Anyone TTC #2? Buddies?!


Mama to three
Oct 19, 2012
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Hi ladies! I'm jumping over here from the WTT forums :) Hubby and I were planning on waiting until June or July to start trying but I ended up getting a faint positive on a test a few days ago and we all got excited. Unfortunately I started bleeding so the little bean didn't stick :cry: BUT it made us realize that we really want to start trying again!

I have an 8 month old daughter so if we do conceive this cycle, they will be about 18ish months apart! Ive heard a lot of great things about this age gap, and I'm hoping that it'll work great for us :)

Anyone else TTC baby #2?

Anyone trying to conceive #2 with a young little one? :flower: I'd love to be buddies!!


May Testers!:flow:
May 20
xxemmyxx - :witch:

May 25
pinkpassion - :bfp:

May 27
AngelofTroy - :witch:
LiLi2 - :witch:

May 31
FaithHopeLov3 - :bfp:

June Testers!:flow:
June 1

June 2
daniyaaq - :bfp:

June 4
Domimom - :bfp:

I'm ttc #2. My son is almost 3 though. We've been trying 8 months. Hoping to catch a sticky egg soon!

So sorry to hear about your loss. Its hard. I've been down that road.
I'm ttc number 2 as well, although my daughter will be 3 next week. Only on my second cycle so trying to figure out what my body is doing...
Hi! I am TTC #2 as well and have a 2.5 year old. I think I'm currently on CD8 and waiting to O - hopefully sometime next week!
Hi ladies! Nice to meet you all :)

My cycles are kind of all over the place since having my daughter. I'm hoping that it doesn't take us too long to conceive! We weren't exactly trying when we found out I was pregnant with our daughter LOL. So I have no idea how to actually go about tracking my cycles and ovulation
Hello 😄 My husband and I are TTC #2 as well! My daughter will be 2 at the end of the month. We are most assuredly ready for number 2! With our first, we had two rounds of clomid and Ovidrel after trying quite sometime on our own with no success. We were hoping to do it on our own this time since I have at least had some cycles on my own! Currently CD 33 and waiting AF or BFP. 😁 mother mature and instinct tells me I am prego, tests tell me no! We shall see! I look forward ton hearing from you all and watching as we all get BFPs!! 😍
We are ttc #2 as well. Our dd is 16.5 months old and we have been trying since she was 8 months old. As of right now we would have a 2 year age gap and I hope it won't be too much over 2 years as I would like them to be close as possible.

Good luck and :dust: to all! :flower:
hello ladies,

my hubby and i have been TTC#2 sense January, but it has been until last month that i started temping, using OPKs, to try and help us out.

Our DS is 2 years old and we are wanting the next one before he turns 3, we only have a few months left before that time.

When we started trying we thought it would be like DS, only take a month or two but looks like we have to put more into it this time. So, what have you ladies been doing to help you along the way?
Hi everyone :)

We are currently TTC #2. My DD is 5, but there will be a 6 year age gap if we conceive this year.

I feel bad that she did not have a sibling earlier as I know the relationship would be different. But it's all about timing :flower:
Nice to meet you ladies! Feel free to post your tests in this thread so we all can follow your POAS journey!! :)

I'm currently on AF so once it stops in going to be looking to when I ovulate and start testing! Eeeeeek!
I will be your buddy, we are in a very similar position!
I am ttc#2 and have a 7 month old ds. We have not used any sort of protection since baby was born as we knew we wanted our children close in age. I stopped bf at 4 months and got my cycles back after that so I am on my 4th cycle where there was a real possibility of conceiving but still no luck. Last month was the first where we timed our BD and really made the effort. My cycles too have been a bit weird since LO being 33, 29 and 31 days. I hope this is our month so much! I am beginning to worry that something is wrong as I conceived first cycle with ds and previous 2 miscarriages.
Hi there :hi:

We are TTC our #2. Our son will be 3 next month. This is our second cycle trying
Me too!

DD will be 3 in August. Been TTC #2 since December.
Hopefully it won't be too much longer for us
Hey I think (if I remember right) I remember seeing you in the WTT boards! I was on there with the intention of WTT until July/August buttttt, that's changed :haha: We were waiting because I wanted to put a decent gap between my two kiddos, but here I am! My husband was gone for training over the weekend last month, made a joke over text about trying to get me pregnant when he got home, and before we even seriously talked about it he kind of went for it. I'm glad that it didn't happen last cycle, January due date didn't excite me too much. But from here on out, until like the upcoming January, I would be totally okay with conceiving because I like a due date anytime besides Nov-Jan for some reason. Ridiculous, I know.

Once that baby fever hits you it hits HARD. I actually had myself all psyched out that I was pregnant last cycle, late AF, tons of cravings, super tired, everything. Then once I got AF I'm not a woman on a mission. I just look at my DD and she is at that perfect age she wants a sibling and would be incredible with one and needs a playmate at home so bad that I just feel like it can't come soon enough!

I also don't get pregnant easily so I figured it's best to start trying now that way if it takes a while like it did with her then at least we've gotten a head start. There are some things about a second pregnancy/baby that really scare me, even more than with my first for some reason, but I think I'm finally ready to commit to the idea of another bundle.

Are you planning on doing anything in particular for trying or just have fun with it? It sounds like you won't have much difficulty getting pregnant! Lucky!!
I will be your buddy, we are in a very similar position!
I am ttc#2 and have a 7 month old ds. We have not used any sort of protection since baby was born as we knew we wanted our children close in age. I stopped bf at 4 months and got my cycles back after that so I am on my 4th cycle where there was a real possibility of conceiving but still no luck. Last month was the first where we timed our BD and really made the effort. My cycles too have been a bit weird since LO being 33, 29 and 31 days. I hope this is our month so much! I am beginning to worry that something is wrong as I conceived first cycle with ds and previous 2 miscarriages.

Hi Victoria!

I'm glad I found someone else who is trying with a LO around the same age as mine! I feel like people think we are nuts for wanting to try again so soon, haha. My hubby and I haven't been using any protection either...just pulling out. I'm kind of shocked we haven't had an "oops" yet though lol!

My fingers are crossed for you guys! Please post your tests here so we can follow you!!

Hi there :hi:

We are TTC our #2. Our son will be 3 next month. This is our second cycle trying

Hi! I hope you guys get your BFP soon!

Me too!

DD will be 3 in August. Been TTC #2 since December.
Hopefully it won't be too much longer for us

I'm sorry it's taken you guys awhile, hopefully you'll get a positive soon!
Hey I think (if I remember right) I remember seeing you in the WTT boards! I was on there with the intention of WTT until July/August buttttt, that's changed :haha: We were waiting because I wanted to put a decent gap between my two kiddos, but here I am! My husband was gone for training over the weekend last month, made a joke over text about trying to get me pregnant when he got home, and before we even seriously talked about it he kind of went for it. I'm glad that it didn't happen last cycle, January due date didn't excite me too much. But from here on out, until like the upcoming January, I would be totally okay with conceiving because I like a due date anytime besides Nov-Jan for some reason. Ridiculous, I know.

Once that baby fever hits you it hits HARD. I actually had myself all psyched out that I was pregnant last cycle, late AF, tons of cravings, super tired, everything. Then once I got AF I'm not a woman on a mission. I just look at my DD and she is at that perfect age she wants a sibling and would be incredible with one and needs a playmate at home so bad that I just feel like it can't come soon enough!

I also don't get pregnant easily so I figured it's best to start trying now that way if it takes a while like it did with her then at least we've gotten a head start. There are some things about a second pregnancy/baby that really scare me, even more than with my first for some reason, but I think I'm finally ready to commit to the idea of another bundle.

Are you planning on doing anything in particular for trying or just have fun with it? It sounds like you won't have much difficulty getting pregnant! Lucky!!

Hahah yes I was over on WTT. We were planning on waiting until my daughter was around a year...but then the baby fever hit me lol. I've wanted my kids close in age as if we conceive this cycle they will be around 1 1/2 apart which I think is a good gap. Hopefully it's not TOO hard to handle (but we will see!)

How old is your LO?

Right now we are just going to have fun trying lol. I bought some OPK's just to use so I know when my fertile days are...but I'm not charting or temping or anything like that. I hope conceiving #2 isn't going to be hard for us...but I'be heard of women who got pregnant supper easy the first time and then have a difficult time the second time around. Hopefully thats not the case!

Are you guys doing anything special?
We are ttc#2, took almost 4 years with 3 miscarriages for dd, who is almost 11 months....We've been trying the last 4 months but started temping and opks last Month... this month we have been so busy we decided to go back to ntnp for the summer but turns out we caught o this month, I'm in/will be in the tww tomorrow.. we bd'd the last few days/will continue through tomorrow!
I've got baby fever so bad again!! I've always wanted our kids close in age, I am breastfeeding but she only nurses three times a day and not at all during the night, I started Super b complex which regulated my cycles and I started coq10 this month which is supposed to increase egg quality! I believe it because this month I'my having incredibly painful ovulation, I could barely stand up this morning (positive opk yesterday)!! Good luck ladies !!!
CD1 for me here UGH! 2nd cycle TTC. I love the support on these threads! looking forward to meeting some great June testers :)
We are ttc#2, took almost 4 years with 3 miscarriages for dd, who is almost 11 months....We've been trying the last 4 months but started temping and opks last Month... this month we have been so busy we decided to go back to ntnp for the summer but turns out we caught o this month, I'm in/will be in the tww tomorrow.. we bd'd the last few days/will continue through tomorrow!
I've got baby fever so bad again!! I've always wanted our kids close in age, I am breastfeeding but she only nurses three times a day and not at all during the night, I started Super b complex which regulated my cycles and I started coq10 this month which is supposed to increase egg quality! I believe it because this month I'my having incredibly painful ovulation, I could barely stand up this morning (positive opk yesterday)!! Good luck ladies !!!

Good luck!! Post your tests here so we can see them!!

CD1 for me here UGH! 2nd cycle TTC. I love the support on these threads! looking forward to meeting some great June testers :)

I'm looking forward to testing with everyone too. I got my Wondfos in the mail yesterday lol
We have started TTC #2 with around the same age gap as yourself. My little guy will be 7 months old tomorrow. This is our first cycle. We went 2 1/2 years TTC ds. It took a fertility specialist and IVF meds with IUI to conceive him. Hoping it will be easier this time around.

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