Anyone TTC #2? Buddies?!

Okay so I I am CD 8. So still not THAT far behind you! I'm still getting the hang of this lol.
Thank you! I will definitely let you know if I need help with anything else :thumb up:

Oh my gosh he HATES condoms. Not using them is how I got pregnant with our daughter haha. I think we will just DTD whenever we both are in the mood for it and go from there. I'll look up what you're supposed to be eating to sway for a boy...I might try it and see if it does anything! It's worth a shot :D
is your hubby okay with holding off that long!?

A lot of things can change in a few years, you never know you both might decide you want 3. :baby: I know what you mean though about being selfish. I has a section with my daughter...and even though I honestly didn't mind it I know the recovery gets harder when you have more kids at home to take care of lol. So we'll see if I still want 3 or 4 after this next one :haha:

I didn't even think about fathers day, but that would be a super cute idea! My MIL is coming out around June 13 and if I ended up getting pregnant we WERE thinking of telling her around the time she's here...but we're still deciding on that. Plus since we are actually TTC this one, I'm sure my hubby would want to know exactly when I plan on taking a test haha.

Haha my husband hates them so much too! I refused to go on the pill after having my daughter, I hate taking medicine and I didn't want it to mess with BFing, therefore we were forced to use them and even the super thin ones he despises so he wouldn't agree either I'm sure. Oh, I haven't really told him I'm just going to spend a couple days with excuses. I'm a terrible wife :dohh: but I'm pretty sure if I told him I'm trying to manipulate the odds for another girl he would think I'm crazy and wouldn't hold out for that reason. Last I knew he wanted one more girl too but not bad enough to refrain on command ha.

So you will end up having another C-section, right? Was your first an emergency or planned? I had my daughter without any pain meds like I always wanted to which makes me really not want to go through with it again lol but it's just one day. Gotta do what you gotta do I guess!

I never really test when we are trying or NTNP, just wait and if AF is late then I wait a little longer and test. I hated seeing :bfn: when we first started trying with my daughter so I quit doing that to myself. Since it took me so long with her I'm sure he won't expect it to happen quickly so he probably won't think much of it from one cycle to the next, so I'll probably try to figure out a cute way to tell him but I'm not sure what yet. With my daughter I gave him the book "Dude, You're Going to Be a Dad" and taped his reaction. Totally wasn't expecting it at all! It was super hard keeping it to myself and that was just for one day! I already run the announcement ideas through my head, and have a gender reveal idea already, sigh, I can't help myself!

I definitely think your Target brand one looks like it is getting super close!! Maybe you O early in your cycle! Which would put us super close in DPO! In my experience, as you can see, I have barely any line at all until like the day before my positive. That's what happened last time with a different brand too, so based on that I would guess you will get a positive in the next couple of days?? :happydance: I would maybe test at like 2 in the afternoon and then again at like 7 or 8 and see if you catch a positive soon! Do you ever have O pains? Or EWCM?
Haha my husband hates them so much too! I refused to go on the pill after having my daughter, I hate taking medicine and I didn't want it to mess with BFing, therefore we were forced to use them and even the super thin ones he despises so he wouldn't agree either I'm sure. Oh, I haven't really told him I'm just going to spend a couple days with excuses. I'm a terrible wife :dohh: but I'm pretty sure if I told him I'm trying to manipulate the odds for another girl he would think I'm crazy and wouldn't hold out for that reason. Last I knew he wanted one more girl too but not bad enough to refrain on command ha.

So you will end up having another C-section, right? Was your first an emergency or planned? I had my daughter without any pain meds like I always wanted to which makes me really not want to go through with it again lol but it's just one day. Gotta do what you gotta do I guess!

I never really test when we are trying or NTNP, just wait and if AF is late then I wait a little longer and test. I hated seeing :bfn: when we first started trying with my daughter so I quit doing that to myself. Since it took me so long with her I'm sure he won't expect it to happen quickly so he probably won't think much of it from one cycle to the next, so I'll probably try to figure out a cute way to tell him but I'm not sure what yet. With my daughter I gave him the book "Dude, You're Going to Be a Dad" and taped his reaction. Totally wasn't expecting it at all! It was super hard keeping it to myself and that was just for one day! I already run the announcement ideas through my head, and have a gender reveal idea already, sigh, I can't help myself!

I definitely think your Target brand one looks like it is getting super close!! Maybe you O early in your cycle! Which would put us super close in DPO! In my experience, as you can see, I have barely any line at all until like the day before my positive. That's what happened last time with a different brand too, so based on that I would guess you will get a positive in the next couple of days?? :happydance: I would maybe test at like 2 in the afternoon and then again at like 7 or 8 and see if you catch a positive soon! Do you ever have O pains? Or EWCM?

I refused the pill also LOL. DH wanted me to go something so that we didn't have to use condoms but I hated how I felt after I had to come off the pill. I was on it for like 5 or 6 years and it messed my cycle up for like a year after I stopped taking it. Hahaha "Sorry, not tonight I have a headache" ;) Hopefully he doesn't catch on!
I don't think any guy would refrain on command for anything!

Wow, no pain meds? You're awesome :thumb up: I know I couldn't do it LOL. I had a few contractions before my due date and it was awful. My section was planned which I think helped me a lot because I knew kind of what to expect. I googled things and my doctor talked to me about it so for the most part I was prepared for it. The recovery wasn't bad at all, IMO. I didn't mind have a c section honestly lol. But I also didn't have another LO to chase after when I got home. I just spent all of my time relaxing.

That's a cute way to tell him! I'm sure he was so shocked lol. I didn't do anything cute when I found out. I panicked and called my husband while he was at work and told him over the phone haha. Like I said, we weren't trying or anything but I was feeling weird so I took a test for the heck of it and it came up positive straight away. I hadn't even missed my period yet :blush: So we'll see if I get another BFP that quickly this time!

Eeek thats exiting! I will test again later tonight and see what I shows up! I was wondering if it was normal to have a line that close to a positive this early? I thought it was a little longer after AF ends. I tested at about 1pm today so maybe later tonight it will be a tiny bit darker? I've kept all the tests to compare haha.

I don't think I've had any pain or anything. At least I haven't really noticed/paid any attention! I definitely haven't had and EWCM though. I'm still kind of spotting still even though AF ended a few days ago...which is weird.
Okay took another one tonight. It's about 8:30pm here

I think it still looks about the same!


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Tested this morning. It def looks like it's getting darker!


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I refused the pill also LOL. DH wanted me to go something so that we didn't have to use condoms but I hated how I felt after I had to come off the pill. I was on it for like 5 or 6 years and it messed my cycle up for like a year after I stopped taking it. Hahaha "Sorry, not tonight I have a headache" ;) Hopefully he doesn't catch on!
I don't think any guy would refrain on command for anything!

Wow, no pain meds? You're awesome :thumb up: I know I couldn't do it LOL. I had a few contractions before my due date and it was awful. My section was planned which I think helped me a lot because I knew kind of what to expect. I googled things and my doctor talked to me about it so for the most part I was prepared for it. The recovery wasn't bad at all, IMO. I didn't mind have a c section honestly lol. But I also didn't have another LO to chase after when I got home. I just spent all of my time relaxing.

That's a cute way to tell him! I'm sure he was so shocked lol. I didn't do anything cute when I found out. I panicked and called my husband while he was at work and told him over the phone haha. Like I said, we weren't trying or anything but I was feeling weird so I took a test for the heck of it and it came up positive straight away. I hadn't even missed my period yet :blush: So we'll see if I get another BFP that quickly this time!

Eeek thats exiting! I will test again later tonight and see what I shows up! I was wondering if it was normal to have a line that close to a positive this early? I thought it was a little longer after AF ends. I tested at about 1pm today so maybe later tonight it will be a tiny bit darker? I've kept all the tests to compare haha.

I don't think I've had any pain or anything. At least I haven't really noticed/paid any attention! I definitely haven't had and EWCM though. I'm still kind of spotting still even though AF ended a few days ago...which is weird.

I don't think he will ever really catch on since he has no idea about the plan in my head lol but I can see it getting difficult. The first two days not so much, tonight and tomorrow night might be near impossible. He was making jokes about it first thing this morning so I'll have to come up with a good excuse before this evening :haha: I wish they could just understand, it's only two more days and then we don't have to worry until next cycle! No more holding off for a couple weeks! But, yeah, they don't get that lol. Especially on the off chance that this could actually work and sway the odds, probably ridiculous. Who knows.

Yeah it was always the plan for me to do it all natural, everyone doubted me for the most part but I succeeded. However, it was even worse than I could ever imagine :wacko: Pushing was actually the easiest part though, which was kind of nice. Recovery without meds was not bad at all either just being stuck at a 9.5 in horrible misery for hours was awful. Hopefully they are right when they say the second labor usually goes quicker. Fingers crossed!! I also hated how disgusting the whole process and like month after delivery was. Ugh. Why did you have a scheduled c-section?

Haha I was so excited when I got my :bfp: the first time. Super scared something would happen, I worry a lot, but even still I obviously couldn't hold it in! My husband was at drill though so I had to wait the entire day until he got back that evening to talk to him. It gave me time to go track down the book and everything though. I just remember right after getting a positive he had text me and asked how my day was going and I was just like "oh if he only knew" :haha: I can't quite figure out how I want to tell him if I get pregnant again. I will have to try to find a cute idea why I'm waiting. So much waiting!

It might take a couple days for it to get dark, especially if you're still spotting from AF and everything. I just think it's crazy that they are already pretty decent lines! I've never had that! How long is your cycle usually? That can sometimes give you a little bit of insight into when you might O.
Tested this morning. It def looks like it's getting darker!

Oh wow! See, I'm never good at telling positives. I've seen some where other women say they are "close" to positive and I would honestly judge it as positive so idk BUT to me that looks super close to being a positive!!
I don't think he will ever really catch on since he has no idea about the plan in my head lol but I can see it getting difficult. The first two days not so much, tonight and tomorrow night might be near impossible. He was making jokes about it first thing this morning so I'll have to come up with a good excuse before this evening :haha: I wish they could just understand, it's only two more days and then we don't have to worry until next cycle! No more holding off for a couple weeks! But, yeah, they don't get that lol. Especially on the off chance that this could actually work and sway the odds, probably ridiculous. Who knows.

Yeah it was always the plan for me to do it all natural, everyone doubted me for the most part but I succeeded. However, it was even worse than I could ever imagine :wacko: Pushing was actually the easiest part though, which was kind of nice. Recovery without meds was not bad at all either just being stuck at a 9.5 in horrible misery for hours was awful. Hopefully they are right when they say the second labor usually goes quicker. Fingers crossed!! I also hated how disgusting the whole process and like month after delivery was. Ugh. Why did you have a scheduled c-section?

Haha I was so excited when I got my :bfp: the first time. Super scared something would happen, I worry a lot, but even still I obviously couldn't hold it in! My husband was at drill though so I had to wait the entire day until he got back that evening to talk to him. It gave me time to go track down the book and everything though. I just remember right after getting a positive he had text me and asked how my day was going and I was just like "oh if he only knew" :haha: I can't quite figure out how I want to tell him if I get pregnant again. I will have to try to find a cute idea why I'm waiting. So much waiting!

It might take a couple days for it to get dark, especially if you're still spotting from AF and everything. I just think it's crazy that they are already pretty decent lines! I've never had that! How long is your cycle usually? That can sometimes give you a little bit of insight into when you might O.

If you do get a bfp this cycle I am so interested to know if it worked and you get a girl! You will have to keep me updated! :D I'm so excited for you! When are you planning on taking a HPT?

That's still so amazing you did it without any meds or anything! I've it's easier your 2nd baby too...hopefully that's the case for you! I had a planned one because my doctor said that my pelvis is too narrow to push out a baby. He have me the option to either schedule one or to go through labor and see. But I didn't want to take the chance of going through hours of trying to push but then ending up with a section anyways. So I just went ahead and had it planned. Omg even I bled a ton after the surgery. It was so awful :( I felt gross for like..weeks lol.

Do you use Pinterest? I've been searching on there for cute ideas on how to tell him haha. I'm the same as you though...I can't keep something that exciting hidden for long.

I thought they were looking pretty dark too..most people's tests I see they don't even have a line until I wasn't sure if my tests were working correctly or not LOL.
Usually my periods last about 6 or 7 days. Usually it's around 6. But that 7th day is still spotting a little bit.
Tested this morning. It def looks like it's getting darker!

Oh wow! See, I'm never good at telling positives. I've seen some where other women say they are "close" to positive and I would honestly judge it as positive so idk BUT to me that looks super close to being a positive!!

LOL I am the same! I posted it on to get some opinions on there. We are going to :sex: anyways just in case but I'd still like to know if it is a positive for sure or not.

I'm going to test again this evening and see if it looks the same
If you do get a bfp this cycle I am so interested to know if it worked and you get a girl! You will have to keep me updated! :D I'm so excited for you! When are you planning on taking a HPT?

That's still so amazing you did it without any meds or anything! I've it's easier your 2nd baby too...hopefully that's the case for you! I had a planned one because my doctor said that my pelvis is too narrow to push out a baby. He have me the option to either schedule one or to go through labor and see. But I didn't want to take the chance of going through hours of trying to push but then ending up with a section anyways. So I just went ahead and had it planned. Omg even I bled a ton after the surgery. It was so awful :( I felt gross for like..weeks lol.

Do you use Pinterest? I've been searching on there for cute ideas on how to tell him haha. I'm the same as you though...I can't keep something that exciting hidden for long.

I thought they were looking pretty dark too..most people's tests I see they don't even have a line until I wasn't sure if my tests were working correctly or not LOL.
Usually my periods last about 6 or 7 days. Usually it's around 6. But that 7th day is still spotting a little bit.

I probably won't test unless AF happens to be late. I hate line searching and then being totally let down and discouraged if it's a :bfn: Especially after last cycle, totally thought I was somehow pregnant and gave in after being like 2 days late for nothing :dohh:

Oh wow, that's crazy! I definitely wouldn't have chanced it either. Sounds like that would be miserable and possibly dangerous for the baby if you ended up not able to deliver. I'm kind of envious sometimes of people who get to schedule a c-section and just know going into it that there won't be any labor! :haha: but I would also be scared I guess. And the recovery is worse I'm sure. And you don't get out of the disgusting recovery either which totally sucks. My husband still makes fun of me and how my bathroom at the hospital "looked like a murder scene". It was awful! I lived in black pants for so long!

Oh gosh, yes I absolutely use Pinterest! I do need to get on there and try to find one for telling him. I think I already know how to tell our families, maybe. And I'm pretty set on a picture announcement for Facebook. I just have no idea for him yet.

How long is your entire cycle? Have you ever tracked. Like, from the first day of one period until the first day of the next? You'll have to let me know what other people say about whether or not that's a positive! I would definitely :sex: to be sure!! That would be crazy if you're already oving this early!
I probably won't test unless AF happens to be late. I hate line searching and then being totally let down and discouraged if it's a :bfn: Especially after last cycle, totally thought I was somehow pregnant and gave in after being like 2 days late for nothing :dohh:

Oh wow, that's crazy! I definitely wouldn't have chanced it either. Sounds like that would be miserable and possibly dangerous for the baby if you ended up not able to deliver. I'm kind of envious sometimes of people who get to schedule a c-section and just know going into it that there won't be any labor! :haha: but I would also be scared I guess. And the recovery is worse I'm sure. And you don't get out of the disgusting recovery either which totally sucks. My husband still makes fun of me and how my bathroom at the hospital "looked like a murder scene". It was awful! I lived in black pants for so long!

Oh gosh, yes I absolutely use Pinterest! I do need to get on there and try to find one for telling him. I think I already know how to tell our families, maybe. And I'm pretty set on a picture announcement for Facebook. I just have no idea for him yet.

How long is your entire cycle? Have you ever tracked. Like, from the first day of one period until the first day of the next? You'll have to let me know what other people say about whether or not that's a positive! I would definitely :sex: to be sure!! That would be crazy if you're already oving this early!

I totally get what you mean. I believe I had a chemical before AF came this month..I tested pretty early but got a positive test. AF ended up coming and I was super disappointed. I think thats what made us want to TTC this month instead of waiting like we had planned to.
When is your AF due?

It was nice knowing when she was going to be here lol. But I was SO nervous the night before my section. I don't think I even got an hour of sleep haha.
Oh yeah, the bathroom scene was awful! I didn't let my husband in whatsoever. I was so grossed out by it :nope:

I loooooove Pinterest. I've been looking up Facebook announcements and announcements for family too. Im still super undecided about what I want to do though haha.

Since have my DD its been kind of all over the place. Some times I count 30 days and others are in between 25 and 28 days. So It's still not super regular. I'm planning on dtd tonight if I'm not too tired lol.
I posted the test on Countdowntopregnancy and it's a mix of votes haha. Some say it looks positive and other say it looks negative still. So I don't know!
Wow, I had a ton to catch up on!!!

My opks can be almost positive and then back to negative and go back and forth before a positive!! I know I was warned of that before using them!!

That's interesting ways to tell dh, I love pinterest, I'll have to get on and look!!!

I don't know now if I ovulated, my cervix went back to its infertile state, but I don't feel like I normally do after ovulation .. normally I have all kinds of weird things happening (super sore nippples from ovulation to af, cramps, headache, backache and some other things) , this month nothing, my nippples feel fine, I don't even really have any cramps.. I'm thinking I'm out already lol.. o well it'll be fine either way!!
Wow, I had a ton to catch up on!!!

My opks can be almost positive and then back to negative and go back and forth before a positive!! I know I was warned of that before using them!!

That's interesting ways to tell dh, I love pinterest, I'll have to get on and look!!!

I don't know now if I ovulated, my cervix went back to its infertile state, but I don't feel like I normally do after ovulation .. normally I have all kinds of weird things happening (super sore nippples from ovulation to af, cramps, headache, backache and some other things) , this month nothing, my nippples feel fine, I don't even really have any cramps.. I'm thinking I'm out already lol.. o well it'll be fine either way!!

When are you testing?!
Hi everyone! Please can I join in? I have a 16 month old son. We have been NTNP ever since he was born as we had a hard time conceiving him. My OH has a low sperm count and I have long cycles. They aren't too long at the moment they have settled into around 36 days but I'm ivulating really late, around cd27 so my luteal phase is short. I have only just properly started using opk's and discovered this. I need to go to the doctors I think. This cycle I have taken vitamin b6, Agnus castus, calcium and magnesium and vitamin c. I think I am 7dpo right now cd 33 although I'm not sure because my opks were a bit confusing this cycle which might be the vitamins I'm taking?! However the vitamins have made me feel much better and level hormone wise.

I really want a sibling for my son. I am so so grateful I have him. But now I do feel rubbish I can't give him a sibling as easily as I should be able to! I never thought I would have a big gap and it keeps getting bigger as each wicked AF arrives!!
Sorry for the rambling rant! Hope I can be support to anyone else in the same position. Xx
Hi everyone! Please can I join in? I have a 16 month old son. We have been NTNP ever since he was born as we had a hard time conceiving him. My OH has a low sperm count and I have long cycles. They aren't too long at the moment they have settled into around 36 days but I'm ivulating really late, around cd27 so my luteal phase is short. I have only just properly started using opk's and discovered this. I need to go to the doctors I think. This cycle I have taken vitamin b6, Agnus castus, calcium and magnesium and vitamin c. I think I am 7dpo right now cd 33 although I'm not sure because my opks were a bit confusing this cycle which might be the vitamins I'm taking?! However the vitamins have made me feel much better and level hormone wise.

I really want a sibling for my son. I am so so grateful I have him. But now I do feel rubbish I can't give him a sibling as easily as I should be able to! I never thought I would have a big gap and it keeps getting bigger as each wicked AF arrives!!
Sorry for the rambling rant! Hope I can be support to anyone else in the same position. Xx

Yes please join in! I'd love to follow you through all of this!

I'm sorry you're having a hard time conceiving...when are you testing? Are you testing with OPK's or are you waiting to test with an HPT?
I have done a hpt every day haha I'm an addict! AF is due Wednesday! And it's probably too early but I will just test till BFP or AF xx
I totally get what you mean. I believe I had a chemical before AF came this month..I tested pretty early but got a positive test. AF ended up coming and I was super disappointed. I think thats what made us want to TTC this month instead of waiting like we had planned to.
When is your AF due?

It was nice knowing when she was going to be here lol. But I was SO nervous the night before my section. I don't think I even got an hour of sleep haha.
Oh yeah, the bathroom scene was awful! I didn't let my husband in whatsoever. I was so grossed out by it :nope:

I loooooove Pinterest. I've been looking up Facebook announcements and announcements for family too. Im still super undecided about what I want to do though haha.

Since have my DD its been kind of all over the place. Some times I count 30 days and others are in between 25 and 28 days. So It's still not super regular. I'm planning on dtd tonight if I'm not too tired lol.
I posted the test on Countdowntopregnancy and it's a mix of votes haha. Some say it looks positive and other say it looks negative still. So I don't know!

Chemical really stinks :( And I'm sorry you went through that. I can't imagine getting excited then AF rearing her ugly head. :hugs: That's another reason I really don't want to test unless AF is late. That and with my daughter it took two weeks late until I got a positive. We were super cautious and waited before we made a doctor's appt, told anyone, posted on FB, everything.

I can totally understand what you mean with being nervous before you c-section. They had scheduled an induction for me because I went past due and I did not want to be induced at all, for many reasons, but mostly because I didn't want it to make things more difficult for me with the no epidural thing and because I knew I would be a nervous wreck and would get zero sleep if I knew I would start the labor process on a certain day. Luckily DD stopped her stubborn streak and made her appearance two days before my induction date. Stinker!

I am pretty set on a FB announcement and a gender revel. Other than that I am not quite sure yet. I guess it will just depend on the timing and what feels right for us! There are so many cute ideas out there! So many get way overused too though so it makes it difficult to choose! :haha:

If you have some short cycles, 25 days, you very well could be getting ready to ovulate! That would put us just days apart! Woohoo! I'm not surprised by the mixed votes though, people can be so picky as to what a positive looks like. I would say if they start getting less dark for a day or two that was probably a positive! My AF should be due around the 1st of the month, however idk. It was pretty regular, came on almost the exact same day from one month to the next but this last time it was late. :shrug: We will see what happens!

You better drink some energy drinks or something and get busy tonight! :winkwink: Which reminds me, I think I've read something about either you or DH drinking caffeine if you're wanting a boy? Double-bonus!!
Wow, I had a ton to catch up on!!!

My opks can be almost positive and then back to negative and go back and forth before a positive!! I know I was warned of that before using them!!

That's interesting ways to tell dh, I love pinterest, I'll have to get on and look!!!

I don't know now if I ovulated, my cervix went back to its infertile state, but I don't feel like I normally do after ovulation .. normally I have all kinds of weird things happening (super sore nippples from ovulation to af, cramps, headache, backache and some other things) , this month nothing, my nippples feel fine, I don't even really have any cramps.. I'm thinking I'm out already lol.. o well it'll be fine either way!!

I always quit testing with OPKs after they look positive then have a day or two of negative. I thought about continuing this cycle to make sure they didn't go back and forth what with my body being screwed up, it seems. But I've also had so many other symptoms of O that I don't really doubt the tests. One thing that has been super unreliable for me is temping. I never have a big dip or spike. It always throws me off and worries me.

Maybe you having no symptoms like normal is a good sign because it's something different. Maybe your body's way of telling you something is up is by being super nice to you for now, because it's in the process of a cooking a baby! Just giving you a break before it all begins! :winkwink: Don't count yourself out yet! When are you supposed to get AF?

Did you do anything special to announce your pregnancy last time?
Hi everyone! Please can I join in? I have a 16 month old son. We have been NTNP ever since he was born as we had a hard time conceiving him. My OH has a low sperm count and I have long cycles. They aren't too long at the moment they have settled into around 36 days but I'm ivulating really late, around cd27 so my luteal phase is short. I have only just properly started using opk's and discovered this. I need to go to the doctors I think. This cycle I have taken vitamin b6, Agnus castus, calcium and magnesium and vitamin c. I think I am 7dpo right now cd 33 although I'm not sure because my opks were a bit confusing this cycle which might be the vitamins I'm taking?! However the vitamins have made me feel much better and level hormone wise.

I really want a sibling for my son. I am so so grateful I have him. But now I do feel rubbish I can't give him a sibling as easily as I should be able to! I never thought I would have a big gap and it keeps getting bigger as each wicked AF arrives!!
Sorry for the rambling rant! Hope I can be support to anyone else in the same position. Xx

Welcome to you!! :wave:

How long did it take you to fall pregnant with your son? Have you ever looked into Fertilitea or Vitex? I'm a huge believer in Vitex!

I feel the same way about the growing age gap. I used to swear I wanted at least 3 year gap, now that that gets close I wish I would have started trying much sooner. I don't fall pregnant easily either and the age my daughter is at now she would be so great with a sibling! I just wish I could give her one like, yesterday haha. Especially now that she asks for one! She would be such a great big sister!

I know when you have difficulty you really don't care one way or another, but do you have a gender preference?

When do you expect AF? Being post O is good though! Hope to see your :bfp: on here soon!! :dust:
Chemical really stinks :( And I'm sorry you went through that. I can't imagine getting excited then AF rearing her ugly head. :hugs: That's another reason I really don't want to test unless AF is late. That and with my daughter it took two weeks late until I got a positive. We were super cautious and waited before we made a doctor's appt, told anyone, posted on FB, everything.

I can totally understand what you mean with being nervous before you c-section. They had scheduled an induction for me because I went past due and I did not want to be induced at all, for many reasons, but mostly because I didn't want it to make things more difficult for me with the no epidural thing and because I knew I would be a nervous wreck and would get zero sleep if I knew I would start the labor process on a certain day. Luckily DD stopped her stubborn streak and made her appearance two days before my induction date. Stinker!

I am pretty set on a FB announcement and a gender revel. Other than that I am not quite sure yet. I guess it will just depend on the timing and what feels right for us! There are so many cute ideas out there! So many get way overused too though so it makes it difficult to choose! :haha:

If you have some short cycles, 25 days, you very well could be getting ready to ovulate! That would put us just days apart! Woohoo! I'm not surprised by the mixed votes though, people can be so picky as to what a positive looks like. I would say if they start getting less dark for a day or two that was probably a positive! My AF should be due around the 1st of the month, however idk. It was pretty regular, came on almost the exact same day from one month to the next but this last time it was late. :shrug: We will see what happens!

You better drink some energy drinks or something and get busy tonight! :winkwink: Which reminds me, I think I've read something about either you or DH drinking caffeine if you're wanting a boy? Double-bonus!!

Thanks :hugs: It sucks but I think it kind of gave me the push I needed to make up my mind if we really wanted to start TTC.
I'm super impatient and I know I couldn't wait until I'm late LOL. Especially since I'm so irregular still I don't really know when it's coming! You have some will power waiting that long! :thumb up:

Isn't that usually how it goes though? You plan for the induction and then baby shows up early? haha. That's what happened for a lot my friends! It's nuts.

I know what you mean! I can't wait to see your announcement and reveal! I'm a huge planner so I have a ton of things pinned for what I would like to do. If I actually end up doing it we'll see haha. :blush:

Even I wasn't sure if it looks positive or not. It's so hard to tell sometimes. I am testing one more time tonight though just to see what it looks like.
So if you have positive tests for a day or so...and then it goes back to negative then you're done ovulating, correct?

Hahah sometimes I have my mind set on us :sex: then I end up falling asleep! I feel so old now that I have a LO :haha: I'm going to try to dtd tonight though!!

I'll be waiting for you to test! I'm so excited for you!! :dust:
You'd better post your test results here lady!!:happydance:
Hi ladies! Sorry I haven't posted in a while - we've been traveling a lot.

Ashley - sorry to hear about your chemical. Finger crossed for this cycle! Looks like you're almost positive on your OPKs!

Miracles - I have a 2.5 year old and am now regretting that we didn't start trying for #2 sooner. I think she'd be a great big sister at this age and I don't want to have them too far apart that they won't be interested in playing together.

Pink - You're not out! Sometimes I feel differently around O too. Sometimes I get really sharp pains before O and get very bloated and sometimes nada. Don't stress and stay positive!

Emmy - welcome and I hear ya about the POAS addiction. I ordered 25 wondfos and now I'm like "why didn't I order more?!"

As for my "reveal," I was at old navy a couple weeks ago and saw this shirt that said "this is what an awesome sister looks like." Whenever I do get that BFP I plan on putting that on her while daddy is making coffee and having her run in the kitchen like she does every morning.

I just took my first OPK and I think it looks almost positive - what do you guys think?

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