Melody is getting so good at being "on a schedule" (of course saying that means that now she'll be all wonky). For example, the last 3-4 nights she's woken at the exact same times to eat: 10:30/1:30/2:15/4:30. The 2:15 wake up time though I think has become a routine wake up just because it's a time she's always woken up, not because she's hungry (there's no way she's hungry less than an hour later when she eats very well at 1:30 and if I feed her she just comfort sucks). So the last 2 nights i've been "encouraging" her to go back to sleep without eating at that time. It takes twice as long because she wants to use me as a pacifier

I am not in any way trying to prevent her from eating or doing any of the crazy version of the sleep training, but I can't let her keep using me as a pacifier every hour when I have to go back to work in two weeks. Teenagers are hard enough to deal with when I'm in my best shape, I can't be so sleep deprived on top of it.
Kat - I think that if you were to breastfeed during the funeral people would understand, but if you aren't comfortable then definitely bring bottles. You have to feel comfortable. Nothing wrong with bottles.
I didn't realize that the jaundice stopped his ability to have tummy time, but now that I think about it I guess the added drowsiness would have made that difficult.
I doubt the parents commenting on fb are purposely implying that babies who do things slower are stupider or have bad parents. It's just a way that people say things because they feel silly saying something like "oh she's developing her muscle coordination so well".

Don't take it personally. I understand though, DH will sometimes say things like "oh she's being so good" when she doesn't fuss about something (like the carseat) that she normally does and I told him we have to stop saying that because otherwise it implies that when she's upset she's "bad" and I don't want to develop that kind of implication. People always say "oh she's so smart" when babies do stuff early, and people have said it about Melody when she started rolling over so early, and I just ignore it because I know that intelligence has nothing to do with it, they just don't know what else to say.
And Gagrl is right, don't let people make you feel bad. It's possible Alexander is going to skip the crawling stage all together. Several of my friends went straight from rolling to walking. My niece refused to walk before she was 1, wouldn't even pull herself up to a standing position (just would get on knees), and they were worried but then suddenly on her 1st birthday she stood up and started walking. By the end of the weekend she was running around! It was insane. I think there could be a correlation between the oldest child versus the not oldest doing things sooner/later, but I'm not sure how strong that argument really is. My friends who have more than 2 kids often say that their 3rd or 4th may be the slower or faster to develop skills. One of my friends found that her 3rd child was the slowest to talk or walk, they almost thought she had a developmental delay and then suddenly just as they were about to have her tested she started doing everything "at level". She just was taking her time getting there. It all depends on the child.
Gagrl - Sounds like your tests went well! That's great! I'm so sorry 3rd Tri is hard, I had a lot of hip pain in the 3rd tri too. There are some really good hip stretches you can try that might help. I used a heating pad often for my back. Also, for the sleeping, my doctor told me to take a Tylonel PM and said it was very safe during 3rd Tri if you aren't getting any sleep. I avoided it for a long time but after several days of not sleeping I did take one and it made a world of difference. But if you do it, start small (with maybe 1/2 of one!) because I took 2 the first night like the directions said thinking that it wouldn't be very strong because Tylonel doesn't help me with pain usually and it knocked me out hard core!

I switched to 1/2 a pill for the rest of 3rd tri and I was able to get decent sleep.
So sorry about the loss of your friend.
Cutestuff - I hope that the lotion continues to work for her. It would really suck if you have to eliminate all dairy and soy. I hope that I don't end up leaking during class. That would be so embarrassing, I don't think I could handle it.

I figure if I wear a padded bra with nursing pads I might be okay. I hope.