anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

lol harley- your such a cougar :haha:

spiffy- :oneofeach:!!!!!! :winkwink: love the new avi- she is such a doll!
Tee hee. :)

Oh yes, I came back here to say I like your new avatar too, Spiffy. So adorable!
:haha: You girls are funny. I won't say that the thought of twins didn't cross my mind. However, I asked about this on the first tri board, and someone said that one was the placenta and one was the main blood supply. I doesn't really make sense to me, but I'm not an OB either. :winkwink: If down the road I hear two fetal heartbeats, then I'll be really suspicious! :haha:

Oh, and thanks! I took that picture of DD around Halloween while I was at Wal-Mart (since they of course had all the Christmas stuff out already :dohh:).

Harley, enjoy your time alone with Ozzy! And hopefully he won't be up really early in the morning!

Rojo, I don't think I ever said how cute your family picture is! We need one of those of our family for Christmas, though I'm not ambitious enough to send out Christmas cards. Believe it or not, I actually never got around to sending out thank you cards after our wedding or my baby showers. I'm a horrible person! :blush:
Thanks ladies.. :)

So sorry to hear you got a bfn Blessed.. i thought for sure it was going to be a bfp.. hope af shows up again soon..

Haking good luck tomorrow.. :)

Siffy such a cute pic.. and yes that is right one is the placenta the other is the blood vessel.. :)

Pie yay for a scan date so excited for you..

Harley hope your morning isnt too early..

Pita hope your well..

Young hope all is well

CHez hope all is well .. :)

AFM im 26 turned that in august.. dh is also 26, will be 27 in feb :)
Spiffy she looks so cute in that hat! I kind of had the thought of taking a Christmas pic of Noah for sending out cards but of course like all my bright ideas it never happened. And thank you cards - no-one got any for my wedding or baby shower either :blush: Just didn't happen! I actually managed to do thank you cards for Noah's birthday, I shocked myself let alone everyone else :haha:

My DH keeps teasing me about having twins. When we were shopping yesterday he kept pointing out twins and saying that'll be us. I said if it is my mum is moving in :haha:

Hope your morning isn't too early Harley! Haha love the cougar comment. I'm 29, I turn 30 in February so will be pregnant for my big birthday. I still intend to have a party though, not drinking isn't a problem for me. DH is 31, he'll be 32 in March.

Well we woke up to snow this morning! England cannot cope with snow. We've had crashes and traffic jams and public transport falling apart. Still, it reminds me of my wedding day which is nice :cloud9: Just wish the monkey was walking so we could have gone out and played in it!
Blessed - I really thought you'd have gotten a BFP too. :hugs: I admire how you take it though, sure it's disappointing but you know this is your path.

HAKing - CD61 is lame, stress can be a huge factor. I remember AF going "missing" for 3 months before (TTC with my ex partner) and I just couldn't understand how I wasn't pregnant because I'm sure my body/mind convinced me that I was. I was majorly depressed at the time as we'd have 2 MC's already and our relationship was in a bad place, though I didn't see it that way at the time... So stress was a huge reason for that to go AWOL. Anyway, I hope you get some answers and a solution and get right back on CD1 and a BFP asap! :flow:

Rojo - That picture is gorgeous! I really wish I could get in more pictures... I'd love to do a Christmas card photo, DF isn't too keen on pictures but he will not hide like I do! :haha: I can't believe how quickly your TTC time has come around! I guess it's the time of year and how busy it gets. I can't wait for your BFP, I hope get it real soon!! :flower:

Pie - Yay for your appoinments! :happydance: All my Christmas shopping has been done online... I hate shopping and there's no decent shops close by so I gotta love the internet! :haha: We've have to travel to Chester which is about 60(ish) miles to get any decent shops! :dohh: Oh, and Elsa loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse too!! We got her a little Mickey teddy from Tesco a few weeks back and she loves it. She has hold of it while she's watching the show, so cute!! She sits there shaking with excitment when he comes on the tv and starts babbling and "dancing." Aww, you should see it... She's crazy for Mickey! :rofl:

Harley - Had to laugh at that cougar comment too. I sometimes joke that DF is my toyboy :winkwink: I will turn 25 at the end on January and he's just turned 23 in August just gone. :cloud9:

Spiffy - I picked up 2 on mine and thought "YIKES!" for a second but it is normal, I think it's right what you read. You pick-up your own HB too sometimes. There's no mistaking that chugging train/galloping horse sounds as baby's HB though. I picked up this LO's at around 12w and I have a lot of fluff so I hope you pick up your LO soon!! :flower: Still doesn't mean you're out of the race for those twins your DH thinks are a-comin' though! :winkwink: Also, Alia looks precious in your new picture! I think I'm going to change mine too... :)

AFM, DD was up most of the night last night. She is full of cold and she went sick too, poor baby :nope: She's feeling so sorry for herself today but is finally napping now, and she sounds so bunged up. If she's no better tomorrow morning, it'll be a trip to the doctor. We're impressed that lastnight was only the second night she's kept us awake a lot of the night. I'd had a banging headache (so bad, it had me in tears) all day yesterday and lastnight it was no better so my amazing DF took her through to the living room so keep her occupied with snuggles so I could get my head down... This was about 2:30AM and he leaves for work at 8AM. It wasn't long before she was ready for bed again though, so that was a plus for him. Bless him! :kiss:

PHEW! Sorry if I missed anything. :flow:
Chez, so sorry your DD isn't feeling well. Thankfully your DF let you get some rest and took her for a bit. Hope she gets to feeling better soon! No fun when out LOs are sick. :hugs:

Spiffy, sure would be funny if it was twins! :haha: And, I also forgot to say that your new avatar picture of Alia is so cute! :flower:

I think I would feel like a crazy person 24/7, 365 days a year with twins! :haha:

Its neat hearing everyone age. So funny Harley about being a cougar! :haha: I'm also older than my DH but only by 10 months so for 2 months out of the year we are the same age and I always have to point it out because DH always says I'm old! :dohh:

Harley, hope Ozzy didn't wake you too early! I heard Sam this morning at 1:30am fussing and I immediately woke up to fix a bottle and he was back to sleep by the time I even could walk in there! :dohh:

Pie, I LOVE the snow but I'm from Michigan and we always had snow there from Thanksgiving until March when I was little so now living in California it really never feels like winter. Its supposed to be 73 today where I live! We are going to Michigan for Christmas so I'm hoping Sam gets to play in the snow! :happydance:

Young, hope all is well with you! :flower:

Blessed, hope you and your family is feeling better. :hugs:

Thank you ladies for the kind words about my long cycle. I am so very excited to go to the doctors today! I woke up this morning no problem to get ready for work :haha: which never happens, I usually hit snooze from 4:45-5:05am, Poor DH :blush: doesn't need to get up until 5:30.

I am so excited to get something to make AF start to and getting going again! Only 6 more hours till my appointment! LOL Can you tell I'm super go to the doctors! :haha:
Haking, when it has to do with baby-making, I'm always excited to go to the doctors! It means answers! :haha: I'm excited to hear how that goes for you.

Okay, I think I was a bit confusing in my post about the placenta. I heard my heartbeat on both sides, but that wasn't what I was talking about. I know it's normal to hear your own heartbeat in several places. I was talking about the "seashell/wind through the trees" sound of the placenta by itself. I heard that in two places. Does the blood supply really sound like that, too? (I'm not sitting here convinced that I have two placents's by the way, I'm just so curious about this now that I have my doppler! :haha:)

Although, hypothetically, if I was ever going to have twins, I would want them now, because we're going to be moving in with DH's parents in March, and staying there for the rest of the year, so I will have more help there then I ever will, except for maybe when I have kids that are old enough to help out.

Chez, I'm sorry you've had a horrible headache. I get chronic headaches with the occasional migraine, so i can totally sympathize with how dibilitating they can be. :hugs: I hope you're feeling better today.

Pie, enjoy your rare snow! We've had one good snowfall here, before Thanksgiving, but nothing since. Last year was unusually dry, so we'll see if this year follows suit. :shrug: I hope we at least have some snow for Christmas! :xmas5:
Spiffy that has been our winters too.. last year barely anything.. i too hope for some for christmas..

Haking good luck at your appt looing forward to hearing how it goes.. and i was in detroit in september for dh's work.. was fun tobe somewhere new lol..

Chez hope your dd gets better soon.. no fun when our kiddos are sick.. and sorry about the headache.

Hope your doing well.. im waiting on af to show.. then we can get back to it.. :)
Thanks, ladies! Ozzy woke up at 5:00am to nurse. Ick. But I brought him into bed with me after that and he slept until 8:30! I really hope this means we're back on track.

Aw, Chez, sorry Elsa is feeling under the weather. Hope your head feels better today too! Doing all you shopping online is really smart. I might do that next year. Oh, and your new picture is really cute! I feel like I should take a Christmasy picture of Ozzy now to use for mine! :xmas23: In the meantime I'll use a super cute one from last year.

Spiffy, I wish I could help you make sense of it, but I know nothing about that stuff! Sorry. And I really can't picture my life with twins. To be honest, I'm having some trouble wrapping my mind around having just one more baby in addition to my busy little boy.

HAKing, I guess that means you are at your appointment as I'm writing this. Hope it goes well and you get answers/help!

Oh, Pie, I'm so jealous of your snow! We have a hand-me-down snow suit from some friends and I'm just itching to put in on Ozzy and head outside to see how he handles the stuff. It would be perfect if it snowed late on Christmas Eve and then melted by Boxing Day because we don't have anywhere to be on Christmas Day except right here at home. And I kind of know what you mean about people not knowing what to do in the snow. Even though we get some every year here, whenever the first snow falls, it's like everyone has forgotten how to drive in it. Sometimes that happens with rain too, and hello, I live in the Pacific Northwest where it rains ALL THE TIME! People are so silly.
Ah, well. Doctors appointment went okay. Not bad not great. :shrug: They did routine PAP since I was due anyway and then I discussed options and explained my irregular periods. She checked signs/symptoms for PCOS and said I have none other than the irregular periods.

Then I went to get blood drawn to check my Thyroid and Prolactin levels. Not sure why? I think she told me but I don't remember and I was an emotional mess already at this point. :cry: Results should be in Friday or Monday at the latest and then I have a decision to make. Either take birth control for a month and stop and see if it helps regulate me and get pregnant or take progesterone for 10 days and then get a period and see if I ovulate on my own. Or, do as I have been and just wait it out.

I have thought a lot about it in the little time since then and have MOST LIKELY decided to just get the progesterone for 10 days and hope it helps regulate me and I O on my own. Which I think I should. Not sure why I wouldn't.

But I'm super curious about my lab results! Any feedback on what you girls think would be helpful for me, too.

So, all in all not a bad visit but still unanswered questions but getting closer I think. I will decide by Friday what I want to do though mostly likely as far as progesterone or BC pills go.
Well that sucks offer of provera.. did she even mention it at all.. i would just ask for it.. what is the progesterone supposed to do to make your period come..
Progesterone is what Provera is. She said think about it and let her know Friday. So that's what I'm gonna do. The mention of BC pills and wasting a month TTC doesn't sound appealing to me.
Oh really i didnt know that.. thats what i would def take.. and then see what happens from there.. :)
Haking, I'm sorry your appointment didn't go as well as you would have liked. I think I always go to the doctors expecting more than I get, so disappointment usually ensues. I think i would definately try the progesterone, because not only will the BC mean a lost month of TT, but you might also have wacky cycles after the BC! I know it also made mine weird after I stopped. Just one more reason why I'm glad I'll never be using it again.

And Harley, I don't even know why I keep thinking about twins. I blame my DH for getting those thoughts in my head. I was justthinking yesterday, and I realized that I actually felt implantation happen twice, a few hours apart, and then had to stop myself before I started down the twin trail again. :dohh:

I've been having another rough evening again, tonight. I just wish I wasn't so moody with this pregnancy. :(
Double implantation pain? So they'd be fraternal twins. Hee hee. Sorry, I'm just having a little fun. Sorry you're having a rough night. I wish there was some magical cure for moodiness. If you ever find it let me know.

Haking, it sounds like your doctor appointment went pretty well. It's tough, I bet, when you just want answers right away. I don't know a lot about using progesterone to get things going, but I personally would try to avoid BC if possible. I never really liked being on it, but maybe that's just me.
Oh, HAKing... At least you're closer to a probable solution, so I'm glad it didn't go too bad. My doctors are useless, they'd just brush you off here! :growlmad: I think I'd go for the progesterone too. I think they suggest BC because the "mini pill" is a progesterone-only pill. I had to go on this when DF and I first got together as my blood pressure is naturally higher than average, tbh it's because I have "white coat syndrome!" It usually calms down after a few tries but they're too impatient for that kinda thing!! :dohh:

It wasn't any fun being on it because of the side-effects (I was on Cerazette btw), I had irregular bleeding (every other day) and it made sex almost impossible [TMI] because I literally felt like I'd closed up!! :blush: I joked with DF that "no wonder it's birth control. There's chance of having sex, nevermind getting pregnant!" :haha: Saying that, I honestly feel it helped me concieve DD. I thought we'd be trying a while - after a TTC with no results for 3 years with my ex. I do think it kickstarted something.

I'd go for the progesterone over BC because like you said there's that waisted TTC time. I stopped taking my BC at the beginning of April last year and got my BFP at the beginning of August, and that's a long time to wait when you've already had that long wait already! :hugs: Good luck, hun. Whatever you decide. :flower:

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