Anyone TTC baby #1 who is between 24-29?

Thanks for the encouragement everyone! :thumbup:

I agree, it would make Christmas so much more special, wouldn't it?

sugarpi- sending baby dust your way!

so_impatient- Welcome to the board! Good luck, I hope you get that BFP this month. When are you planning on testing?

Oh, not until like, 7 days after expected AF, just want to wait and be sure, not overspend on tests....I've done that before! Not going to assume anything until af is at least a week late. :)
sugarpi- sending baby dust your way!

so_impatient- Welcome to the board! Good luck, I hope you get that BFP this month. When are you planning on testing?

Oh, not until like, 7 days after expected AF, just want to wait and be sure, not overspend on tests....I've done that before! Not going to assume anything until af is at least a week late. :)

yeah its def hard but its even harder to get the disappointment! hopefully it will be a :bfp: this time though!

I am 25 and have been TTC#1 for nearly 4 months. I am currently on CD23 and hoping for a BFP this month - would be lovely to be able to announce a pregnancy to family around christmas time!!

Although we have been TTC we havent been too obsessive and havent done temping or charting yet - just hoping that it happens!

Good luck everyone xx

yeah wouldn't that be awesome I'm hoping to do the same! gl yo al of us!!!
I'm 26 and TTC #1 also, today is CD42 for me this time around and we have been using pre-seed for a few weeks but so far I like it, sorry if this is tmi but i like the fact that you can BD without the nasty sticky feeling regular lubricant gives.... I have just started charting my temps.... haha who am I kidding I have been putting my temps into fertility friend each day for the last few days and hoping someday i will understand what is going on lol... i just got married in August... and both SIL's have since given birth to their first and with pictures of me being posted on Facebook holding my nieces i am getting the usual.... oh that looks good on you..... your next... and the worst one.... you knocked up yet?(some of my friends are a little rough around the edges haha)..... what do you say to that?? nope trying my best but looks like my eggs are rotten! GRRR! sometimes I wish people would realize its easier said then done sometimes, just because both SIL's had no problems getting PG doesn't mean all of us are that lucky, and all the added outside pressure is making it that much more stressful for us.... I have wanted a baby for soooo long and unfortunately out of respect for MIL and FIL we waited until we were married to start trying.... clearly that was a dumb idea! Rant Complete.... GL to everyone and wishing a :bfp: for everyone in time for :xmas6:

well gl and fx for us all to have a :bfp: it would def be the best :xmas6:
Hey hun, I totally hear you! I have had a ruptured ovarian cyst and I swear I feel pain in my pelvic area at times. My husband and I have been trying for 5 months and my doctor was amazing and sent me to a fertility specialist. So I call there and they ask how long i've been trying and I saw 5 months and they receptionist's reply, "oh only 5 months" Like F u, she has no idea how hard it is to see all your friends and family around you get pregnant the first or second try! And how can you relax? That's impossible..and also there could be something wrong and relaxing won't cut it. But I also agree natural things can help. I don't chart but I am thinking of doing it if I don't get my BFP this cycle. I also bought preseed to try, which is a natural lubricant to help sperm mobility and for women to accept the sperm. Try not to worry too much. This site has helped me vent and learn about others stories that keep me positive, so I hope it does for you too! It would be great to be pregnant before Christmas!! :)

Hi! I am 26, ttc for number 1. We've been trying for about 10 months now...:(
In the past, I once had a ruptured ovarian cyst, and I've done a lot of deep thinking about that...I always worry that I will have more cysts, but last time I went to doc she said she couldn't feel any.. I wonder if maybe cysts are a result of my low-carb dieting attempts over the years.
Recently, I've been trying to improve my chances by improving my diet. I try to eat more fiber now, lots more vegetables, and I add ground flaxseed to a blueberry smoothie almost every day. I heard that flax can help make female hormones balanced better.
My GP Dr is kind of frustrating, when I ask for advice about ttc, she only ever says, "just relax, it will're young, you know, you can't go back once you have them!" I just laugh politely, but really? MY DH and I know that we want this and are ready for it, who is she to say not to "rush" things? We've been trying 10 months!
(My dr inspired my username..:)

So for this cycle, I went to an acupuncturist. He had me start to chart my temperatures.
As you can see, I'm trying to go the natural route..for now. I kind of believe that lots of things can be cured by proper diet, and that's something that hasn't been perfect for me in the past.
So if AF comes, it will be about a week from now.....I am so used to failing every month, I don't even know what I'd do if it was positive...I think I've gotten used to the idea of not being pregnant, but we'll see....

so there's my big long introduction.
I agree!! Good luck to you this round and to all of us!!
Thanks for explaining what preseed is, I was wondering while I was reading the post...If I'm not preg this time I will go find some too!
And I agree, if you feel like you're doing lots of BD and nothing's happening, why wait? Why not be proactive and do what you can right away? Especially in this day and age, when it seems like there is so much talk of people struggling to get pregnant.
Except for those annoying friends/family who seem to get pregnant without trying!
I'm not telling anyone that we're trying, not going to announce anything to real-life friends and family until I am firmly pregnant! (These boards are another story:)
I agree!! Good luck to you this round and to all of us!!
Thanks for explaining what preseed is, I was wondering while I was reading the post...If I'm not preg this time I will go find some too!
And I agree, if you feel like you're doing lots of BD and nothing's happening, why wait? Why not be proactive and do what you can right away? Especially in this day and age, when it seems like there is so much talk of people struggling to get pregnant.
Except for those annoying friends/family who seem to get pregnant without trying!
I'm not telling anyone that we're trying, not going to announce anything to real-life friends and family until I am firmly pregnant! (These boards are another story:)

it def takes away the stress if no one knows you're trying!!!!
This is me right now: watching Family Guy and thinking, "awww, Baby Stewie,, such a cute little baby, I want one........"
Yes I have my mom, and two friends who know I am trying. It's to hard to tell everyone else and like you said, way too much stress if they know!

Omg soimpatient, I do that all the time! Everytime I see someone prego or a baby on t.v. I am like, I want that!! lol
I have seasons tickets for the local college hockey games and I am finding myself watching less and less hockey and watching more and more of the kids cheering for the team and high fiving the mascot ... DH calls me a creep all the time because I'm always watching people with their kids instead of watching the games, but i have always had the mothering instinct and I basically raised my cousin seeing as she is 17 years younger then me, so now that she is almost 10 and getting more independent I am finding myself longing for my own... the only person that knows anything about us actively trying is the one friend I have had for 14 years but I am starting to find I have less of a connection with her each time I talk to her, I try to relate to her but it seems to be falling flat.... I called her to tell her my funny pre-seed story because obviously I cant tell anyone else since no one knows we are trying to get pregnant and she barely acknowledged it and then started to talking about how she doesn't need lubricants and it kind of just made it uncomfortable...
I completely understand! I have always had the motherly instinct too.. I am the oldest and always babysit and was a nanny for two families from highschool and in college. If I could do it all over, I would be a teacher from Prek K- 4th grade haha...anyways, I am sorry to hear about your friend but you are more than welcome, if you feel comfortable, to tell all your stories here. This is a great place to really be honest and not worry about TMI because we are all going thru the same thing! I find that the people on here have really motivated me and kept me positive through all of this! I just got preseed and we are using it tonight haha I am a little nervous but excited because I heard it works for a lot of people!!! Good luck and I hope you get your BFP!!!!!
Ya that's kind of rude of your friend to say that, pretty insensitive.
Agreed, at least there are these boards, where we want to know every detail of your experience- as long as we can share ours too. :)

So I'm in the dreaded waiting period right now, after trying acupuncture for the first time and adding flaxseed to the diet. I don't feel much different except for one thing....I've been dreaming like crazy! I start dreaming vividly as soon as I fall asleep, right until I wake up it feels like! Every morning I remember my dreams too.

I googled, "vivid dreams, pregnancy symptom" and of course get results saying that they are related.
However, not to get too excited, because I do this everymonth.

One month I might get a headache, and I'll google, 'headaches, sign of early pregnancy?"

Or last month, I had chest pain, so onto the computer I go, "chest pain...symptom of early pregnancy?"
ha ha ha...
The chest pain ended up being a muscular pain from lifting some heavy flax hay bales. Sigh.

I do the same thing!!! Headache, back ache..omg signs of early pregnancy and of course signs of AF coming too lol...Well I am in my fertile period and we are trying the "36 hours" method! This is new to us, we started it this week and will continue into next week so I will let you know if it works!

Ya that's kind of rude of your friend to say that, pretty insensitive.
Agreed, at least there are these boards, where we want to know every detail of your experience- as long as we can share ours too. :)

So I'm in the dreaded waiting period right now, after trying acupuncture for the first time and adding flaxseed to the diet. I don't feel much different except for one thing....I've been dreaming like crazy! I start dreaming vividly as soon as I fall asleep, right until I wake up it feels like! Every morning I remember my dreams too.

I googled, "vivid dreams, pregnancy symptom" and of course get results saying that they are related.
However, not to get too excited, because I do this everymonth.

One month I might get a headache, and I'll google, 'headaches, sign of early pregnancy?"

Or last month, I had chest pain, so onto the computer I go, "chest pain...symptom of early pregnancy?"
ha ha ha...
The chest pain ended up being a muscular pain from lifting some heavy flax hay bales. Sigh.

Here goes my funny pre-seed purchase story....

I live in Central Canada and we can't buy pre-seed off the shelves here but luckily for me I live 5 minutes from Michigan and can make a trip to Walgreens very easily to buy it, so I decided I was going to make the trip to go buy it, now this being said DH and I are pre-cleared by the government for easy crossing into either country so we take our special lane and drive right across with no hassle, have breakfast pick up a case of beer for DH, a box of brownie mix and grab a BBT thermometer and pre-seed at Walgreen's. Now after all these purchases DH say's to me... "so what are you going to say if they ask what you bought"... to which i respond "obviously I'm going to be honest, so DH gets his phone ready to record audio and we head towards the border... as I am pulling up to the booth I see all kinds of people standing in the lane so I am praying at this point they dont question too much.... questions 1 "how long you be in the united states?" answer "about 2 hours" question 2 "what is the value of goods purchased or received?" answer "$70.73" question 3 "any alcohol or tobacco?" answer "yes 1 case of beeer" and he is starting to behave like its wrapping up so I'm pretty relieved at this point.... and now for the moment of truth question 4 "what is the nature of goods purchased" answer "pre-seed, beer, brownies and a thermometer" and now begins the most hilarious moment of my life... he makes the mistake of asking what pre-seed is, so I go into a full on descriptive explanation of what it is and what it's used for while DH is trying to crawl out of his own skin next to me hahaha, then I get the moment when i get to watch as his brain processes the connection between my purchases.... and it all ends with a smirk and a "y'all have a great day" now to explain the all kinds of people standing there, its because they are training a new batch of border guards and there are 5 newbies all standing there watching this entire exchange...

So like I said I called my best friend of 14 years because we have always talked about everything and I have no one else that knows I am trying to get pregnant so if I explain pre-seed to anyone else obviously they will know so I tell her my story and all I get back form her is, why are you buying that, so I explained we had been using KY and that i found out that it can actually prevent you from conceiving and she replies with oh I don't have to worry about that because i don't use lube..... maybe I am being over sensitive but that seems kind of inconsiderate and a little narcissistic to me.... it wasn't about her and it seems like lately if its not about her she just doesn't seem to care.... anyways thanks for reading! and if I am being over sensitive feel free to let me know... so I can be more aware and try not to let these things bother me!
HAHAHAH that's so funny!!! I have family in Toronto, so I am familiar with crossing the border and how it all works and honestly that is the funniest I have ever heard!!! I can just imagine the border patrol's faces!! Especially asking what preseed is!! You should of gave it to him so he could see it hahahaha!!! I ordered my preseed online, can you get it shipped to you? I mean, you live so close to the border so it's not a huge problem, but maybe your DH will like it shipped next time...OR hopefully you don't need it again!!! Hahahaha....

And, I understand about you and your friend. I don't think she completely understands what you are going thru. My best friend whom I have known since I was 3, was trying to get pregnant same time as me. She was fortunate and got the BFP on her 2nd try. Well while we hung out with our other friend we were telling stories about how it sucks, we need to de-stress blah blah..well our friend was a complete bia because she was like guys, seriously, it can take 6 months to a year...I can't believe you care so much..Seriously her exact words!! Like how insensitive she is still on BC and trying not to get pregnant so she has no idea the emotional roller coaster us ladies are on! So no, you weren't being too over sensitive, it's just she is in a different place than you are...and she doesn't understand!

Funny story:
My friend who got pregnant on her second try, from the story above..She was fertile but couldn't get wet enough lol. So they used OLIVE OIL...and she got pregnant!! Hahaha she never bought pre-seed and knew regular lubes were bad ladies if you don't have pre-seed you can try olive oil hahaha!
OMG too funny ladies!!! I'm LOL
you def are not being too sensitive. ttc takes a toll on us emotionally mentally and physically and no one understands that unless they have been thru that. it really sucks that you have people that just don't care! I'm sorry for that. we all are def hear to listen to your stories, concerns, share your laughs etc....
Ha ha ha! Funny border story!!! You know, during those super-embarassing moments, sometimes the only thing that can redeem it is knowing that they will make a funny story for your friends (or message board friends) later.
That was a good one!!!

And good tip about the olive oil, I've used it on my hair before, to soften my cuticles...what can't that stuff do? :)
Funny story with the border patrol! Lots of friends who aren't TTC have no idea the things we go through. A lot of mine & DH's friends are still partying, still single, and still enjoying their lives while we are trying to start our family so we don't have much in common with them. We only have very few friends who have kids and/or are married. Also, Coconut oil is another oil that's amazing for everything, including a lube. ;) haha. Just make sure you buy the organic, virgin, unrefined, cold pressed coconut oil.
OMG.... If one more person that is directly connected to me announces that they are PG by mistake before I get my BFP I think I am going to explode.... my dad just let me know this morning he found out last night that his friends daughter is PG with #3 and his best friends GF is PG with #1.... and both were an accident but I wake up @ 5am everyday to chart my temps, and spend $22 per tube on pre-seed and these people are getting pregnant by mistake.... GGAAAAHHHH!!

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