anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

love all the pics ladies! so adorable :cloud9:

i hope you ladies all get the gender you are hoping for :hugs:
Blessed, I know you're only 4 dpo right now, but what day do you plan on testing? :)
Hey ladies.. well dont think im oing yet.. should in the next few days though.. wait and see what opks say as the day goes on.. cbfm said high yet though..

Hope everyone is well.. cd16 for me
Rojo, I hope O happens soon for you! Does the Clomid screw up the cbfm readings at all? I'm not really sure how all that works... :shrug:
rojo- i hope o is very soon! you're doing great, i hope the clomid works wonders :hugs:

spiffy- i tested today.... yes i know its 4dpo :blush: DH said if i didnt pee on a stick, he was gonna. he twisted my arm :haha: i have a bunch of dollar store tests, so why not lol. i also have a bunch of opk's so they may get pee'd on too, who knows :shrug:
Rojo, I hope you get O'ing, so you can get POASing, so you can get your BFP! :winkwink:

Blessed, I love how your DH is such a POAS addict! It's probably a good thing that mine isn't, because I'm already so bad as it is. :haha:
Cute pics, HAKing! Love the bump!

Here's my first bump pic! 17 weeks on the dot, taken last night. :)

Rojo, I've got my fingers crossed for you!

Also, I just have to share my first crazy pregnancy dream I had with you ladies. The other night, I dreamt that Daniel gave birth to a baby girl! Ha! He went into labour and I was like, "Okay, let's go the hospital!" He said, no, there's a list of things I want to do. He had a "bucket list" of stuff to do during labour! We had to go to his friend's house so he could show Daniel how to beat a video game he had been trying to complete for a few months, then we had to go to someone's house and Daniel had to have his picture taken wearing a hockey goalie jersey. I just kept following him around saying, "Okay, can we go to the hospital now?!" So weird!


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    17 week bump - resized.jpg
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Thanks ladies.. it does if you do it too early but i didnt start it till later in the cycle so i know it hasnt messed up mine.. i think the cbfm doesnt always catch the surge in hormones.. because some cycles i dont get a peak but get a pos opk later on in the day.. so im testing multiple times a day.. :)

here are some of my tests.. have taken a pic of todays.. cuz i havent done it..


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Rojo, OPKs are looking good! :thumbup: C'mon O!!!

Blessed, that is funny about your DH being a poas addict too! :haha:

Harley, I LOVE your bump picture! Looks like its coming along nicely. :happydance: I can't believe you're already 17 weeks, time sure seems to be flying by! You're dress is really cute. I was just telling DH I think this summer I'll be living in dresses seeing as how I'll be super pregnant in the worst part of the heat. :wacko:
aww rojo i love those pics looks like you all had a great time!!!! Come on oh your test look good just need the perfect positive

Blessed that is just too funny about your dh telling you to go poas. Haha my dh was one that is always like no wait until your late and bla bla so thats good to see there are some dhs who are as exited as the mom to be :thumbup:

Spiffy: When we got pregnant with natalia we too were doing it like everyday. We too were considered newly weds. Not as much as you but we got preg 2 weeks after our wedding lol

Haking: I love the pics of you and sam at the park. Love the bump. I do believe in the shuttles method. When we were trying with jonathan i was really trying to follow this method and well it worked. This time im really not sure when i oed or any of that as like i said i was still on and off bc.

Harley: What a bump!!! Its just BEAUTIFUL. I really wish i would get one already. I dont know why im alway one who shows late. Although i showed early with my daughter. :shrug:

As for me well my daughter my son and my husband are all sick. Runny nose caugh sore throat fever. I kinda feel like im going crazy lol. You all know when men get sick they are bigger babies then babies are haha.

off topic. Has anyone ever heard myths of owls being good and bad luck. The other night it was like3 am and my daughter just woke up because she couldnt breath through her nose and came into our room. Thats when me and dh heard the owl like 3 or 4 times. (never happens) Then my dh told me a story about his aunt many years ago heard the owl one night and a few weeks later her 2 year old daughter had died. I had also heard other stories that owls bring good fortune. And if a pregnant women hears it then her baby will be blessed. I also heard that they bring bad luck to children and make then sick. Im crazy i know but im kinda super sticouse (spelling) But what do others think about this. Its just soo weird i have never heard a owl before until that night. Now both my kids are sick and my dh. :dohh: i sound like a crazy person ha
Aww, that sucks that you family is all sick, duejan. Hope you stay healthy!

As for owls, I haven't ever heard anything like that. I don't really put much stock in that sort of thing anyway. I heard an owl once while I was camping (I was a counsellor at a summer camp and we were spending the night up on the mountain), and I just thought it was super cool. Well, for the first few minutes anyway. Then it just kept us awake all night! Ha!
Hi ladies, sorry I've been a bit absent, it truly has been a roller coaster of a couple of weeks. Will go back and catch up on how everyone's doing in a min, but did see your bump pic Harley, you look gorgeous! Still have hardly any myself, I never seem to remember to do it :dohh:

Right well. Where to start... I don't know if you ladies remember me telling you about my dad and him leaving my mum two days after Noah's birth? Long convoluted story but basically he recently got in touch with me again (it was me who cut contact). He wanted to know if we could have a relationship again.

Long story short, I said no, and I'm heartbroken :cry: I hated having to do it, I've been crying over it for about a week and I miss him so much, but the whole thing is just so painful that I can't cope with it. He's marrying this girl, they're having a baby (let me remind you he's 66 and she's 25!) and between them they ripped my family apart and treated my mum like dirt on his shoe, and couldn't give a stuff what it did to me to have to deal with the mess he left behind when I had a newborn baby. I have it in me to forgive him, but not while he's still with this girl and while he doesn't fully comprehend how much he's hurt me and how much he hurt my mum, who deserves a heartfelt apology.

I do detect a slight shift in him, a bit more remorse and taking more responsibility for his actions, but it's not enough yet really. And how on earth would a relationship between us work when I want to know absolutely NOTHING about his soon to be wife and child? The thought of the child breaks my heart too, for the poor little mite to be born into that.

So it's been a bit rough for me, I feel unbelievably sad at the waste of it all and I keep wanting to say to him, how was it worth it? I know for definite that he realises now it was a mistake, because he told a friend of his who is also a friend of my mum's. He used the word entrapment so he knows she deliberately got pregnant. He lost everything, or should I say gave up everything. He said he's marrying her because, and I quote, 'I don't want to be on my own'. He's a very weak and selfish person.

I've done a lot of crying but feel a bit better, a bit calmer. Thankfully we do have something big to focus on - we found a house! I saw it on my own last week and took DH to see it on Saturday, we both agreed we loved it but couldn't pay the asking price. In the end we got it for 35k under the asking price :happydance: In absolute delighted shock! It needs a lot of work but I'm excited about the prospect of making it ours and it's a proper family home in such a nice area.

So that's good, and this weekend is my 30th birthday! DH is throwing me a party on Saturday and my mum is kindly looking after Noah for the evening. And then next Wednesday we get to see bean again, and find out boy or girl!
Pie, I'm so sorry to hear about all the drama with your dad and his soon to be wife! :nope: I can't imagine how hard it was for you to tell him you didn't want him in your life. Maybe in time you will change your mind, but right now you know what is best for you and you shouldn't feel bad or regret your decision. Though I know it must be hard....:hugs:

It does indeed sound like you have a lot to keep you busy though! :flower:

So so so happy you got an awesome house and a great area! I can't wait to see pictures. It will be fun making it your own with DH, Noah and bean! :thumbup:

I bet you're super excited to find out the sex of the baby!!! :happydance: Do you guys have any names picked out yet?
Hi everybody! I just wanted to stop in and say hello.

Adorable Bump Pics ladies!! :)

Good luck with the O this week Rojo!

And Pie - I remember when that happened and I'm sorry the drama is being dredged up again. Hugs to you :hugs:
Hey, lalila! Good to see you! :flower:

Pie, I'm sorry to hear that you're still having a lot of trouble with the situation with your father. I was actually just talking to my dad yesterday about his father (who decided to walk away from his family when my dad was 5. His new wife told him that it was either her or his family, so he chose her and has had nothing to do with his two kids, or grandkids, since). My dad said that he was glad that he just put his father behind him, because he didn't want to waste time and energy worry about someone who never gave him his time or worry. Now my aunt on the other hand, has repetedly tried to reach out to their father, and everytime she does, she ends up getting hurt.

Of course, your father actually wants a relationship with you, so it might be different, but ultimately it's up to you and what kind of risk you're willing to take, especially now that you have kids who can be hurt or benefit from a relationship with their grandfather.

But that's great news about the house! :happydance: I can't wait to hear how that goes as you move in a start to make it your own! :thumbup:

Duejan, I don't really believe in good luck or bad luck omens, but I do hope that your family starts feeling better soon! :hugs:

Harley, I love your bump picture! Your bump looks very similar in size to mine, so that's reassuring, since I was starting to think that I was way bigger than other women at this stage. That was a crazy dream! So now I have to tell you mine from last night:

Have you heard about that women in Texas who gave birth to quadruplets who were two sets of identical twins? Well, apparently it made it's way into my dream, because I dreampt that I was giving birth to quads (I had a vaginal delivery, and was pretty proud of myself for that) and then we were taking them home, and we had so many pacifiers that they kept falling on the ground, so I had to go wash them. There were two boys and two girls, and we named them Aiden, Caleb, Amelia, and Brielle (Brielle is the name we'll most likely name this baby if it's a girl, but I don't know where the others came from). When we were home, my DH was on his phone, and I was trying to get his attention and then I started crying, and said, "You have to remember that I just gave birth, and I probably won't get any sleep for at least 4 months, so I need you to not be on your phone all the time." And even though I just delivered four babies, and I went right back to work, and my aunt and her family where staying at my house to help me with the babies, and the weirdest part was that, even though I wasn't breastfeeding, I actually grew more nipples off to the side of my breasts, since I had so many babies! :rofl:
Good to hear from you, Lalila! Hope all is well :flower:

Spiffy, you and your dreams crack me up! :rofl:

Duejan, I don't put much thought into omens either but it would seem like a weird coinicedence that you're family is sick now. :shrug: Either way, I hope that everyone starts feeling better!

AFM, Sam didn't have a very good sleeping night which means neither did I :dohh: He woke up twice which is so unlike him since he usually sleeps 8pm till 7am or later! :shrug: Oh well, at least tomorrow is Friday and then the weekend will be somewhat relaxing.
Hey, Rojo. We're all twiddling our thumbs, waiting with you!

HAKing, Ozzy had a rough night last night too. Which means I'm also running on not enough sleep. He usually sleeps the same time as Sam, too, so I feel for you!

Spiffy, that dream is hilarious. Especially the extra nipples! Ha! I like all the names you chose, though. :) Brielle is such a beautiful name.

Hi, lalila! :hi:

Pie, that is sad about your dad. I can't imagine how you feel. My mom's mom was distant for most of her childhood (I think she left my grandpa when my mom was around 4), and then tried to reconnect in adulthood. It never really went well. Finally, my mom basically said, "Thanks for giving birth to me" and left it at that. I'm not sure exactly why, but this Bible verse came to mind when I though of your story today:

Proverbs 26:4
Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him.

Not that you would actually become just like your dad, but the gist of the verse is that sometimes a fool just needs to be left alone and no good can come of trying to "fix" them. Maybe eventually, like you said, but I do think you've made the right decision for the time being. I applaud you for making such a tough decision. :hugs:

Oh, and great news about the house! We're considering our options for moving sometime in the next few years (eventually we'll outgrow the place we're in now; it's just not big enough for two toddlers!). Nice to hear a positive story to give me some hope!
Funny, Alia had a rough night last night, too. There must be something in the air!

In other news, I finally, without a doubt, felt baby moving around! :happydance:
Thank you so much ladies :hugs: Yes it has been really tough, but at the moment I know it's too painful for me to be in touch with him. My grip on my sanity was shaky the last time I tried. I do feel certain that his relationship will implode, she has a kind of obsession with him and as is the nature of such things, it will end when she becomes obsessed with someone else.

I miss him like mad, but as I said to him, I don't know if the person I miss is still in there. I hope so, and I hope there's a relationship for us further down the line. But I fear it will never be what it was. I trusted him implicitly and he broke that trust. I will forgive, in time, but I don't know if I could ever forget, or forget enough to allow us to get back what we had. But I do believe in forgiveness, which I'll willingly give when he acknowledges the consequences of his actions and shows some genuine remorse. Until that time, I need space from him.

That's a really thought-provoking proverb Harley, thank you :flower: I kind of feel that if I allowed us to have some sort of relationship now, it wouldn't be teaching him anything. That he needs to see what he has done and what he has lost before he'll truly understand the depth of the hurt.

So yes, tough but the right decision for me, at least for now. We shall see what the next few months bring. I feel pretty certain that he's not going to fare well at the age of 66 with a newborn! I think we all know how gruelling the sleep deprivation can be, and we're all young and healthy.

Very very excited about our house, it's going to be beautiful when we're done and I'm so excited about making it ours. It has a lovely garden and I just keep envisaging the simple things that I've missed since being in this flat. Being able to eat at a dining room table. Having friends over for a barbecue in the summer. Parking on our own driveway and just walking into the house without climbing a flight of stairs. The paperwork is coming out of my ears but I'm tackling it happily at the moment!

HAKing no, we have absolutely no names! :dohh: It's driving me mad. We'd kind of chosen Erin for a girl but I went right off it because I realised but for one letter it's the same as my dad's name. For a boy there's loads of names I love but DH hates. I love Gus, Rupert, Felix, Casper, Rory, Jude (my absolute favourite)... He hates them all! I also love Connie for a girl but he hates that too. I hate that this baby still has no name! Noah had his name so early. If it were up to me this baby would be Connie or Jude but he won't have it.

Spiffy that's great that you're finally feeling your wriggler! :happydance: And that latest dream is mad :haha: They're so vivid!

Good luck on the O'ing rojo!

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