anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

loooooove the names ladies!!!!! :cloud9:

cant wait to hear some more genders and see some more bfp's :D
The thought is very exciting.. reality might be a bit much lol.. it would all work out though..

On night 2 of clomid.. cant wait to be done.. and back to poas-opks for a bit.. will post my positive.. may as well huh.. :)
Yeah, rojo! Always fun to see pos tests, even if they are 'just' opk's. :)

Ozzi, nice to hear from you. Glad little jelly bean is doing well, and I hope your MS improves soon. I love the name Willow. I had mentioned it to DH as an option for a girl name (not that it matters for this pregnancy anymore), but he wasn't too keen. Might be that he didn't want to name two kids after characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Ha!

Spiffy, I can't believe I didn't post the full name here! Ack! His name is James Olsen Bradbury (Surname). James was my dad's name (and it's also a family name on DH's side), and I really wanted to use it as a first name and not just a middle name. The only way I could convince Daniel was if we call him Jimmy and made his first middle name Olsen so that he would be "Jimmy Olsen" like the character from the Superman comics. (Yes, we are both huge nerds, DH moreso than I.) The second middle name is after one of both of our favourite authors, Ray Bradbury. Author/poet names is a tradition we are trying to start/keep going on DH's side of the family. His middle name is Estlin after his dad's favourite poet, e. e. cummings. :)

So, yes, Jimmy is short for James. (My dad went by Jimmy when he was growing up.) I could see us calling him Jim later on too. Or even Job, since those are his initials. :) Not sure I'll ever really call him James. LOL

In other news... I'll be 20 weeks tomorrow. Aaaah! It's going by so fast!
aww 20 weeks already.. cant believe it.. Harley

Hope your all well.. Night 2 of clomid done.. 3 to go.. :) waiting for af to leave so i can get back to testing.. well once my opks arrive from amazon..
Harley, I love the full name! I got really into the show Smallville, so I'm familiar with Jimmy Olsen's character. Also, I was friends with a kid in high school who was Ray Bradbury's grandson, so if I was still in touch with him, I'd have to tell him about you naming your son after his grandfather. :flower:

Pie, I think Milo is a really cute name! It sounds really good with Alexander, too. :thumbup:

Hi, ozzi! Glad to hear bean is doing well, but I'm sorry that Williw is sick and that you're suffering from morning sickness. I hope you both feel better soon!

Duejan, that's funny about your MIL's "pregnancy sense".

Rojo, I love staring at pee-sticks, be they opks, or hpts. So post please! :haha:

As for us, Alia is still throwing up in the middle of the night and seems a little tired during the day, but she's still keeping pretty happy despite that. She's such a trooper! Last night she threw up, and then after we cleaned her and put her back down, she "sang" for a half an hour before going back to sleep (I don't know how else to describe it other than singing, although it definitely doesn't sound like any song I know! :haha:)
Harley I love the story behind Jimmy's name! We don't have any story behind this bean's potential name other than I quite like it :haha: It would be nice if it had more meaning. Gosh time is flying, I can't believe you're 20 weeks. I'm now 22 weeks and I have no idea where the time is going, bean is getting so big now.

Thanks duejan and spiffy, I'm liking Milo a lot, just want to convince DH to properly agree to it - he's reluctant to make the final decision I think.

Aw spiffy, poor Alia, I always find it so amazing how upbeat kids can be even after they've just been sick! Noah's the same, he throws up and grins 5 mins later. Whereas of I'm sick I'm moaning to myself afterwards wrapped up in a duvet :haha:

Duejan that's so funny about your MIL's pregnancy 'radar'!

Good luck rojo! And looking forward to seeing some OPKs :flower:

So im seriously feeling down today.. the one person i have been ttc with on here probably has her bfp after month one of clomid.. ugh its just annoying and hard to take.. now im ttc alone again.. though im very very happy for her she had an early mc so i want the best for her.. but im still sad that were not in it together pregnant or not..

Hope everyone is well..

day 3 of taking clomid tonight..
Rojo, I'm so sorry that you're feeling down. :( I know how hard it is to see someone else get lucky on the first month, even though you're still happy for them. I have a really good friend who concieved both her kids ont he first month, and it hurt, even though I was very happy for her. But just remember, Blessed and Lalila are both still TTC, so you're not alone. :hugs:
well rojo we are practically ttc. :hugs: i started charting after my first ppaf very loosely, then more and more since then. had first one in january. when i realized i had short lp again i started vitex this month. now im using preseed, vitex, progesterone cream, b vits, softcups, bbt and charting... i feel relaxed that if it doesnt happen it will soon... but im hopeful still and with all im doing i might as well call it ttc :haha: so im still in it with ya:thumbup:
Spiffy, I think the name Liam is great! :thumbup: I've heard it a lot more in the past few years and it has since grown on me. So sorry Alia is still sick and vomiting. :nope: At least she is good spirits still though.

Pie, Milo is a cute name and goes well with Noah. Names are so hard sometimes...I remember with Sam it took a lot for DH to agree on a name I liked and when we came up with Samuel he and I just loved it and it was set! :happydance:

Hi, Ozzi! Glad pregnancy is going well...sorry about the MS, hopefully it will leave soon! I hope that Willow starts feeling better soon also! :hugs:

Harley, James is an awesome name! I love names that you can shorten if you want when they are little but still have a strong name for when they are grown.

Duejan, that is pretty funny about you're MIL. :haha:

Rojo, so sorry you're feeling down. :hugs: I really hope that this is your month...just try to stay positive; though I know it easier said than down when TTC sometimes.

AFM, nothing too exciting to report. Today is my day with Sam all to myself! :happydance: I think we are gonna go for a walk in a little bit and then hopefully he will go down for a name so I can get some cleaning done.

We found out what we are getting back for taxes...not as much as I wished but it is still good and we are just gonna pay off some bills so that we are in a better spot to get approved for a second house in a few months. :thumbup:

I'm still hopeful to be moved by July but staying realistic and knowing it just may not happen which is okay too!

Hope everyone is well :flower:
Thanks ladies.. its just one of them days.. ugh

Yay Blessed.. hope you get you bfp soon.. :)
Doh. Totally forgot to say that I love the names Liam and Milo! Good choices, as far as I'm concerned. :)

Rojo, I remember what it was like when EVERYONE around me was getting pregnant and having two or three babies before we'd even had one. Not a fun thing to feel at all. And I also know that having children already does not really lessen that feeling of loneliness. It's okay to have 'those days.' :hugs:
Aww rojo its ok to feel like that! I told you it took a year to concieve my son since i took out my iud. Everyone was becomeing pregnant while i was here alone. You try to be strong so everyone doesnt see your jelouse but really you are soo mad and wondering why on earth cant you get pregnant. I was acually looking into something called like secondary infertility or something because i was soo nervouse where after one child you become infertile. i was just driving myself nuts. Please feel free to rant to us. We wont take it personally at all. We are hopeing for you and now soon that your bfp will be comeing soon!!!!

Harley: I love the full name. I think james is a great name but jimmy is soo cute lol. I love it

Spiffy im soo sorry that Alia is still not feeling well.. You know jonathan is the same when he is sick. Last year he was in the hospital with pnemonia and he was laughing and smiling the whole time. The doctors are like what this baby is sick lol. I really hope though that she feels better soon!!

Blessed im soo happy that you are officially ttc!!! YAY cant wait to see them test!!

Haking i love getting taxes back lol. We got a good amount back this year too. It sure does feel great to have some extra money laying around. Im selling my car so im hoping that we will get some more savings saved lol.

AFM well im on day one of four with work this week. I work today tomorrow wednesday and saterday. I am finding it soo hard to work so many days in a row waking up at 5 am lol. Jonathans appitite has gone down this week and im not sure why. Maybe teething again. Did i mention to you ladies that he has been climbing on the couch for like 3 weeks now. He has fallen off a couple times but now he is a pro on getting on and off but he still freaks me out lol. We just found out that we are getting a refund for our new escape we just bought because we payed too much taxes on it. Thats pretty awsom some more money we didnt expect.

I think last night i was finally feeling some movement. Just like those little pop movements!! What do your los say. Do they talk or say words that they truely kno the meaning?
Duejan, Alia says "mama" in context, "dada" not in context, and then is also trying to say some new words, like today she was saying "ba-woo" and pointing at her balloons from the birthday party. She's also says "goo-goo" when she sees her baby doll, since thats the sound I make when I give it to her. Sometimes she says "bee-bee" when she sees babies, too.

I'm not totally sure, but I think she's ahead on speech for a 12 month old, but that makes sense seeing as she's always been behind in physical milestones. :winkwink:
yea you see my kids where pretty advanced physically. But Natalia was a very late talker and even now is kinda behind an adverage 4 year old. Jonathan right now can say Mama, papa, natalia, adios, and hola in context But i heard that alot of kids are pointing by now asking what things are but he doesnt at all right now. I really hope he talks sooner and better than natalia. We are on the verge of putting natalia in speech theropy.
Duejan, Sam says momma, daddy, baba (bottle), asks "what" all the time LOL. :haha: He says hot and puts his hand out at the stove and fireplace. He just started saying water. And nana for banana. And no-no. But that is really it. I kinda worry that he should be saying more...I guess all babies develop at different stages though.

He is very advanced physically though so maybe that has to do with the lack of words :shrug:
Don't worry about talking ladies, I have a 16 month old who says the following words: ba, argh, narg, da, ma, blurg... So basically nothing :haha: I'm not concerned, I know he understands loads of what I say to him so it'll come in time. One of my mummy friends was talking to her doctor and he said its pretty common for them to 'explode' in words at around 18 months.

Aw yay for feeling movement duejan! I love those early ones where you're not sure. Ooh yay for a bit of money back! I love little surprises like that :flower: hats off to you for working like that, I'm sure I'd be fit for nothing with 5am get-ups lol.

Rojo feel free to rant as much as you like, this TTC business is so emotional and difficult. I think because we have so much control over our lives generally it's really hard when we can't just make it happen instantly, despite doing everything right. We're always here to listen and I'm sure you'll get your bean soon :hugs:

Thanks HAKing and Harley, I think we're 95% sure he'll be Milo now! I am really pleased to have a name for him because it's been driving me nuts :haha:

Blessed I love seeing that chart in your signature, I love a bit of temp analysis :haha: The whole conception business fascinates me, I think maybe I need to reconsider my line of work for when I go back!

As for us, all is good. Although Noah has been doing something odd lately - crying in his sleep. He goes through phases of doing it, every now and then he's just wail for 10 seconds and then stop and go silent. He's still asleep and when it first started we made the mistake of going in to him to find we'd then woken him up and he was mad, he absolutely hates being woken up bless him. So we have to leave him to it, but last night he did it on and off for an hour :nope: Any ideas ladies? I'm wondering if it's bad dreams but can they have bad dreams at this age?
Pie, Alia will sometimes randomly wake up and cry for a few seconds and then go back to sleep, too. I've wondered about that before, though, about whether they can even have nightmares at this age, or not. I guess if things can scare them in real life, though, maybe they can in their sleep too. :shrug:

And yay for almost being sure about a name for Noah's brother! :winkwink: Honestly, I don't think we'll feel 100% about any name until after the baby's born and it's on the birth certificate. :haha:
Pie, Sam has done that once or twice before and I too made the mistake the first time to rush in there and pick him up and actually wake him! :dohh: I didn't realize he was still asleep.

I think it is very similar to a nightmare and I've heard other people talking about them before. I think it is something that they grow out of though. :shrug:
Bryce does it too.. I think its a combo of dreams and teeth for him..

I do think they can be scared in their sleep though.. hope he starts sleeping better..

Well tonight and tomorrow left of clomid for me.. then im done again... hoping af leaves soon.. she is hanging around.. started of sooo light and now its heavy and should be ending but isnt.. blah

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