anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

So this morning when I woke up I was laying in bed thinking I can't believe 1 year ago I had the most perfect little boy in my arms, finally! :cloud9: Crazy to think I have a one year old...time sure does fly! I'll have to change his ticker today.

Spiffy, when Sam was around 5 months we started baby food once a day and worked up to twice. He also really loved it because I think he got fuller from it and new tastes and textures were fun for him. Now he is an eating machine and we only do real food. No more disgusting looking baby food! :haha: Alia will start to gain weight getting more solids. And it sounds like she is enjoying it too. :thumbup:

DH and I went out to dinner last night for Sam's birthday and talked about a lot of things and decided to get through the holidays NTNP for a month and then end of January TTC full time again. A big part of me feels like a weight has been lifted and I am kinda happy, and relieved to not have the stress during the holidays and I feel it will be a good chance to allow my body to get back to normal and be mentally prepared to try again without the stress of the holidays. I really :thought: I would have been pregnant by now but I think too much stress has prevented it and my body wasn't ready obviously.

So in the meantime, I hope that you get your BFP Rojo and hopefully I will be joining you in a month or so! :hugs:
Hey ladies.. well i can officially say af has shown up.. yesterday i was just soo busy to be on here... getting groceries etc.. so im on cd2 today.. but at least something happened.. :)

Im officially among the TTCers :)
Haking, I think we'll start having Alia eat more real food and less baby food, but first we need to find thinsg that she can eat with only two bottom teeth, because she tends to put too much in her mouth at once and gag on it. I let her do it, though, so that she can learn (although obviously I'm close at hand in case she can't fix the problem herself).

That's a good plan to go stress-free for the holidays, especially since AF is still missing, right? I'm looking forward to just NTNP the next time around, because TTC can be so stressful! However, I'm glad we did TTC this time, because I really wanted my kids as close in age as I could manage. Next time I won't be as stressed about that, because I'll just make sure Baby #3 has a younger sibling close in age, and not worry about the gap between #2 and #3. :flower:

Rojo that's awesome! Congrats on officially TTC!!! :)
YAY, Rojo! :happydance: Sorry she made you wait but at least she finally showed up! :thumbup:

Spiffy, Sam did the same. He would try to shove as much food in his mouth as possible, not chew and then choke! I almost had a heart attack every time he ate! :haha: but we bought those Gerber Puffs and he learned to chew eating them and even if he didn't chew they melted in his mouth so that's kinda how he learned to eat more solids. If you haven't tried them maybe give them a shot.

Yes, AF is still missing. I feel light cramps here and there but nothing yet. I'm going to get the provera next week and keep it just in case she doesn't show on her own after the new year. I really want #1 and #2 close in age but I figure even if I could get pregnant by March they would only be 2 years apart. I have a good feeling about the next few months :thumbup:
Thats great Haking.. it makes it so much nicer when your not stressed out about it.. now you can just relax and let whatever happens happen.. :)

Though if it were me i would be taking the provera just to get my cycle back going.. thats me though..
I do think that I will be taking the provera after January 1st if she doesn't show but I feel like she might come on her own but I have back up in case she doesn't.

We are leaving next Friday to Michigan so plan to pick it up before then and bring it with me if I decide to take it. Though I really don't want to have AF during the holiday :nope:

I'm staying open and just playing it by ear to see how I feel. Less stress is so nice through the holidays :wacko: and I'm glad I can relax for a few weeks.
PITAKAT- lol everyone has been saying that it seems like its flying by and i actualy feel that. i was literaly 3 months pregnant a few weeks ago it feels then i woke up 6 months! i just dont know were the time went!!! march reeeely is not far. its scary haha im so excited but the closer it gets i get abbit worried lol so im trying to keep up with my hypnobirthing book to remain calm!! lol
lol Going from 3 months to 6 months in such a hurry sounds awesome! Although I'm sure I'd feel a little scared too if (hopefully when) I were in your shoes! Did you do hypnobirthing with your first baby? How do you like it?

HAKing I like your plan to go stress-free for the holidays, while also keeping your options open. Holidays are stressful enough! :wacko:

rojo, so glad the witch finally showed her face! :thumbup:
Hi ladies, how are you all? Just a quick post, me, DH and Noah have all had the norovirus this week and it's seriously been hellish :nope: On Monday might I threw up 23 times. It got me worse, I guess because my immunity is weaker.

Anyway I hope everyone is well, haven't got much energy but wanted to say hi :flower:
So sorry to hear pie feel better soon keep hydrated sweetie
Oh, Pie that sounds horrid. Wishing you all a speedy recovery.

Rojo, that is super exciting! Yay for TTC!!!

Pez, where are you? How are you?!!

Harley, have you escaped the insane early pregnancy bloat? I have it way worse this time around, so I would never be able to go to work without arousing suspicion. Thankfully the only boss I have just drools and squeals and kicks her legs. :haha: That's so awesome that Daniel gets to be there with Ozzy while you're at work, though. Does he work from home?
Let me just start by saying I'm totally jealous - I really want to see The Hobbit! And yes, Daniel works from home. He is a freelance sports writer (fancy talk for a professional hockey blogger :)). It really is such a blessing that he has a flexible schedule where he can work from home.

*sigh* Yeah, I've got a crazy belly going on. My first day of work, my manager asked when I was going to tell everyone and I said I don't know but I don't think I can hide it very long and she agreed that I'm really showing! Yikes. I plan to tell everyone at our morning devotion meeting on the 31st, so hopefully no one suspects anything before then. And hopefully I won't get any "I thought so" comments. :mad:

Harley: I know what you mean about not being able to keep it quiet. I worked making English Toffee when i was prengnant with jonathan and some of the really really sweet smells sent me running to the bathroom. How long are you planning on not telling them?
Just a few more weeks, so hopefully I don't spill the beans before then. There are at least 5 chances every day where it would be easy for me to just blurt out I'm pregnant. :doh: Thankfully, I haven't had to puke yet. Oddly enough, one of the worst smells at work is the disinfectant spray in the bathroom that people use to cover up bad smells. Sometimes it's so thick I fee like I can't breath! Ack.

He does say Dada and Mama but that is it. He knows how to do a lot of stuff though, like clap, dance, wave bye-bye and when we say "YAY" he puts both his arms in the air! :haha: But nothing else words wise.
Phew! This makes me feel so much better. I wasn't really worried, but I keep hearing that babies should be saying 5 words by the time they turn one. Ozzy doesn't say anything except Dada and Mama, and most of the time he's just saying them as part of babbling! But he sure does understand a lot of words. He knows what we mean if we ask him, "Where's your drum?" for example.

Haking, I think we'll start having Alia eat more real food and less baby food, but first we need to find thinsg that she can eat with only two bottom teeth, because she tends to put too much in her mouth at once and gag on it. I let her do it, though, so that she can learn (although obviously I'm close at hand in case she can't fix the problem herself).
Ozzy is the same! He can't have any hard crackers or anything not cut up because he gets big chunks in his mouth and then gags/chokes. We have to feed him goldfish crackers one at a time or he'll put them all in his mouth and start gagging. Ha! We just feed him lots of little, soft things (he also only has his bottom two teeth). It's hard to come up with ideas to keep giving him a nice variety.
Aww my little guy is 10 months old today.. and today is my anniversary 5 years of marriage today :)

Here is bryce this as of this morning :)


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Pie, so sorry you've all been ill. :( The funny thing is, we visited friends in Arizona, and their daughter got Alia and DH sick, plus the rest of my friend's family, but somehow I managed to escape it! I thought that was odd since our immune systems are supposed be lower during pregnancy. :shrug: Anyway, I hope you all feel better soon!

Harley, I bet it will be such a relief when you can finally tell everyone at work! You'll have to let us know how it goes. :winkwink:

Well, last night we went and saw the big Mormon Tabernacle Christmas concert, and it was absolutely beautiful. They always have guest artists performing each year, and this time it wad Alfie Boe. He's a British tenor, but I had never heard of him before. I was wondering if you UK ladies were familiar with him?
rojo: that is a beautiful pic of your lo what a cutie. YAY finally the evil witch desided to show her face huh. Well good luck on ttc i hope you get your bfp soon!!!:flower:

Pie: I am soo sorry you all have been so ill. I really hope that your family feel better soon. You too that must not feel so good during pregnancy.:hugs:

Harley: Aww it will be a HUGE relief being able to tell people. Lucky you no sickness yet! I hope it stays that way!!

HAKing: I think you are right on the teeth. I just looked at jonathans mouth and sure enough his right bottom tooth is just poking through! So that will be 3 on the bottom and im sure the other one wont be far behind! It is so much more relaxing ntnp no as stressful and you are right stress sometimes keeps things from happening! Relax enjoy the holidays!!:thumbup:

spiffy: sounds like a beautiful concert. I love christmas more than any other holiday!

Today im going to order some more toys online! i love christmas hahaha. My af is suppose to start on thursday the 20th. And all i can say is imm soo bloated. I hate this time of the month. Im just ready for her to arrive so my craving cramps and bloat just leaves! lol Its bad this month im having a hard time closing my jeans. (Im sure i didnt eat to much haha)
Duejan, it could be early pregnancy bloat, you know... :winkwink:

Well, I officially had my first craving this pregnancy. Sushi! Mmm...I wanted it so bad yesterday, and today I finally made my DH go get some with me for dinner, and it still sounds good. Of course I just have to stick with the cooked stuff, but I'm okay with that. :)
Hi ladies, well I'm back on my feet and thank you so much for all the get well wishes. It was awful but at least it's over, poor Noah, he just didn't understand why his tummy hurt so much, he kept getting so sad :nope: DH and I are back to normal though. We've stayed away from people this weekend though because it's so contagious and you're still infectious for up to 3 days after you feel better. Bit gutted because it meant we had to miss a Christmas meal with my best friends last night but what can you do, they wouldn't thank us if we gave them the evil bug!

As for me, I'm good, back to my usual pregnancy sickness, joy. Oh my God I look so pregnant now it's ridiculous, I'm having to hide it as best I can in clothes but it's now proving to be a challenge. I'm very glad I only have about 2 more weeks of fibbing! Oh and I have also seen the return of the linea nigrea! How weird is that?! I looked down yesterday and there it was,very faint but returning.

Rojo I'm so glad to hear AF showed her face and you can get started on TTC! You must be so excited. Happy anniversary! Bryce looks gorgeous in that pic :cloud9:

Have you officially started TTC duejan? I was wondering whether you're actually expecting AF on 20th or not :winkwink:

Spiffy I have heard of him yes, I'm not really into that kind of music so don't know much about him but he is very successful. Sounds like a wonderful concert!

I wouldn't worry about talking Harley, Noah doesn't say anything and I'm not worried about it, he'll speak when he's ready :flower: I know he understands so much though by how he reacts to things. He knows when we're telling him not to do things, like bashing stuff against the tv :dohh: (why that's fun I don't know!) because he stops and cries, bless him. It does make me hope that he will be generally easy going because he stops and doesn't try to continue it.
Pie, sorry you had to miss your party, but I'm glad you're feeling better. :flower: That's funny that your linea nigra is back already. You know what's weird? I never got the linea nigra until AFTER I gave birth! Like two or three days after labor, I looked down at my stomach and was like, "What the heck?" :haha:

As for talking, Alia says "mama", "dada", and "baba", but don't quite associate meanings with them yet. I think she's starting to understand that "mama" means me, though, because she now only says it around me.

Rojo, I don't think I told you happy anniversay! Also, that is an adorable picture of your little cutie pie. :)

Also, Pezkin and Skadi, where are you? We miss you! :hugs:
Spiffy: i wish it could be but i really dont think so. Its like i knew i was pregnant with my other too and i deff dont feel preggo. I was still on my patch for i think a week during this month. So my chances are very little. Thank you though send fairy dust my way! lol sushi you know i have never tried sushi can you believe that haha

Pie: I am soo happy to hear you all are feeling better!!! Thats great! We are not yet afficiall ttc still ntnp. So i do expect for her to show. With the patch i would take off on monday and she would show on that thursday just like clock work every month for 10 months now haha. so i will probably freak if she doesnt show up thursday haha

I know what you mean about talking i think jonathan can say a few words like mama dada papa nata (natalia) nana( de nada ) Welcome in spanish) lol But like you said sometimes he not sure what hes refering too exept when he is mad or yelling lol He also understands when we tell him no. Because he continues doing it and laughing about it lol
I think I'll be testing on the 23rd or 24th, as I want to make sure that I'm ok to have a Christmas mixed drink (or two! :haha:). Don't think I'll be getting a positive, but I usually end up testing once a month, so I'm getting used to the negatives.

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