anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Yep, Harley, I guess I've got fraternals. :haha: And as for the cure to moodiness, I have discovered it, in fact! It's called...wait for it...SLEEP! :sleep:

Chez and Harley, your new avatars are adorable. We have some cute little winter babies! :winkwink:

Chez, I was on a progesterone-only pill (Microgynon) and despite the fact that it was supposed to be fine while breastfeeding, I think it may have contributed to my milk supply drying up, so I got off of that after using it for less than a month. However, I never had break-through bleeding. In fact, after stopping it, I had my long 50 day cyle with no period. Stupid BC. :growlmad:
Thank you girls, I do have to agree and think I will go with the progesterone. Seems like the more logical choice. I just don't like the idea of going on BC pills and anything I was reading online seemed like it messed people up more than they already were. Even my best friend that has never been pregnant but switched to a different BC pills said don't do it. She said they always mess her up! :wacko:

I will most likely go down to the office tomorrow or Monday to get my prescription. Depends on if I have time tomorrow.

I talked to DH about it but he just said "whatever you think is best", Ugh, guys sometimes! :dohh:

Chez and Harley, your new pictures are super cute! I need to put up a new picture of Sam now that its winter but I am just so in love with his pumpkin picture! He looks so cute! :cloud9:

Chez, I also have "white coat syndrome" to some degree LOL. I always have high blood pressure at first and they have to retake it like 3x to finally get an accurate reading. :haha: Although, yesterday I went to get my blood drawn and I was a good girl and didn't even freak out or need anyone to go with me. I was pretty proud of myself. Now a big deal for some but I totally freak out sometimes and need DH to hold my hand.
Haking, I hate getting my blood drawn! I always come close to passing out (although I haven't yet!). Last pregnancy I was getting my blood drawn at one point and I came so close to passing out that they helped me to the waiting room, and made me lay down on the floor with my feet on one of the chairs and put a cold wash cloth on my forehead. It helped, but I sure felt silly laying there like that! :haha:
Awe, Spiffy you make me so much less silly now!

I am such a baby, when my little man had to get his finger pricked to check white blood cell count and they keep squeezing his finger to get the blood the sight of it and me holding him while he was screaming had me so close to almost fainting one of the nurses had to come in and grab Sam from me so I could lay down and they put cold wash cloths on my forehead and made me drink apple juice! :dohh: So embarrassing! :haha:

And once, I did pass out after a OB-GYN appointment! With my gown on still! :blush: My mom was with me thankfully and she covered me up before all the nurses rushed in. :haha:
I'm fine with having bloods done, and jabs. In fact, I quite enjoy it! It's the "people coming near me" bit I think I dread. As soon as that blood pressure cuff is out, my BP hits the roof... :haha: I need to be put to sleep at the dentist for a simple filling because my head shakes real bad!! :wacko:
Chez, I wish they would put me to sleep for fillings! I hate going to the dentist! (I actually have to go today, and I'm not looking forward to it...)

Haking, I can't watch when they give my LO shots or prick her finger or heel or whatever. I also had to lay down after they pricked my finger to check my iron levels! In fact, I can even one-up all of that...I almost passed out on a subway in Germany because my friends were talking about having their blood drawn! :dohh:
Yea, I really think that all the whole blood thing gets into our heads too much! I thought I was gonna be so scared to have my son but actually I wasn't nervous at all. Even when they told me I needed to have an emergency c-section!

Guess when it comes down to it we can do anything but sitting there and thinking about it is a killer!
You know what's funny? Childbirth was totally fine, except for the part where they had to put the IV in! They couldn't find a good vein, so they had to poke me about six times, and in the end they needed the anesthesiologist to come do it. I'm embarrased to say that I was crying by the time they finally got it in. :blush:
I love to watch my blood get drawn its so fun.. lol i must be weird.. :)

Hope you ladies are well.. af should arrive in 4-5 days.. :) excited for sure.. cant wait to get started on the fun side of the journey lol ..

Love the new pics harley and chez.. i tried to redo mine but i wont work.. this site hates me when it comes to pics
looooove the new pics harley and chez!!!!

you ladies all have some adorable babies :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

getting blood drawn doesnt phase me in the least. i cant stand to see them do it to my babies though :nope: i still stay with them though if they have it done. i have this weird feeling like i need to be there :wacko:
Oh, I was just talking about the dentist in my journal. I'd much rather give birth again than have any sort of dental work done! My mouth is so sensitive, I hate it!

I don't mind getting blood drawn, but I don't exactly like it either, although I used to give blood regularly when I was younger. Funny story, last week when I went to get blood drawn, there was a little boy about 8 or 9 years old getting his blood drawn in the little cubicle next to me. The nurse was trying to be funny and asked him if he drank grape juice last night because it looked like there was grape juice coming out of him. He replies, "No, it's blood." LOL I love kids!

Rojo, I can't remember if I said how adorable your family is or not. Well, they/you are! And you look familiar for some reason, but I can't think of who you remind me of. Oh well. I've had trouble with the size of my avatar pics before. If they are too big to you have to resize them first before you upload them.
Thanks Harley.. keeps telling something is missing i dont get it.. so a preg lady it is, hope to be again soon anyways lol :)
Oh you ladies just had to talk about getting blood drawn, didn't you? :argh: Just reading about it made my hands and feet all tingly :dohh: I have issues with needles going into veins, a shot in the arm or leg doesn't bother me. Although I have a really sensitive mouth as well and going to the dentist is really painful. I pay extra to go to a dentist that does a sand-blasting technique on small cavities instead of drilling, so they don't have to give you a shot.

We got a little sprinkle of snow today, half an hour later it turned into a sprinkle of rain :haha:
I usually feel like such a wimp when it comes to needles, veins, blood, etc, but you ladies are making me feel a little more normal!

As for the dentist appointmet today, I am happy to report that I have no cavaties! :happydance: Which means I get to avoid the dentist for another 6 months!
I love going to the dentist. Haha, that is one that I don't mind. Glad you don't have any cavities though, Spiffy! :happydance:

Man, my stomach is bugging me since I ate lunch. My best friend and I (also my boss :haha:) went to lunch together and ate mexican food and nothing super greasy just a fish taco and beef taco and I feel super bloated and yucky now! :nope: Blah, I need some tums!
That's weird, rojo. I don't know that that means either. :shrug: And ohmygoodness, I just saw your ticker... Only 2 weeks 4 days until Christmas! Aaaaah! That's crazy.

Ozzy wore his new Christmas jammies to bed for the first time tonight. They are super cute! I'll try and get a picture tomorrow. :)

He also had his 12 months immunizations today. (Sorry, more needle talk.) He cried while he was getting the shots (there were 5!), but he was fine just after and seemed okay all night according to Daniel. Now we just need to be on the lookout for any signs of a reaction, and there could be so many different ones since he got so many shots!

Alrighty, I've got to go to bed. I've got to be up early for work tomorrow! I'm starting my full time job! Yay!
Argh stop with the needles :haha: I can't stand having needles in me and my blood drawn. Not good when you're pregnant. I'm better with it than I used to be, I suppose because you just have to get over it in pregnancy. A few hours after my home birth I had to be transferred in to hospital because I collapsed due to dehydration and they stuck so many needles in me, I absolutely hated it. I seriously would rather have given birth again. I could handle giving birth but not all those needles! I nearly fainted when a nurse took one out.

HAKing have you got your progesterone now? I agree, I think that's a much better idea than BC. You don't want to be wasting time.

Hope Ozzy's ok after his jabs Harley. Noah had a slight reaction about 10 days after but it wasn't too bad and seemed to be over quickly.

Spiffy you've just reminded me that I haven't been to the dentist in ages :blush: I'm generally pretty good with my teeth but really should go again.

Well I feel so sick and tired of being sick. I feel sick constantly and if it's not feeling sick it's insane hunger. I hate it. It's like I have to eat constantly but I hate eating and there's very little I want to eat. When I do eat I can't eat very much so I know that half an hour later I'm going to be hungry again. I'm trying not to let it get me down but it is if I'm honest. I don't remember it being this bad with Noah, my mum says it wasn't either. I'm hoping I get some relief soon but no sign of it yet :cry:
Aww pie hope you get some relief soon..

Harley i know time is flying by now.. i cant believe it.. its crazy..
Pie, it sounds like you might be cooking a little girl this time! :winkwink: Either way, though, I hope you start feeling better soon. :hugs: I feel very blessed to have never had morning sickness, although I can commiserate about nothing sounding good. That seems to be my big problem right now. I know I need to eat, but I just stand in the kitchen looking at my food options and its depressing because everything looks gross. The problem is, fast food always sounds good! I don't want to gain more weight than I need to, but I can't turn it down if my DH offers to go pick me up something.

Harley, good luck with your new job! You'll do great! :thumbup: And I hope Ozzy continues to feel fine. :)

Haking, I hope your stomach is feeling better today. :flower:

AFM, I have been having the weirdest dreams since getting pregnant. And that's saying something, because I have weird dreams normally. Last night in my dream I bought a fertility test, and as I was taking it out of the package, I saw that it also came with canoe paddles, a badminton set, and a couple of small tubes of black paint, one of which was no bigger than my pinky fingernail. :saywhat:
Spiffy, that is a pretty bizarre dream! I remember having some crazy dreams while pregnant with Sam and seeing as how I never remember my dreams and those seemed so vivid it was really strange for me! :wacko:

Harley, hope that Ozzy doesn't have any reactions and you enjoy your new job. :flower: Is today your first day? I can't wait to see a picture of Ozzy in his Christmas jammies. I was gonna buy some for Sam today so he has during the holiday time. I saw Carter's had them for $8 until Monday.

Pie, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you get some relief soon. :hugs:

AFM, I haven't started the Progesterone yet because I hadn't had a chance to make it to the doctors to pick it up. I was gonna go today possibly during my lunch but I have so much to do to get ready for Sam's party tomorrow that I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I might just have to go on Monday since actually doesn't bother me too much since it gives me a few days to see if I start on my own and if not I will just start them on Monday. I felt slight camps last night so maybe its coming. Or maybe it was just my upset stomach from lunch! :haha:

Last night my MIL gave Sam an early Christmas gift since we won't be here for for Christmas. It was a bike that makes all kinds of noise and sings and he can either push/walk with it or sit on it. He absolutely loved it! We were pushing him around on it and he was just cracking it! It was so cute!

So a bit of sad news, my SIL found out that the only way they can have another child is in vitro. :cry: The medication that she was taking didn't work and doctor told them that was the only option. I know they don't have the $10k to pay for it and I feel pretty sad for her. I wish I could somehow help. :nope:

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