anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Hugs spiffy.. its just a phase and it will pass.. :hugs:

steph-hope it doesn't take long.. it took us 5 months.. my cycles were crazy so I was on clomid for 2 of them.. falling preg this last cycle.. its def worth it :) Are you only planning on 2 ??

Spiffy my us is at 1pm.. so should be done about 130ish.. I have the dietician before that.. at 1030-1130.. blah.. then to wait till 1..


at the moment yea we are only planning on the 2.
Rojo - can't wait to hear US news.

Spiffy - I understand completely. Lilli has really bad nights sometimes too. BIG HUGS!
Pita, lovely to hear from you! Sounds like you and Colin are really settled with your parents which is great :thumbup: I can't say I'm too surprised that you're coming to the decision of a permanent separation, it sounds like it will be the right thing for you. Not easy to do but sometimes the right thing isn't.

Hi littlesteph! Good luck and I hope it takes less time second time round!

Sorry to hear Alia has been quite unsettled spiffy. It's always a phase but that doesn't make it any better when you're in the middle of it :nope: You can always think of it as getting the more dependent stages out of the way earlier though, now that Liam is on his way :flower: Gorgeous bump by the way!

I don't know how you ladies live with your inlaws and don't go mad! My MIL is in a hospital at the moment, she's in and out because of bipolar and manic depression, she's tried to kill herself numerous times. But as a result my FIL is lonely and my DH has tried to talk me into living with him numerous times. I get on well with him, I'm more than happy to spend time with him etc and for him to live in the same street if he wants to, but I really don't want to live with him. I don't want to live with anyone! Not even my mum, I love her to bits but she drives me potty sometimes too :haha:

Duejan, Jaslyn is really cute! In my head it sounds like Jazzlin, is that right?

Love all those daddy and baby pics, Harley and HAKing! So cute :cloud9: Noah does not sleep with us ever, because he just needs his own space to fall asleep, I'd love to have a sleepy cuddle with him :nope: Maybe Milo will like it!

Lovely to hear about Lilli's birthday party, sounds like it was a real success lalila!

Skadi, congratulations! :happydance: So glad to hear number two is on the way. And sorry to hear Keira has been quite ill. It's awful when they're that poorly and you can't do anything to take it away :hugs:

Rojo, so pleased that your ultrasound is tomorrow!

We're all good, although meltdowns are now quite common :dohh: He can have a meltdown over the slightest thing. I think a lot of it is frustration because he can't speak yet.
Duejan, that's exciting to hear that you got Natalia into her preschool! :thumbup: I was just thinking about Sam going to school yesterday (even though its a ways off still...:blush:) and kinda got sad to think he won't need me anymore and will be such a big boy! I love that he is growing up but some days it seems so quick! :wacko:

I wouldn't worry too much about movement, I even explained this yesterday to my doctor at my appointment and she said as long as you are feeling something its okay and that some babies are just quieter than others. Plus with the anterior placenta you'll feel does seem unfair though to not feel them kicking loads, doesn't it! :nope: And, I really do like the name you picked...its not common but not totally weird where no one will know how to pronounce it, ya know!?

Pita, its so good to hear from you and sounds like you are doing well. :flower:I am sorry to hear that you will most likely move forward with the divorce but only you know what is right for you and it sounds like you've taken time to think about it and are making the best decision for you. :hugs:

Lalila, so happy to hear that Lili's birthday was a success! The pictures are cute!

Rojo, can't wait to hear about the ultrasound! I can't believe you're already 6 weeks...I'm sure it didn't go quick for you but it seems like you just got your BFP last week! :thumbup:

littlesteph, welcome! :wave: I really hope that it doesn't take you as long to conceive #2!

Spiffy, I hope that Alia had a better night last night! I hate when it seems like our LO's are sleeping though the night and you get used to it and then they go and have a horrible night! :dohh:

Pie, we are going through the same thing with Sam lately with the meltdowns. Its really horrible but I'm trying to stay positive about it and know its just a phase and will go away. :thumbup: I have a lot of patience so it hasn't been too bad though yesterday Sam decided to test me every chance he got, little stinker!!! :dohh:

I'm sure everyone else will agree with me...but you need to post a belly pic Pie!!! :flower:

AFM, nothing to exciting to report. I spent a lot of time with Sam this weekend going for walks to the park and playing outside. I feel pretty tired today and its just now my Monday! :wacko:
thank you ladies,
i was kinda expecting people to tell me i'm crazy for wanting another so soon. i have 4 more weeks to wait then i'll TTCing :D
Haha, Steph, this group is full of crazy people. You fit right in! :winkwink: :rofl:

Rojo, I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to hear about your scan today!!!

Haking, Alia had a better night last night, although she still woke up crying several times. And then she took her nap at 9:25am! Which means we're going to have a loooong stretch until bedtime unless I can somehow get her to take a second nap, although she hasn't done that in a long time.

Sorry to hear that you and Pie are dealing with toddler meltdowns. :( I'm not looking forward to that stage!

As for movements, I seem to feel more movements and stronger movements with Liam than I did with Alia, despite the fact that I had a posterior placenta with Alia. I think part of it is because my placenta is lower, so I still feel all the force of his kicks when he's head down. This does make me wonder though...what happens if for some reason I need an emergency C-section? Because I'm pretty sure my placenta is down where the incision would be. :shrug: Not that I'm too worried, but I am curious.
Spiffy, I'm not really sure what that would mean for a c section? :shrug: I'm sure they have notes about it and would just cut higher?

Littlesteph, you'll fit right in! :winkwink: We all start TTC at different times for different reasons and no one should judge you. Its your babies and you're raising them...not anyone else! I always hate when people try to give their advice about my children when I don't want or need it. We ::may:: start TTC early after Ben is born but still not sure. Depends how things go once he is here and how I'm feeling. :flower:

Maybe you girls can give me your opinions...I went to the doctors yesterday and everything is perfect! :cloud9: But apparently I need to make a decision soon about a second c section or a vbac! :shrug: I am not sure...part of me wants to try for a vbac but my mom is pressuring me for a c section because of safety though my doctor said that she feels I could be 100% successful at a vbac. Also, DH would prefer a section also for safety.

They also told me that if something goes wrong, they can have him out in 8 minutes! I think that is pretty good. I just don't know what to think or decide :nope:
Spiffy, I'm not really sure what that would mean for a c section? :shrug: I'm sure they have notes about it and would just cut higher?

Littlesteph, you'll fit right in! :winkwink: We all start TTC at different times for different reasons and no one should judge you. Its your babies and you're raising them...not anyone else! I always hate when people try to give their advice about my children when I don't want or need it. We ::may:: start TTC early after Ben is born but still not sure. Depends how things go once he is here and how I'm feeling. :flower:

Maybe you girls can give me your opinions...I went to the doctors yesterday and everything is perfect! :cloud9: But apparently I need to make a decision soon about a second c section or a vbac! :shrug: I am not sure...part of me wants to try for a vbac but my mom is pressuring me for a c section because of safety though my doctor said that she feels I could be 100% successful at a vbac. Also, DH would prefer a section also for safety.

They also told me that if something goes wrong, they can have him out in 8 minutes! I think that is pretty good. I just don't know what to think or decide :nope:

i think i worry a little just because i had a emcs and i read alot about having to wait 18 months. my doctor didn't say anything when i said we wanted to start trying when he's 3 months, i've taken that as a green light to go :haha: i've done my research and havan't found anyone whos had problems with their pregnancy when they've fallen pregnant that quick.
well rojo i cant wait to hear about you scan. Update as soon as possible!!!:happydance:

welcome littlesteph:flower: I think you will fit right in with everyone here lol I hope it doesnt take as long to concieve number two!

Pita: Great to see that you are doing well. Im sorry this all will prob end in divorce but like the others have said you know what is best for you and your fam:hugs:

Spiffy: Im glad to hear Alia had a better night last night. Jonathan has been having a couple off nights as well. And as for the csection problem my doc explained everything to me as mine is low over the cervix. He said that they will have to cut right through it basically. It will take them less then two min after the insertion to get that baby out. So there wont be any loss of oxygen really to the babyxx

Haking: Its a tough desition about another csection or a vbac. I personally think you should try for a vbac. I mean its your disitions over your moms and even your dhs. I have heard many people with secessfull vbac stories.

pie: Jonathan has also started with his meltdowns. He just throws himself on the floor crying and getting mad:nope: im just happy im not the only one going through that lol. i also agree with haking we need to see a bump pic!

Lalila: I am soo happy Lilli had a great birthday. i love the pics aww.

Afm: well natalia loved her preschool she almost cried when we left but i called after a couple hours and they said she is doing great! I know after a while she will warm up to all the children there!

And yes you would prounounce the name im thinking of jaz-lin i just dont know if i wanna make it more mexican and put it like jazlene jazlin or like american jaslynn lol. my dh does seem to like the name so thats cool. There was really no arguement with that one unless he heres something different lol.
Duejan, thanks for answering that C-sec question! As for the name, that's how DH was about our girl name. He said that unless we thought of something better, we would use it. Maybe next time, though! :winkwink:

Steph, it's too bad Youngwife20 isn't visiting this forum much anymore, because she had an EMCS with her first, and then got pregnant with her second four months after giving birth. She's already had her second, but she hasn't been back to the forum to update, so I guess we just have to assume everything went well. :flower:

Haking, if I were you, I'd try for the VBAC, just because recovery time is shorter with a vaginal birth, but obviously it's going to be your decision. But like your doc said, if the VBAC isn't working so well, they can always get little Ben out of there in no time. :winkwink:
Heehee, do you know I've barely taken a single bump shot? Appalling isn't it! I always forget and pics always come out better if someone else takes them but I never remember to ask DH :dohh: Mental note, must must take some pics...

I was looking at pictures of the Duchess of Cambridge earlier today and she's due the day after me, and she looks tiny! Honestly I couldn't believe my eyes! I know I'm on my second pregnancy and she's on her first but it's still astonishing to me. And I've always been tiny, I'm very slim (thanks to my lovely Mother's genetics) and am mostly all belly.

HAKing and duejan, thank you, it's nice to know its not just happening in my house! He can have a meltdown over the slightest, most stupid little thing. Like yesterday, I took him to the park and he had great fun running around, I was letting him do whatever he wanted (within reason of course) until he decided he wanted to run around in the car park :wacko: Er no to that one! So he had a meltdown over it. It's fine when we're at home because the quickest way for him to get over it is if I ignore it. But when we're out he's liable to headbutt the ground so all I can do is throw him over my shoulder and take him somewhere else while he's screaming. Thankfully it's usually very short lived. But I don't quite know how to handle it when we're out of the house if I'm honest, especially as both he and I are getting bigger by the day!

I'd try for the vbac too HAKing :thumbup: At least that way you will know what would have been, if you know what I mean? If you go for the c-section straight away you'll never know. And they can get him out really quickly if need be :thumbup:

Aw lovely to hear that Natalia really enjoyed her preschool duejan! I think I would go for Jaslyn if it were me, I prefer that spelling :flower:

Oh, our new bed arrived today! :happydance: I'm so excited about going to bed :haha: I sat on it earlier and it feels so lovely.
you know spiffy i just checked her profile and she was lst on on the 14th maybe she is just lerking right now and doesnt have time to type with a one year old and a new born lol i do wish she would though
US went great... 1 baby saw and heard the heartbeat.. Im due dec 13th :)


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Rojo, that's awesome news!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Duejan, that's true. She certainly has her hands full, so I wouldn't blame her for taking some time off from the forum.

Pie, I'm so happy that you got your new bed! I bet it's going to feel lovely when you sleep in it tonight. :) As for the Duchess of Cambridge, has she revealed the gender of her baby yet? Or are they waiting until birth?
Fantastic news rojo! So glad your scan went well and you saw the heartbeat :happydance:

Spiffy no she hasn't, I didn't think they would really. It'll be interesting though because our politicians are in the midst of changing the laws of succession so that their first child, boy or girl, becomes king or queen. So if they have a girl she won't be usurped in favour of a younger brother.

I kind of hope after all of that changing that they do have a girl!
Pie, I hope they have a girl so that Liam can marry a princess and live happily ever king...and support his parents in their old age. :haha: :rofl:
Rojo, you're little jellybean looks perfect! :happydance: And you're due on Sam's birthday! :)

littlesteph, why did you have an emergency c section? I had one also with Sam. It was scary but also didn't leave me much time to freak out since it happened so quick. I'm not really worried about being pregnant right now after a c section but I'm worried about the vbac a bit. :shrug:

Pie, yay for a new bed!!! :happydance:

Thanks girls for your input about the VBAC. I was very set on it up until a month or so ago...a friend of our family tried for a VBAC in another state. It was their second and she went into labor on her own a week early (you can't get induced for a vbac). I don't know all the details but while in labor at the hospital her uterus ruptered and she lost the baby and had to have a histerectormy and can never have another baby again now! :cry: Its horrible and that is honestly what is scaring me and apparently my mom! :dohh:

I wish I had more time to think about it but I guess I have to decide earlier than expected...they said that if I wanna try for a vbac I set a c section date for my due date and if I don't want to labor it would be for 39 weeks.
Rojo, so glad you got to see and hear your sweet little bean! :thumbup:

Thanks girls for taking the time to read my long post. Sheesh, can ya tell I haven't posted in a while? :blush::haha:

I'm feeling peace about the decision. Just wondering now how much time I should give it, should I end this sooner or wait longer before filing the necessary paperwork? I'm trying to give myself plenty of time to feel the feelings, not pressure myself (which is hard to do!), and listen to the Lord. The longer time goes on, the more I feel peace in this direction. It's scary, but I think it's the right thing. Some days this 3 and a half months feels like it's been SO long, but other days it feels like a remarkably short amount of time.
littlesteph, why did you have an emergency c section? I had one also with Sam. It was scary but also didn't leave me much time to freak out since it happened so quick. I'm not really worried about being pregnant right now after a c section but I'm worried about the vbac a bit. :shrug:


it started of as an induced as james has stopped growing they never told me why. after having the second pesarine my contracts went from every 3 to 5 mintues to every 28 seconds, and james wasn't liking it his heart rate kept dropping and at one point stopped for a few seconds and he was getting stressed.
my consolent told me that i'd be high risk for a c-section because he was so small and might not be able to cope with labour so i had prepared myself to be told that i'd have one.
Pita, I'm glad that you're feeling peace about your decision, and that it's something you've given a lot of thought, instead of rushing into. :flower:

Steph, I'm not sure if you said in your first post or not, but how big was your little boy and how early did he come?

Haking, I can see why stories like that would scare you about a VBAC. How terrible for your family friend. :( If it were me, I think I would just pray about it a lot, and only move forward if I felt okay about it. Why did you have to have a EMCS with Sam?

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