't know exactly when it starts. i guess you could measure as soon as you feel uncomfortable, though i guess you could feel uncomfortable for many reasons. hope you are on your holiday break and can just be at home for a while.

psamuel - wish i could offer you more insight, but ive never experienced that. how's it going now?

afm - still have the cold and nausea. hopefully it will get better soon. ive been getting headaches lately which i never get. also, ive noticed skin discoloration on my face (underneath my lower lip on the left and right sides). it almost looks like i got waxed and burned the skin but its not burned. i did a quick google search and saw some hits for skin changes during pregnancy. i think i'll ask my doc about it. can't see if im wearing makeup but without the makeup its very noticeable.
star it wasn't my supply, having such engorged breasts can lead to blocked milk ducts and mastitis:wacko: Not good to get these issues but don't think anything happened. As for my mother, she's definitely not coming. But I'm not surprised, she doesn't care about anyone but herself and having the personality disorder NPD she will never ever change. I'm hoping to limit her contact with Alexander so he doesn't see her as a reliable person, I don't want to see him hurt by her lack of interest. Her disorder just gets worse with age so no hope of any improvement.

Ugh had one of those days where Alexander refuses to sleep:wacko: Tried taking him out in his carriage as it usually puts him to sleep really fast but it took super long time :nope: My plan was otherwise to get him to sleep that way and then leave him in the carriage for as long as possible but that didn't happen as he woke up as soon as I stopped the carriage in front of our house:dohh: Worst thing is he literally constantly had a breast in his mouth for hours before that and continued to constantly want to be at the breast and if I didn't let him he'd cry hysterically :wacko: By the time DH came home to rescue me my nipples got really sore and I was super tired and frustrated. To make things even more fun, DH thought it was funny to ask me to go get him a beer:growlmad: I went ballistic and he felt I was overreacting. Yep he still has douchebag behavior :growlmad:
Psam-- I'm sorry, I don't know what to make of your cycle. Sounds like a wonky one. Those happen occasionally. Good luck, though!

Angel-- I hope your discomfort is a good sign of impending baby in near-ish future. My friend said that in the weeks before she started feeling "off" in a certain way, just uncomfortably and crampy and like something was shifting.

Jezika-- Aww, my heart goes out to you in your sleep deprivation. That will be a huge adjustment for me. I don't do well with little sleep and am not looking forward to that part!

Star-- Thanks! For me the movement feels exactly like you would expect it to. It's hard to describe, but I'd say soft little taps and pushes from the inside, sometimes a rolling or swishing sensation. It's really nice. :-) It gives me such peace of mind feeling him move. I haven't used my doppler since feeling him as the movements are comforting enough.

Kat-- I wouldn't even engage with your mom or try to convince her. I would just say, "sure no problem, we'll stop by on our way. Merry Christmas!" and move on. Sounds like she just wants attention and for you to feed in to her drama. Annoying. You've already got one baby to deal with, you don't need another. Lol. I'm so sorry for the rough day with the sore breasts and difficulty getting the sweetling to sleep. And for DH not being the picture of understanding and loving to offset the frustration. On those days, you just need him to rise to the occasion and get his sh*t together and just be there for you.

Nothing going on here other than loving the baby movements. Also, trying to make myself have some better health habits, which is an ongoing struggle. Made myself exercise this morning before work, and last night took a long walk. I need to keep that up as I feel a lot better when I do it.
They did the Group B Strep tets today at my doctor appointment and did a quick US to see if baby is in position. Doctor said she's head down, and turned the right way and she said she's pretty low on my cervix which explains why I'm feeling her ram into my my cervix. Doctor is out of town next week, so she's hoping baby doesn't come until after the new year but she says it's probably a 50/50 chance that she'll come while she's gone, although it's common for first babies to not come until 7-10 days after due date!

She didn't check my cervix, probably because she had so many other things to check today, but I think next week I might have a cervical check. Depends on the doctor I'm seeing. I'll see one of my OB's colleagues while she's out.

I'm still holding out that baby comes before the new year. ;)

MissDoc - I exercised 3-4 times a week up until late in 3rd Tri and it really made me feel a LOT better. It's hard to do, especially around the exhaustion, but I Hope you can keep it up!
MissDoc I was thinking the same and don't plan on saying anything although I'm sure my MIL already has tried to get her to come so she probably already got some attention out of it:nope: If she wants to miss out on Alexander's 1st Christmas then that's her loss. I'm sure she'll twist it later though and talk about how she was alone on Christmas :nope:

Thanks :hugs: Yeah he always has to say something that'll piss me off. He's continued being a douche and complaining about Alexander not sleeping, almost like he wants me to take over after only 2-3 hours while I was dealing with things for 9 hours or so before he got home:growlmad: Heaven forbid I mention my lack of sleep last night and how I now fear I'll get even less tonight, he doesn't seem like he wants to hear it:growlmad: Oh and he's acting all pissed off when trying to get Alexander to sleep which isn't helpful and upsets Alexander further:nope: Ugh still praying DH will improve more [-o&lt;

Glad your pregnancy is going well. Walks are always good:thumbup:

Angel FXed baby arrives soon:flower:
Hi everyone!

It's been so long since I've been on here (just checked and my last visit to this site was 15 December 2015) so that makes it more than a year...

Don't really have a good excuse, just wanted to give everything a bit of a break.

A very big hug and congratulations to everyone who received their BFP this year and I hope that everything runs smoothly (those who have not delivered yet) and all the best for those with their little bundles of joy.

So an update:

In September I went to the Gyno and he booked me for a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy on the 2nd of November. Everything went well and the results came back clear and nothing to fear. DH on the other hand has low sperm count and received some medication to help improve the situation.

Another good thing on my side: I lost 3 dress sizes, 16kg (35lbs) - went from a 27.2 BMI to a 21.5 BMI

I'm now on CD33, 14 days after O and no sign of AF. My six week checkup after the Operation was on the 12th of December and doctor straight out told me that I'm O'ing. Due to circumstances we couldn't BD that night but we did the following one. It was probably close to 36-48 hours after O'ing but is there still a chance for a BFP?

Anyway, just wanted to check back in.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and the best of luck to you all for the coming year.

Best regards,
Welcome back EElse:flower: Sorry to hear that you haven't gotten your BFP yet but glad that you've gotten answers and congrats on the weight loss! As for the egg lifespan, I think they say 12-24 hours. Your best bet is to BD before O as sperm can survive for up to 5 days although I think 3 is the average. Since your DH has low sperm count, I'd only try BDing every 2nd day up to your expected O day.
my BH are getting a lot more frequent. There were a couple times the last two days I thought I was getting close, having contractions every 7-8 minutes for just about an hour and then they would fizzle off for a couple hours and start up again but never stayed consistent enough to be more than an hour :dohh: If I'm up and moving around they are definitely more frequent, if I stay seated then they tend to not come as often.

The last two nights we've gone for long walks (and during last nights walk I was having contractions every 4 minutes, but once we got home and sat down they went away). Today I'm just sore and tired and so I don't think I'll push it today.

Kat - how's DH doing? Are things getting any easier?

EElse - Welcome back! Congrats on the weight loss! That's awesome! Egg typically lasts no more than 24 hours after Ovulation. Depending on whether the egg was preparing to drop or had already dropped when the doctro told you that you were Oing would depend on whether the 36-48 hours post-O is still valid timing. Best bet, like Kat said, is to have the sperm there before egg drops but I do know the cycle we got our BFP we DTD only on the day of O and the day after. It was an odd month for us and just happened to work. I second what Kat said about every 2nd day with a low sperm count. Good luck!
Angel FXed those contractions soon get regular so baby can come! Unfortunately don't have experience in this so don't know what more you can do.

As for my DH he still behaves like a douche sometimes:growlmad: Like tonight Alexander got over tired and DH after 40-50 minutes of rocking him (where he every few minutes growled under his breath how annoying it was) decided he was done and didn't want to do anything anymore since "Alexander is choosing not to sleep":dohh::growlmad: He was also being horrible when I decided to look up signs of tiredness in babies and realised we've often been putting him to bed when he's over tired and overlooked signs. DH got pissed that I was reading it aloud to him as he felt it wasn't helpful now but I told him it'll be helpful in the future. Alexander woke up quickly after being put in his lift so DH decided he was done trying. I ended up planning the next course of action: to change his diaper (so he doesn't get more awake after bf'ing) and then bf Alexander for max about 30 minutes (what the health care provider mentioned as the max norm a bf'ing session should last) and then hope he's either asleep by then or very close to it. Worked pretty well and he's now asleep so I'm hoping he'll stay sleep for at least 2 hours, preferably closer to 3 hours would be best though. In the future, I'll bf for not much over 30 minutes and if we don't notice any tiredness signs, then we'll put him to bed at the about 1 hour and 15-30 minutes after he started feeding during the day.
Hi beautiful ladies! Hope each of you had a lovely Christmas!!

Congrats to all those who got their :BFP: :happy dance:

Sorry I've been MIA for a while - was busy with wrapping up work before the holiday week.

So looks like I did ovulate on CD6 - but FF refused to give me cross hairs, so I went with the OPK as the primary ovulation setting. I had a temp spike after ovulation and also a major temp drop on 7dpo (today). Also has a bit of spotting (pinkish) this evening. Hoping it is IB. Guess tomorrow's BBT will tell. :)

I may test by 12dpo (Dec 31st) - hoping I can wait that long! :)

Lots of hugs and best wishes to you all! :hugs:
PS FXed for you! Btw I think I read somewhere that only about 30% get IB. For me any bleeding seemed to be a bad sign and I had no bleeding during my 2WW after IVF #2 when I got my sticky BFP while I bled a bit during my CP. Here's hoping it's a good sign for you though! Anyway if nothing else at least you now know that you O early and to start BDing sooner.
Angel-- That's awesome you stayed so consistent with exercise! I aspire to do the same, but it's been hit or miss. I'd say most weeks I'll get in a good walk, yoga, or some other form of cardio or strength training at least 2x a week, with good weeks being more like 3-4x. I hope to increase my consistency! And yay for progress for you! Even though these BH contractions seem to be fruitless, they seem like a good sign to me that you're body is gearing up to do its thing. I hope the baby comes while your regular doc is available!

EElse-- Congrats on the weight loss (so impressive!), and nice to "see" you in here! Did you get any BD in in the 3-5 days before O or was the next day the only one? If the next day was the only one, I'd say your chances are low, but not non-existent.

Kat-- I hope your research on tiredness and your new techniques serve you guys well and Alexander gets into a better feed/sleep rhythm. Your hubby sounds like he has unrealistic expectations of what babies are like (he's "choosing" not to sleep? really? He's not even a few months old, sheesh!). I hope as Alexander starts sleeping more hubby also makes some adjustments and starts coping better.

Psam-- I hope the bleeding is a good sign for you. I think I had implantation bleeding occasionally, but not on my BFP cycle. Fingers crossed this is it for you, though! Hope the rest of the TWW zooms by quickly!

The holiday was pretty uneventful here, just hanging out at home mostly. I've been waking early with stressful thoughts about what my plan is going to be for maternity leave and beyond. It's been stressing me out. I work a lot (I work full time in a huge children's hospital about 45-50 hrs week, plus do some private practice work anywhere from 2-10 hrs a week, and some contract work 10-20 hrs wk). I know I can't keep all of that up (and I don't want to), but I can't fully quit any of it either. I am trying to figure out how to condense it all so it shrinks down to fit into a "normal" work week (8-5ish, M-F). I think I can do this by going half time at the hospital if they'll let me, and then fitting the other stuff in. I think it's doable, but right now even working "only" M-F 8-5 (plus drive time) seems like sooo much time away from baby. And it's making me sad and stressed already, and I'm already thinking how the hell am I going to pump and keep breastfeeding. Bleh. Sorry for the whining! I know plenty of people figure it out and make it work and I will too. Once I go back to work, I think I'll commit to doing this plan for 6 months, and then I will be in a good enough place where I can fully quit one of the things so I have a more normalized work-home balance.
hey everyone! how's it going?

lately all we've been doing over here is preparing for the move. and last night we were disgusted to find that in the storage space that we have located above our bathroom, that all of our stuff was covered in black mold! we had to throw everything out, except for some of the stuff that was in the storage space on the other side of the mold, but im tempted to throw it out too b/c it smells so bad. DH did not clean the moldy storage space b/c it would be too hard to do/ and it does not make sense for him to do it given how deep the space is. so he took everything out and threw it out and sealed the space with plastic and tape. still felt so sick b/c it smelled so bad. i had never noticed mold or smelled it until he went in there to move the stuff out.

we had told our landlord that we noticed a lot of condensation in the bathroom and that it was dripping from the sealing, but of course he said that just happens and its fine. we told him many times for several months but he refused to investigate it further. i honestly never thought it was damaging the storage area and for some reason did not think that all of that was most likely producing mold (pretty sure that behind the walls and floor of the bathroom there is prob a bunch of black mold as the condensation has caused the walls to sag - and drip from the ceiling).

i'm really concerned b/c im pg and not sure what the effect of mold exposure is. researched it and got mixed articles. some say its really bad, some say its probably not going to affect the baby. i have an appointment with doc on thursday so i'll ask, and mention this nasty cold that i still have to see if its related to the mold at all. we move out of this apt on saturday and are staying with sister from then till jan 4th when we leave for toronto. so its just a few more days. i could leave now and let DH finish everything else. but, unfortunately ive been exposed to it this entire time :( the dripping from the ceiling in the bathroom has been going on for months, so im sure the mold has too. uggggg. if doc suggests leaving asap, i absolutely will. otherwise its just until saturday.

i slept super poorly last night given that im so worried about whether this is/has affected my pg. ive been sneezing a lot more too since last night when we discovered the mold.

as for everything else, i have an appointment tomorrow, a scan at the hospital so hopefully that goes well. fx. fx. then the doc appointment on thursday.

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