anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Thanks, Blessed. :flower:

Lalila, it sounds like you have a pretty busy weekend ahead of you! But it will be fun to celebrate Lilli's bday party. You need to post pics after so we can see the birthday girl! :)

Okay, ladies, just took my 26 week bump shot. (I don't know why I've been taking them every 2 weeks this time around, when last time I only did it every 4 weeks. I think its because I'm constantly comparing my bump to last time, wondering whether Liam is growing better than Alia).


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Spiffy, very cute bump! And Alia looks adorable in her new shades. :flower: I'm glad I'm not only the one having a rough time at times living with the in-laws. I am kinda embarrassed to say that I must really be annoyed with them because I had a bad dream last night that I yelled at them! :blush: :haha:

How are you, Pita? Its so good to hear from you. :flower:

Lalila, glad to hear you got the loan sorted out. Hope you have a good weekend and hope that Lili has a good birthday! :flower:
Yeah, see I get along okay with my in-laws, but I just don't feel as comfortable living here as I would on my own. And thinking about those early wakes after having Liam (when I'm breastfeeding every hour or two, and I probably won't make it into the shower very often) make me nervous, because I won't have the comfort of being home with just Alia. My FIL works from home, and my BIL lives at home still, so they'll both be around. I guess if I want to feel comfortable, I'll just have to live in our bedroom for a while. :(
Yes, I guess I "get along" with the in-laws but lately I've just been really annoyed with them. It seems like they are constantly gone spending time with their other grandchild, which is all fine and dandy but can't seem to make any time for Sam which bothers me. And I think it bothers me even more because once Ben is born his cousin (from SIL that I dislike) will be born and seems like Ben will be pushed to the side just like Sam has been. I know they have always favored Sam's cousin more or so it seems...:cry:

It would be less annoying to me if my parents were close by and I know Sam got to see them and get quality time with them but they are a 4 hour play flight away! I really miss them, kinda regret moving away from them more and more lately. :nope:

I am also super stressed about where I'm gonna put Ben...we don't have any extra bedrooms so for 7 months before we buy a house he has no bedroom of his own and I will have no privacy with him as in-laws are retired and always home!

Sorry to complain but I'm so annoyed and stressed about them lately and DH doesn't seem to understand though I did when we lived with my parents for only 7 months and only 3 of those were with Sam after he was born and he insisted that we buy a house and then decided he wasn't happy so we up and moved back to California. :growlmad:
I understand where you're coming from, except with the favoritism, since my In-Laws only have two other grandchildren, and they've been living in Washington D.C. since we moved in. But they're moving back in May, so we'll see. My biggest problem is that I feel like I'm being watched and judged as a wife and mother, and I worry that I'm not measuring up. I let Alia watch Baby Einstein off and on throughout the day, and she loves it, but in the back of my mind I'm thinking, "Do the in-laws think I'm letting her watch too much TV?" Or when I actually muster up the energy to make dinner, I get some comment from MIL, like, "That stuff is full of preservatives." Or "That's just empty calories." And I'm pretty sure they think that DH does more work than I do, since anytime he cooks or cleans something, they say make it seem like he's slaving away, and imply that I'm doing nothing. Sigh. I think it's a lot easier to get along with In-laws when you don't live with them. And it's impossible to really voice how I feel to DH without making it sound like I don't like his family. Because I do like them, I just don't feel 100% comfortable living with them.
Thank you for understanding, Spiffy. I do agree with it being easier to get along with them when you aren't living to them. I always liked my in-laws but living with them has put a whole new outlook on them for me.

I do agree with them thinking I'm lazy especially when I ask DH for help. He never minds but who knows what they are thinking. I work 40+ hours just like him, run 20 miles a week, do almost everything for Sam and cook dinner for us when I can but I always feel judged. Maybe part of it is pregnancy hormones but its really getting to me.

I miss my mommy! Lol. Even when she bugs me she isn't bad! Sure will be nice to have her help me with Ben though I'm sure mil will want to help and be in the way which will really stress me.

Maybe I am crazy!? :wacko:
Aww cute bump Spiffy!

We had a bit of a scare yesterday with Keira. I kept her home from daycare yesterday (my BF was laid off 2 weeks ago) because she had a cold that was worsening so I wanted her to rest. Anyway she started having breathing problems rather suddenly and had a barking cough so I told him to take her to our Family DR who sent them to the ER with a suspected severe case of Croup. :(

We spent most of the night in the ER - she was given steroids as well as two doses of Epi and oxygen which she HATED. She was finally cleared to go home but feeling rather icky today.
Aww sorry to hear Skadi scary.. hope you can all rest today and feel better..

Spiffy Alia is just so precious.. too cute.. i have a pic of Bryce in Mckennas glasses that is too cute.. i will find it and share :)
My test from yesterday... and Bryce.. been a while he was like 9 or 10 months old..


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Haking, I'm always here if you need to vent. I totally understand where you're coming from. :hugs:

Skadi, that must have been so scary for you! I'm glad the worst is over, and I hope Kiera feels better soon. Poor little baby. :(

Rojo, that picture is adorable! And your test line looks awesome! Doesn't get much darker than that! :winkwink:
Hello ladies!!

Skadi:HUGE CONGRATS!!!!!!! IM sorry about your night i hope kiera is feeling better!

Rojo: Im glad the spotty has slowed alot! only 3 days until your scan!!!!! i really cant wait to see how many babies are in there!!!

Lalila: im sorry to hear that lo hasnt been feel that great i really hope she is feeling better!

Pita: Nice to see you how are you doing?

Spiffy: That is a great bump!!!! Aww look at Alia in her glasses. SOO cute!!I bought jonathan some glasses when we went to glenwood. I will post a pic of him too haha I cant believe you are 26 weeks almost to third tri!

Haking: That is such a cute pic of you dh and lo. You know i understand how you feel about your inlaws. I dont live with mine but they live 2 min away. I hate the way they treat my daughter when my niece is around. My SIL basically lives at there house and my niece always gets soo spoiled. But if my daughter starts to be loud or make a mess then she is the one who gets yelled at. All she wants always is to go there but when she does it seems like all they do is compare my daughter to my niece. It really sucks. My parents are in Texas. All my family is there. I wish my mom was here too. At least i wouldnt feel awful to as my mom to watch my kids like i do it i ask my inlaws. My mil usually says no because she is tired or sick or some reason. But evertime i turn around she is watching my niece. I miss my mom soo much. We will be moving to texas sometime. BUt to bad its not soon enough. I understand completely!!!

Harley: Those are adorable pics too haha i love the last one lol

i hope i didnt forget anyone

Afm well on Monday Natalia is going to start in her new preschool!!! OMG i am soo exited. I just cant wait for her to go play with other little kids and stuff. I know she will love it. I am now just waiting to get jonathan into the one i wanna get him in. We have been emailing back and forth but i tell you when i work my days are basically gone. So i havent been able to go talk to her yet. She has a child that is about to move up age groups so that is when jonathan will be able to start full time! You know ladies im still not really feeling much of any movement? I really wonder how much of a anterior placenta i have. I mean sometimes really really low i feel some kicks but thats it. idk it really sucks:

Ladies tell me what you think of the name. Jaslyn?
Spiffy, you and your bump look gorgeous :thumbup:

Hi Girls! I'm doing ok, so glad it's spring! The sun is out, the weather is slowly getting warmer, and I'm spending a lot more time outside :thumbup:

Colin is learning lots of new things, he too likes being outside, there are lots of things to put in his mouth, like grass, leaves, dirt, etc.! I really have to keep one eye on him at all times to keep him from eating the yard :haha: He just learned how to clap his hands today! It's SO cute! He's getting really close to walking, he's cruising around on the furniture constantly. He cut his 3rd tooth, it's the first one on the top. I thought he'd get two at one time, like he did last time, but alas, this tooth looks like a loner. He's talking a LOT these days too. He's going through that clingy stranger-danger phase, doesn't want to be held by anyone else. But when he's around my little siblings, he's pleased as punch to just play and hang out with them, be one of the crowd. It's so awesome because he gets fussy when he's bored, but they entertain him and he's a happy baby!

I babysit for my mom so she can work a few days a week. With my dad's work schedule, she was only working 1 day a week, so I'm helping her out so she can pick up more hours. It's nice for me, it gives me a feeling of helping out and being useful, it kind of frames my week. I have to actually keep track of what day of the week it is :haha: I'm also doing some gardening, along with the usual cooking and cleaning and laundry. And I'm also packing.

Our housing situation looks like it's going to change again. My parents and I have our eye on a small farm, but in order to make the down payment, they have to sell one of their two houses. They've decided to list the one that Colin and I are currently staying in, so we're packing the house up, and will be moving into the smaller house, along with the rest of the family. It'll be 8 people all in a 3 Br, 1.5 bath. Yikes! Hopefully the time that we're all crammed in together will be short! If we are able to buy our little dream farm, it is a lot closer to my house, where my husband is still living, and will be a MUCH shorter drive to take Colin to visit his dad. Right now the drive is almost two hours :wacko: I drive there every other week, and on the opposite week, he drives over here. So Colin gets to see his dad every week.

So my husband and I are still separated. I haven't filed for divorce, but I think that's the conclusion I'm coming to. At this point, I don't want to be married anymore. It's strange, I spent my whole life looking forward to getting married, dated with the intention of finding someone to marry, got married at 19... and now I think I could happily live the rest of my life being single. Who knows what the future holds, but that's how I'm feeling right now about relationships and marriage.

So that's what's up with us. I haven't been on BNB real regularly lately, so I am WAY behind on this thread, but I saw Skadi's announcement and had to comment :thumbup:
Skadi - that's so scary, I hope your little one gets to feeling better really soon!

Spiffy - OMG what a GREAT BUMP! You are adorable! I see where Alia gets it :)

As for In-laws....I really can't stand mine and there is no way I could ever live with them. So...props to you ladies who do! Much better women than myself for sure!

So - Lilli's party was great. She had so much fun! I was a bit worried at first because she was super fussy yesterday morning. But as soon as guests started arriving, she turned on the charm and was a perfect the angel the rest of the day. I managed to get over 25 people in, feed them pizza and cupcakes and open presents in under 1.5 hours. Had the house clean again and Lilli down for her nap within an hour after the party was over. She woke still in a happy mood and had a blast playing with her new things! It was a good day! AND, I only cried once! haha!


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Aww happy she had such a great day.. You now have a 1 year old :)

Well tomorrow is the big day .. :)
i'm son is 8 weeks old he is our first and because we want children close in age and because it took just over 2 years to fall pregnant with him we are going to start trying when he turns 3 months, i also had a c-section and when i told my doctor what our plan was he didn't saying about having to wait, didn't tell me the risks or anything i had told him that i had done some research on it though, i would have been classed as high risk any way because my son stopped growing they think he stopped at about 32 33 weeks, i was induced at 36+4 weeks. me hand my hubby have our reasons for wanting to try so soon we've spoken to his family about and they've already told they'd give us all the surport we need and already seem really excited about having another grandchild even though they had 2 in the space of a month. my sister in law was also pregnant as the time, both had the same due date.
Welcome Steph! :wave: My DD had IUGR and stopped growing and actually started losing weight before she was born, but because I never had an ultrasound or anything past 20 weeks, they didn't catch it until she was born. This time around they'll be giving me an ultrasound at 32 weeks to check on growth. I hope you fall pregnant quicker this time around!

Duejan, I didn't start feeling serious movements until 21 weeks, which is when I think Liam grew big and strong enough to kick me properly through the placenta. As for the name, I love it! How would you pronounce it? Like JAYS-lin or JAZZ-lin?

Pita, glad to hear that things are going well for you! I'm sorry to hear that you and your husband are most likely getting divorced, but you know what is best for your family. At least Colin still gets to see his dad every week. :flower: I hope you can get your dream farm!

Lalila, I love the pictures from Lilli's b-day party! I'm glad she had fun and that everything went smoothly for you. :D

Rojo, I'm so excited for your scan! What time do you have it at?

As for me, I am absolutely shattered. Alia woke up every hour last night crying, and I ended up getting up with her 5 times throughout the night, trying to figure out what was wrong with her. Also, I think I mentioned that she's been trying to make herself throw up lately, but this morning it's been a constant battle to keep her from putting her finger down her throat to gag herself. It's seriously making me depressed about the thought of having another when she's already such a handful right now. :(
Hugs spiffy.. its just a phase and it will pass.. :hugs:

steph-hope it doesn't take long.. it took us 5 months.. my cycles were crazy so I was on clomid for 2 of them.. falling preg this last cycle.. its def worth it :) Are you only planning on 2 ??

Spiffy my us is at 1pm.. so should be done about 130ish.. I have the dietician before that.. at 1030-1130.. blah.. then to wait till 1..

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