anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Thanks haking.. i know the wanting of the opposite sex.. hopefully your next one will be your girl.. :)
Haking - congrats on your healthy little boy. I understand the feeling of sadness over gender as well. I really really wanted a little boy when I was preg with Lilli and was a bit sad for a while when we found out she was a girl. Not that I didn't love her or wasnt happy that she was healthy...I was just set on a little boy. Of course - I got over it pretty quickly and she's the love of my world now. :)
Thank you girls for understanding. :hugs: I was afraid no one would understand my feelings. I was just so torn...happy to see a healthy, wiggly little boy but sad to not see that he was a she! :nope:

My mom sent me the sweetest text this morning after I told her that made me cry such happy tears though. I felt that I was letting everyone down since they all hoped for a girl as much as I did and when I had to say boy it was kinda sad.

I am gonna spend the next week or so trying to bond with this baby and get used to HIM since for so long I thought it was a HER! :dohh: We are going to buy him all kinda of new clothes and things to make him feel special instead of hand-me-downs from Sam. :happydance:

Thank you again for not thinking I'm crazy!!! :hugs:
Rojo, that looks like the temp drop that sometimes comes before the ovulation spike! Come on eggy, let's go! :winkwink:

Haking, did your family and close friends know that you wanted a girl? DH and I did a pretty good job of keeping our hopes to ourselves, which I'm grateful for, because when we found out it was a boy, everyone just assumed that we were thrilled to have one of each now. And we are happy to have a boy, so it's not like it's true gender dissapointment. My mom really struggled after finding out that my last brother was a boy (she'd had me and then three boys), and was depressed about it for several months. I can't say for sure how I'll feel if I just have boy after boy after boy and Alia never gets a sister, but I hope I can avoid getting really depressed, because a healthy baby truly is a blessing regardless of gender.

ETA: Oops, you posted while I was still writing my response, Haking. So I guess you answered my question :winkwink:
hello ladies!!!! how is everyone doing?

lalila: im sorry the witch got you this month. Dont let it get to you. Will be hopeing for you next month!

Rojo: I love seeing your pee sticks lol. I think going by your chart you are going to o soon!!

Haking: CONGRATS on your healthy baby boy!!! You know gender disapointment is completely normal.. We all know you are not going to love him any less. Like you said just take some time and try to bond with you baby. :hugs: You will love having two sons close in age. And that is soo sweet about your dh agreeing for #3. What a sweet oh. Beautiful ultrasound pics!!

Spiffy:I am doing what you did about the gender. Im just saying whatever i have i dont care as loong as its healthy. My dh on the other hand is not. He thinks that it is DEFF another boy and keeps calling it him and so forth. Told his parent i know its another boy i just know. I told him today to stop calling it a boy until we know for sure. Im t0ld him i dont want him to be disapointed if it is another girl.

Pie: Dont worrie to much about the aspestos. We had it in our house before we even knew it. Then we started to have water leak and they came and inspected my house and we tested postive for the stuff. They blocked off the section of the house that had it and removed it. They put new carpet and tyle in the house because it was under the floors. My house was built in the 1940s i think lol. But now its all ok so dont worrie. Its just a set back..

As for me we have been busy like always lol. My dhs grandma is visiting the usa from mexico for the first time so we have been spending alot of time with her. And work of course getsme soo tired. I have 3 weeks until my gender uultrasound. And knowing my luck i will be the one to break the boy streak. That always seems to happen with me. When i had my dd everyone was having boys. When i had my son everyone was having girls. So i hope it doesnt do it this time. Like i said i do want a boy but wont be upset if i do have a girl. I just worry about my dh and his disapointment if its a girl:nope: I really hope that he wont be. Also you know i still having felt any great movement. I felt some for sure ones a while ago but nothing since... :shrug: Jonathan has learned to climb on my daughters bed. He climbs on everything now. Its anoying because im soo afraid he is going to fall. But he doesnt. He knows how to go down backwords but still lol. he gets close to the edges alot.
Duejan, I wouldn't be worried about the movement thing, too much. I didn't feel Alia until I was 16+5 weeks along, and I still thought of that as pretty early. Then, as you know, Harley and I both have anterior placentas this time around, and you very well could, too. And I really hope you get your boy! But seeing as this thread has produced no girls yet, I'd say your odds look good. :winkwink:
Newest tests.. newest on top.. def getting darker.. :thumbup:


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Duejan, I think the odds are in your favor like Spiffy said! :thumbup: I hope you get your boy.

Rojo, looks like the line are getting darker!!! :happydance:

Thanks again for understanding! :hugs: I am feeling a lot better now that it is sinking in a bit...and I'm sure I will feel even better by the weekend after we get to buy baby Ben all kinds of new things! My mom is so excited to go shopping for him...she will be here tomorrow night! :happydance:

So I know it is a bit far off, but just wondering if any of you girls are gonna try for your next soon after this baby is born? Like before they are 1 or wait a bit and space them out a bit.

I have been thinking about it a lot since DH said yes to #3 which is SUPER EXCITING because I thought we were done after this one!
well for us we are done after our next.. :) but since were at 3 i cant say lol.. cuz we have done what god has let us.. :)
Congrats, HAKing! What a little cutie you've got brewing there. Loooove the name Benjamin, btw. And I too think it's completely normal to be disappointed about having another boy. I was actually really surprised that I wasn't disappointed we are having another! Maybe it's because, in my mind, I had already started planning for a third, so it was easier to swallow.

Rojo, those tests look great! Getting close! (and thank you for indulging our poas addictions...)

As for baby number three... We have just started to kind of discuss it. Okay, scratch that; I just turned around and asked Daniel, and he is on board for a third! Wheee! Just don't know how soon we'll start trying for one after Jimmy is born. After Ozzy was born, we were NTNP until my cycles came back and then once they did we started full on TTC. I might be a fan of NTNP for a little longer this time, and then if it still hasn't happened say, when Jimmy is getting close to 2, then I'd want to start TTC "hardcore." ha!
I also think we will start NTNP from the time Benjamin is 4-5 months and then really try closer to 11-12 months. I want another close gap between number 2 and 3 too. Less than 2 years at least.

I feel slightly silly thinking about it so soon but at the same time I'm a planner so I can't help it! Plus part of me is anxious for a girl and planning helps it seem easier that I will eventually get my little girl!
Congratulations HAKing on a healthy baby boy! :flower: I completely understand why you've found it slightly difficult, I really really do because it's the exact way I felt. I was so hoping to be told I was having a girl. And on the day I did feel a twinge of disappointment, it did affect me slightly for a couple of days. I think I worry that I might never have a daughter, especially because my DH's family is so full of boys.

BUT now I am falling more and more in love with my second baby boy :cloud9: The more I think about it the better it feels and it's the God's honest truth! We're referring to him as Milo when we're on our own and I can't help imagining what he's going to look like and what his personality will be like :flower:

Duejan I really hope you get a little boy, but I completely understand your worry about how your DH will be if it's a girl. The difficult thing is he seems to have decided its a boy and when you do that you can set yourself up for disappointment. I'm sure if it is a girl though he will come to terms with it relatively quickly. Don't worry about not feeling movement yet, I didn't feel any until 17 weeks and even then it wasn't proper kicks, it was kind of rolling movements.

The tests are looking darker rojo! :thumbup: Fingers crossed you ovulate soon and can get going!

Thanks for the reassurance on the asbestos ladies :flower: I'm quite relaxed about it, it seems to be relatively easy to deal with so I'm just trying to get it all sorted. It's an older house so I was expecting there to be a few issues to deal with.

As for number three, we haven't discussed the planned age gap yet and my DH keeps trying to persuade me to stop at two. Which is not happening! I've always wanted a bigger family. I'd have four or five if he'd let me but he won't so he's going to have to compromise on three.

I'd like to have another close age gap but obviously we've got some arguing to do first!
THanks ladies..

I got my high today.. so should be oing in the next 3-4 days i would think.. its one of the cb advanced digis.. with the flashing smiley.. hard to get pic of it flashing but here is what i got.. :)


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Yay for the smiley face, Rojo! It looks like your body isn't going to make you wait so long this cycle! :happydance:

Haking, DH and I were actually just talking about age gaps last night. Since we're still planning on no birth control, it will definitely be in God's hands, but we're planning on NTNP this time, so I'm expecting there to be a bit of bigger gap between 2 and 3, since it took 4 months of hardcore TTC to get pregnant both times. But I'm okay with that, because if it turns out that there is a bigger gap, then we'll just try to have #4 sooner so that each child has a sibling close in age.
My chart.. since i know nothing about charting lol:haha:


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Hmm...I'd say that in a couple more days, it will be easy to see what's going on, Rojo. Right now you could be heading towards an ovulation spike, but then it could also just be one of those little ups and downs that happen before O. Either way, the smiley on your ovulation test is a good sign that things are starting to happen! :thumbup:
Okay...weird dream of the week, Ladies.

I dreamt that I was looking for this thread, and I thought I found it, except I didn't recognize any of the people posting on it, and I was so confused. Then, I looked up at the title of the thread, and it turns out it was a thread for guys who wanted to get Beyoncé pregnant! :dohh::haha:
Oh, Spiffy!!! :haha: You make me laugh with all your silly dreams! I have weird ones too but sadly don't really remember them after waking up. :dohh:

Rojo, looks like O is close...! :happydance:

Its interesting to hear about what everyone plans for #3 :thumbup: I really to start trying or at least NTNP after Ben turns 6 months...that is what we did after Sam too. I also don't want to be too old while I'm pregnant with the next since I want to be 100% done by the time I'm 31-32. :wacko:

My parents came in last night late, poor DH had to go pick them up so I'm sure he will be crabby tonight being he is tired! :dohh: Also, yesterday was our last day using my SIL for daycare!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: I couldn't be happier to close that door and move forward. :thumbup:

Hope everyone is well...I plan to do some major bonding with this baby this weekend as it is finally setting in that I will have 2 boys! :)
Spiffy too funny on the dream.. :)

Another flashy face for me today.. we dtd last night again. and will prob tonight too lol.. may as well since im in the mood.. ;)

Heres my updated chart... if ya all get sick of seeing it everyday let me know..


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