anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

:haha: Yeah, Alia can't get up or down on her own. Which means, if we sit her down on her butt, she can't go anywhere. :rofl:
im missing those days lol. it was nice sitting him with a pile of toys while i did the dishes. now i hear him fussing and have to sit him down. 2 seconds later he is pulling himself back up and deciding he wants to sit again so fussing again. it takes 3x as long for me to do something :dohh:
Ooh, Spring break. Fun! Too bad it's snowing... But I'm sure you'll still find lots of fun things to do together, blessed!

Hooray for the TWW, rojo! Or, rather, the 9-10 day wait! :) I have a shorter LP as well (ranges anywhere from 8-12 days). Never really tried much to lengthen it. Took some B vitamins for a cycle, but I'm not sure it did much in that amount of time. Looking forward to more POAS in a little while!

Spiffy, I still can't believe our babies are only due 3 days apart! Seems so crazy still. They could be born on the same day, for Pete's sake! And that is wonderful that Liam was doing acrobatics for your DH. So cool. Do you feel him all over your belly? I mostly feel Jimmy down low or off to the sides (i.e. where there isn't placenta).

Lol @ "google snoogle." It is fun to say. I first heard about Snoogles on the Ellen Degeneres show. I miss daytime TV. Not long now, and I can watch Ellen and Let's Make a Deal and The Chew again! Ha!

Here's a bump pic from today (22 weeks!). Daniel took it at the park for me tonight. Ozzy LOVED kicking the soccer ball around, going down the little slide and swinging on the swing. And playing with a big stick he found! It was so great.


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HAKing those pics are just gorgeous :cloud9: And I was looking at the one of your little man, he looks so like you! Lovely bump coming along there too :thumbup:

Yay for spring break blessed! :flower: That sounds very familiar about the fussing! Noah is practically running these days but he wants me with him almost constantly, so if I go off to do something he really hates it and fusses. Somehow miraculously he let me do a massive pile of ironing yesterday but I did cheat and put a film on for him. I rarely have the tv on but I thought if I don't I'm never going to get this massive pile finished!

He's also started taking my hand and leading me to whatever he wants to play with when we're at groups, it's like he needs to make sure I don't escape :haha: Funnily enough another mum was telling me that her daughter was the same when she was pregnant again, which makes me wonder if Noah somehow does know, even though I don't think he's showing many signs of understanding what we're telling him.

Harley you're looking great! :thumbup: I'm taking Noah to the park this afternoon with a football and meeting one of his friends for a bit of a kick about, he's started kicking a football properly and finds it hilarious so going to let him run about and let off some steam.

Great to see you're now in the 9-10 day wait rojo :haha: Bring on the poas!

That's so nice that your DH got to feel Liam spiffy! My DH is feeling lots of thumps from Milo now, he always seems to wait until I get into bed and lay down and then goes crazy wriggling about all over the place :cloud9: This morning when I got out of bed we both started laughing cos the bump was lopsided, looked like Milo had scooted over to the left hand side and curled up :haha:
Bryce is walking everywhere now...and into everything.. lol

Lovely bump haking..

Bleed hope you all enjoy your week.. I bet they will love just not having to do school work.. :)

Spiffy I bet ALia will be walking in not time..

Hope everyone is well..

Temp is still up this am.. so im betting o will be confirmed.. :)
Rojo, I hope that O is confirmed in the next few days for you! :thumbup: Can't wait to see some POAS!

Blessed, I hope that you enjoy spending time with your family on Spring Break! :thumbup: I bet it is nice to get to have all day with them. Hopefully it gets warm enough for them to play outside.

Duejan, when do you get to go back to the doctors to see your bean again? Your gender scan is coming up too, isn't it? :flower:

Spiffy, Sam had a doctors appointment yesterday too with shots! :cry: Poor boy, he did better than last time but still cried. It so sad to see them upset! :nope: It sounds like Alia will be walking soon...then you're gonna be running all around the house chasing her! :haha: Also, so glad you're feeling Liam more now! :thumbup:

Harley, I love your bump! Soooo cute! :thumbup: Sounds like Ozzy had a fun time at the park. Does it love playing outside? Sam can't get enough of being outside and would probably stay out all day if I let him! :dohh:

Pie, that is funny that you say Sam looks like me because everyone says that he is my husband with blonde hair/blue eyes! :haha: I see a tiny bit of me in him and he is almost 100% my personality, good and bad! :blush: That is great that you're DH is feeling Milo lots now! I feel Ben a lot laying in bed at night but nothing from the outside yet I don't think, maybe in a few weeks!

My parents are gone back home now, kinda sad to see them go since it was such a short trip but at least they will be out here for 2-3 weeks in August when Ben is born! :happydance: We did a lot of shopping for him this weekend too so now he has a good start of summer clothes :thumbup:

Today is Sam's first day at the new daycare. DH told me when he dropped him off and walked away he cried...makes me so sad! :cry: I hope he learns to love it...
Harley, your bump is adorable! That's great that you were able to take Ozzy to the park. I can't wait for some consistent warm weather so we can get outside more (of course until Alia walks on her own, it will have to be just walks in the stroller). As for feeling Liam, I used to just feel wiggles over my cervix and bladder, but it seems he's gone head down, because I've been getting some great kicks at the top of my uterus now. Nice to not have him dancing on my bladder anymore. :winkwink:

Pie, I have the same thing happen to me! I'll be laying on my back for a moment to feel my stomach, and it will be huge on one side and flat on the other, because Liam prefers my left side most of the time. Also, because of that, my belly button is always off-center. :lol:

Blessed, I told the pediatrician that Alia can't pull herself to standing yesterday, and she said, "Wow, I've never seen a baby that can cruise so well without being able to get on her feet!" :dohh: Oh Alia...our little freak of nature. :haha:

Haking, how did Sam do after his shots? I thought Alia was taking it really well until last night. She was up off and on all night long crying, and when I got her up to give her a bottle, she would cry whenever I touched or moved her legs. :( Also, I hope Sam takes to his new daycare and has a blast. :thumbup:

Rojo, only 7-8 days until testing! :happydance:
Thanks SPiffy.. I played with FF and entered high temps for tomorrow and got crosshairs.. so im betting I will get it confirmed lol..

My chart.. :)

If I do get my bfp I will due on my 6 year anniversary lol..dec 15th.. so we shall see.. but im excited.. cant wait to start testing.. April 2nd :)

Also starting my progesterone cream tonight.. :)


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Spiffy, Sam did well afterwards overall...he was a tiny bit more fussy than normal though and super clingy always wanting to he held but nothing crazy. I did give him some Tylenol though for his teeth so it may have helped his legs too.

He slept good last night, nothing out of the norm. Poor Alia, she might get a bruise if her legs were that sore to touch them. Sam got BAD bruises last time. It was horrible...I think it was because he moved when she stuck him. :shrug:

Spiffy, chart is looking good! :thumbup: a baby on your anniversary would be a nice present! :winkwink:
lol I don't think spiffy's chart is looking good.. haha Haking
Its all good.. though I bet her chart would be :)
:haha: Can you imagine if I was still keeping a chart after all this time?

Haking, I'll have to check Alia's legs when I change her diaper next and see if they looked bruised at all. She hasn't reacted too badly to having them touched, though, so I think it's probably passed. I know when I got my flu shot this season my arm was kind of sore (especially to sleep on), so I imagine it was probably similar for her.

Rojo, I sort of already looked up what your due date would be if you get your bfp, so I knew you would be due on Dec. 15th. :blush: When I say that we're almost just as excited about you getting your bfp as you are, I'm not joking! :winkwink: How cool to have a baby due on your anniversary, though! This baby is one day away from being due on DH's birthday, but I don't anticipate going overdue, or at least I hope I won't!
HAKing, Ozzy LOVES going outside. As soon as I walked in the door last night, he hopped up on the step and started banging on the door to go outside. Then he grabbed his shoes and brought them to us to put on. (Actually, he just loves wearing shoes in general, so that might not have had anything to do with going outside... LOL).

He loves kicking a ball around or just walking down the sidwalk and back. He stops and waves at random things and cars driving by. It's pretty cute. And he points to every basketball hoop we pass by and wants to go play with it. Hard to explain that we can't just walk up to a stranger's house and play in their driveway!

Rojo, that would be cool to be due on your anniversary. And your chart looks great!
LOL spiffy that's funny that you looked up what my due date would be.. its nice to have ppl rooting for me :) I hope its my month!

Yeah I wouldn't be let to go to my due date or past it..

With Bryce I went at 38 weeks on the dot.. McKenna was 3 days early but that was before I had my miscarriages so dr said with Bryce I would make my due date.. so im assuming the same for the next time..

But it would be a cool due date.. im excited with my chart lol.. it has been fun charting :) and I know we covered our bases.. and I know I will get crosshairs tomorrow.. so I cant wait to know.. 7 more days :)
Harley: what a beautiful bump!! i need to take a bump pic. I will maybe on my next day off although there is nothing to really show off lol. I sure am jelouse that you are having nice enough weather to go outside. Its soo cold and snowy here and if its not snowy its just soo windy.

haking: Im sorry your parents left. Its soo sad to see them leave i know i tear up everytime mine have to go back to texas.. Im happy to see that you got some new clothes!!! I bet that helped you bond with lo xx My next apointment is on thursday and my ultrasound will be 2 weeks from thursday on april 11th. Im soo exited. Natalia is convinced as well that the baby is another boy. She says she doesnt want a baby sister lol. The things kids say haha. And about the daycare dont worrie after a few days then he will stop crying. And just so you know he only probably crys for that first few moments when yall leave. Then he calms down and starts playing. I remember Natalia was the EXACT same way lol

pie: Thats great that your dh is feeling lo!! you may have posted but how is the house comeing. Did they take care of the apestos?

Spiffy: Great news to hear Alia is back up to the 16 % for her weight!!! I know what you mean shots are just awful i think we acually take it worse then they do. Jonathan Only crys for the moment she is doing them and when i pic him up hes done lol. Im sorry Alia was have some reaction to them hopefully it wont last to long.

Rojo: I totally agree with spiffy we are just as exited as you for the bfp!!! Cant wait till you start testing!! I dont know if ive ever knew your daughters name. McKenna is soo beautiful!!

As for me i felt lo move twice last night and once today!!!! im soo exited. Next week on the 1st we are going to glenwood springs to make up for my daughters birthday! My mil and fil are coming along as my sil and bil. S it will be lits of fun. Just 2 weeks until my ultrasound!!!!!!!!
Rojo, that is a great due date! :thumbup: Sam was born on the 13th so maybe they would have the same due dates :winkwink: I can't wait for you to start testing and get your BFP!!! :happydance:

Spiffy, it would be fun for your DH and Liam to share a birthday. Very possible...:winkwink: We have a lot of August birthdays so I guess Ben could share a birthday with a lot of people potentially. I MAY decide for a c section though and then pick a date that no one's birthday is on :blush: My mom is pushing me for a c section, undecided still... :shrug:

Harley, that is funny about Ozzy going to get his shoes for you to put on to go outside. Sam knows that he needs shoes on for outside so as soon as they are on he RUNS :haha: to the door! Its kinda cute.

Duejan, the sitter did text me a picture of Sam earlier and said that he is fitting in just fine :) I'm sure he is gonna do great just breaks my heart to see him upset even for a second. It sounds like that should be fun for your DD's birthday and yay for gender scan!!! :happydance: I can't wait to hear...hope you get your boy! Do you have a feeling either way?
aww i know what you feel i would cry everytime i had to drop off natalia. Even though i knew she was just fine

i was feeling boy but i have that denial part of me kicking in. I really do think its another boy but i just dont wanna be disapointed if it is a girl. you know. This pregnancy is soo similar to Jonathans and my feeling is the same. Idk lol. Soon we will know!
Duejan, that's so exciting that your ultrasound is only two weeks away! I can't wait to hear what you're having! I personally think it will be a boy, based on the fact that there's a definite boy trend right now. I made a thread for all the March gender scans, and right now the tally is 21 girls, and 31 boys. Plus our thread here has produced nothing but boys!

Haking, I know what you mean about choosing a birthday for Benjamin that he won't have to share. My aunt only had two children and they were born on the same day, although 12 years apart. Then my brother was born two days before that, and so they would always have joint birthday parties for my two cousins and my brother. That's fine sometimes, but I think it's nicer to have a special day all to yourself.
Spiffy, Yes, I like the idea of having their own special day. I was kinda worried Sam would be born too close to Christmas and then get presents wrapped in Christmas paper. :dohh: We plan to make every effort we can to make his day special and not blend it into the holidays. :thumbup:

That is pretty funny that two children born on the same day, 12 years apart. :haha: What are the chances?! DH's birthday is the 3rd, my mom is 4th and so many others right around it so if I do chose a date and not go into labor first I was thinking the 9th. I wanna give him as much time to cook as possible. :haha:

Duejan, that is good you're not getting attached to either gender so you don't get disappointed. I made that mistake but I'm actually really happy now to have 2 boys so close in age. :thumbup: I've already started "planning" #3 :blush: DH keeps saying you gotta pop out this one first before you can have another! :haha: We will most likely plan a small age gap again though. But I might be crazy for considering it... :wacko:

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